
DIY garden decor +75 photos

Garden decor

A garden or a summer residence in the modern sense is not just a garden, a hundred square meters of land where fruit and berry plants grow, as well as trees that need constant care. The garden is a place where you can, first of all, have a good rest, dream, spend time with family, with friends. In order to make you feel as comfortable as possible, you should make sure that the decor for the garden is harmonious and meets all the rules of street design.

Today there are many ways to decorate a garden plot and everything that is on it. As a decor, you can use everything that is at hand - from glass and plastic bottles to parts of old furniture. The main thing is that this combination is organic. Professional designers know a lot about interior and exterior decor, and will always give you the advice you need if you are in any doubt.

Alpine hill

If there is a slight elevation in the garden plot, uneven terrain, you can use these features to arrange the alpine hill. Many people mistakenly believe that to create such a decor it is enough to plant a lot of flowers on a hill, decorate it with stones and other objects, but this is not always the case.

Alpine slide in the garden

Competently constructed alpine hill is not just a dump of necessary and not quite necessary objects, but an imitation of a mountain landscape, with the presence of original shrubs, paths lined with stones. There should be no outside structures, playgrounds, etc. near the slide. The Alpine slide in its size organically fits into the total area of ​​the garden and is located in close proximity to an artificial reservoir or other source of moisture.

White stone decoration Lantern near the hill Rock garden with a fountain Composition of stones and plants Combination of stonecrop with curb september

Original flower beds from improvised means

The flower beds of our own production are very popular today. For the manufacture of flower gardens "handmade" all the materials at hand are used:

  • old vehicles (carts and carts);
  • trough;
  • old dishes;
  • footwear;
  • natural materials.

Flowerbed of car Trolley with flowers Flower bed from a car Bike with petunias Flower boat

In the course is everything that is in the old pantry. Rusted teapots covered with bright enamel, pots, metal bowlers with a light scuff effect look very unusual and beautiful. Some designers improve flower beds by pasting old dishes with colorful pebbles and other materials.

Log flowerbed

If the house has old, leaky rubber boots, do not rush to throw them away. Paint them in bright, unusual colors, apply a picture, plant flowers in them and place them on a flower bed, or hang them along the fence.Flower pots can also be "planted" on old furniture without seats. In general, it is easy to turn any utensils into a flower bed - there would be a desire and imagination.

Tube with a trace of flowers Shoes with pansies Flower bath Flowerbed of stone Flower bed with a pot

Pond decor

Artificial reservoirs, which are an integral part of a full-fledged garden, deserve special attention. Natural and artificial materials, mainly stones, are often used for decoration. They can mark the boundaries of the pond, as well as line the bottom. Stones or tiles are also needed to protect the pond from shedding soil. If there is an alpine slide near a decorative reservoir in the immediate vicinity, the overall picture will only win.

Decor pond in the garden

When designing a pond, designers recommend adhering to the general style of the garden plot. The pond should not look like a separate element, but should harmoniously fit into the landscape. If you install decorative fountains and waterfalls on the pond, they are unlikely to spoil the overall impression.

Irises by the pond Making a reservoir with stones The island of stones in the pond Bridge pond Lotuses in the pond

DIY floating flowerbed

Such a decorative element of a reservoir as a floating flowerbed looks very stylish and beautiful. You can make a green island of flowers yourself. It is enough to make a solid wooden base with moisture-resistant impregnation, on which the sealing mesh and earth are placed, and plant the plants on this raft.

As a basis, you can take other materials that stay on the water - polystyrene foam, lightweight plastic, etc. Often the foundation of the raft is made of ordinary plastic bottles fastened together.
A floating flowerbed should consist of water-loving plants, otherwise the island will soon become unusable. These plants include:

  • decorative grass;
  • sedge;
  • Lilies
  • papyrus;
  • some potted flowers.

The flower garden afloat performs not only a decorative, but also a practical function, filtering and purifying water from organic waste. In addition, flowers in the water will be out of reach for locusts and other insects.

Floating flower bed

Using wood to decorate the site

In decorating the garden, it is difficult to do without wooden products, since it is the tree that is considered the most natural material, a reflection of nature itself. All garden furniture can be made of wood: arbors, tables and benches, large flower vases, tubs with plants.

Wood decor on the plot

If you install a decorative wooden mill in the garden, the landscape will be transformed beyond recognition. The main thing is that everything should correspond to the general style of the garden.

Depending on the style and personal tastes of the owners, it is possible to use large and small wooden figures in the garden - the heroes of ancient epics, fairy-tale characters. It is not necessary to paint them in all the colors of the rainbow, as in a kindergarten - figures made of natural wood can look quite finished and organic. It can be a big owl, bear, hare, other birds and animals.

Gazebo Wooden furniture Flower pots Heroes from Operation Y Decorative mill

Stone jewelry

Another natural material that will always be in place in the garden is stone. For use in the decoration take pebbles, gravel, crushed stone, granite, sandstone. Unusual elementary cobblestones can become an accent in the design of an alpine hill or other part of the garden.

Stone decor on the plot

When designing a garden with stones, it is important to maintain a balance, unless, of course, you are going to turn the site into a Japanese stone garden, where besides this material it is difficult to find anything in the whole territory. The best option for using stones in the decor of the garden is to install a couple of large boulders in the area of ​​the alpine hill and ponds, and to make paths and the shore of the pond with medium and small stones.

Slide in front of the gazebo

Sometimes in large stones, natural depressions form, as a result of which the block turns into a natural stone pallet. You can plant plants in it, but take care of drainage and sufficient moisture, otherwise the flowers will not take root on such a basis.

Prudik near the house

Decor plastic bottles

The design of plastic bottles is considered by many to be something out of the ordinary in terms of design.But you should not be so categorical - craftsmen create such miracles from bottle plastic that you can only marvel. Looking at many products that make up garden and summer cottages, the first time you can’t even understand what they are made of. Fantasy, creativity, sleight of hand - and the decor is ready.

Decor with plastic bottles on the plot

From bottles you can make anything you want - bright decorative palm trees, flower beds, decoration for awnings and gazebos, basics for plants, original fences. Plastic bottles are easy to use, the material bends well, cuts, plastic products are not afraid of moisture and other weather phenomena. Using such additional tools as a gas burner, glue, plastic, you can create beautiful crafts and surprise homemade decorations of friends and acquaintances.

Herons in the swamp Swans Flowerbed of bottles Indian Peacock

Decor glass bottles

No less interesting is the decor of glass - a more durable and durable material. One of the ideas for decorating a village or city garden plot is to collect a sufficient number of glass bottles of the same size, paint them in the same color (or in different, but harmoniously combined shades) and stick the neck down on both sides of the path lined with decorative stone.

Decor glass bottles on the plot

Glass bottles make home-made arches located on the site, decorate fences with them, and use them as the basis for the manufacture of original benches.

Bird feeders made of multi-colored glass bottles and ceramic plates look very interesting. If you carefully cut the bottom of the bottle and then turn it over, you get an original flower pot.

Flowerbed House Bottle picker Front garden Gazebo

Ceramic tile application

Ceramic tiles of various sizes and all kinds of shades have found wide application in garden decor. Tiles can be used to make paths, used as facings for tables, benches, flower beds.

The use of ceramic tiles in the area

Ceramics are convenient in that not only solid material, but also its fragments are useful for decorating the garden. If you have a marriage or waste after facing the bathroom or fireplace, do not rush to throw it away. From the fragments of ceramic tiles you can lay out very interesting ornaments and decorate them with garden paths, large flower pots, cover decorative fountains and ponds.

The tile blends wonderfully with colors. Around the flower beds, you can simply scatter randomly pieces of bright decorative tiles - the flower garden will benefit from this.

Tile tracks Mosaic Pots Little table with fish Cats on the bench Tile flower garden

Bright flowerbed of old tires

Application for garden decor can be found even in old tires, which make an excellent flowerbed. For such purposes, it is better to use worn-out imported winter tires - they are softer and more durable.

Chickens on wheels Pot of tire Little frog Turtle Wheels with flowers

Tires are washed thoroughly, after which the contours of future cuts are applied with chalk in accordance with a previously developed design of a flower bed. Consider the fact that the tire will have to be turned inside out (which is why it is preferable to have the most soft rubber).

Bright bed of old tires on the site

A knife or a jigsaw to cut the petals of a future flowerbed should be lubricated with liquid soap and then gently curly cut. The most time-consuming process is turning the tire around. If you first turn out at least a small area of ​​the tire, then it will do it much faster.

The final stage - painting with enamel paint or automotive spray, decorating with small pebbles and other materials. A correctly made flowerbed from an old tire looks quite bright and original.

Flower bed with a clock Tire patterns Turtles in hats Roses on the tire Multi-colored wheels

Track Design

Paths in the garden play not only a practical, but also a decorative role. They must be strong enough to withstand a constant load, but at the same time, beautiful, stylish, suitable for the entire landscape design of the site.

Decoration of garden paths

They decorate garden paths with a variety of materials - both budget and more expensive.Natural stones, concrete, wooden boards, ceramic tiles are used. The most advantageous is the path laid out of individual stones, between which neat decorative grass is visible. Wooden paths look beautiful, but they should be treated with special compounds that prevent rotting of the wood and slipping in winter.

One of the often used budget options for designing paths is with crushed stone, gravel, pebbles, which are poured in an even layer, and decorated with larger stones on the sides.

Sandstone paths Patterns on the track Ferns on the plot Wooden walkways The combination of wood and stone

Interesting decor ideas

Creative people are rarely limited to standard design options for a garden plot. The usual approach for them is too boring and monotonous, so designers are trying to get away from the usual shapes and sizes. For example, one large flower bed can be divided into many miniature vegetable balls, arranging them throughout the garden. Instead of a single pond, they also make a few smaller ones with individual decor.

Interesting decor ideas on the site

As for accessories for decoration - there is also no limit to imagination. Those objects that an ordinary person simply throws in a landfill, in the hands of the artist gain a second life. So, an old rusty wheelbarrow for transporting coal turns into a beautiful flower bed. Old rakes, choppers, shovels - everything finds its place in the design. Worn-out car tires are braided by a vine and become the main decoration of the site, and the original illumination of the pond turns an ordinary pond into a fabulous one.

The garden is an amazing place where many childhood dreams can come true. If, after reading oriental tales, you’ve always dreamed about a beautiful tent, why not make it right next to your house? It is enough to fix the gymnastic hoop on a tree, throw on top a translucent fabric that elegantly falls to the ground, throw a couple of decorative pillows on the ground, cover it, and the eastern tent is ready. Children from such an idea will definitely be delighted!

Flower bed from a dresser Pot bench Front Clock Pillar Bike with pots Cartwheel with flowers


The more effort is spent on decorating the garden, the more comfortable you will feel in it. Consult with an experienced designer, decide on a specific style of landscape design and turn your home garden into a plot of your dreams. There is nothing nicer than enjoying an island of nature that belongs exclusively to you!

Passion for design turned into work. There is little experience in the architectural bureau.


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