
Well house: construction options

Well house

Own well - an indispensable element of the cottage ensemble. It provides constant and easy access to clean, delicious ice water, which perfectly quenches thirst in the summer heat. Keeping this water clean is not easy - debris, sand, rainwater will certainly fall into an open well. Therefore, it is necessary to protect your "living" source using a special facility. You can buy a ready-made house for a well or make it yourself in the same style with the rest of the facilities on your site.

The need for a house for a well

The main function of the building is to protect water from all kinds of pollution - foliage, sand, dust, fluff of flowering poplar and rainfall. It allows you to prevent the ingress of melt and rainwater, which may contain fertilizers, livestock products, various impurities. Water from open wells will be suitable only for irrigation. You can not use it for drinking and cooking.

Well with a house

Another, no less important task of the house is to ensure the safety of children and pets, as well as protection from strangers. To this end, the door of the structure is equipped with latch or locks.

Conifers on the lawn Shrubs in the country Tiles around the house Stone path on the lawn Flower bed at the fence


There are many modifications of houses for wells. They vary depending on the design features and materials of manufacture. The network presents a huge number of examples of photos with a variety of variations of such structures.

Open well with a house Gardens in the country Tile around the deck Flowers in the country Shrubs along the fence

The following types of structures are distinguished:

  • open - represent a canopy in the form of a roof fixed on supports. Such buildings are used if the well is equipped with a rotating element for raising a bucket of water - a collar. However, such structures are unable to provide high-quality protection - after all, the well remains open. Therefore, canopies are most often combined with tight-fitting covers;
  • closed - the structure is made in the form of a full-fledged house, equipped with a door to the roof. If necessary, the structure can be insulated with polystyrene foam, which will prevent water freezing in the well in winter;
  • Arbor - erected around the well, provides comfortable use in any weather. This is the most difficult option to implement, since it requires not only a large investment of physical strength, but also significant financial costs.An arbor as a house for a well is an expensive pleasure, but these structures look simply amazing.

Mesh fence in the country

What type of house to prefer? First of all, the choice depends on the financial capabilities of the owner. Equally important factors are the owner’s preferences and the style of the finished buildings on the site.

Roof with attic Fence from corrugated board at the site Squirrels on racks Storks on the roof Trees in the country

A variety of materials for construction

The house for the well can be built from a variety of materials. Wood, stone, brick or metal - any of these and many other materials are perfect for this task. Which one do you prefer? The tree looks very attractive, but only while it is new. Such a house will require regular care - the annual removal of old paint and applying a new one. If this option is not suitable for you, choose a metal structure. Only the frame or the entire structure can be made of the basic material. In fact, choosing the best option is easy. Why rack your brains if you can arrange a well in the same style as a house. Due to this, the buildings will not look disparate, will be combined into a single ensemble.

Well with a tree houseConifers in the country Mansion on the site Well near the barn Greenhouse in front of the house Benches in the country

Do-it-yourself house for a closed type well

This refers to a building option with a door. Such a construction is guaranteed to prevent flood and rainwater from entering the well. Additional protection against dust and debris can be created with a tight-fitting lid.

Closed well houseFigurine in the country Wheel on the roof Roof Visor Tile in the yard Shed in the corner of the plot

Necessary materials and tools

To build a house for a well, you need to stock up on the following materials:

  • wooden bars with a section of 50x50 mm and a length of 84 cm for the construction of rafters - 4 pcs;
  • wooden beam, which will act as a ridge board - 50x50mm, length - 100cm;
  • bars for the base - 100x100 mm, length - 100 cm - 4 pcs;
  • bars for fixing the rafters and the base - 100x50 mm, length 100 cm - 2 pcs;
  • columnar supports - 100x50 mm, length 72-172 cm - 2 pcs;
  • log for making a gate.Element diameter - 20x25, length - 90 cm;
  • board for installation of a bucket - section 30x300 mm, length - 100 cm;
  • boards from which pediments and slopes of the roof will be made - section 20x100 mm;
  • metal corners - 4 pcs;
  • metal rods with a diameter of 20 mm. The length of one of the rods is from 20 to 30 cm. The second should have an L-shaped shape with dimensions 40x35x25 cm;
  • metal sleeves - pipe trim fit - 2 pcs;
  • metal washers with a hole with a diameter of 26 mm - 5 pcs;
  • door hinges - 2 or 4 pcs, depending on the number of doors;
  • handle - 1 or 2;
  • bolt or bracket for padlock;
  • fasteners - nails, screws, screws;
  • material for the roof;
  • bucket with a chain.

The wood must first be well dried, leveled and treated with antifungal antiseptic agents or protective oil.

The following tools are needed for building a house:

  • Circular Saw;
  • sherhebel - a planer for primary processing of wooden elements;
  • a hacksaw or an electric jigsaw is an ideal tool for longitudinal cutting of boards;
  • drill with a perforator - for drilling holes in a concrete base for fixing racks;
  • medium sized hammer;
  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • pencil.

Drawings and Dimensions

Wells often have non-standard sizes. In this regard, the only solution is a self-made house. It is not difficult to build such a structure; this does not require special knowledge and skills. Self-construction will save a lot of money. For decoration, you can use the material remaining after the design of the facades of the country house. It is important to correctly calculate the parameters of the future structure. One of the most significant is the height of the house. After all, it should be not only aesthetic, but also convenient. Processing of some information showed that for such structures, a height of 120 cm is optimal.

Drawing of a well with a house

Manufacturers offer houses of various sizes, however, adjusting the size of the structure to the dimensions of the well rings is much easier when making a house with your own hands. For example, with a diameter of 117 cm, supports can be installed using a non-standard method. In this case, the base is 58.5 cm, the height is 120 cm. You can calculate all the other parameters, but it is better to take measurements at the installation site. First you need to determine the angle at which the roof will be built. You can calculate this indicator with the help of formulas, or simply make a drawing of a triangle and outline the places for sawing, attaching the finished circuit to the board.

When the schemes of the selected design are ready, you can begin work.

Water Mill Woodpile on the site House of timber in the country Flower pots under the roof Tile path on the lawn

Build Order:

  1. We assemble the frame - we connect two beams from above and below with the help of boards. We repeat the same operation with the next two bars and fasten the finished elements together. It turns out a frame with four supports.
  2. We have the frame outside the concrete ring.
  3. We trim the racks with a board, forming walls.
  4. We mount on the supports the rafter system, represented by two triangles.
  5. On one side of the roof frame we plank boards, on the other we mount a box to secure the door.
  6. We fasten the hinges on the canvas and the box, and hang the door.
  7. We cover the roof with roofing material. You can simply treat the boards with an antiseptic solution and open with varnish.

In more detail, the process of manufacturing a closed house is shown in the video.

Fence around the house The lawn on the site Cottage with a mesh fence Trees in the country House siding

Brick house

In the manufacture of houses for wells, the lower part is often faced with brick, stone with cobblestone or plaster. You can completely replace the concrete ring with masonry made of cobblestone, brick or foam blocks. Such designs are ideally combined with the external design of the house, fence and other elements of the cottage ensemble. Such buildings look very picturesque and combine perfectly with carved or forged roofs and canopies.

Well with a brick house

The well, whose base is decorated with natural stone, looks fabulous. It seems like he came from a magical kingdom inhabited by fantastic creatures, elves and gnomes. Combining stones of different shades, you can lay out picturesque patterns, ornaments and your eyes will not be torn from your well. The paths lined with paving stones, sea pebbles, lawns with lush grass will make the whole composition extremely attractive.

Flower garden in front of the house Climbing plant on the fence Well at the fence Table and benches under the trees Roof tiles on the house

The base of the timber

You can decorate the house with elements of a wooden beam. As a rule, this material is used if it remains from the construction of the house. Most often, the lower part of the building is formed with a beam, for finishing the top the material is used much less often. In this case, a solid wooden structure is obtained. Most often, the beam is used for the manufacture of the frame, but it is perfect for decoration. A ring is made from the bar, which is worn on top of the concrete base. It, as it were, braids around a well ring. Bars can be stacked in various ways. There are braids of the type “square”, “straight” and “hedgehog”. The latter type of decoration looks very interesting and picturesque. The material is durable, it is very convenient to work with.

Well with a house made of timberJuniper on the plot Cottage with a garden Flower garden near the trees Flower pot on the well garden plot

Log construction

The log cabin looks very authentic, reminiscent of an old hut. Logs are also used as supports and gates in this design.

To make a log cabin you need to stock up:

  • round logs;
  • boards for the manufacture of roofs;
  • logs to create supports;
  • roofing material.

Well with a log house Birch trees in the country Garden with a well Slab fence on the plot Well in the forest

Construction progress:

  1. We add logs according to the dimensions of the well from logs. Knitting elements among themselves is carried out in any known manner.
  2. We fix two massive supports on the sidewalls. Support will help to make the design more stable.
  3. We mount a roof of a standard design on racks. The visor should hang over the base of the well.

Hexagonal construction follows the same principle.It is suitable for a well equipped with an electric pump.

Wooden fence in the country

You can decorate the log structure with carved elements. The color of the tree can be changed using various stains and varnishes. Such wells are often complemented by wooden sculptures.

If the house is made of wood, carved details can be used for decoration. With the help of impregnations and varnishes of different colors, the tree can be made sunny yellow or darkened. Often, various wooden sculptures are installed near the wells.

Fence with a stone base Tree at the well Conifers in front of the house Brick fence in the country Stone path to the well

Metal base frame

A metal frame is formed around a reinforced concrete ring, so its dimensions should be larger than the diameter of the base. The height of the building should exceed the average height of a person, so that it is convenient and not scary to bend over a bucket of water. The risk of falling should be eliminated and the use of the well as comfortable as possible.

To create a frame, it is better to choose a thick profile made of metal with a galvanized surface. Racks must be connected at the top and bottom using a guide profile so that in the end it turns out a compartment. It will become the basis for the frame. To form a slope, you need to cut the sidewall and attach the stand in the middle. The height of the rack should correspond to the height of the structure. Next, the rafter system is formed. After the formation of triangles on both sides, we connect their tops with the help of a transverse bar. The side on which the door will be placed is equipped with additional racks.

The design is ready for finishing with roofing material - you can use plywood, siding, corrugated board, polycarbonate or edged board.

Frame of the base of the house for a metal well

How to sheathe metal frame

It is important to carefully consider this point. It is necessary to choose a material that will not allow the structure to fall apart under its own weight or under the pressure of external influences. Sheathing the house is the final stage.For cladding, you can choose the material with which the house is decorated or any other that not only fits into the surroundings, but also pleases the owners of the site.

You can simulate a log cabin using a block house. Its front side has a rounded shape, due to which it resembles a round log. Someone will prefer flat lining. You can veneer the house with an ordinary edged board, after polishing its surface.

If the area of ​​the slopes allows, you can build a wooden crate by installing boards at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. It will become the basis for fixing the finish cladding. If the area of ​​the slopes is small, finishing materials can be attached directly to the metal frame.

Sheathing of a house for a well with a siding

The edges of the slopes should protrude to a distance of 10 cm. This will provide reliable protection of the structure from moisture.

For additional protection against winds and rains, wind boards can be filled.

All wooden surfaces and elements must be impregnated with an antiseptic that will protect the wood from decay and pests. The top coat of varnish also does not hurt.

Hut Birch at the fence Canopy over the porch Fence in the country Fence from corrugated board on the site

Roof structure

The roof of the houses for wells can have a variety of shapes. They can be a flat shield stacked on top of the well ring or resemble the roof of a log house. As a rule, single-slope, gable structures or repeating the shape of an umbrella are used. The roof can be flat or have an acute angle. Doors are located on the roof on one or each side. They can have one or two leaves, represent continuous or sliding panels.

Gable roof on the well houseWooden blockhouse Steering wheel on the well Soft Tiled Roof House Lanterns on the site Carved house

The choice of roofing material

For the formation of the roof, both classical and modern materials are used. Feel free to use the remnants of the decoration of the roof of the country house. For this purpose, fit:

  • corrugated board;
  • polycarbonate;
  • soft tile;
  • euroroofing material;
  • metal tile;
  • siding;
  • lining.

Roofing on a well with a house

Frontons do not need to be made out with roofing material.It is enough to carry out their processing using antiseptic impregnations.

A variety of materials can be used for cladding the roof. The main thing is that they possess:

  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to temperature extremes.

Products are endowed with these qualities to varying degrees. For some, the prerequisite is the use of additional protection, for others it is not required.

Loghouse with porch Woodpile along the fence Mansion with bay window Trees under the window Canopy House


The lining pads look great. Installation of lamellas is carried out on the frame using self-tapping screws. Between themselves, the boards are connected using a thorn-groove locking system.

Lining should be pre-treated with agents that protect against mold, rot, bark beetles. The panels are varnished on top. These procedures must be performed before installation in order to process locks that, otherwise, can deteriorate very quickly.

House with a roof from the lining on the well

Soft tile

The bituminous tile has the structure of a “pie”, which includes the base of fiberglass, poured with a modified bitumen composition of high quality. The upper layer is formed from crumbs - basalt, mineral with the addition of pigments, granulate. The lower one is made of sticky bitumen-polymer mastic, which provides frost resistance to the material. The material is mounted by laying individual fragments on top of each other. Before gluing, each fragment must be freed from the lower layer of the film. The typesetting lining looks much more attractive and spectacular than the rolled counterpart. Damage to individual sections will not lead to the replacement of the entire coating.

Soft tiles have the following advantages:

  • ease of installation due to the small size and low weight of the fragments;
  • high level of noise insulation properties;
  • resistance to decay and corrosion;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • the ability to retain snow and not allow it to slide out during the thaw;
  • good tear resistance;
  • excellent ductility;
  • long operational period - from 30 to 50 years;
  • rich colors and a variety of shapes of products.

The coating of bitumen tiles must be laid on a waterproof base - a special plywood or OSB plate.

A house with a roof from a soft tile on a well

Metal tile

Metal - a material with textured embossing made of galvanized steel. Sheets are equipped with a protective polymer coating, a variety of colors with a glossy or matte texture. Externally, the material is similar to a ceramic progenitor, but it has fundamental differences. Unlike ordinary tiles, which are represented by individual elements, the metal version is a sheet of steel with a relief surface. The material is attached to the crate using nails or special screws. Surfaces finished with metal should have a slope of 15 degrees. With a smaller slope, it is necessary to seal the joints between the fragments of the flooring. The sheets are overlapped - across the ramp - on one ledge, along the ramp not less than 250 mm. The scope of this material is very wide, because it:

  • quickly mounted;
  • resistant to mechanical influences;
  • low cost;
  • differs in small weight - only from 3-5 kg ​​per m2;
  • it is easily transported - when moving it does not break and does not crack.

Among the disadvantages of metal can be distinguished:

  • insufficient sound insulation - which is completely unimportant when decorating a house for a well;
  • mass of waste during installation.

A house with a roof made of metal on the well


Ondulin, who came to us from France, is considered an environmentally friendly material. In its production, cellulose fibers are heated and corrugated. The next stage is the coloring of the material and finally - impregnation with bitumen.

The material has excellent water resistance due to the special composition with which the sheets are impregnated.

Ondulin is one of the simplest materials in the installation.Its sheets can be cut into fragments of the desired size using a conventional hacksaw. The product has a minimum weight, has excellent flexibility, so it can take any form.

House with an ondulin roof on the well


The next stage is the manufacture of a gate - a mechanism by which it is possible to get a bucket from deep well mines. It is a log with straight and curved metal rods inserted into it. The last element will subsequently become the very handle that makes the gate rotate and thereby pull out the bucket.

The diameter of the log for making the gate should be at least 20 cm. However, it is better to give preference to thicker logs. The larger their diameter, the easier it will be to rotate the gate. You will need to make fewer revolutions, therefore, getting a bucket will be much easier.

The length of the product must be such that it fits between the racks. There should be 4-5 cm, otherwise the handle will touch the frame rack.

Step-by-step instructions for self-assembly of the gate

  1. We clean and polish the log.
  2. We make a marking on the log and saw it - in order to exclude the possibility of deformation, it is necessary to wrap the edges of the log with wire,
  3. Precisely in the center of the ends we drill holes with a depth of 5 cm and a diameter of 2 cm.
  4. We close the slices with metal, in which we make holes of the same size.
  5. We insert metal rods into the holes.
  6. We bend one of the rods to form a handle for rotating the gate.
  7. We connect the rods with the tubes of the racks.
  8. We fasten the chain and hang a bucket of water on it.

The handle of the gate can be replaced with a massive drum with a steering wheel type. Such a device will simplify the process of getting the bucket from the well bore.

Well gate


The door can be mounted on the frame or on the frame.

Step by step installation

  1. A frame consisting of 3 bars with a section of 50x50 mm is mounted on the frame.
  2. A door is assembled from identical boards.Its size should be slightly smaller than the inner perimeter of the frame. Thanks to this, the door will be freely closed and opened.
  3. Attach the hinges to the door and frame.
  4. We fasten the handle.
  5. If necessary, we attach canopies to the frame and door.
  6. We mount the heck or arms, on which a padlock will hang.
  7. We hang the door with hinges.

Doors on the well

House decoration

Thanks to the decoration, the esthetics of the finished building increases significantly, and the house acquires individuality.

Decoration of a house on a well

The most affordable decoration option is staining wood with various stains and varnishes. Thus, you can completely change the appearance of the structure. You can use bright colors or compositions with the effect of craquelure. The wooden structure is perfectly complemented by carved wooden figures and openwork carvings. Individual elements can be decorated with a patina and make it slightly aged.

Arbor on the site Siding on a country house Well with door Log Cabin with Porch Hut with a room under the roof

Recommendations for the maintenance and operation of the structure

After making the house for the well, its daily operation begins. In order to prolong the life of your creation, it is necessary to thoroughly treat it with antiseptic compounds and impregnations to protect the wood from moisture penetration into its structure and, therefore, from decay. On the surface of the house you can apply varnish or paint it. Thanks to this, we will protect areas that are forced to withstand the effects of rain and snow. This design will give the house an aesthetic look. With the help of bright colors and varnish, it always turns out to create a cozy atmosphere on the site.

Operation of a well with a house

The metal elements of the house - the gate, gate valves, hinges must be lubricated with grease. This will provide them with good glide and extend the operational life.

Even strong materials such as pine or oak will last much longer if they are properly maintained. It is necessary to inspect the house annually for the formation of chips, small cracks, rotten areas, offsets, gaps and prepare it for the next summer season.If there is a breakdown of the working parts, they must be repaired.

Mansion with bay window Roof Doors Flowers on the site Fairytale house Mill under the roof


You have already seen that for the construction of such a structure with your own hands, possession of a minimum set of building skills is enough. We offer to get acquainted with photos of beautiful houses for wells and choose the best option for yourself.

Passion for design turned into work. There is little experience in the architectural bureau.


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