
List of perennial flowers for a summer house and garden

Perennial flowers

Many owners of private houses occupy land on their land only in beds. Not everyone thinks that in addition to healthy vegetables you can give yourself and those around you a real aesthetic pleasure all season. Luxurious flowers in the front garden and flower beds will delight the eye, fill the air with a pleasant aroma. With a minimum of effort to plant perennials, after just one season you can admire the stunning compositions.

Features and benefits of perennial flowers on the site

There are many types of beautiful and unpretentious perennial flowers. In the country, grassy perennials take root perfectly. They are well adapted to any climate, withstand frost, do not need a transplant in the cold season. Onion varieties will also feel good in the garden. Some types of flowers must be obtained from the soil after flowering and planted in the soil in the fall. Thanks to the forced movement, new original glades can be created every year.

A distinctive feature of perennials is a long vegetative period. Tall greenery blooms in mid-summer. Mysterious mallow and sunflowers planted around the perimeter of the courtyard, along the fence, will give any site a fabulous look. A universal option for the design of paths of several hundred - medium-sized beautiful flowering perennials. From undersized plants, an alpine hill is often formed. Almost all plants in this group need drained soil.
Perennial flowers in the flowerbed
Many flower growers choose perennials for their site for the following reasons:

  • Blossom throughout the summer season;
  • They winter well, are frost-resistant;
  • Require minimal care;
  • Resistant to diseases, pests;
  • From one plant, when transplanting, you can create several new flower beds.

How to choose a variety of flower plants

Perennial flowers are the most suitable option for a summer residence. They are divided into varieties and species. Each plant is characterized by flowering intensity, size, color, shape and other factors. The choice of flower varieties depends on the personal preferences of the gardener, the free area under flower beds, soil characteristics and other factors.

Before creating a flower garden in a rustic style, it is necessary to carefully study the types of popular unpretentious perennials, biennials.The plants should match the method of watering, fertilizer and the method of mixing them. You should also sort the flowers into sun-loving and shade-tolerant. You should also consider the visual combination of shades of flowers.

How to choose a variety of flower plants

Early flowering flowers

It is always pleasant to watch the stunning color of plants in a meadow or in your garden. Spring flowering is especially pleasing to the eye when the snow has just melted and sonorous drops sound. Early garden flowers revitalize the entire site, notify the onset of warm days. After planting a perennial, you can enjoy the beauty of the bud for several years with the onset of spring. The main task is to choose suitable plant species for your flower beds.

Most lovers of early flowers prefer to plant onion varieties. This species is widespread, has a huge number of plants. Bulb planting takes place in September. Around April, the first shoots of snowdrops, irises, crocuses, muscari and others appear. The farther south the region is located, the earlier gentle spring bells peep out from the soil.

Irises in the flowerbed Early flowering flowers Red tulips Purple crocuses White daffodils Snowdrops

Early grass plants are less popular among gardeners. Thanks to their magnificent appearance they deserve a place on any site. They are able to remain fresh and green for a long time, they are well resistant to diseases, can winter in any soil. You can plant them with seeds or seedlings. Almost all species are placed in the ground in the spring, when it warms up well. In warm regions, landing can take place in the fall. The most popular types: periwinkle, primrose, hellebore.

Late flowering flowers

Such plants begin to bloom in late July and continue to show off until the first frost. You can extend the flowering holiday on the site if you create a composition of late flowering specimens and summer perennials with brightly colored leaves. The main role in such flower beds is most often played by asters, gelenium, chrysanthemums.

Depending on the variety, late flowering grassy flowers can delight the owners of plots with bright colors from several weeks to several months. They come in various shapes and sizes, monochromatic and multicolor. The flower can be placed on a lonely stem or grouped in a bush.

Late flowering flowersYellow and orange late blooming flowers Pink autumn flowers Aster flowers Autumn asters Burgundy peonies

Will look great on any flowerbed of bulbous late flowering. They are planted in April, May. Many varieties were bred in warm countries, so they do not tolerate cold, die in the open ground. You can save plants by temporarily replanting the decoration in the flower bed, tub.

Undersized flowers

For an experienced gardener, undersized, long-flowering perennials are a universal tool. They perfectly coexist with all cultures in the garden, successfully fit into any landscape composition. From them you can make flowering borders and other demarcation elements. Almost all varieties throughout the season delight gardeners with their flowering. They perfectly keep the borders of the flower beds for several years. They are usually placed in the foreground of the flower beds. Ampel plants feel good in hanging flower pots.

Purple undersized flowers Blue undersized flowers Ground Cover Path Flowerbed with undersized flowers Undersized flowers Decoration of flower beds with stunted flowers and natural stones

Low perennials are divided into undersized, dwarf and groundcover. The latter grow dense carpet, spread on the ground. The stems of the remaining subspecies can reach 60 centimeters. To plant undersized plants is better densely in groups. So they look more impressive. To prolong the lush flowering, you will need to remove dried branches in time, protect the composition with stones, use only drip irrigation. Sometimes poisonous varieties are found.

Tall flowers

The flowers of this group are very diverse. They differ in leaf shape, flower size, splendor of growth and other features. The only unifying factor is height. The stems of such perennials can reach 1.5 meters. The flowering schedule for all plants is different.Some retain their value throughout the growing season, others grow due to the appearance of peduncles.

Tall perennial flowersTall flowers Tall flowers in the flowerbed Tall flowers in the garden Gladioli in the garden Red tall flowers

Some tall flowers replace beautiful flowering with no less attractive fruiting. They will find a place in any composition. Tall perennials look good at the windows of the house, in the front garden, along the hedge or fence. With their help, you can beautifully zone the site. Flowers create a stunning backdrop for stunted plants that look great by the pond.

Selection of seeds for planting

Many species of perennials grow from seeds. Unlike annual beauty, they can be planted all season. The absence of restrictions on planting dates is associated with a diverse flowering period (from 2 to 6 years). When choosing seeds, one should take into account the characteristics of the region and the type of plant. Some species shoot directly in the ground, while others accept the first landing exclusively in a separate container.

Seedlings of delphinium, catchment, cloves are planted in March. The seeds of the bell are not lowered deep into the ground, leaving in the light. Armeria should be pre-soaked in water for 10 hours. In May and June, perennials can be sown directly in open ground. It should be remembered that the seeds of such plants quickly lose moisture and require daily watering. When choosing seeds, you should definitely know how to plant them.

Selection of seeds for planting

You can use the following tips:

  • Visual inspection A hard shell indicates the need for germination in a warm place;
  • Germination percentage. Each seed pack has this information. This is very useful information for the gardener;
  • Sorting before sowing. You can remove empty seeds by blowing on spread out specimens. Empty will fly away from the air pressure;
  • Hybrids or common varieties. If there is a need to harvest seeds, the first option is not suitable. Hybrid varieties, although they are characterized by abundant flowering, are absolutely not suitable for seed production.

When buying seeds of perennial flowers in a store, you should definitely study their sowing qualities. They must be clean and with a good degree of germination. Important indicators are germination energy, humidity, and susceptibility to disease.

Rules and methods of landing

For the normal development of plants, it is necessary to create certain acceptable conditions. Each type of perennial flower has its own growing characteristics. For example, alpine street edelweiss grows well in clay, calcareous soil, does not tolerate sandstone, in which asters, gatsanii, and cloves amazingly bloom.

Planting seeds

Perennials live long enough. In the spring in the village they are one of the first to let greens, and in the fall they continue to give magnificent color and aroma. Some species are valued due to the unusual shape of the leaves. Plants have nondescript flowers, but occupy one of the main places in the flower garden. Each perennial should be planted taking into account many factors.

Bulbous varieties

The optimal period for planting bulbous perennials is the beginning of autumn. Pre-prepared beds should be left under steam for several days. During this time, all nearby weeds should be destroyed. Before lowering the bulbs into the ground, it must be thoroughly dug up and fertilizer applied.

The first fall plant small-bulb. To improve germination, they are kept for several hours in a solution of potassium permanganate before planting. So that the bottoms of the plants do not rot, sand paths are laid under the bulbs. Crocuses, Muscat, Scylla are planted to a depth of 8 centimeters. Snowdrops, white flowers and daffodils need a deeper hole - 15 centimeters.

Planting bulbous perennials

In mid-October, frost-resistant tulips are planted. You can carry out the procedure earlier, but only when the soil temperature is at around 10 degrees. Flowers should be well rooted before frost. Healthy bulbs can be planted directly in the ground or in a special box.The method with the container was approved by many gardeners - it is easier to transplant the plant at the end of the growing season, the sides reliably protect the roots from pests.

Lilies of the valley

Forest plant perfectly takes root in the garden. When planting, it should be borne in mind that pretty flowers do not accept neighbors in the form of other plants. Bushes with pearls are planted near the windows, at the entrance to the porch, away from flower beds and other vegetation. Two methods of planting are used - in late autumn and early spring. Experienced gardeners recommend planting the primrose in the ground in September and October.

The main task is to choose the right place. It should be shady with a little light. Flowers can be identified by the spreading crowns of trees. The future territory of snow-white bells should be well hidden from winds and drafts.

White lilies of the valley in a potLanding lilies of the valley Lilies of the valley on a flower bed Pink lilies of the valley White lilies of the valley Lilies of the valley in a pot

Lilies of the valley are planted in prepared, fertilized soil. Grooves are made according to the size of the rhizomes. Then put the plants in the pits in an upright position, at a distance from each other of at least 10 centimeters. After planting, land should be watered. If the shadow plants are placed in the soil with a bud, they will bloom next year.


Garden daisy will decorate any landscape. The flower of a herbaceous perennial is more often found in white, but can be blue, pink, blue, yellow. Successful cultivation depends on the proper selection of the variety. The most popular types are as follows:

  • Princess. The variety is characterized by large flowers, up to 15 centimeters in diameter and a long stem. Use to create bouquets;
  • Alaska. Large-flowered unpretentious plant resistant to drought. It begins to bloom in late August;
  • Silver Princess. Has small white flowers. It is used for group landings. It blooms from mid-summer to the first frost;
  • Winner. White flowers 8-10 centimeters. Blooms 2 years after transplanting into the ground. Great park option.

Daisies in the flowerbed

Chamomile is planted in several ways: seeds, seedlings, dividing the bush. Any option will require a slightly acidic soil, and a sunny place. It is necessary to start cultivating a light-loving garden perennial in the spring, at an air temperature of at least 15 degrees.


Perennial plant perfectly takes root in a new place, easily propagated by seeds or division of the bush. Suitable open area or partial shade. It is preferable to plant echinacea in light sandy soil. Land with high acidity must first be treated with lime. Of the many varieties, the most popular is Echinacea purpurea. It features a high dense stem (up to 1 meter), the presence of green, burgundy basal leaves.

The planting process can be carried out in autumn or spring. Hybrid varieties reproduce only by division. For the rest, seed planting in open ground or prepared containers is quite suitable. By placing seeds in the ground in late autumn, abundant seedlings can be seen in spring. A winter-hardy plant will bloom a year later.

Echinacea in the garden

In order for the flowers to appear in the year of planting, it is necessary to prepare seedlings. You can start at the end of winter. The seeds soaked in water are transferred to a wooden box with the ground, covered with a film and provide constant humidity.


Graceful and mysterious, one of the most noticeable plants in the flower garden, require careful selection of neighbors. They can be grown from bulbs or seeds. In the latter case, the plants do not get sick, are less susceptible to pest attacks. Of the negative points, a long period from sowing to flowering (5-6 years) can be noted.

Most gardeners grow lilies from bulbs. They can be placed in the ground in autumn, spring. It is better to do this in October in order to get early flowering and let the plants take root before the onset of cold weather. The only reason for spring planting is the need to change the site.

Pink liliesRed lilies Two-tone lilies Lily flowers Red lilies White lilies

Multi-colored lilies need to be planted only in drained soil, taking into account being in one place for more than 4 years. The greatest danger to bulbs in the garden is stagnation of moisture. The ground before planting and when the first shoots appear should be treated with fertilizers. Large bulbs are placed in the ground at least 15 centimeters, small enough 5-10 cm.

When planting, you must follow the rules of plant height. For low varieties, soil along paths or in the center of flower beds is suitable, the highest place in the middle of the plot.


The plant is represented by many varieties. A variety of shades of flowers occupy an honorable place in the flower beds in city parks and gardeners. The culture is well received in neutral, fertile soil. Acidic soil must be treated with dolomite flour or lime.

Delphinium in the flowerbed Blue delphiniums Multi-colored delphiniums Red and pink delphiniums Delphiniums on the field White Delphiniums

It is better to place a flower bed with a delphinium under the most scorching sun. The place should be calm, since the stems of the perennial are very tall and thin. There are several ways to propagate a culture:

  • Division. Transplantation can be carried out when the delphinium does not bloom. It is better to do this after 8 years after the first planting, otherwise the plant will weaken and hurt. Cutting off fragments, you can not touch the kidneys, all damage should be sprinkled with crushed coal.
  • Seeds This method is used if there is no mature plant on the site. It is possible to provide seeds with good survival and germination by placing them in the cold before planting. Then the seed is sent to a container with peat. Germinated shoots are transferred to open ground in May. Less seed propagation is a high probability of losing varietal differences.
  • Cuttings. The most laborious, difficult way. The mother bush practically does not suffer, and the cuttings take root perfectly, retain varietal characters. Only shoots of young plants are suitable. They should be no shorter than 5 centimeters.Hollow, fast-growing stems are cut off at the rhizome, preventing infection.


A sprawling lush plant grows beautifully in the shade, loves moist soil. It looks spectacular throughout the garden season. For fast growth, the culture does not need a lot of light. The rate of its development depends on sufficient heat and moisture. Varieties are divided into high and low.

The most familiar and simple way of planting is dividing the bush. The dug bush is exempted from leaves and sorted into separate elements. For planting, young plants with buds are suitable. The non-functional rhizome is removed. An astilbe planted in March will bloom in August.

Red astilbe Pink astilbe Astilba on the flowerbed Pink astilbe Astilba in a summer cottage White Astilbe

A faster way is the reproduction by the kidneys of renewal. Fused shoots are separated with part of the rhizome, the sections are treated with ash. Then the plant is placed in drained peat, creating a greenhouse effect. Astilba goes into the open ground in the fall or spring of next year. The seed method is rarely used.


Small plants bloom better in the shade, partial shade. The bright sun negatively affects the leaves and the inflorescences themselves. An overabundance of fertilizer should be avoided, as the leaves and stalk begin to drag all the nutrient juices, leaving the flower weakened. Ammonia mixtures must be completely abandoned.


Seed planting involves the definition of shade-loving forget-me-nots only on flat ground, otherwise they will rise unevenly. For cuttings, dense healthy segments are suitable, previously aged in water and taking root. Breaking the root system of a perennial allows you to use the method of division in pots.

Summer flowers

It’s hard to imagine a hot summer without many colorful flowers. They grow in meadows, in parks, in private courtyards. All varieties need direct sunlight and thorough hydration. Crops are divided into tall and stunted. When preparing a composition of summer flowers in a flower bed, it is necessary to take into account the height of the plants.

Cornflowers Hydrangea Gerberas Summer flowers Day-lily Roses

Clematis, daylily, lilies, peonies, lupins begin to bloom in June. In July, tuber begonias, gerberas, hydrangeas, a golden ball, lavender, and hazel grouse open their buds. August is saturated with the aromas of gladioli, echinacea, cornflowers, stonecrops and others.

Autumn flowers

Plants of short day or late flowering show their beauty in the fall. This group is not as diverse as summer perennials, but includes enough species and varieties. A variety of cultures will brightly paint any site against the general background of seasonal wilting. They differ in terms of flowering. Most of them are eye-catching in September and October, but there are persistent beauties whose color lasts until the first frost.

Marigolds Autumn flowers Autumn flowers in the flowerbed Autumn flowers in the garden Pansies Red Rose

September autumn flowers include chrysanthemums, dahlias, asters, and majors. In October, pansies, nasturtiums, colchicum, gelenium, and window sill cheer up. Marigolds, rhododendron, petunia, rose, phlox bloom in the last month of autumn.

Growing conditions are different for each crop. The stems of herbaceous plants die in the winter. The aboveground shoots and the underground part of the rhizome are preserved. You can create a harmonious picture of herbaceous perennials on the site if you follow the following rules for planting and choosing varieties:

  • To carry out selection of crops taking into account the climate in the region;
  • Before planting, analyze the composition, moisture, soil acidity, amount of light;
  • Determine the depth of groundwater;
  • To provide the correct neighborhood with other flowers and other plants;
  • Observe the permissible distance between perennials;
  • Before planting, dig and fertilize the soil.

Perennial autumn flowers

rose flower

The best time for planting roses in the open ground is mid-spring. The earth should warm up to 10 degrees. Prepared seedlings must be examined, trimmed dry roots for better absorption of nutrients. Before planting, the roots of the rose should be lowered into a container of water or with a liquid to stimulate growth.Fancy plants take root only in the area illuminated and hidden from the winds. Before dipping into the hole, the plant is dipped in a clay mixture.

Ampel roses Pink roses Two roses Yellow pink roses Yellow roses White roses

Autumn planting is best done in September, since the root system should have time to get stronger before the cold. A healthy plant in a special shelter or flowerpot will feel great until spring warmth. Some varieties may require additional care.


You can plant clematis throughout the season. A beautiful constantly flowering plant is able to plod up, decorating any detail of the garden composition. It can grow in one place up to 25 years, so before planting you should take care of fertilized soil.

Seedlings with a closed root system are first allowed to grow by placing in water. The best period for transfer to the ground is early summer. Curly perennials take root well in neutral, alkaline, slightly acidic soils. Clematis reacts poorly to watery soil.

Clematis in the garden

Before planting, the wells should be fertilized with loose fat clay. The degree of penetration depends on the characteristics of the land. The heavier the soil, the less the plant is pushed into the ground. If you feel the proximity of groundwater, the bottom of the pit is covered with broken brick, gravel.


Lush deciduous shrub is very popular among gardeners, can be found in the botanical garden. Plants have an amazing ability - they can change the shade of flowers depending on the composition of the soil. Hydrangea panicle and ground cover are varieties resistant to small frosts, tree-like is able to withstand temperatures of 40 degrees.

Hydrangea in the garden

Bush hydrangea is planted in the courtyard by cuttings. The size of the hole is prepared based on the volume of roots, which are quite branched in such crops. The average dimensions are 0.5 meters in depth and in diameter. After placing the plant in a pit, the soil in the near-stem zone is well compacted. Watering is carried out in 30 centimeters from the base of the flower.

Bush hosts

The main advantages of the perennial are voluminous textured leaves and racemose inflorescences. Some varieties have an unattractive color, so they are pruned and enjoy the stunning beauty of the foliage.

Bush hosts in the garden

It is undemanding to the soil of the host, but on loams it grows better, loves the shadow. It is better not to plant the plant in the sandy soil; it develops poorly there and blooms little. Before placing the flower in the selected place, the earth must be dug up, add humus. Suitable fertilizers: ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium sulfate.

Flower Design Tips

Flowers bring people not only aesthetic pleasure, they fill the site with a pleasant aroma, give a feeling of calm and satisfaction. It is rare to find a garden without such beauty. Not chaotic annuals look much better, but collected at clubs according to certain rules.

In composing the composition, an important role is played by the selection of height, color, and plant variety. You do not need to be a professional designer to make your own magnificent flower garden. It is enough to competently carry out gardening work slowly and in stages:

  • Choose a suitable style of flower beds;
  • Assess environmental conditions;
  • Sort plants by height;
  • Select plants with a stable decorative effect;
  • Define flowering dates and names;
  • Learn the principles of combining perennials on the list;
  • Plant in the ground, strictly observing planting standards.

Beautiful flower bed Blooming flower bed Flowerbed decoration Flowerbed on a summer cottage Flowerbed fence Perennial flowerbed

Perennials for an alpine hill

A rock garden is best filled with plants that do not require annual renewal. A variety of plantings should be adapted to temperature differences, weather in the region. For the background of an alpine hill, it is better to choose stunted, carpet plants. You should take into account their intensity of growth, branching. All plantings should be in harmony in color, watering method, size, flowering time.

Perennials for an alpine hill

To select plants for an alpine hill, it is necessary taking into account the elements of a decorative object. It is necessary to take into account the color, the size of the boulders. So that the flower bed does not look overloaded, the stones must be arranged asymmetrically. The spaces between the decor can be filled with low plants, bindweed, and godetia. Plants should be planted in tiers. Lush, spherical plantations occupy the top of the flower bed, stunted middle and bottom. To make the alpine hill pleasing to the eye all year round, it can be decorated with coniferous plants.


Gardeners prefer perennials for many reasons. Most varieties calmly winter in the soil; they do not need to be dug up and replanted. In spring, they bloom first because they have already formed roots. To create original flower beds from perennials, you do not need to spend a lot of money and time.

Passion for design turned into work. There is little experience in the architectural bureau.


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