How to make a do-it-yourself swing for a summer house
Facilities for fun and entertainment allow not only comfort and pleasure to spend time in the fresh air, they are also part of landscape design. Together with gazebos and benches decorate a summer cottage, a house plot. A do-it-yourself swing allows owners of private country houses, summer cottages to relax, calm down, dream while sitting on a swaying bench, and besides, home-made constructions are the pride of their owner, a thing that you can brag about to friends and acquaintances.
There are many types of products that are used by both children and adults. Self-made models can have a simple mechanism in the form of a seat, which is suspended on the crossbar, differ in complex structure, for example, variants of the collective type. In the process, you can use any improvised materials remaining after construction and repair activities.Such furniture is installed under the roof, in the shade of trees, on a lawn, a specially prepared site.
The arrangement of the territory, the right choice and the appropriate design of recreation areas is one of the important tasks facing the owner of a house plot. Decorating your possessions with flower beds, gazebos, artificial ponds, do not neglect such a thing as a swing. This is one of the few options for the environment, with which you can complement the landscape, enjoy a comfortable and cozy stay in the fresh air.
Choosing ready-made purchased designs, it is not always possible to find and select models that satisfy all the requirements, suitable in the style of design to a specific situation. In this case, do-it-yourself manufacturing will be the best option, as homemade swings have the following features:
Cost. Self-made copies will cost an order of magnitude cheaper than purchased analogues, and any improvised material can be used for work.
Originality. Such furniture, made on its own, will be exclusive, favorably differ, will be a matter of pride.
Quality. Everyone decides how much the product will be solid.
Model selection. At the design stage, you can independently determine the type of swing for whom they are intended, only children or all family members will use them.The design will be a suspended seat or a whole sofa, mounted under a canopy, having an adjustable backrest.
Material selection. You can make a swing from different types of wood, metal, rubber, plastic, combine raw materials, give a second life to old things.
Experience. In the construction of structures, a person gains experience, which can subsequently be used for the construction of other buildings.
What are the swings?
Before proceeding with construction, it is necessary to assess the place where the product will be installed, consider its purpose, and determine the seasonality of use. It is also important to choose a design that does not spoil the general appearance of the site, decorates the landscape.
You can classify a swing based on different parameters:
By the method of installation, they can be stationary and collapsible.
Swing vertically or horizontally. In the first case, it is a swing balancer, in the form of a crossbar mounted on a support, which is located in the middle. In the second - these are hanging options.
By age category, all products are divided into children and adults.
By the number of places - single, double, multi-seat.
By type of construction - frame, frameless structures. In the first embodiment, the role of a bearing support can be played by tree branches. The second is distinguished by a more complex device, where the crossbar is laid on reliable supports, and the seat rests on metal rods or chains.
By the presence of the canopy - open and closed options.
In form there are no restrictions at all. Both the frame and the seat have the most diverse appearance, can include forged elements, have an original, unique design. Represent hammocks, sofas, easy chairs, deck chairs, look like boats, rockets, imitate animals and birds.
Material for manufacturing
Standard designs are made of wood or metal, as well as combinations of these materials.For seats also use plastic. However, at home, with the independent construction of the product, there are practically no restrictions on the choice of raw materials, everything that can be found on your site, whether it is metal pipes, old sofas or tires of automobile wheels, will do. Let us dwell in more detail on the main components used in the process:
Rope. Allows you to build a rope version, in the shape of a bungee. The most elementary way to create a handicraft-game structure for swinging is to attach a long rope to a tree branch or a horizontal bar, and attach a wooden seat or a log from below to which you can grasp by hand.
Tree. Classic building material. With it, you can perform any design in form and complexity. At the same time, it’s easy to work with wood, which allows even an inexperienced novice to create beautiful swings that fit into any garden.
Metal. To work with this material will require welding skills. The resulting designs are durable, durable. Both raw welded and elegant forged structures for the street can be made from raw materials. The only drawback of professional pipes is their susceptibility to oxidation, so the metal surface must be treated with special coatings.
Plastic. The material is mainly used for seats that can support a small child’s weight. To build a simple structure, it is enough to make holes in the plastic seat and attach it to a rope suspended on a branch or crossbeam. Can be completed with other materials.
For all its strength, wood does not tolerate atmospheric precipitation, temperature extremes, therefore, in order to extend the life of the product, it is necessary to treat the wood with special impregnations, varnishes, paints.
DIY swing
It is good to install such models in a gazebo or under a canopy, in a patio or on a terrace, under a crown of trees or in an open area. The construction can be made of different materials, for convenience, the seat is additionally equipped with a back and armrests. Such furniture is attached to the crossbar, branch, to the ceiling of the structure with the help of metal rods or chains, long ropes or ropes. For clarity, consider a few examples of what and how you can independently build a swing.
Tire swing
The elastic shell mounted on the rim of the disk is used as a material for many crafts and structures erected in the house area. This is an excellent component from which you can build such a fascinating attraction as a swing. There are several ways to do this:
Vertical position. It is enough to tie a whole tire tire with a rope and hang it on a horizontal bar or branch.
Horizontal To do this, it is necessary to lay the tire flat, on the lateral surface, drill 3-4 holes symmetrical with respect to the center. Pass the ropes through them, in the case of 4 holes - you can get into one of them, and from the other pull out the rope fasteners, at 3 - fix the ends of the rope inside the rubber sheath using strong knots. You can also use a metal chain with hooks that are attached to the tire with washers and nuts.
From cut tires. The shell is cut according to a specific pattern. Basically, the inside of the tread portion serves as a seat. You can make a variety of options, it all depends on the chosen scheme.
Swing from the boards
The classic model is a board suspended on a branch or crossbar with four holes along the edges through which a rope or rope is passed. Instead of boards, you can give new life to old chairs, wooden bars, round logs.
Interesting options are obtained from wooden pallets, which often remain after construction work. Making them an original swing is not difficult for any person. It is enough to process the surface with sandpaper, remove the splinters, make it smooth. Then the pallet is covered with impregnations and varnishes, painted. After drying, under the upper tier of the structure, two long ropes are threaded on both sides, the free ends of which are connected into a common knot. It remains only to hang the product on the crossbar, attach it to the ceiling. For comfort, you can add a backrest, install soft seats.
For work, you can use the old skate, snowboard. These boards are durable, can serve as an excellent seat. At the same time, they do not need to be cleaned or processed, it is enough to make 4 holes along the edges and fix them on the support. In the same way, you can use logs that need to be tied into a single plane.
Hoop or hula hoop swing
From an old metal or aluminum hoop, you can build an excellent design designed for a comfortable stay. There are several ways to do this:
Consider a simple master class, on the example of how to make an unusual hammock from a hula-hoop.
We place the hula-hoop on a piece of fabric, cut out two solid circles from it, the diameter of which is 30 cm larger than the rim used. For work we use only dense fabric, it is better to use denim, quilted fabric, burlap.
In one of the pieces of fabric cut out around the circle, we sew the zipper in order to do this, it is necessary to cut the fabric in the middle, not reaching the edges. We make the length of the cut, like lightning, equal to the diameter of the hoop with a margin of 1 cm.
Next, with the help of a sewing machine, we sew the two segments obtained, for this they are folded with each other on the front side.
Turning the cover on the front side, we make 4 holes in it.
It is also necessary to drill holes in the hula hoop.
To make the construction more convenient, we trim the rim with a padding polyester, put it inside the case.
To hang the product you will need 4 pieces of rope of different lengths, one pair should be 50-60 cm longer than the other.
We thread the ropes into the holes made, tighten them on the hoop, and each pair of excellent length should be on different sides.
It remains only to attach the structure to a branch or overlap.
Attraction "web" from the hoop step by step:
We strengthen the place of soldering the hoop with metal plates or wire.
Divide the circle into 8 equal parts, make marks with a marker. For better rope fixation, it is necessary to drill 8 symmetrical holes in the cavity.
We cut 8 pieces of rope, the length of which is equal to two diameters of a circle with a small margin, it is necessary to use a strong cord 4-5 mm thick.
We fold the rope in half, wind it on the holes on both sides, pull it on, make knots, or, if there are no holes, make a loop on one side and a knot on the other. Sagging rope can reach 5 cm.
Next, perpendicular to the tightened rope, we fasten the next cable, interlacing with the first in the middle crosswise.
In the same way we start and fix the remaining six segments.
In the absence of holes, with the help of a needle and thread, we sheathe all the attachment points, as well as the middle.
We fix 4 carabiners to the hoop, setting them symmetrically relative to the center, in the places of attachment of the ropes.
We sheathe the hoop with synthetic winterizer and make a cover along the contour of the fabric.
We proceed to the longest time occupation - weaving the web. We start work from the center, make the distance between the rings 4-5 cm, weaving each rope with each other, hemming the junction with threads.
After the design is ready, it remains only to choose a place for its placement.
Canvas swing
To make a structure from such a material, you will need a chain, two metal triangles, a piece of dense tarpaulin.To begin with, we cut out the necessary shape from a dense canvas. We bring both ends of the canvas into metal triangles and bend them down, connecting with the main part of the fabric. Next, using rivets, connect each edge to the fabric plane. Instead of rivets, you can use regular bolts with nuts. Also from this material it is possible to construct more complex structures in the form of hammocks, cover them with metal frames, and use them as a canopy.
Due to the fact that the canvas is impregnated with refractory, waterproof, and also impregnated with decay, the raw material is perfect as a base or an additional component of street structures.
Wooden swing on support racks
The best material for making a solid swing is a wooden beam. Square lumber provides a simple assembly of the structure, easy fitting of parts, connecting angles. The favorite gardening element of landscape designers is joyfully used by kids and adults. Such a swing can be done independently of any size and shape.
Determined with sizes and proportions
The construction of wooden swings should begin with the preparation of the draft drawing. It is important to consider their purpose, the number of family members. They can be of various types. The following home-made options are popular:
Family They are distinguished by a large capacity, 4-5 people can freely fit. The bench is wide of long boards. You can complement the design with a canopy;
Baby. Simple swings can have various modifications. They mainly consist of a support, a seat and fasteners. Particular attention should be paid to safety - to make a comfortable back, side partitions, provide belts for reliable fixation of the child;
Wearable. Light swings of small size are assembled according to a special scheme. Folding elements can be quickly dismantled, moved, transported to any point.
Location and mounting of racks to the ground
Stationary structures must be firmly fixed in the ground so that they do not turn over during the movement of chains or metal rods. On the selected site, mark the place for the racks, dig out the recesses. We fill the bottom of each pit with sand to protect the structure from distortions and subsidence. The layer must be at least 10 cm.
Before placing the supports in the recesses, the lower part should be treated with bituminous mastic or wrapped with roofing material. In the pit, they must be in a strictly horizontal position. Fill them with cement mortar. Until the mixture has dried, the position of the racks can be adjusted. Further work can be carried out after at least 10 days.
Mounting methods for the cross member
The wooden bar, to which the bench or seat is attached, can be fixed in several ways. If the swing is in a prominent place in the yard, then it is better to use options with the condition of aesthetics. They are complex in execution, but will give the street structure a special presentable look. Securely secure the cross member as follows:
To the overhead beam attached below the intersection of two supports;
Lay the supporting beam between the crossed side posts;
Mount "in half the tree." Special cuts are created at the joints.
Seat design
The seat of the wooden swing should also be made of wood. This is one of the simplest, most convenient materials. It is easy to process, provides full scope for the manifestation of imagination. From it you can create a real carved work of art.
You can make a simple design from two frames - one part is designed for sitting, the other for the back. We make stiffeners in them and connect them together using corners, self-tapping screws. According to the instructions, we screw special bolts into the front beam of the seat and the upper part of the back. Such a seat can be used for street construction or in an apartment.
Choosing a seat to the crossbar: rope or chain
To make a choice between synthetic, natural rope and metal, it is necessary to determine the seasonality of the use of the subject in question, its reliability. Metal structures are significantly different in their strength, in addition, they are durable, and can withstand frosts. For bulky structures, which can accommodate several people at the same time, it is better to use a metal chain, in addition, the swing stops more slowly.
A rope is much cheaper than metal, it is more pleasant to the touch, however, it can fray, therefore it requires periodic revision, visual inspection of the condition. In addition, this material for swings is less durable. This is a great option for hanging simple single products, hammocks.
Metal swing on support stands
Before starting work, it is necessary to determine the type of product, it will be portable or stationary, equipped with a canopy of polycarbonate, a stretched awning, designed for a child or adult. For clarity, we consider a master class on the construction of a stationary structure:
We take a profile pipe 40x40 mm or 50x50 mm, with the help of a grinder we cut off 4 identical segments 2.5 m long, and another 2 1 m long. For the crossbar, you need a round pipe with a diameter of 30 mm, 2 m long.
On the one hand, on all 4 long profiles used as side posts, we cut off the edges at an angle of 30 °, after which we weld the pipes in pairs at the places of the cut, and as a result we get two isosceles triangles.
To strengthen the structure, at about 2 m from the top, apply short segments, determine at what angle it is necessary to cut both edges of each pipe so that they fit snugly against the structure, make up a single plane with it. Having cut off the edges, we weld horizontal jumpers.
To the tops of the posts, resembling the shape of the letter A, we weld a round crossbar.
We form the seat frame.To do this, cut off 5 segments of a length of 1.5 mm from a round pipe with a diameter of 20 mm, and another 6 by 0.5 m each. We weld the seat into a single structure, for this we lay out three long pipes so that the distance between the two extremes is 0.5 m, on top of them we lay three smaller segments, two in the corners, one in the middle. In the same way, we form the back, with the only difference, without one long crossbar on one side. We connect the two parts together at the required angle. On each side, we weld two special eyebolts, which will be used to attach the metal chain.
We cover the frame with wooden slats 30x30, 20x40, 30x60 mm 1.5 m long, connecting the bars with metal with bolts and nuts.
Retreating from each edge by 25 cm, in the crossbar we drill holes in which eyebolts will be placed.
Using carabiners, we hang the seat on a metal chain.
Next, we set the swing. To do this, in the place where the structure will be installed, we dig 4 holes 40 cm deep, pour a pillow of sand up to 10 cm to the bottom of the pit.
Knead the concrete solution.
We set the swings in risers in the pits, each iron pipe is strengthened in the hole with stones, pour concrete.
After the solution has dried, the product can be used.
A do-it-yourself swing will be a great addition to any house area. They will help to make relaxation in the fresh air comfortable and cozy, will delight both kids and adults, will allow you to enjoy the flight, will cheer you up. Home-made construction will be the subject of pride of its owner, testify to its good taste, decorate the territory.
Facilities for fun and entertainment allow not only comfort and pleasure to spend time in the fresh air, they are also part of landscape design. Together with gazebos and benches decorate a summer cottage, a house plot. A do-it-yourself swing allows owners of private country houses, summer cottages to relax, calm down, dream while sitting on a swaying bench, and besides, home-made constructions are the pride of their owner, a thing that you can brag about to friends and acquaintances.
There are many types of products that are used by both children and adults. Self-made models can have a simple mechanism in the form of a seat, which is suspended on the crossbar, differ in complex structure, for example, variants of the collective type. In the process, you can use any improvised materials remaining after construction and repair activities.Such furniture is installed under the roof, in the shade of trees, on a lawn, a specially prepared site.
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Features of homemade swing
The arrangement of the territory, the right choice and the appropriate design of recreation areas is one of the important tasks facing the owner of a house plot. Decorating your possessions with flower beds, gazebos, artificial ponds, do not neglect such a thing as a swing. This is one of the few options for the environment, with which you can complement the landscape, enjoy a comfortable and cozy stay in the fresh air.
Choosing ready-made purchased designs, it is not always possible to find and select models that satisfy all the requirements, suitable in the style of design to a specific situation. In this case, do-it-yourself manufacturing will be the best option, as homemade swings have the following features:
What are the swings?
Before proceeding with construction, it is necessary to assess the place where the product will be installed, consider its purpose, and determine the seasonality of use. It is also important to choose a design that does not spoil the general appearance of the site, decorates the landscape.
You can classify a swing based on different parameters:
Material for manufacturing
Standard designs are made of wood or metal, as well as combinations of these materials.For seats also use plastic. However, at home, with the independent construction of the product, there are practically no restrictions on the choice of raw materials, everything that can be found on your site, whether it is metal pipes, old sofas or tires of automobile wheels, will do. Let us dwell in more detail on the main components used in the process:
DIY swing
It is good to install such models in a gazebo or under a canopy, in a patio or on a terrace, under a crown of trees or in an open area. The construction can be made of different materials, for convenience, the seat is additionally equipped with a back and armrests. Such furniture is attached to the crossbar, branch, to the ceiling of the structure with the help of metal rods or chains, long ropes or ropes. For clarity, consider a few examples of what and how you can independently build a swing.
Tire swing
The elastic shell mounted on the rim of the disk is used as a material for many crafts and structures erected in the house area. This is an excellent component from which you can build such a fascinating attraction as a swing. There are several ways to do this:
Swing from the boards
The classic model is a board suspended on a branch or crossbar with four holes along the edges through which a rope or rope is passed. Instead of boards, you can give new life to old chairs, wooden bars, round logs.
Interesting options are obtained from wooden pallets, which often remain after construction work. Making them an original swing is not difficult for any person. It is enough to process the surface with sandpaper, remove the splinters, make it smooth. Then the pallet is covered with impregnations and varnishes, painted. After drying, under the upper tier of the structure, two long ropes are threaded on both sides, the free ends of which are connected into a common knot. It remains only to hang the product on the crossbar, attach it to the ceiling. For comfort, you can add a backrest, install soft seats.
For work, you can use the old skate, snowboard. These boards are durable, can serve as an excellent seat. At the same time, they do not need to be cleaned or processed, it is enough to make 4 holes along the edges and fix them on the support. In the same way, you can use logs that need to be tied into a single plane.
Hoop or hula hoop swing
From an old metal or aluminum hoop, you can build an excellent design designed for a comfortable stay. There are several ways to do this:
Consider a simple master class, on the example of how to make an unusual hammock from a hula-hoop.
Attraction "web" from the hoop step by step:
Canvas swing
To make a structure from such a material, you will need a chain, two metal triangles, a piece of dense tarpaulin.To begin with, we cut out the necessary shape from a dense canvas. We bring both ends of the canvas into metal triangles and bend them down, connecting with the main part of the fabric. Next, using rivets, connect each edge to the fabric plane. Instead of rivets, you can use regular bolts with nuts. Also from this material it is possible to construct more complex structures in the form of hammocks, cover them with metal frames, and use them as a canopy.
Wooden swing on support racks
The best material for making a solid swing is a wooden beam. Square lumber provides a simple assembly of the structure, easy fitting of parts, connecting angles. The favorite gardening element of landscape designers is joyfully used by kids and adults. Such a swing can be done independently of any size and shape.
Determined with sizes and proportions
The construction of wooden swings should begin with the preparation of the draft drawing. It is important to consider their purpose, the number of family members. They can be of various types. The following home-made options are popular:
Location and mounting of racks to the ground
Stationary structures must be firmly fixed in the ground so that they do not turn over during the movement of chains or metal rods. On the selected site, mark the place for the racks, dig out the recesses. We fill the bottom of each pit with sand to protect the structure from distortions and subsidence. The layer must be at least 10 cm.
Before placing the supports in the recesses, the lower part should be treated with bituminous mastic or wrapped with roofing material. In the pit, they must be in a strictly horizontal position. Fill them with cement mortar. Until the mixture has dried, the position of the racks can be adjusted. Further work can be carried out after at least 10 days.
Mounting methods for the cross member
The wooden bar, to which the bench or seat is attached, can be fixed in several ways. If the swing is in a prominent place in the yard, then it is better to use options with the condition of aesthetics. They are complex in execution, but will give the street structure a special presentable look. Securely secure the cross member as follows:
Seat design
The seat of the wooden swing should also be made of wood. This is one of the simplest, most convenient materials. It is easy to process, provides full scope for the manifestation of imagination. From it you can create a real carved work of art.
You can make a simple design from two frames - one part is designed for sitting, the other for the back. We make stiffeners in them and connect them together using corners, self-tapping screws. According to the instructions, we screw special bolts into the front beam of the seat and the upper part of the back. Such a seat can be used for street construction or in an apartment.
Choosing a seat to the crossbar: rope or chain
To make a choice between synthetic, natural rope and metal, it is necessary to determine the seasonality of the use of the subject in question, its reliability. Metal structures are significantly different in their strength, in addition, they are durable, and can withstand frosts. For bulky structures, which can accommodate several people at the same time, it is better to use a metal chain, in addition, the swing stops more slowly.
A rope is much cheaper than metal, it is more pleasant to the touch, however, it can fray, therefore it requires periodic revision, visual inspection of the condition. In addition, this material for swings is less durable. This is a great option for hanging simple single products, hammocks.
Metal swing on support stands
Before starting work, it is necessary to determine the type of product, it will be portable or stationary, equipped with a canopy of polycarbonate, a stretched awning, designed for a child or adult. For clarity, we consider a master class on the construction of a stationary structure:
A do-it-yourself swing will be a great addition to any house area. They will help to make relaxation in the fresh air comfortable and cozy, will delight both kids and adults, will allow you to enjoy the flight, will cheer you up. Home-made construction will be the subject of pride of its owner, testify to its good taste, decorate the territory.