
Vertical garden: 100 ideas for creating a green wall

Vertical garden

Man has always been aware of himself as a part of nature; he is inextricably linked with it. These are single and indivisible concepts. The desire to be closer to the natural habitat is visible in everyone, which is manifested both in the established traditions and in the cultivation of indoor plants in the walls of your own home. We set flower pots, hang wreaths on the doors, organize a vertical garden in the apartment, grow decorative trees. It brings a feeling of calm, tranquility, harmony with oneself and the world.

Types of vertical gardening and their features

Landscaping of vertical surfaces is a simple and affordable possibility of decorating walls. Flowers allow you to realize any design ideas, create a unique interior. With the help of a wide variety of plants that differ in form, color of leaves, flexibility, photophiliation, growth rate, and other parameters, you can create unique compositions, make each of them individual.

Fitostena - a vertical design designed for landscaping the interior. As greens are used live, dry, artificial plants, as well as stabilized moss and flowers. All of these types can be combined with each other. Ecostenes range in size from 0.5 m² to 10 m² or more. If desired, it can be equipped with a built-in automatic irrigation system.

wall of plants

Green plants Plants on the wall Fitostena in the apartment Wall of plants Landscaping in the house

There is a wide variety of eco-structures. They differ among themselves in different parameters:

  • The form. The plantings can be given absolutely any shape, be it a square or rectangle, an inscription on the wall, they can also look like arches or columns, repeat steps, other unusual and complex images.
  • Irrigation system: drip and flow. In the first case, water enters each plant through pipes that are connected to a single tank. In the second version, liquid is supplied to the top of the phytowall, from where it flows freely in sections, irrigating each shelf.
  • Method of planting: “pocket” or carpet, modular, shelf or container. The first option is a structure consisting of a sturdy frame to which a fabric with pockets is attached.To organize the second model, special plastic phytomodules manufactured industrially are used. The third type is represented by home-made wooden, metal, glass shelves on which the pots are located.
  • Type of module. Phytocart is a self-contained, closed suspension module of a small size, having wide walls of the housing. Phytomodule - allows you to make different-sized composition of fresh flowers. The main feature is the ability to combine several nodes to create an eco-wall, which can be increased both in height and in width.
  • Mobility. Fixed walls are mostly one-sided. Mobile options are two-way, often used as partitions to divide the space into functional zones.

On the ground

The method of growing is another distinguishing feature of phytowalls. There are two main technologies for breeding living plants: on the ground, on hydroponics. The first option will dwell in more detail. This method allows you to organize vertical gardening in the usual way, planting crops in nutrient soil, which is poured into ceramic pots or plastic blocks.

Garden wall

Watering in such designs can be either automatic or manual. If the height of the eco-wall does not exceed 2 - 2.5 m, then there is no need to install automatic watering, it is enough to water the plantings with a watering can once every two weeks. In the absence of an automatic irrigation system, you can independently maintain phytowalls, clean them of dry leaves, dust, add fertilizers, etc.

The use of fertile soil masses in organizing vertical gardening is characteristic of the countries of the former Soviet Union. This is primarily due to the cost of hydroponic technology, as well as the mentality, because plants growing on the ground feel better, live much longer.In addition, we have a lot of land, and it costs significantly less than in Western Europe.

Vertical garden

Maintenance of eco-walls on soil costs an order of magnitude cheaper. Among the advantages, one can still single out that all the constructions are collapsible; they consist of block-pots filled with soil. They are quickly assembled and disassembled, and transplanting crops can be easily done with your own hands. However, organizing complex patterns, unique compositions, inconceivable patterns will not work.

On hydroponics

Plant growth is carried out without soil. Their root system is placed in felt or plastic containers fixed on a vertical base, and food is produced using automatic irrigation, the nutrient solution is fed through tubes. Hydroponics phytowalls prevail in European countries, since there is growing potted plants on an industrial scale, and they are very cheap.

It is impossible to grow living plantings on artificial media without automatic irrigation. The design is completely dependent on electricity. In the event of a prolonged power outage, a pump breakdown, plants may die. The system also requires periodic after-sales service, which cannot be performed independently; it is necessary to invite a specialist.

Hydroponic wall

Vertical plants Hydroponic Plants Green wall in the interior Wall greening Hydroponic wall

One of the main disadvantages of landscaping can be called a short life span of plantings, which varies within 3-6 months. Also, the design has a rather complicated method of assembly and disassembly. Plants are planted directly at the facility, and only after the complete installation of the entire system. All of these factors influence the final cost and subsequent costs associated with crop replacement and maintenance.

Unlike eco-walls organized on the ground, models on artificial media allow you to arrange flowers in any position without observing the geometry, and perform unique compositions.Also, the development of greenery, its growth occurs many times faster, since there is no need to develop a large root structure. However, it will not be possible to achieve the original smell inherent in plantations grown on soil.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the main advantages of the eco-wall are its decorative properties. With it, you can focus on the room, which will attract attention. Green compositions allow you to revive any, even the most unpretentious room, it will look fresh, elegant, noble. Also, vertical gardening has several advantages, which are expressed in the following:

  • Air cleaning. Plants absorb harmful substances in the room, which enter it through open windows, stand out from the finishing building materials and furniture. Phytowalls are a natural filter.
  • Destruction of viruses and bacteria. Plantings purify the air of harmful microorganisms.
  • Moisturizing. Plants concentrate and evaporate water, increasing relative humidity, as a result, the most suitable microclimate is established in the house.
  • Enrichment of the apartment with oxygen. If the air is saturated with oxygen, then it is easier for a person to breathe, also in such a space he has a better rest, sleeps better.
  • Improving brain function. As a result of the studies, it was proved that in the rooms where live plants are installed, people can concentrate better, their efficiency increases.
  • Temperature reduction. Due to the absorption and evaporation of moisture, green spaces naturally lower the temperature, which is especially true in the hot period.
  • Sound absorption. Greenery absorbs sounds and vibrations from the wall on which it is located.
  • Zoning. With the help of eco-walls, you can divide a room into several functional zones, mobile structures are especially relevant for these purposes.
  • Disguise the flaws.Behind a phytowall it is possible to hide engineering communications, surface defects admitted during finishing.
  • Space saving. There is no need to install flower pots and vases throughout the house, occupying all the free corners.
  • Environmental Safety. This is the cleanest type of decoration that is suitable for any room, including children's rooms.
  • Style combination. The design is suitable for all directions, be it high-tech, loft, eco, country or others.
  • Unlimited design possibilities. Unique compositions will allow you to originally decorate any place in the house.

Plant benefits

Vertical plantings and shortcomings are not without, among which one can distinguish:

  • Dampness. The phytostall is constantly in contact with water, and it itself releases moisture, so the wall on which the object is placed will damp.
  • Additional costs for electricity and maintenance. This applies only to options with an automatic watering system.
  • Sophisticated installation. Installation requires professional skills, it is problematic and sometimes impossible to do the work yourself.

Where to equip a garden

Vertical gardening is part of wildlife, which can be located in almost any room, even in the bathroom and toilet. It can not only become a decoration of the room, but also bring psychological pleasure, it will purify the air, saturate it with oxygen. This decor is a pleasure to watch. During observation, you can see how plants grow and develop, how they bear fruit, and how the process of withering occurs.

Garden arrangement

Wall of plants in the bedroom Living wall Fitostena in the bathroom Living room wall Garden arrangement

The choice of options for phytomodules, irrigation systems, the proper organization of lighting is based on the characteristics of the room where the green wall will be installed. Firms involved in the implementation of ready-made structures have entire catalogs in which you can select cultures according to the existing room style, shape and size of the ecological wall from a photo or video.

In the living room

The hall, as a rule, is a fairly large room. This is the central room in the house that is most paid attention to. It fully reflects the impeccable taste of the owners of the house, should be the standard of quality, therefore, its design must be approached very responsibly. The living room cannot be overloaded with a huge amount of decor, which will eventually turn into trash.

The hall should be functional, spacious, comfortable. All these requirements are fully consistent with vertical gardening. It allows you to emphasize the individuality of the room, can become a stylish accent in the overall interior. Here you can create mixed compositions from large and small plants, use climbing plants, organize whole panels from phyto pictures.

Wall of plants

Landscaping the living room Living room design Large living room interior Panel of plants Living room arrangement

The choice of plants primarily depends on the location. If the phytowall is installed near the window and a lot of sunlight falls on it, then photophilous cultures are chosen, regardless of the presence of additional artificial lighting. If the area is practically not lit by the sun, preference should be given to shade-loving options.

In the bedroom

The room is primarily intended for relaxation, so the atmosphere in it should be safe. A favorable climate is very important, the quality of sleep depends on it. These factors must be considered when choosing suitable crops. First of all, you should abandon plants that have a pronounced smell, intoxicating aroma, from species that cause an allergic reaction, emit toxic substances.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that living plantings at night intensely absorb oxygen, saturating the air with carbon dioxide. In order not to constantly feel oxygen starvation, dizziness in the morning, poor health, you should not turn the room into a greenhouse. It is enough to place a small phytomodule here, or to install one floor container shelf.

Green wall

Bedroom interior Wall decoration Bedroom with plants Fitostena in the bedroom Bedroom design

For the bedroom, you need to choose slow-growing plants, with small buds, or without them at all. In this room, such species have proved themselves: spathiphyllum, purifying the air of harmful substances; fern with healing properties; formaldehyde-absorbing aloe; Laurel, which soothes and promotes sleep; geranium that releases phytoncides useful for human health.

In the kitchen

The kitchen is a favorite place for the whole family, food is prepared here, evenings spend long conversations. The room is almost always located on the sunny side, it is the warmest in the house. In it, moderate humidity is observed, constant ventilation is carried out, so in the kitchen you can grow various plants and flowers that are used to organize vertical landscaping.

Kitchen decoration

Living wall Wall of plants Plants in the kitchen Landscaping the kitchen Plants in the kitchen

Due to the increased temperature, in comparison with the rest of the space in the house, heat-loving varieties should be selected for the room, for example, anthurium, begonia, coleus, and others. If the ecostena is located near the window, a lot of sunlight will fall on it, then preference should be given to light-loving species, such as pelargonium, dracaena, azalea, monstera, cunning.

It is strictly forbidden to install the phytowall near the refrigerator, oven, gas or electric stove.

Plant selection and characterization

Any suitable plants can be used for vertical gardening. The choice of options is large enough. It can be both perennials, and annuals, decorative foliage or flower specimens. Miniature shrubs and mosses, various herbs are suitable. Starting to work on the organization of space, first of all, it is necessary to determine their characteristics, to create a visualization of the future wall composition.

Plant selection

Many plants Phytowall placement option Green wall Living room interior Plant selection


Curly liana rises up on aerial roots. All 25 species perfectly take root in apartment conditions, are not distinguished by whimsicality.Suitable temperature - 18 ° С, in winter - within 12 ° С. Scindapsus loves bright light, but under direct sunlight it slows down growth and turns yellow. To preserve the brightness of the leaves, greens should be sprayed daily with soft water. Fertilize the plant in moderation. A suitable period is from May to October, when the phase of active growth begins.


Fitostena in the bathroom Vertical garden in the apartment Plants for the garden Living decor Vertical living wall

Beautiful scindapsus, in addition to visual appeal, has a lot of useful properties. It creates a comfortable psychological environment, favorably affects the metabolism. If you place it on a plastic panel in the kitchen, you can feel the daily surge of energy, an additional pleasure from eating.


Ornamental plant looks like a bush. On short dense stems are large oblong leaves. The ideal temperature for the thermophilic sinter is 20 ° С, in winter it can be lowered to + 15 ° С. Such flowers are undemanding for lighting, I can freely grow in partial shade or in bright sunlight. Massive leaves require frequent spraying, and soil moisture. The recommended feeding frequency is twice a month, during the period of active growth.


The evergreen perennial has about 22 species. The most suitable for vertical structures indoors are considered Maria, Red Diamond, Silver. Aglaonema is ideal for a vertical stand with plants, located in the office or in the living room. It contributes to increased efficiency, helps fight stress. The plant purifies oxygen in the room, saturates it with air ions.


The herbaceous perennial has an unusual color of the leaf plate. Oval leaves adorn veins and red spots. Depending on the variety, this feature may change, acquiring a different shade. The heat-loving indoor flower feels comfortable at a temperature of 20-25 ° C.This indicator must be stable, otherwise the plant will quickly lose its attractive appearance. Also, do not place the vertical composition in a draft.


The stand with Maranta is best placed in the bedroom. The plant has a unique energy, is able to improve internal health, favorably affects sleep. With proper care, the flower will delight with its unique appearance all year round.


A tropical evergreen is also called female happiness. The main feature of spathiphimum is the absence of stems. Large oval leaves and arrows with graceful flowers grow directly from the ground. The ideal growing temperature is 22 ° C, in winter - not lower than 15 ° C. It is better to place vertical flower beds in partial shade, away from direct sunlight.


Florists do not recommend abusing spathiphimum when collecting the composition, since their foliage contains a toxic substance - calcium oxalate. In large quantities, it can cause irritation of the mucous membranes. Of the beneficial properties, it is possible to note the ability to clean the air of harmful substances, toxic elements.


Such a decorative foliage plant in vertical gardening is not often used. This is prevented by the special shape of the tree and the need for careful maintenance. Dracaena feels good at moderate temperatures, in winter it can even survive a cold snap to + 12 ° C.


Potted dracaena Flowerpot with Dracaena Broadleaf dracaena Plant species Dracaena in a flowerpot

Since dracaena has the ability to purify the air of harmful compounds, it is better to use a stand with potted flowers in the kitchen. Long leaves of the plant require constant care. So that dust does not accumulate on them, and the appearance of the green panel does not spoil, they should be wiped daily.


Varieties with bright red inflorescences are suitable for growing on the stand. But it should be understood that such exotics will not please household members for long, it will not be easy to grow a plant.Anthurium suits the standard temperature regime, like most plants on a stand of vertical gardening. In winter, it is better to move the panel with flowers to the window, and in summer to shade it.


The flower of male happiness attracts luck to the house and contributes to the creation of a strong family. Anthurium in the composition perfectly adjoins with all plants, helps fight depression.


Exotic flora has spectacular orange inflorescences. It is great for uprights in an apartment or garden. The tenacious roots hold tight to the soil, so the flower can be in any position.


Guzmania loves warmth, so it should be placed closer to the window opening, but not under the scorching sun. Top dressing is necessary during the flowering period. For this, liquid mixtures of organic and mineral substances are poured into the ground. Bright flowers can not only improve the indoor microclimate, but also activate energy.


A beautiful vine from the grape family is ideal for a green stand as an ampel plant. In favorable conditions, it pleases with the rapid growth and emergence of umbrella-shaped inflorescences. Quite a whimsical plant does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature, drafts. If the irrigation rules are not followed and adverse conditions are created in cissus, all the foliage quickly flies around.


A plant with accelerated growth needs periodic pruning. It is better to remove excess shoots and to hold a clothespin in the early spring. The most suitable species for home cultivation are Antarctic cissus, striatum, multicolored, rhomboid.

Varieties of ivy

Evergreen creepers are distinguished by their endurance and unpretentiousness. Depending on the species, the leaves of the plant may be dark green or variegated. Some have protruding veins. Ivy should be used carefully in prefabricated flower arrangements, as they have airy, rapidly growing roots.Highly sensitive antennae at the ends of the shoots feel the support and move on to other plants.

Ivy in a flowerpot Plant in a flowerpot Kind of ivy Flowerpot on a windowsill Ivy plant

In order for ivy leaves to always have a juicy green color, a stand with a floral arrangement should always be in diffused light. The soil can be any, except clay. Twice a year, ivy must be trimmed.


Absolutely unpretentious indoor flower can remain unattended for a long time and decorate the vertical panel. For this, you can use any of its species, but varieties with curly stems will look better.


It is better to grow philodendron in partial shade, away from direct sunlight. Drafts and air temperature increases up to 25 ° C must not be allowed. On dry summer days, foliage must be sprayed or wiped with cool water.

Growing plants with variegated color of leaves, it should be understood that they need more sunlight than monophonic.


A bright herbaceous plant in the form of a bush has powerful succulent stems and foliage of an interesting color. It is because of these qualities that he is often placed on a vertical bed in an apartment. Each leaf of hypoesthesia is covered with spots of pink, white, burgundy.


Hypoesthes Seedlings Flower species Hypoesthes flowerpot Plant species Pink leaves

The unpretentious plant coexists well with all the partners in the composition, but also needs special care, a specific microclimate. The rapid growth of the flower will have to be kept under constant review.


Fern representatives are often used to decorate vertical stands. They are distinguished by lush greenery, bright green color and dissected leaves. When decorating stands, the following types are often used:

  • Maidenhair. A fast-growing plant with many oval-shaped leaves. It is popular among florists due to its high decorativeness and accelerated growth;
  • Nephrolepsis. Cirrus leaves of a sprawling lush fern are collected in sockets. Openwork foliage departs from the rhizome itself;
  • Paronychia.Miniature plants grow rapidly and fill the entire space of a vertical flower bed. This background is great for bright blooming representatives;
  • Antler. A plant with interesting leaves of a spore-bearing and sterile type will perfectly fit into the fern composition during landscaping.

Fern plants

Fern plant antler White flowers Flowerpot green Indoor fern

What to build and how to create a vertical garden

The popularity of plant gardens is not only in a powerful impression, but also in the special properties of such a decor. Small designs fit perfectly in small rooms and dilute the compressed space. Massive shelving will be a good option for zoning a spacious room. Any vertical flowerbed is easy to assemble with your own hands.

Floral decor

Three design systems

The device and method of mounting hanging beds can be divided into several types. Choose the appropriate one depending on the type of plants, the size of the room, the design itself and the task that the green decor will further perform. Suspended garden systems may be as follows:

  • Modular. The vertical rack for plants is made of metal, plastic boxes, special fabric pockets. Each group of plants is planted in a separate module, then they are collected and fixed on the surface.
  • Carpet. On a single textile floor, many pockets are made of a polymer film, filled with soil and plants. In order not to overload the structure, it is better to use flowers and herbs of small sizes.
  • Containerized. Special containers (pots, boxes, pots) are attached to the wall, filled with soil and plants, aromatic herbs and even vegetables are planted.

Fitostena in the interior

From a polymeric textile cloth

The production of a carpet garden according to P. Blanca is suitable for apartments and street space. On a large piece of polymer felt fabric, you need to form the desired number of pockets. This can be done in several ways using the bend method.The fold is glued with special glue, sewed or fixed with a stapler.

Then the canvas is attached to a waterproof surface and transferred to the wall. It can be any metal stand, plastic panel, thick film. All pockets are filled with soil mixed with fertilizer, and plants are planted. Watering can be done manually or using drip irrigation systems.

Polymer Textile

Made of metal mesh with scarf containers

It is easy to make such a bed from the remnants of a mesh netting and small containers. The base can be placed along the wall, fence or roll up. The diameter of the cross section is selected taking into account the type of plants and their characteristics. The mesh background can be masked with straw or left in its usual form. Then containers are tied to the cells with wire and filled with soil. Boxes can be of the same size and diameter or have a very different shape.

The method of placing containers on a grid is the most practical and versatile. Flowerpots can be attached to any base. The material of their manufacture is not important. For a step-by-step connection, use clamps, wire, fishing line, strong rope, adhesive compounds.

Metal grid

From wood

Wooden supports for a vertical garden can be placed anywhere on the site. Long beds are formed from the rails, fill the voids with earth and place any plants that can take root in such conditions. The massive construction of the timber can be used as an additional wall, install them near the gazebo, recreation area. When choosing this option of landscaping, it is necessary to take into account the number of plants. The more of them, the more time it will take to care, water, feed.

For climbing plants, you can make a wooden grid on supports according to special instructions. This option is especially suitable for creeping up specimens. When the greens grow enough, this decor will create excellent shading, hide what is happening on the site from unnecessary eyes.

Indoor Vertical Garden

From pallets

Conventional pallets are suitable for creating an original garden decor. It is necessary to remove from the structure every second rung and nail it on the other side. The result is a smooth two-way staircase. Between the boards it is necessary to make textile layers, fill them with soil and plant the plants.

The original idea of ​​creating a vertical flower bed from pallets is a chaotic installation of identical pots on the surface. Plastic flower pots are screwed to the wood with screws or attached to metal staples.

Plants on pallets

Pallet application Vertical garden of pallets in the apartment Pallets for vertical garden Pallet Garden Pallet Garden

The pallet will also make an excellent stand for miniature plants. The burlap must be attached to the inside of the product with a stapler. Around the perimeter vertically sheathed with a dense film. Through the side hole we fill the pallet with earth. In the burlap we make small holes, place the plant.

From plastic bottles

To create a simple and original design, you will need a considerable number of plastic bottles. They can be arranged horizontally or vertically. The first option involves the eruption of the side, in the second case, you will need only the lower part of the tank.

Plastic Bottle Garden

Plastic bottles make an excellent imitation of a hanging tropical garden. Any representatives of the bromeliad family, unpretentious fat girls, succulents take root here. An affordable plastic kindergarten does not require a lot of space and financial investments. You can create it with the whole family, introducing children to the entertaining work.

From the pipes

Any summer resident will be able to create an improvised flower garden from plastic pipes. When choosing plants, the diameter of the PVC products should be taken into account. Elements are collected in a rack and cut holes for pots with seedlings. Also, light pipes can be fastened with a rope and hung on a fence or wall. If you plant tall plants, this design will become the original fence. For the convenience of irrigation, a drip irrigation system is installed inside the pipe.

The use of plastic pipes

Plants in the pipe Pipes for plants Vertical garden in the country Pipes for the garden Garden of pipes

How to care for a wall garden

In most cases, the phytostall is equipped with an automatic watering system that nourishes the plants and ensures the fresh appearance of the entire structure. But even in this case, you will have to periodically monitor the watering, check the system for problems. It is necessary at least once a week to test the soil for humidity, look at the content of the nutrient medium in the container.

In the automatic watering system, the pump may break, the filter and droppers may clog. A defective item must be repaired, cleaned, or replaced. Tubes carrying plantations should be replaced at least once every two years. It is also necessary to monitor the presence of nutrient fluid in the tank, timely replenish stocks of the solution.

Vertical Garden Care

For a living wall to last a long time, it is worth paying attention to the plants themselves. Affected species are replaced by new ones. In rooms with dry air, it is recommended to spray crops additionally with water. It is required to constantly keep the ecostena clean, remove dry, fallen leaves and stems, and remove faded flowers. It is worth doing prevention of stretching, the appearance of a spider mite.


The vertical garden in the apartment or office is not only a unique element of decor, but also serves for practical purposes. It cleanses, moisturizes the air, saturates it with oxygen, contributes to good health. You can build the structure yourself, but it is better to contact specialized companies, where experienced employees will help determine the design, advise plants that match the specific design, and complete the installation of the system.

Passion for design turned into work. There is little experience in the architectural bureau.


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