
Do-it-yourself garden design +75 photo examples

Garden design

The cultivation of land, the cultivation of vegetables and fruits in summer cottages is perhaps a favorite pastime for villagers and owners of suburban lands. And what Russian cellar does without home rolls? In France, they store wine, and in our country, barrels of soaked apples and sauerkraut, three-liter rows of compotes and pickles, slender rows of jars with salads and jam. And all this culinary splendor, gleaming with glass sides, traditionally gathers from its vegetable gardens and gardens. Just because it’s more useful, without GMOs and nitrates. Indeed, the hostess can vouch for the products grown by her own hands.

The phrase "garden design" sounds somewhat unusual. The land is cultivated for practical use, and there is almost no time left for aesthetics. However, the fashion has come to us to create beauty everywhere and in everything.Even a garden can look like a work of art designed by a designer with a delicate taste. Vegetable paradise and fruit bushes require a clear distinction between zones and additional decorations. In their role can be arbors, fences, garden paths, fountains, flowerbeds and greenhouses. Let's try to figure out how to create a garden design with your own hands without the help of professionals.

Main function

The design of the garden and the vegetable garden must be focused on its main function - the cultivation of vegetables and fruits. Accordingly, the decoration should make the summer cottage not only a beautiful spot on the landscape, but also a convenient platform for the riot of vegetation that will grow on it.

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The main purpose of registration is the systematization of beds, areas under shrubs, a garden zone, a greenhouse complex or a greenhouse, a recreation area. The design of the garden is developed on the basis of the already existing stylistic picture of the site. It is preliminarily embodied in the general landscape design. The latter combines the design of a house or a summer house, courtyard, playground, garage, bathhouse and other outbuildings that are located in the estates.

Country cottage area

How to choose a place for a garden

Experienced gardeners are advised first to pay attention to the nature of the terrain. It is impossible to place the beds on a slope, in a lowland or vice versa on a hill. In each of the options there will be problems with moisture: its excess or lack. The optimal solution for the location of the garden is the plain. It is also worth paying attention to the degree of illumination of the site by the sun.So that plants do not experience a lack of natural light, they must bask under it at least 8-10 hours a day. The next step will be the analysis of the soil, which will help determine its acidity and type (sandy, loamy, loamy, clayey).

Landscape design

Depending on the nature of the soil, not only a suitable place is chosen, but also the types of plants that take root on it. In the early years, gardening does not occupy a hundred square meters. Firstly, it’s easier for beginners to take care of a small area. Secondly, it will take the gardener time to evaluate the yield, to determine the correctness of the choice made. Initially, the beds are given a simple rectangular shape, and small paths are left between them. A full planning and arrangement should begin after two to three years. Test beds are easier to transfer than to move the thorough "interior" of the garden.

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Design of a garden with beds

Each piece of land on which a particular type of plant is grown is called a bed. Initially, their height does not exceed 10-20 cm. It is more difficult to take care of low-lying lands, but if necessary they are easier to move. After a couple of years, their height is freely increased to 50 cm. Planning of beds is a breakdown of the garden into separate separate sites. There is even a special word in design that denotes such actions: zoning. A strict system is necessary not only so that you can freely move between the beds. Some plants in close proximity can interfere and inhibit each other's growth.

Green fence

Try to make beds universal so that they are suitable for growing different plants. Every two or three years, their green “inhabitants” need to be swapped, as the soil for them becomes too scarce. The universality of the beds allows you not to worry about the constant transfer of protective structures.

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Comfortable beds - how and from what you can make

The beds are conventionally divided into two types: finished and made by hand. The first option is suitable for those who have no time to engage in the construction of structures. To choose the right material in the store, carefully read the product description, approximate terms of its operation. Pay particular attention to its toxicity. Wood is the easiest option for those who decide to make beds themselves. It is easy to maintain, environmentally friendly and easy to install. However, so that the tree does not rot prematurely, be sure to impregnate it with a special solution before building the structure, which will extend the life of the material.

Landing containers

After the garden is ready, it is painted in the desired color and thereby ennobles the look of the whole garden economy. From the brick and cement mortar create more monumental structures. They are installed only if the place under the beds has passed the test of time, and solid boundaries are required. Without the use of cement mortar, the bricks are simply laid obliquely on top of each other and partially digged into the ground for reliability. Regular bottles are considered the most budget option. Plastic or glass - the choice is up to the designer. The former simply strung on metal pins, which are dug into the ground in the manner of a miniature picket fence. Glass containers can also be threaded into the ground with a neck or laid out in orderly rows on their sides and cemented.

Small garden on the site

The beds can be made from other improvised means: pieces of slate, polycarbonate, metal mesh, ceramic tiles.

Arrangements of vegetables in the garden

How to combine plants in the garden

Vegetables and flowers live by their own rules and some of their duets are particularly productive. So, for example, calendula is recommended to be planted next to gooseberries, raspberries, currants. The flower with the help of a pungent smell will protect the bushes from the encroachments of the main weed pest - bindweed.The plant, although it looks beautiful, has the ability to stubbornly crawl forward with the determination of an invader who braids everything in its path.

Decorative landing

Bulbs (daffodils, tulips) go well with greens (parsley, dill, lettuce). The cooperation of marigolds and carrots is fruitful. They get along well with potatoes and nasturtium cabbage. In addition to a useful neighborhood, there is also a beautiful one. Irises and peonies look organically surrounded by rows with beets or celery. It is not recommended to plant peas with onions, tomatoes and potatoes nearby. A strong hostility to each other is also fed by dill with carrots and beans with bell pepper.

Country style

Herbal beds

Spicy herbs used to be successfully combined with lettuce, parsley and cabbage. Now we have come to fashion for a combination of fragrant plants with flowers on decorative flower beds. As a rule, they are used for brewing tea, as a seasoning or home remedy. Spicy herbs look beautiful, exude a pleasant smell, and sometimes even scare them off pests.

Fencing for beds

Actual creation of round beds, which are internally divided into equal sectors. Each of them is sown with a certain type of spicy herbs. Also create multi-tiered compositions that are decorated with natural stone. Spices are also planted in brick and wooden beds, not only in the garden, but also near the house in the courtyard. They give the homestead a well-groomed and stylish, modern look.

Low rails for landing areas

Designer greenhouse

Previously, greenhouse frames were made of wood, which was covered with a transparent film. The material quickly lost its "presentation" and became completely unusable. In our time, polycarbonate has replaced the film, and the construction of the structure has become more complex. They necessarily include full-fledged hinged doors and windows on both sides that provide the necessary ventilation.

Large garden design

By a design greenhouse is meant not only a functional unit, but also a decoration of the landscape picture of the site. The structure itself can be considered as a separate art object. Such greenhouses are created according to their own author's drawings, or they draw ideas from special sources. It is noteworthy that the more complex the shelter form for delicate plants, the more original the whole site will look, in which a special highlight will appear.

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Decorative flower beds

Flower beds can be constructed from any means at hand. Old buckets, basins, barrels, baskets, and even umbrellas are used. Flower rows are decorated with stones, bricks, wood, slate, bottles and gabions. Designs can be flat or have several tiers, on each of which different flowers will grow. Decorating flower beds is perhaps the most creative process in all landscape design. Do not be limited only to the garden. The flower beds are used as decoration and zoning of the entire precinct, including the home area.

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Berry bushes hedge

Berry bushes not only look beautiful, but also give a tasty crop, which is successfully used for making jam and compote. In summer cottages, blueberries, gooseberries, raspberries, blackberries, currants, honeysuckle, barberry, and Japanese quince are usually grown. Berry bushes are easy to care for and have proven themselves as hedges.

Open greenhouses

A decorative green “fence” can adorn a garden or a house facade. To make it yourself, it is enough to simply plant in a row shrubs with gaps in reserve in case they come out wide. Over time, the fence will have to be cut and given a certain shape so that the green “fence” looks neat and well-groomed.

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Garden planning

Gardening is considered by many to be a simpler activity than gardening. Although the trees require the same reverent care as the plants on the beds.Usually a garden and a kitchen garden cannot do without each other, and sometimes they are successfully combined in one zone of a summer cottage. When arranging trees, they also focus on soil composition and terrain features.

Narrow beds for vegetables

Around each necessarily create a "dead zone", which is sown with neutral clover or lawn grass. Other plants can overshadow the young tree, which has not yet grown stronger. In addition, falling fruits will cause damage to neighbors "from below." Over time, the tree will grow, its root system will grow stronger, and the crown will create more and more shadow. From below, in any case, nothing will grow except weeds and ordinary grass.

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To avoid the growth of the former, the area is seeded with harmless, but aggressive mustard to neighbors. In small areas, garden trees are located directly between the beds. They at the same time delimit separate zones, and serve as a decor. If the area allows, then garden areas are placed next to the garden on one side and with a recreation area on the other.

Oriental style arch

Adhere to the golden rule, which states that the area of ​​the garden economy should be twice the size of the garden. This ratio is more easily perceived by the human eye.

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Selection of plants and trees

As for the species of garden inhabitants, it is recommended to select varieties for the local climate. For example, apple trees, plums, pears, cherries take root well in mid-latitudes. In places where a little warmer it is already possible to grow cherries, apricots, walnuts and peaches. Also, do not forget to add a couple of notes of coniferous “exotic” or Russian flavor: spruce, pine, thuja, birch. Keep in mind that these trees grow to an impressive size, so a couple of copies away from home is enough. In the open garden areas for decorative purposes, roses, magnolias, mock-ups are planted. They will create a beautiful picture and add elegance to the landscape. You will want to look at such a picturesque landscape without stopping.

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House for garden tools

The garden tools house is a small structure that stores shovels, rakes, hoes, watering cans and other means for caring for their lands. It can be bought ready-made or built independently. It is not recommended to assemble a house of brick and other material that is monumental.

A garden near a luxury home

Inventory is best stored in a light structure, which can be disassembled at any time and replaced with a fundamentally different one. Thus, you can always slightly adjust the design of the garden. Build houses from wooden boards. All the work will take no more than one day. Inside, shelves and hooks must be provided so that the contents are kept in order. The houses are located either directly next to the garden, or next to the rest of the outbuildings.

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Garden design is an important stage in landscape design. Just because this site with a garden usually takes up to 60% of the total area. It is impossible to ignore such a vast area and leave it untidy and completely disordered. It is enough to just try, and the fascinating process of registration will drag you on.

Passion for design turned into work. There is little experience in the architectural bureau.


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