
How to build a do-it-yourself barn

DIY barn

The presence of various outbuildings on the site provides the convenience of storing firewood, garden and garden tools, and various tools. They are also suitable for breeding livestock, keeping birds. It’s quite possible to build a high-quality and reliable barn with your own hands if you decide in stages what materials the hoblock will be built from and what requirements it must meet. Using detailed descriptions of different types of raw materials, their features and advantages, it is easy to determine the optimal building materials for work. Also, step-by-step instructions will be useful to you, telling how you can build a shed of wood, foam block or metal. We recommend that you pay special attention to the interior and equip the household unit according to its purpose.

Pros and cons of the barn

A capacious shed on the site provides the correct storage conditions for the inventory, eliminating the appearance of corrosion on the tools. It also makes it possible to organize a vegetable pit (in the basement of an outbuilding) for simplicity of food supplies until spring. Another barn can be used to house livestock or birds, and become an excellent workshop. Therefore, the need to erect an object directly depends on the needs of the owners of a summer house or apartment building. But at the same time, the presence of a barn can also reduce the useful area of ​​the site: a garden, garden or yard. In addition, even the smallest household unit must comply with accepted building standards. When erecting it, one should remember about the special organization of the floor in the building for keeping livestock and observe the rules for organizing water flow from the roof.

Shed on the plotConifers in the country Roof lamp Firewood in a Niche Wreath on the door Flowers under the windows

Choosing a place to build

Determining the location of the economic unit should take into account sanitary and construction standards. Therefore, without taking into account the plan of the land and drawing up an accurate drawing, you just can not do. Before erecting a barn, the following requirements must be considered:

  1. The distance from the apartment building to the house or livestock facility should be more than 12 m. But at the same time, if the household. the building has an adjacent (adjacent) wall to the house, the distance between their entrance doors should be at least 7 m.
  2. The distance from the fence to the barn with inventory should be more than 1 m, from the fence to the house, pigsty - at least 4 meters.
  3. Water flow from the roof should be carried out to the owner’s site, and not to the neighboring site or to the passage (path) between neighboring sites.

Barn at the fence

Be sure to make a path from home to the barn, which will ensure ease of movement. Good lighting will also be good for the barn, regardless of the features of its operation.

The lawn on the siteCanopy Shed Flower pots under the walls Concrete slabs in the yard Tile around the barn Canopy table and chairs

The choice of materials for construction

The selection of materials for the construction of the barn should be based on their practicality, durability, thermal conductivity and cost. The most popular solutions include:

  • brick and cinder block;

They guarantee the reliability and durability of the building, but they require a large monetary outlay, the construction of a solid foundation.


  • tree;

Wooden frames are easy to build, with the right treatment they can last for many years. At the same time, it is possible to sheathe a wooden frame not only with wood, but also with metal.


  • foam block;

Unlike bricks, it is easy to transport and use (which significantly reduces costs). It allows you to build a warm hozblok, but needs competent protection from moisture.

Foam block

  • metalwork.

They guarantee quick assembly of the barn, easy to maintain, and durable. True, they need additional insulation.

Metal construction

We build a do-it-yourself shed with a wood frame

Since the most common version of sheds are structures with a wooden frame, it can be considered one of the best. The availability of materials makes it easy to build a reliable structure with your own hands. In addition, under a wooden shed (even with metal cladding), you will not need to fill a solid foundation. This feature allows you to save both time and money on the construction of the facility. To guarantee the long life of the building, it is necessary to initially prepare the tree: treat it with an antiseptic.In addition, it is recommended to perform a fire treatment treatment. Such compositions will eliminate the danger of burning a wooden frame in a force majeure situation. It is also worth taking care of proper ventilation. This will ensure good preservation of the tree. Below we will consider all the stages of the construction of such a shed for storing tools and garden tools.

Wood frame shedWindows on the sides of the door Wall decor Roof Shed Firewood under a canopy Doorstep Cement Pot

Necessary materials and tools

Mandatory materials for creating a reliable foundation for any building are crushed stone, sand and cement. Additionally, asbestos pipes and fittings or bricks are used for the foundation. For the construction of harnesses and the construction of the frame, a beam with a section of at least 10x10 cm is required (for a solid construction, it is recommended to choose a beam with a section of 15x15 or 20x20 cm). As a floor covering, a floor or terrace board with a thickness of about 2-3 cm is suitable. Sheathing of the frame can be carried out with a profiled sheet or wood materials: boards, slabs. Sheathing can also be done with clapboard. To work, you will need a chainsaw or circular saw (for fitting materials), a screwdriver and wood screws. Wood processing requires antiseptic and fire-retardant treatment.

Crushed stoneSand Fittings Timber Boards Screws

The basis of the barn - do you need a foundation

A small frame-type shed made of wood is lightweight, so it can actually be erected without a solid foundation. But at the same time, the distance from the soil to the object itself should be about 20-40 cm. This requirement is based on the need to prevent contact of the tree with the ground and increase the shelf life of wood. The most suitable type of foundation for the frame shed will be columnar. Its elements should be located at every angle of construction. Also, auxiliary posts are located at a distance of 0.5 m from each other under the future walls of the building. You can build a column foundation using one of the following technologies:

  • From a brick.

Pits are dug up to a depth of about 90 cm. A pillow of crushed stone and sand is laid out on the bottom. On top of bricks using concrete mortar, columns are built. If the central part of the pillars remains hollow (with special brick laying), then it is poured with concrete.

We fall asleep pillow foundation

  • From asbestos pipes.

A pit 1 m deep is dug under each pipe. A pillow of rubble and sand is laid. Fittings are installed inside the pipes, concrete mortar is poured. The outer part of the pipe, towering above the ground, is covered with mastic or bitumen.

Pour solution

We lay logs and mount floorboards

The construction of a reliable and durable wooden frame begins with the impregnation of all wood building materials with antiseptic and fire-retardant impregnations. After you can proceed to the direct assembly of the wooden floor:

  • The pillars of the foundation are covered with roofing material. A timber is laid out around the perimeter of the future barn. In the corners, the elements can be connected with brackets, bolts, in a groove (additionally fixed with nails).
  • Inside the lower harness, lags are installed - transverse boards placed upside down. They are attached to the harness by brackets and are additionally fixed with nails. The step between the lags is 20-30 cm.
  • An OSB board or plywood is nailed on top of the lag (for woodburners, this step can be skipped). The task of auxiliary materials is to achieve maximum floor reliability.
  • A floorboard about 2 cm thick is nailed on top of the “rough” floor.

We put lags Making the crate Fasten We fasten plywood Paul is ready

Frame assembly

The manufacture of the frame for each wall is carried out separately, taking into account the location of windows and doors. Vertical supports at a distance of 60 cm are perpendicularly nailed to a single board (lower harness). At the top, the vertical supports are cut at an angle to secure the upper harness under the gable roof. To arrange the window between adjacent vertical supports, a pair of horizontal boards are nailed. Between them the window frame will be located.After the assembly of each wall, the workpieces are set strictly along the edge of the previously assembled floor and nailed to it. Additionally, the adjacent walls are fastened with brackets. For vertical supports and "limiters" of the window, you can use a board with dimensions of 10x5 cm. But for the arrangement of the doorway, strapping it is better to use boards 15x5 cm.

Assembling the frame

Laying rafters for the roof

Due to the preparation of the upper trim in the process of assembling the walls, the installation of a shed roof will be simple and quick. Prepared building materials must be treated with an antiseptic and only then used. A rafter system for a pitched roof is being installed according to the following scheme:

  1. Across the upper trim, edge up, the boards are installed - counter-lattices. They can be fixed in different ways: by nailing with a pair of nails or securely fastening using special brackets.
  2. The crate is mounted from similar boards, but they will not be located at the end, but upside down. The step between the elements of the lathing can be from 30 to 40 cm, depending on the type of roofing materials selected. The crate is fixed with nails or wood screws.
  3. If necessary, installation of steam and waterproofing is carried out.

We fix the rafters

Roofing - choice of materials

A shed roof does not require a lot of material. That is why the owners can not be limited only to the budget roof. Suitable options for finishing the roof of the hozblok include:

  • slate;

It allows you to quickly and easily carry out roofing works, it is one of the cheapest roofing materials. True, it is short-lived and, in addition, cannot complement the beautiful exterior of the building.


  • metal tile;

A good and fairly inexpensive option that allows you to get a beautiful and practical structure. Long service life is one of the main advantages of this material.

Metal tile

  • shingles.

An expensive construction material with an eye-catching design is ideal for roofing a barn.It will help not only protect it from rain for many years, but also eliminate the occurrence of strong noise during rain (very important for houses and pigsties). True, the installation of plywood or OSB boards under the shingles is required.



Initially, you need to determine the conditions in which the barn will be operated. In regions with high humidity and severe winters, it is necessary to cover the economic units with wear-resistant metal siding or lining, plates. In warm regions, provide a rustic design design (which will continue after many years), a croaker (sidewalls from a log) or old wooden sleepers are suitable. It is possible to cheaply and practically sheathe the barn with ordinary boards, which the owners will be able to paint to their liking in the future. Also, a regular board can simply be coated with stain and varnish. In any case, on top of the frame, you first need to fill the plywood or OSB boards.

Before sheathing the barn with wood materials, they must be treated with an antiseptic. Reprocessing should be carried out after 2-5 years.

Wall cladding

Capital structure of foam blocks

Work with the construction of a shed from a foam block does not require special skills for the contractor, so every owner can build such an object. The advantage of the finished hosblock will be a rather low thermal conductivity: it will not freeze much due to the special structure of the foam block. The presence of air inside this building material ensures the maintenance of high temperatures inside the building. Foam block sheds are ideal for keeping poultry and small livestock. But in order to guarantee the safety of the structure, it is imperative to take care of the reliable protection of the foam blocks from moisture. Direct contact with rainwater and snow will lead to very rapid destruction of the building material. Also, owners should think through the drain well.The presence of a mini canopy around the walls, as well as the removal of water by 0.5 or more meters from the building will guarantee its long service life.

Foam Block ShedBarbecue under a canopy Flowers by the path The fence from the profiled sheet in the country Tree by the barn Roof tiles

The choice of the type of foundation and its filling

Despite the relative lightness of the foam blocks, a reliable foundation must be under the structure of this building material. The optimal option is a strip foundation. Correctly build it will help our step-by-step instruction:

  1. Marking the site (the location of the structure), the preparation of trenches with a depth of 50 to 100 cm (preferably about 70).
  2. Filling at the bottom of the trench a layer of sand, gravel and gravel. The total thickness of the pillow should be about 15 cm.
  3. Installation of wooden formwork inside the trench.
  4. Tying reinforcement and its installation inside the formwork. The distance from the pillow, as well as from the formwork to the reinforcement, must be at least one cm.
  5. Concrete mortar pouring. Periodic pouring of concrete (1-2 times a day) with a small amount of water to prevent it from drying out and cracking.


Laying foam blocks - we build walls

Between the made foundation and the walls of the building themselves, it is necessary to lay waterproofing. An excellent solution would be laying a rolled roofing material in 2 layers. After this, you can proceed to the direct construction of the walls. The masonry of the foam block is carried out similarly to the laying of ordinary brick. But at the same time, to create the most reliable structure, it is recommended to use a special cement-sand mortar (the ratio of cement to sand is 1 to 4). Slurry lime and a plasticizing additive are added as additives (additives should not exceed 5% of the cement volume). To dilute the mixture will also require water. In the process of forcing walls, it is worth taking care of the presence of window and doorways.


Roof mounting

After building the walls and hardening the mortar, you can begin to erect the roof. A layer of roofing material is laid out over the walls to create a competent waterproofing.Next, the calculation of the Mauerlat - the beam, which is the basis of the future roof, is carried out. For a Mauerlat, a beam with a cross section of 15x15 cm is usually used. The step between adjacent elements is about 30 cm. The Mauerlat is fixed with bolts. Next, the rafters are assembled. Each pair of rafter legs represents an angle, each assembled corner is fixed on the cross bar. The step between the rafters should be 30 cm. The finished structure is installed on the Mauerlat. In the upper part, a ridge board is additionally attached to the rafter legs to create a strong and reliable structure. Next, the lathing of the rafter legs and the installation of plywood (as a leveling base under the roof) or the selected roofing material are performed.


Insulation and decoration of the building

Warming of buildings from foam blocks is carried out for additional protection of the building from the cold. Prolonged exposure to low temperatures can lead to destruction of the material. To make high-quality insulation of the shed from the foam block, the following requirements must be taken into account:

  1. Insulation should be carried out inside and outside (preferably under the ceiling).
  2. The insulation must additionally be protected from moisture.
  3. The insulation must be safe and reliable, ensure normal air exchange and be vapor permeable.

The best option is polystyrene or expanded polystyrene, which are easily attached to the foam block. Penofol (foamed foamed polystyrene) or mineral wool is also suitable for work. The latter, however, is best used for outdoor work. Finishing inside can be done with different materials: wood boards, clapboard, board. Exterior finish is best done using lining or siding.

Foam insulation

Features of building a barn from a profiled sheet

The erection of a shed from a profiled sheet is carried out quite quickly and at the same time allows you to get a reliable hozblok.The construction work is carried out as follows:

  1. Determining the optimal size of the barn, preparing a plot for it. Digging a pit is 5 cm larger on each side than the size of the shed.
  2. Digging holes in the corners of the pit with a depth of 70 cm. Filling sand, gravel, installing metal racks or square pipes.
  3. Pouring the corner parts with concrete (sand to cement ratio 3 to 1).
  4. Pouring the foundation (the remaining not flooded area, which will be both the foundation and the floor).
  5. Mounting the frame under a shed roof: appropriate trimming at an angle of a pair of racks, welding them with auxiliary profiles.
  6. Fastening corrugated board to the frame as walls and ceiling + separate manufacture of a wall with a doorway and installation of a wicket from a profiled sheet and profile frame.

Concreting pipes Cook frame We install the formwork We expose beacons Fill the floor and sheathe the wallsProfiled Sheet Shed

Ready-made sheds-hozbloki for giving

In addition to the erected sheds, there are mobile models made of metal and plastic - change houses. Their advantage is that they can be used immediately after installation. But they are suitable exclusively for organizing a warehouse for firewood, storing inventory and tools. Each of these types of objects has its own characteristics:

  • Metal change houses.

They include a channel frame and sheathing from corrugated board. Additionally, they can be insulated with foam. The advantage of such sheds is reliability and durability. At the request of such objects, you can build a two-story hozblok. The disadvantages of such sheds are the high cost, the complexity of transportation.

Metal change house Entrance Bench Three windows on the wall Change house with concrete base Window shutters

  • Plastic sheds.

They are a prefabricated structure resembling plastic houses for playgrounds. They have an average price, but at the same time have a low weight, which eliminates the need for a foundation for them. True, such models cannot be called eco-friendly. In addition, in harsh regions (with frosty winters or very hot summers), plastic sheds will not last long.

Plastic barnLawn path Woodpile against the wall Conifers in the country Barn under the tree Shovel by the wall

What to consider when building sheds for birds and animals

The main requirement for the construction of a cattle shed is the proper organization of competent ventilation (if necessary, heating), compliance with the requirements for the size of the structure. For example, for one chicken, the size of a chicken coop of 1 square is considered normal. meter, for ducks and geese - 2 square meters. m per bird. In addition to such a barn, an aviary can be attached. In the barn, which will contain cows, pigs, goats or horses, other standards apply. A pen with a size of 6 square meters should be allocated per cow. m, per pig - 5 square meters. m. For construction, a tree is used, because animals will gnaw the crossbars of corrals. A prerequisite is the presence of windows that will ensure the sufficiency of natural lighting and ventilation of the room. The floor device is made of concrete and boards with the organization of special gutters. It is with their help that individual pens will be cleaned.

Bird shedFree range chicken coop White fence on the site The house opposite the beds Coop in the country Bird house


You can build modern sheds at your summer cottage or near a residential cottage from different materials. For work, wood, brick, metal, foam blocks are suitable. Depending on the selected type of building materials, the optimal type of foundation is determined. It will ensure the reliability of the building and eliminate problems with freezing the floor or its gradual destruction due to contact with the ground. With a special arrangement of the internal space, you can create the right conditions for keeping birds and livestock. Before proceeding with the direct construction of the facility, it is recommended to draw up a project of the site, choose the optimal location of the economic unit. Careful preparation and selection of materials will guarantee the reliability and durability of the finished shed.

Passion for design turned into work. There is little experience in the architectural bureau.


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