
Indoor palm: types and care

Palm tree in the interior

Palm - an ancient family of plants. Its different species have taken root in the tropics, subtropics and equatorial forests. These are coconut, oilseed, peach, ginger, date and other palm trees. Among the fruits that grow on them are coconuts, dates, drupes, and serenoa. In total, the family has more than 3,000 individual varieties. A detailed description can be found about each. Palm trees are the most recognizable plants in the world, despite the fact that their habitat can be limited not only to warm regions, but also to several islands. They are well adapted to the wild and outperform many plants. One of the amazing properties of palm trees is endurance in unusual conditions. Some subspecies can easily withstand severe frosts and other adverse factors. Palm trees can grow indoors in a different climate and do not require careful care.It is possible to engage in their cultivation without gardening experience.

The advantages of decorating the interior with palm trees

Beautiful appearance is the main quality of a decorative palm. It is characterized by a variety of sizes and shapes. These plants are both fast- and slow-growing. The low ripening speed makes it possible for some time to grow a large palm tree at home, and before it reaches the size familiar to the natural environment, plant it in another place. The pace of development additionally depends on the care and the amount of sunlight received. Each individual subspecies has some abilities, which simplifies the choice for those who wish to purchase this plant. You can choose a beautiful and undemanding to external conditions palm tree: smooth or prickly, fast-growing, if you need a large plant in a short time, or slow-growing, if the priority is the long presence of a palm tree in the interior. Some dwarf species are bred by humans.

Art Nouveau apartment Palm tree in the interior Sofa with pillows Palm tree near the sofa Fresh flowers in the interior Room with fireplace

Popular varieties

Some palms are somewhat reminiscent of brushes (if you take into account the fan-like appearance of their foliage). The name literally translates as "palm." Varieties of this plant differ in their growth, the shape of the leaves and stem, and the density of the plates. Foliage may look like a fan, umbrella, fern, dracaena or be lush and voluminous. Palm trees have one or more trunks, and, accordingly, are single-stemmed and bushy. Over time, they may change. Several stems of a bushy palm tree can be combined into one in the process of their development.Depending on the type of leaves, palm trees are classified into cirrus and fan. The first type is characterized by a parallel arrangement of plates attached to the central vein. A distinctive feature of fan palm trees is the attachment of all leaves to the petiole at one point.

Two decorative palm treesLoft Room Bright interior Decorative palm trees in the apartment Indoor plants in the interior Palm tree in the bathroom

Popular species include:

  • date palm;
  • ropostalis;
  • cariota;
  • beef;
  • rape.


It is a fan palm growing on the southwestern coast of the United States and in Mexico; named after the scientist Tycho Brahe. The trunk is expanded at the base and has a diameter of up to half a meter. Scars from dead foliage remain on it. The leaves themselves have very hard, pointed endings. This species goes well with other plants, so it can be found in different gardens and greenhouses. Subspecies vary in size, which makes it possible to grow them for different purposes. During flowering, many inflorescences appear. Seeds - about 2 cm in size, have a round shape. Brachea grows rapidly and requires careful care. It needs to be watered a lot. But it is preferable that she receive water often, without being exposed to an excess of moisture when watering. The bright rays of the sun are harmful to the palm, while it can withstand the cold to +8 ° C.

Indoor palm


This palm tree also belongs to the Palm family. The leaves are characterized by a feathery structure, and the height varies from several tens of centimeters to 10 meters. In the interior, a view of cape butia is cultivated. Under natural conditions, its trunk can reach 6 meters in length. The name was a capitate thickening near the root. The leaves of the butia are stiff, arched, long-leaved. They consist of dozens of xiphoid lobes with a loose arrangement. The front part has a green color with shades of gray. The reverse side of the leaves is the same color, but pale. Petioles are entwined with felt (in young) or small spikes (in adults). As the palm trees develop, the lower leaves die off and crumble.This explains the peculiarity of the appearance of the trunk. The plant blooms in late spring and June. In late October - early September, edible fruits ripen.

Indoor Palm Butia

This plant is common in such countries:

  • Brazil;
  • Paraguay;
  • Argentina.


Distribution area in nature - dry areas of the South-West of the USA. The most famous are two species of this plant - robusta and filifera. The second subspecies is also called a nitiferous palm. He got this name because of the "beard", which is formed in adults from fallen leaves. In the natural environment, these threads envelop the tree, completely hiding the trunk. The first subspecies is more common in Mexico; it is inferior in size to the American variety. Washington has large palm leaves. To grow, you will need a warm, lit place, without direct sunlight. In winter, you need to give less water than in summer. Excess will adversely affect the appearance of this palm. Washingtonia is unpretentious, but dead parts must be removed in a timely manner. At the age of 5 years, this palm tree needs more space and gardeners have to look for a more spacious place.

Indoor Washington


Gioforba, also called the bottle palm, grows in the island areas of the Indian Ocean. Under natural conditions, the height does not exceed seven meters. The gioforba has a seal in the middle of the trunk. It is smooth, without scars and other formations. Cirrus elements give the fan a presentable palm. Gioforba requires careful care. The temperature in the room should not fall below +16 ° C. It is not recommended to place it near the windows on the south side. Gioforbu needs to be watered on time, and leaves should be wiped from dust (but not during wintering). This palm grows slowly and if it becomes ill, then the healing process will also be long. The worsened foliage will signal a deterioration. To avoid this, you need to monitor the humidity in the room.Next to the gioforba you can put a container of water or an aquarium.

Gioforba Indoor Palm


Goveia (Kentia) - one of the subspecies of cirrus palms. This is an endemic Lord Howe plant not found elsewhere. There are three popular types of this palm: Forster, large-fruited, Belmora. The height in the natural environment reaches 15 meters, and the length of the foliage is up to 5. Govei has a wide sweeping crown. The surface of the trunk is an annular formation in the form of scars from dead foliage. Caring for a plant is not difficult. All that is needed is to control soil moisture. This palm tree is often decorated with gardening, offices, business centers. Govea does not require special care: it can be long without moisture and out of the light zone. However, experts advise well ventilating the premises and not smoking near it. The usual temperature at which wild Govei grow is in the range + 20 ... + 25 ° С. The minimum temperature that it can withstand is +10 ° C.

Govea (Kentia)


There is karyota in India, Indochina, and other areas of south Asia. The genus includes more than 10 different species. The juice of this plant is the raw material for the manufacture of sugar and wine. The leaves of the karyota have a bifurcation, and their edges have a special ragged shape. They are somewhat reminiscent of fish tails. In spring and summer, the plant needs a lot of water, but you need to monitor the condition of the soil so that there is no accumulation of liquid. With good care, the karyota will grow rapidly. If desired, the speed of development can be slowed down: for this you will need to water it less and less. The external state of the karyota signals what mistakes are made during its cultivation. If the amount of moisture consumed is insufficient, the leaves will turn yellow. Darkening of foliage indicates the effect of low temperature. If faded dots appear on the karyote, then the lighting is too strong.

Cariota Plant

The main subspecies of cariota:

  • burning;
  • soft.


It grows in many regions.This is South Asia, Australia, Malay Islands, Polynesia. The soil for the plant is the riverbanks and swampy forest areas. Despite the fact that the leaves of the liviston have a fan configuration, the plates are not completely dissected, but only three quarters. Traces of dead petioles remain on the stem of the plant. In nature, the height is more than 20 meters, and decorative livistons grow to human growth. This palm tree grows both in height and in width. The main subspecies of Livistona are Chinese and southern. The first develops more slowly, but also does not require much attention to itself. It is shade tolerant, but for proper development it needs enough free space. The livistona south has a spectacular appearance. She has a thick stem and long petioles with sharp spikes.

Liviston Indoor Palm


This plant looks like a bush. It does not grow tall even in the natural environment, has a thin trunk. The leaves are also very thin and hard. The plant copes well with low humidity and poor lighting conditions. One of the features of rape is frost resistance - it can withstand temperatures of –8 ° C. The optimum temperature range is between +15 ° C and +20 ° C. This palm tree goes well with the interior of the room and does not require large expenses for its cultivation. To care for her, you do not have to be an experienced gardener. In the summer, the palm can be kept outdoors, in the shade. A plant grows better if you water it with filtered water, but you can not control the humidity in the room. The soil for planting should be loose and sour. The subspecies of the rape are visually very similar.

Indoor Rapis

Varieties of this palm:

  • subtilis;
  • humilis;
  • excels.


A popular cirrus palm is ropalostilis. The genus has several species. The habitat in nature is the island of Norfolk and New Zealand. Unlike many types of palm trees used for decorative purposes, with ropostylis you need to be careful and devote more time to caring for it. Its stem is covered with circular scars from fallen leaves, petioles are down. Leaves have a greenish-gray color.The lower parts of the foliage are slightly lowered. They are located as close as possible to each other, which allows the use of ropostylis in the interior of small rooms. It has a protrusion in the trunk, similar to a leg. It must not be touched, otherwise the plant may die. During flowering, this protrusion resembles a bird's tail. Watering and feeding ropalostylos is often necessary. Of all the varieties, Ropalostilis Bauer is the most famous.

Cirrus palm Ropalostilis


Sabal is an alternative to the date palm and chamerops. It can be considered one of the most beautiful palm trees. Sabal fans have a beautiful color, but it is not very popular among gardeners. The foliage is initially straight, but gradually loses directness with age. The plates are deeply indented and go well with the petioles. Sabal is known for its healing properties. From its wood and extracts make oils and medicines that are widely known in some countries. Dwarf Sabal is one of many species of this genus. It can be chosen as an ornamental plant because of the resistance and unpretentiousness at home. At first, the sabal grows slowly and begins to develop intensively after many years. In this, he differs from all other representatives of the Palmov family.

Indoor palm Sabal


It is common in the subtropical regions of the planet. This is one of the most frost-resistant genera of palm trees. The plant copes with temperatures up to -10 ° C, but do not grow it in the open. Trachicarpus can be found in conservatories and large vestibules. This palm grows slowly. If there is such an opportunity, then in summer the trachicarpus should be moved closer to fresh air. To grow a palm tree, you need comfortable conditions - air temperature + 18 ... + 25 ° C, but if the room temperature is slightly higher or lower, then there is no need to adjust it or transfer the plant. In a room with a trachicarpus, air should not stagnate.If an unpleasant odor appears in it, then it must be ventilated immediately. In winter, trachicarpus should be moved to a colder place. During wintering, the temperature around the palm tree should not exceed +16 ° C.


Date palm

Phoenix (date, date palm) is chosen due to the fact that it is easy to grow from seed. Throughout the day, the plant should receive as much diffused light as possible, and this applies to all seasons. The date does not tolerate stagnant air. The top of the palm should be directed from the light source to the central part of the room. This is necessary so that the plant grows more evenly. Do not allow stagnation of fluid in the soil - this can lead to rot. Watering should be reduced if brown spots begin to appear on the leaves. If the date palm began to darken evenly, then you need to change the soil to fresh. The leaves of the date are very sensitive: if the earth dries, they can fall. Their original form will not be restored. For comprehensive care, it is necessary to water the palm tree with soft water: snow or rain, depending on the season.

Date palm


It grows in forests receiving a lot of rainfall. Hamedorea is also called a bamboo palm. Under natural conditions, the plant is well protected from such adverse factors as the scorching sun or strong cold winds. This does not interfere with its cultivation in room conditions with low humidity. Chamedorrhea can have either one or several trunks, that is, have bushy rhizomes. Some people are mistaken in believing that several stems growing nearby are separate plants. However, single-stemmed hamedorei can be planted in close proximity to each other. Crohn's plants are very lush and dense. An insect such as a spider mite is dangerous for this palm tree, so you need to closely monitor its health. Four species are cultivated in floriculture.


Subspecies of Hamedorea:

  • oblong;
  • one-color;
  • graceful;
  • high.


This palm tree grows in the Mediterranean region. Hemperops develops slowly, and its maximum height is 5 meters. The genus is represented by only one species - humilis. Sandy and rocky soil is suitable for the plant. The foliage is very stiff and is located tightly to each other, has a dirty green color. Trunks, as a rule, several. Chameroops well tolerates bright light and sudden changes in temperature. In nature, it can often be found in places receiving a large amount of sunlight. The room in which the chamerops matures must be regularly ventilated. You can keep the plant on the sunny side of the room. This is its difference from the vast majority of decorative palm trees. Chameroops need to be fed with mineral fertilizers 2 times a month during the warm season.


Care Rules

The best place to grow palm species is the greenhouse. Palm trees located in such a room receive a lot of diffused sunlight from different directions. Their appearance will be better than in a normal room. But due to the unpretentiousness of these plants, the creation of similar conditions in an apartment or house will give the same result. First of all, you need to look at the state of the foliage plates. If their appearance has changed, then this most likely indicates a deterioration in the health of the palm. At home, their leaves can fall and grow. In a year, it can grow up to three sheets, and fall - more than four. Thus, the palm tree may be left without leaves and die. Some species, starting from a certain time, are generally unable to grow it. Do not confuse the natural process of dropping leaves due to palm growth and disease due to insufficient care.

Room palm care

To avoid misunderstandings and to properly care for your palm, you need to listen to the opinion of experienced gardeners.


Only some decorative palm trees are recommended in the sun. Usually they should be away from direct rays. From an excess of light, the condition of the plant can deteriorate sharply. Also, this factor provokes rapid growth, which can lead to the fact that the palm tree will have to be moved to another place. Ideally, plants should receive diffused light. Only a few palm trees are resistant to shade. If the plant is transferred to the street, then you need to choose a place where it is constantly in partial shade. Since most palm trees are photophilous, it is better to put them on the sides of the window, reliably protecting the crown tip from direct rays. Before choosing a place for the pot, you need to find out which side the windows go out. It is not recommended to put palm trees on the south, southwest and southeast sides. This recommendation does not apply to the most photophilous palm trees.

Lighting for decorative palm trees

Temperature mode

Despite the fact that in the natural habitat palm trees grow at high temperatures in the summer and in cool / hot climates in the winter, home care provides for maintenance at a temperature of no higher than +25 ° С. The reason is that even in nature, palm trees tend to places protected from the sun. In summer, plants should be in a warmer environment, and in winter they need to be transferred to a cool place (verandas, courtyards). Heat-loving palm trees should winter at + 13 ... + 16 ° С, and frost-resistant - at temperatures from +8 ° С to +11 ° С. Do not forget about the ratio of temperature and humidity. In a room with high humidity, a feeling of warmth and a feeling of coolness will increase, depending on the temperature. If the room, on the contrary, is too dry, then these conditions will be perceived in a similar way.

Room palm temperature

Humidity and watering

Palm - hydrophilic plants. Their location in the natural environment directly depends on the presence of a source of moisture.But almost all species, including palm trees growing in dry areas of the Earth, can last long without water. For full development, you need to keep humidity at the level of 70% and higher, as far as the type of room allows. Near the plant, you can place a container of water. Watering the palms must be done carefully so as not to provoke deterioration of the roots. In summer, watering should be more plentiful and more frequent, especially in hot weather. In winter, the soil should be kept slightly moist, but not wet. If there is a lot of water in the ground or it will form accumulations, then the condition of the palm can deteriorate sharply. It is necessary to water the plants with good quality water, but doing it with distilled water can be dangerous. Leaves of some species are recommended to be kept dry and wiped as little as possible. For watering you need cool water with a temperature of at least +20 ° C.

Watering plants

How to grow yourself

At home, you can engage in the reproduction of palm trees. Decorative palms need to be grown by sowing fresh seeds, and in some cases by offspring. For germination, a temperature of + 25 ... + 35 ° C is needed. Sow them in pots with sawdust, moss and sand. A drainage layer with charcoal particles is placed at the bottom. Seeds germinate within a week or several months (it depends on the species). Transplantation is necessary before the start of active growth, in the spring. Handling young palm trees is necessary every year, old ones - once every few years. During these manipulations should be careful with the roots. The pot must be selected based on the size and shape of the rhizome. If the roots rise from the ground, then you should choose a high pot. For accelerated development in the spring and summer, it is recommended to use top dressing in the form of organic fertilizers.

Palm planting

Most palm trees do not tolerate the transplant process, so it needs to be done quickly and as rarely as possible.


Palm trees are practically not found in the temperate climatic zone and colder regions of the planet.Despite this, they can be attributed to the most adaptable species of wildlife. They can be cold, frost and shade resistant, many are able to withstand a dry or humid climate, adverse weather events. These plants have become popular in decorating due to their presentable appearance. Decorative palm tree acts as a key element of the interior, combining well with other plants. They can be seen in many institutions and gardens around the world, including regions with a predominantly cold season in the year. Growing in a living room does not require large expenses and does not take a lot of time. All that is required is to know the basic rules for caring for decorative palm trees.

Passion for design turned into work. There is little experience in the architectural bureau.


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