
Indoor bamboo


Forever green exotic stem at home is able to exist for a long time. With proper care, a bamboo houseplant will bloom with beautiful small flowers. Frequency, color size depends on the species. Any of them can be grown in soil or placed in water. You can add even more decorativeness if you tighten the elastic stems in time by fixing them on a guiding object, by limiting the space. Green shoots look good singly and in compositions.

About the plant

Another name for decorative bamboo is Dracaena Sander. In the 19th century, he was brought from China by the English flower grower Frederic Sander. The plant has a bare stem with lanceolate leaves at the apex. Greens are rapidly growing in size. In a few months, even dwarf varieties can reach 1 meter in height.

Indoor bamboo is used for decorative purposes. It will perfectly fit into any interior, will be an original decoration of a residential, office space. The ability of the stems to twist in different directions gives designers the opportunity to fantasize in any direction, creating original compositions.

Indoor bamboo

Species and varieties

Indoor bamboo is a miniature plant. It is grown at home in pots with earth or special transparent containers filled with pebbles and filled with water. Bamboo care is minimal. The plant requires lighting, watering and periodic top dressing. All varieties are united by a hollow stem. A variety of species are qualified by size and are divided into the following groups:

  • Low. Plants grow up to 1 meter. Popular varieties - Golden Lily, Tsuboy;
  • Medium. Reach 3.5 meters in height. Beautiful varieties - "Shiroshima", "Mexican weeping";
  • High. A rarity for interiors, as they extend up to 6 meters. Bright representatives of the group, similar to the giants, are “Tropical Black”, “Monastic”.

When choosing a variety, you must clearly understand the purpose of planting. It is necessary to take into account the height of the plant and how it will look, the shape of the leaves, the type of root system. For some species, solitary existence is more suitable, while others feel better in groups.

Bamboo Tsuboy

Plant conditions

Creating comfortable conditions for bamboo can be very simple. A home plant needs good lighting and fresh air.Nutrition shoots get through the root system, so systematic watering and top dressing is important. Depending on the type of planting (soil or water), certain care rules apply.

Cups with bamboo

Lighting and location

Indoor bamboo does not tolerate direct sunlight. The place must be selected bright, but with dosed penetration of ultraviolet radiation. Darkening in midday heat can be achieved with a curtain. In regions with cloudy weather prevailing, during the daylight hours, the plants can be artificially illuminated with special lamps. The lack of light affects the appearance of greenery - the leaves fall, the trunk turns yellow, growth slows sharply.

It is better to place a pot of bamboo on the western, eastern windowsill. It is impossible to prevent its overcooling, therefore in winter it is better to move the container to the center of the room, and carefully carry out ventilation.

Pot with indoor bamboo on the table

Temperature and humidity

With the change of season, the temperature preferences of indoor bamboo change. Higher values ​​for it are equally destructive, as well as lower ones. To maintain a good humidity regime, the temperature in summer should not exceed 35 ° C, in winter - 15 ° C. If the room is very hot, the pot with the plant should be temporarily moved to a windowless room (entrance hall, bathroom). The optimum temperature is 25-30 ° C.

Humidity is not very important for the development of the plant. But since dracaena is a tropical plant, too dry air can harm it. It is not worth using a spray bottle for spraying leaves, a supersaturation with liquid will lead to decay of the stem. If the air is warm and dry, you can put a plate of water next to the bamboo. Regular wiping of leaves with a wet towel will do more good than watering on a hot day.

Bamboo in the room

The choice of capacity for landing

The pot should match the size of the bamboo and the number of its stems. Shoots should be at least 5 cm from the edge of the container.It is not necessary to place them strictly in the center. For planting in the soil, any flower pot with drainage holes is suitable. If you decide to grow the plant in ordinary water, hydrogel, it is better to use a beautiful transparent vase. You can hide the root system using beads, a filler made of pebbles.

The deepening of the container should be twice as large as the rhizome. A flat, small pot does not fit. Plants planted in water will have to be trimmed periodically, since the root system is branched and grows rapidly. Each grower chooses the method of cultivation for himself, having previously evaluated the pros and cons of each option.

Bamboo in a pot

Soil cultivation

The option of growing in the land is more preferable for dracaena. Water lingers for a short time, which eliminates root decay. Any soil mixture for indoor plants, consisting of clay sod, peat, humus, is suitable. A drainage layer must be present - 5-6 cm of sand, small pebbles. After planting in the soil, the plant is watered and placed for several days in partial shade.

Bamboo grown with a closed root system must be fertilized. In spring and autumn, complex lawn mixtures saturated with nitrogen are used. The first flower transplant is carried out after 2 years. Then, only the top layer of the earth is replaced. A shallow incision in the lower part of the stem will help to stimulate root development.

At each transplant, carefully inspect the roots of bamboo. Rotten, old and damaged should be removed.

Bamboo in the ground

Growing bamboo in the water

For a long and trouble-free existence of bamboo in a liquid medium, simply placing it in water is not enough. An unpretentious plant will need to create optimal conditions for rapid growth. Making group plantings, you can create your own tropical garden in a short time. The original method of growing will give the best result - a strong trunk, lush greens,if the planting of bamboo in the house is carried out according to the following plan:

  1. Inspect the root system, remove too overgrown, weak roots. You can safely cut to 1/3 of the base;
  2. Select the capacity. It should be a short, wide vase. A transparent glass with decorative natural pebbles looks beautiful;
  3. The decor and container must be boiled in water before use;
  4. The bamboo stalk is lowered into a vase, the roots are carefully leveled and fixed with decor;
  5. The plant is poured with filtered, settled water 2 cm above the stones;
  6. The fluid must be changed at least once every two weeks. The first signs that water needs to be replaced are a musty smell, bubbling, cloudiness, the appearance of foam;
  7. Every month, when watering, bamboo is fed with phosphorus, nitrogen fertilizers and their varieties.

Bamboo in the water

How to care for the plant

Growing bamboo at home is not easy, despite his love of moisture and rapid growth in favorable conditions. The creation of such an environment will require constant attention, the availability of prepared water, certain skills in floriculture. A unique green perennial will be an excellent decoration for a house or apartment, if you provide it with suitable growth conditions - choose the location correctly, moisten it in a timely manner, cut it, protect it from pests and diseases, and take proper care.

Figurines with bamboo pots

The soil

Any soil can be used for bamboo. A simple mixture of lawn and sand will do. But it is better if the soil is acidic, slightly acidic. Heavy soil contributes to rotting of the roots, growth retardation. Broken shards, expanded clay, small pieces of brick can play the role of drainage. The lower layer should occupy 25% of the capacity.

The plant is placed in the center of the pot, the roots are lowered for drainage. After falling asleep, it should be lightly pressed down to release air. The earth must always be wet. The top layer is checked daily by touch, loosened once a week.

Pot with indoor bamboo


It is only necessary to moisten the soil with warm rain, settled water. Normal tap water contains many harmful plant impurities that accumulate in the roots and slow down natural processes - photosynthesis worsens, leaves turn pale, and become deformed. At such moments, the plant is susceptible to attacks of parasites, loses immunity to many diseases. If it is not possible to collect, filter the liquid, you can soften it by freezing. Water is poured into a plastic bottle and placed in a freezer. After thawing, it becomes suitable for irrigation.

The frequency of watering bamboo palm trees depends on the time of year. In spring, summer, humidification should be plentiful, in autumn and winter - moderate. With the advent of cold weather, the plant can be transferred to independent control of the need for moisture, transplanted into a vase with water.

Watering bamboo is recommended through the pan. The roots of the plant absorb liquid according to their needs. After a few hours, water is poured from the pan. The procedure is repeated when the topsoil is completely dry. Do not use a spray bottle and water under the root. Such moisturizing methods can lead to the formation of rot on the roots.

Watering should be stopped if the earth begins to exude a putrid odor. If the topsoil is covered with a gray, white coating, it must be replaced, the bamboo roots washed, sanitized.

Watering indoor bamboo


The hardest and fastest growing grass can be replanted when it sufficiently develops the root system, up to 4-5 cm. To do this, the stalk is placed in water and left in an illuminated place. Too long roots must be shortened to a minimum of 7 cm, otherwise they may become tangled and break at the very base. The transplant procedure is as follows:

  1. The stem before planting is removed from the germination medium, the roots are still wet treated with a root;
  2. Dip the sprout in the hole or on the drain, add portionwise and tamp the soil with the mixture for root growth;
  3. Land should reach the top of the pot; if it settles during watering, it should be added.

It is better to deal with bamboo transplantation in early spring, so that the root system has time to strengthen, and its leaves do not fall off with the advent of cold weather. The pot should be deeper and wider than the previous one. During the growth period, the plant should not touch the roots with the walls of the container.

Throughout the entire growing season, bamboo can be transplanted several times. Promotes the movement of rapid growth, the desire to propagate the plant.

Transplanting indoor bamboo

Fertilizers and fertilizers

Indoor bamboo grows much better in a nutrient medium, although it can be in ordinary water for a long time, being content with just updating it. The main thing when working with fertilizers is not to overdo it. An abundance of nutrients, especially in the first weeks after a transplant, will only cause harm.

All ground bamboo species are reinforced once a month, starting in spring. In the summer, during the period of active growth, the dosage can be reduced, and the time interval between approaches can be reduced. You can use universal fertilizers specifically designed for palm trees or decorative leafy perennials.

A grassy plant growing in water must be fertilized regularly, even in winter, since such an environment contains much less nutrients than soil. For this, liquid formulations based on nitrogen and phosphorus are used. The recommended dose on the package must be reduced at least 5 times, so as not to provoke rapid growth. You can also use leaf dressing instead of root, clearly observing the rules of spraying.

Porcelain containers with indoor bamboo

Pruning bamboo

Any shapes can be formed from bamboo. A flexible, unpretentious plant tolerates pruning with good rooting and in the absence of the slightest disease.First of all, they get rid of dry excess stems located at the base of the plant. Then a branch point is selected, if necessary, the shoots are connected with a tape, cut below the marked node. Such herbaceous specimens will no longer grow up.

For beautiful vertical growth, you need to regularly prune the branches. Thinning is necessary for both straight and spiral types of bamboo varnishes. Place the sections sprinkled with ash or waxed. Cropped cuttings are used for rooting. Small cuts in the lower part of the stem will help speed up the process of rooting.

Indoor bamboo trim

Bamboo propagation methods

There are several ways to get several plants from one stem of Sander’s dracaena. It is necessary to choose the optimal breeding method at home after evaluating many factors that may affect the further development of bamboo. It is necessary to take into account the humidity in the room, temperature, lighting. More often cuttings are separated from a healthy plant during transplantation, but seeds can also be used. Each of the options has its own characteristics.

Propagation of indoor bamboo

Propagation by cuttings

The most popular way to reproduce bamboo. It is often used at home, since its implementation requires a minimum of effort. For an exotic plant - this is the best option. There are several options for cutting bamboo:

  • Apical. To obtain suitable cuttings from the mother plant, the top is cut off. The segment should be at least 15 cm long. Then the stem is placed in water, a root stimulant is added. So that in the process of root growth part of the stem does not rot, all places of the sections are smeared with liquid wax.
  • Stalk. Rooting occurs by the standard method in water with a solution of a growth stimulant. The mother plant is divided into parts and each segment is processed. The method is relevant if the tip has not taken root, rotted, affected by diseases or pests.
  • Reproduction by knees.The method is rarely used in floriculture, but this does not make it less effective. Use crank propagation if it is necessary to save an old, weakened plant. The roots on the stem grow at the junction of the segments. They are separated, rooted and dug into the ground.

Cuttings of indoor bamboo


Growing bamboo from seeds is not an easy task, it requires a lot of time and effort. At home, this method of reproduction is practically not used. From planting to emergence of seedlings, a minimum of 2 weeks will pass.

Before transferring the seeds to the soil, they should be soaked in purified water for a day. This time is enough for the embryo to wake up inside. They are planted in a special substrate from surface soil, ash, wood shavings. All components must be mixed and sieved to remove debris, small pebbles.

The first planting of soaked seeds is done in a large, solid container. They are placed one at a time to a depth of 2-5 mm, covered with earth, without tamping. Shoots need fresh air, dosed sunlight, daily watering.

The peculiarity of bamboo seeds is the initial formation of the root, not the sprout. A few months later, as soon as the first shoots are formed, the plants are planted in pots in a peat mixture.

Indoor Bamboo Seeds

Features of winter care

With the onset of cold weather, the plant slows down its growth, enters a state of dormancy. During this period, certain changes must be made to the care. First of all, they reduce watering. Now you need to moisten the soil once a week, combining the procedure with wiping the leaves and spraying.

It is necessary to install the plant for wintering in a warm place in which the temperature does not drop below +18 ° C, and the humidity is below 40%. Using a special lamp, you can organize additional lighting. In winter, it is better not to loosen the soil or to do it very rarely.

Indoor bamboo on the pedestal

Diseases and Pests

Bamboo has a good immunity to diseases, so the most common problem is the formation of yellow leaves, dullness of the stem.Often the cause of color loss is poor quality care. To cause harm to the plant and lead to similar consequences can a strong and constant lighting, irrigation with dirty tap water, insufficient drainage. Excessive moisture will cause the appearance of rot, fungus, the development of bacteria.

Having found even small spots on the leaves, they must be cut off. After drying, the places of removal are treated with charcoal, a few hours after disinfection, waxed.

Pests infest indoor bamboo rarely. But, as with all home flowers, spider mites can be found on Dracaena Sander. The plant will be saved from insects by processing all its parts with a soapy solution.

Glass bowl with indoor bamboo

Bamboo in the house: signs, superstition and Feng Shui

All signs associated with bamboo in the house are extremely positive. A persistent, hardy plant has a beneficial effect on human life. He is given and accepted as a gift with the desire to improve well-being, attract good luck, harmonize all life processes. According to signs, each section of bamboo is responsible for a certain stage in life.

A plant that is powerful in energy can both improve and worsen the situation in the house, so you should know the rules for its location. By placing the "tree of happiness" in a specific place in the house, you can adjust the necessary areas of life. Of great importance, according to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, is the number of stems. They have the following effects:

  • 2 stems - a symbol of love and a strong marriage;
  • 3 - family well-being, happiness;
  • 4 - a symbol of death, you can not keep such compositions at home and present to friends;
  • 5 - wealth, financial success;
  • 7 - improvement of well-being, health promotion;
  • 8 - success in any endeavor;
  • 9 - successful work, career growth;
  • 20 - “Tower of Love” will strengthen friendship, renew love, warm family relationships.

Indoor bamboo in the house


Grown bamboo at home is no worse than exotic garden specimens.Curved bizarre twigs in the form of a spiral will be an original gift that can stay in water for a long time even without a developed root system. Moving to the ground will extend the life of the evergreen for another several years, will make it possible to see more than one snow-white flower.

Passion for design turned into work. There is little experience in the architectural bureau.


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