
Feng Shui apartments: all the rules

Feng shui apartments

A lot of books have been written about the Taoist practice of symbolic exploration of space. Some authors call the teaching of art, others - science, and others - pseudoscience. This trend arose in ancient China, where it found its practical application in many areas of human activity: state, military, medical, agriculture, astrology, and everyday life. Today it is also used for various purposes, for example, adherents of this knowledge assume that Feng Shui apartments should help not only to restore order in it, but also to achieve success, increase material wealth, and find a life partner.

What is feng shu

Feng Shui as a current originated more than five thousand years ago. Developed over many generations, influencing Chinese civilization, its culture. The philosophical base of this direction is very extensive, it includes many representations based on a set of views taken from "I Ching" (Book of Changes) and "Tao de Ching" (Book of Way and Dignity). If the authorship of the first treatise is unknown, although some historians attribute it to the mythical Fu Xi, then the second was written by Lao Tzu (6-5 centuries BC).

For a long time, knowledge was secret, they were not recorded, transmitted from father to son. The trained masters were respected people, without their advice important decisions were not made. Only since the founding of schools in the 9th century AD, after they laid down the basic rules on paper, feng shui became a real teaching. However, no one knew about him in the world. The first information about this system in Europe appeared only in 1873, after the publication of the book "Feng Shui or the rudiments of the natural sciences in China," written by missionary Ernst Aitel.

Feng shui in the apartment

The worldwide spread of the trend began from the moment Mao Zedong came to power, who considered this discipline as contradictory to the new communist ideology. The fugitives from the Celestial Empire traveled to different countries, where they continued their practice. Gradually, the direction philosophy began to spread among the layman. The peak of popularity reached the United States at the end of the 20th century, after Thomas Lin Yu greatly simplified the teaching by creating symbolic (isoteric) feng shui.

Established in 1986, the new system was very different from the traditional one, which included complex calculations, formulas, laws worked out over the centuries.An American of Chinese descent divided the living space into different zones responsible for love, prosperity, success, career, health, etc. In addition to the proper arrangement of furniture, home decoration, to activate a certain area, various figurines, charms, talismans began to be popularized, which make it possible to improve life and solve life problems.

Chandelier with candles in the dining room

Unlike simplified teaching, classical feng shui is a whole science based on centuries-old observation of nature. Literally translated as wind and water. The main goal is to search for favorable flows of qi energy, which is the basis of all things. In the traditional view, the concept of zones is missing. Each house, like a person, is unique, the energy of housing is calculated individually, taking into account time and space, to determine the direction of arrival and the accumulation of positive qi energy.

Bedroom with dressing room White carpet in the living room Vase on the dresser Lamps on the sides of the paintings Lamps behind the sofa

Feng Shui Basics

The main characteristics of the teaching were systematized by two basic schools based on different, but not conflicting positions. A school of forms (landscape) was formed in the southern provinces of China. She teaches the principle of the influence of the terrain and the energy produced by the landscape on a person. Masters living in the north of the country created a compass school (of three periods), which is based on knowledge of the dependence of everything from the cardinal points using the traditional Lo Pan compass.

The basics of feng shui in the interior of the apartment

Recently, many new educational trends have appeared that combine and interpret the knowledge of both movements. Unlike classical feng shui, it does not take much time to study their concepts, but they do not carry true knowledge. For example, such establishments include: “Black Hat”, founded in 1986 by Thomas Lin Yu; "Eight positions of life", existing since 1995. Regardless of the chosen point of view, in order to understand the principles of Feng Shui, it is necessary to know its fundamental principles:

  • Qi energy.Translated as vitality, vitality, spirit, breath. Qi is the energy of the material and non-material world. It is comprehensive and elusive, is in constant motion, but never disappears. There are several types of qi, which are a manifestation of the same energy: human, social, heavenly, natural, domestic. All of them affect a person’s life. Properly directed and concentrated streams provide prosperity, fame, prosperity, good luck.
  • Yin and Yang. These are the two primordial forces that govern the universe. They are opposite to each other, but do not contradict each other. If yin means the dark side, passivity, the feminine, then yang represents the bright direction, activity, masculine aspect. Together they symbolize harmony. They cannot exist separately, and when the yang reaches a peak, yin arises in it, and vice versa. The infinity of the process can be seen in the illustration of the traditional symbol.
  • Theory of U-syn (Five Elements). Xin is defined as movement and change. According to Chinese ideas, any phenomenon or object is a synthesis of the qualities of the five elements: water, fire, wood, earth, metal. Each of them has its own characteristics. All of them generate and at the same time destroy each other. Only by achieving a balance between them can harmony and prosperity be achieved.
  • Bagua symbol. The sacred octagon, built on the basis of eight trigrams. Bagua has nine main sections - 8 equal sectors and a center. Each part corresponds to a specific compass direction, one or more values. All parties are of equal importance, are in constant interaction, the weakening of one of them can lead to negative consequences for other aspects.

It is impossible to state all the concepts of Feng Shui within the framework of one article. But no less important are: the magic square of Lo-shu, closely connected with the symbol of Bagua; energy sha, si and shen; time of day that affects decision making; ruler, one quantum in length (432 mm); four defenders protecting the house from different sides from the outside; other symbols.

Chest table in the living room Mirror over the fireplace Indoor tree Panoramic windows in the interior Painting over the hearth

The main taboos

Feng Shui - the doctrine of harmonious life. It is applied in different areas. Used as a method of preventing physiological and mental illness. Also, experienced craftsmen can help with building a house, organizing a workplace, arranging an interior, choosing the most suitable time for starting a business. As in every science, there are rules and prohibitions. In order not to break away from the subject under discussion, we dwell in more detail on what cannot be done when arranging a one-room apartment in Feng Shui.

First of all, you should pay attention to the place of residence. You should not buy housing near a busy highway, a constant stream of cars carries with it positive energy. If possible, it is better to settle outside the city near a lake or river, in a pinch, in a residential area near a park or square. Also worth a look at the neighbors. Neighborhood with dysfunctional people implies a lack of positive energy around, which can negatively affect life as a whole.

The main taboo feng shui in the apartment

An important factor is the internal arrangement in the house, the following prohibitions can be distinguished here:

  • Junk and trash. Unnecessary things cannot be stored in the apartment, since sha energy is collected in them.
  • Broken items. Housing is compared with a living organism, respectively, a faulty thing upsets the entire balance, leading to a loss of qi.
  • Combining kitchen with living room. It is forbidden to do redevelopment, to combine the kitchen area and the resting place in a single room. Good luck is accumulating in the hall.
  • Floors of different levels. Podiums, multilevel structures, even differences in flooring in various rooms break up the energy space, split life into several pieces.
  • Bathroom and toilet. The doors to the bathroom, like the toilet lid, must be closed. The room must be kept clean. Leak in a pipe or tap immediately.
  • Doors and windows.They should not be located opposite each other. It is also not permitted to place a bin in front of the entrance.
  • Ventilation. To maintain harmony between yin and yang, it is necessary to perform ventilation in the house. You can’t keep windows closed at all times, even in winter, so that chi does not stagnate.
  • Mirrors They are forbidden to be placed opposite any door in the bedroom of the spouses. If they crashed, cracked, cracked, then you need to get rid of them.
  • Bagua zones. Zoning of the dwelling should be carried out in accordance with the sacred octagon.
  • Negative things. It is forbidden to keep objects in the apartment that cause sadness, despondency, and fear. It is worth giving up terrible figures, paintings depicting violence.

Dresser in the bedroom Lamps on the tables by the sofa Indoor tree Accent painting on a light wall Figurines on the table

Colors and Combinations (Feng Shui)

According to the doctrine, a person’s life is directly influenced by flowers, health, wealth, and success depend on their correct combination. You can use them according to the principle of the theory of the five elements (y-syn), which is a product of the interaction and struggle of yin and yang. Each element has its own color scheme, namely:

  • water - blue, black tint;
  • tree is green;
  • fire is red;
  • earth is yellow;
  • metal - white, silver, metal.

The combination of colors in the interior of feng shui

Each background has its own characteristic. For example, red has powerful energy, blue represents tranquility, green symbolizes harmony, balance wisdom. To correctly combine them, one should rely on the principles of birth, destruction, weakening of the elements. First, consider the positive combination of shades:

  • gold and red - the union promises luck and money;
  • black and white - symbolize the two principles of yin and yang;
  • yellow with white - means the desire for power;
  • green and red - will help achieve fame.

As already noted, the elements can not only strengthen each other, but also oppress. Therefore, not all colors can be combined with each other.For example, water and fire will conflict with each other, therefore, red and blue are incompatible. By the same analogy, because of the enmity of the elements, it is impossible to combine white and green, black and yellow, cyan and magenta, and other shades.

White carpet in the living room Chocolate curtains on the window G-shaped kitchen Headboard paintings Loft style living room

Features of creating an interior in different rooms

The issue associated with the arrangement of the apartment most often arises when buying it, when it is empty and not cluttered. For those people who decided to make repairs, or radically change their lives, it is initially necessary to carry out a general cleaning, get rid of broken and unused things, and eliminate all malfunctions. Only after that you can start the registration of housing in Feng Shui. In this case, it should be borne in mind that each room in the house has its own characteristics, should be framed in accordance with certain rules.

Furnishing rooms in Feng ShuiAquarium in the living room Lamps on the bedside tables on the sides of the bed Living room with corner sofa Radiator under the window Large mirrors on the wall

Hallway / hallway

The entrance hall always follows the front door. Its size is not important, the main thing is design and layout. It depends on these parameters whether the Shen will linger in the house, or in a hurry to leave it. Energy should flow into a spacious and bright room. If the corridor is small, then it is necessary to visually increase it using mirrors. And due to the fact that windows are rarely found in such rooms, it is necessary to properly organize an artificial lighting system, install a sconce, choose a central chandelier that scatters the light.

Feng Shui Hallway

The staircase (if any) should not be located opposite the entrance group. Existing engineering communications must be hidden under the finishing materials. Doors to the bathroom, bed, fireplace, viewed from the entrance, also provoke shen to leave. The kitchen facing the corridor must be permanently closed. It is also very bad if the doorways that go into the hallway are located opposite each other. Then the energy can not decide where to move and degenerates into sha, bringing failure and disease.

Parquet on the floor Pictures in the hallway Ottoman in the corner Lights on the sides of the mirror Console in the hallway

Living room

The drawing room is the spiritual center of the whole house.It must be spacious and bright. It is necessary to attract the maximum amount of positive energy here, therefore, it is necessary to make a free path, remove all obstacles that impede the flow. To do this, a bright carpet is laid in the corridor, or the trail is made using flooring. Sconces and paintings are hung on the walls, wind music, crystals are installed.

The layout of the room itself must be carried out according to the octagon of the bagua. First, a center of gravity is chosen, which is created around one of the sectors, it is desirable to give preference to family, marriage, in extreme cases, wealth. It is better to place a resting place for guests or the head of the family near the fireplace, it should not be opposite the front door. The sofa and armchairs must stand with their backs to the wall.

Living room by feng shui

The room should not have a lot of furniture, plants, various accessories. The central zone should be left free. If there is a low table, then it should be decorated with a vase with yellow flowers. When creating the environment, you need to consider the color scheme, which is performed according to the y-syn theory. However, you can not focus on one shade, so as not to drown out the other elements.

TV stand Floor lamps by the sofa Orange curtains on the windows Red furniture in the kitchen Light green wallpaper in the living room


The kitchen is one of the most visited places in the whole house. Her condition reflects the well-being of the family. It should have a lot of free space for comfortable movement. This room should never be made a checkpoint; additional exits are prohibited here. Items should be arranged taking into account the five elements. The stove must be removed from the refrigerator and sink. The elements of fire and water should be separated by wood.

Feng Shui cuisine

The kitchen should not be cluttered with extraneous things. The working surface must be kept clean. Spices, banks, kitchen utensils should be kept in closed cabinets. Open shelves, sharp corners and objects create negative energy.The refrigerator can not be set in the south, it is better to choose the west side. It is required to monitor the balance of all elements, wood should not prevail over metal, fire over water and so on.

Window wash Cooker hood Dining room in bay window TV in the kitchen Table island in the interior


A person spends a third of his life in a dream. At this moment he is relaxed and defenseless, most exposed to energy. The bedroom is an intimate area, the interior should be calm, pacifying. The general decoration and the color palette must comply with the size of the room. For a small room, you should choose airy, pastel colors that create a sense of space and freedom.

Feng Shui bedroom

The main attribute is the bed. When placing it, the basic rule should be taken into account - it should not be opposite the doorway. At the same time, it is installed so that a person can sleep with his feet or his head to the window. No overhanging objects should be placed above the bed. The room should be clean. Foreign objects that do not correspond to the function of the room must be eliminated.

Bed on the podium Armchair in the bedroom Rug by the bed Headboard Mirrors Dresser by the window


It is advisable that the nursery is located near the parent bedroom in the eastern part of the house. The favorable atmosphere in the room where the baby spends most of the time is important for his health. After all, here children not only sleep, but also play, learn, therefore, it is better to shift the balance towards yang. The interior should be bright and lively, but in moderation so that the child is not very excited at bedtime.

Nursery by feng shui

The workplace should be located in the northeast, in the corner of the room. There should also be provided as much free space as possible. It is also necessary to remember the upbringing of the child, to accustom him from childhood to order and cleanliness. To do this, provide cabinets with a closed facade and bedside tables with drawers, where the baby could store toys, textbooks, personal items.

Pots of flowers on the window Ottoman armchair in the corner Stretch ceiling in the interior Bookcase along the wall Window blinds


Mental activity depends on well-being, mood, tone. Therefore, when designing an office, the arrangement of furniture and the color scheme are equally important.The best colors for decoration are a combination of green and red. The main attribute in the room is the table. He should not be facing the front door, sitting with his back to the window is also undesirable. A lot of free space should be left in front of him.

Cabinet feng shui

You can not make an office in the entrance room. However, in an apartment it is not always possible to allocate a separate room for these purposes. In this case, free space is selected in the living room, bedroom, on the balcony. However, it should not conflict with the general interior. Particular attention should be paid to lighting, it should be made multi-level. The workplace requires constant cleanliness.

Shelf over the sofa Paintings on the sides of the window Brick Wall Interior Decorative palm tree in the corner Lamps on the sides of the shelf

Bathroom and toilet

The bathroom is the place where the accumulated qi energy leaves the house. It should be located in the northern part of the house, but not opposite the front door. The doorway in the room must be permanently closed, like the toilet lid. The bathroom and toilet must be separated by a partition or main wall. In apartments where these zones are combined in a single space, you can install screens, curtains, cabinets.

Feng Shui Bathroom

In feng shui there are no strict recommendations regarding the style of the premises. It does not matter what style is chosen, the main thing is a competent and comfortable atmosphere. In the decoration, preference should be given to natural materials such as wood, stone, metal. To expand the space, you should use functional roomy furniture. Mandatory attributes - bath bowl, mirror, sink.

Pebbles on the floor Mirrors above the sinks Mosaic on the walls Rugs at the sink Marble floor tiles

Mirrors in the interior of feng shui

Any mirror affects the environment and the internal state of a person. Its placement should be approached with extreme caution. Each room has its own rules for the location of reflective elements:

  • In the hall. If the most passage room looks welcoming, the energy of qi will fill the apartment or house continuously. In order for the mirror to work to restore strength, it is necessary to hang it at an angle of 90 ° from the door.Large mirrors that allow you to see yourself in full growth, have a beneficial effect on health and retain intrinsic value.
  • In the bedroom. When choosing a suitable place, the location of the bed and other furniture should be considered. The intimate zone should not be reflected in the mirror, as this will double the number of people and constitute a threat to the union. Also, you should not attach such an item at the head. The best option would be a floor mirror or on a stand with adjustable function.
  • In the living room. The place of the highest concentration of qi energy should be organized competently. It is better to direct the mirror to beautiful accessories, paintings, living plants. A frame made of natural wood is suitable as a frame. Thus, the energy of health and prosperity will be activated.
  • In the bathroom. To prevent the movement of qi energy from slowing down, the bathroom mirror should be round. The presence of a frame is mandatory, otherwise there will be a leak of energy of the water element. It is not recommended to hang a reflective element on the door.

Mirrors in the interior of feng shuiWhite table chairs LED lights on the ceiling Mirror cabinet in the hallway Floor mirror in the bedroom Laminate in the living room

Flowers and plants

The correct selection and arrangement of living plants not only harmonizes the energy in the house, but also favorably affects the internal state of all households. When choosing flowers, their shape, shade and size of the buds are taken into account. The best option for Feng Shui are those that stretch upward when growing and have rounded leaves.

Flowers in the interior of Feng Shui

Indoor plants can emit female and male energy. Dracaena, asparagus, all types of citrus fruits are suitable for men, for women - fatty, violet, begonia. It is not recommended to keep dried plants indoors. They will absorb positive energy and have a negative effect on the microclimate.

Pink sofa in the living room Shelf with flowers on the wall Pots on the windowsill White floor in the interior Fireplace mat

Pictures and panels

You can decorate your home in Feng Shui with the help of various wall paintings, drawings on murals, reproductions, photographs. Choose decor elements only with positive energy. The canvas should be abandoned if it causes even the slightest sense of anxiety.These include abstract drawings. Paintings donated by unpleasant people are not worth hanging in your home.

Paintings in the interior of Feng Shui

In order for the canvases to start working and to attract positive energy, they should be activated in a certain area under the auspices of one of the elements. For the northern sector, mountain landscapes are suitable. In the West, it is better to place photos of children, crafts and other derivatives of creativity. The southern zone is suitable for placing items of personal achievement. It can be all kinds of letters, diplomas and other attributes.

Striped curtains on the window Orchids on the nightstands Floor lamp in the corner of the living room Pendant Chandelier Sofa in front of the TV

Zones and their distribution in the apartment

All Feng Shui zones in the apartment should be designed purposefully. They are equal in magnitude and have a certain effect. Forming energy flows, one should rely on the Bagua grid. This will help to strengthen the influence of qi many times and highlight the most important points for well-being.

Feng Shui zones in the apartment

Career area

The northern career zone is fully responsible for relations at work, social status, and salary level. This space should be given special attention if it is necessary to increase income or establish contact with investors or the boss.

You can equip a career sector by highlighting it on the total area of ​​a house or apartment, or a specific room. There must necessarily be a lot of metal objects, wood decor. You can put an aquarium, install a floor mirror. In the northern zone there is no place for objects of the elements of the earth, so indoor plants and standing water should be removed.

Feng Shui career area in the apartment

Zone of Wisdom and Knowledge

To activate the zone of wisdom, you must correctly form the northeastern section. The dominant element here is the earth; fire acts as an additional element. Acceptable colors are brown, yellow, red, orange. It is better to refuse black, blue, green.

Objects in the zone of knowledge and wisdom should be square or triangular. Miniature pyramids, photo frames will do.Since the number of zone is 8, you can place the corresponding number of decorative figures or books. The walls are decorated with paintings depicting the earth and geographical maps.

Feng Shui wisdom and knowledge zone in the apartment

Travel area

The northwest section of the mentor and travel area should be as light as possible. Metal objects, various figurines of selected deities are welcome. A personal talisman should also be located here. This activates the beneficial influence of the sector, helps to tune in to a flight or a long trip.

In the travel area should be located motivational photos of those sites that you want to visit. These can be pictures of historical sites of irregular shape, beautiful yachts, landscapes, mountain peaks.

Feng Shui Travel Area in the apartment

Family and Health Zone

The eastern sector of the studio apartment is responsible for the well-being of the family. To stimulate the family and health area, it must be kept clean. On this site should be a lot of houseplants. The landing process should take place with the participation of all family members. Also, wooden crafts, flowerpots with flowers, water elements (aquariums, paintings with a waterfall) will be appropriate here.

In the marriage zone is the place for family photographs. Believers can organize a prayer altar here. It should be a very bright place, so if natural light is not enough, you should install wall sconces, floor lamps. For single people, the same conditions are suitable.

Feng Shui Family and Health Zone in the apartment

Zone of children and creativity

This site should be equipped with feng shui in the western part of the apartment. The colors of the zone are white, silver, gold. The supporting sectors are metal and earth. To receive positive energy from a children's site, it should be constantly kept clean. Here you should arrange children's drawings, funny crafts, toys. This will help arouse the child’s interest in creativity and communication with adults and peers.

To increase the conductivity of energy, scented candles or bags with smelling herbs are placed in the creative sector. Favorably affect all members of the family aromas of citrus, honey, cedar, mint. The correct arrangement of elements and a detailed description can be seen in the photo or video.

Feng Shui children and creativity zone in the apartment

Wealth zone

This site is located in the southeast. For free circulation of the energy of wealth, only clean space is required. It is necessary to get rid of all old, broken and non-functional things.

In a Feng Shui apartment, the wood sector is responsible for the money sector. Suitable colors are gold, lilac, green. To activate this zone, it must be fed with water. To do this, place an aquarium, install a fountain, organize good lighting.

Feng Shui wealth zone in the apartment

Zone of love and marriage

This site is located in the southwest. To activate the sector of love and marriage, several techniques are used. It can be paired things, for example, candles, lamps, any trinkets. Which symbolize strong relationships and love.

The main element of the marriage sector is land, complemented by fire. In this zone, objects of pink color, all shades of red, orange, sand, golden, should be actively involved. To maintain an ideal atmosphere, the sector of love should be furnished only with beautiful decor, periodically light scented candles.

Feng Shui love and marriage zone in the apartment

How to choose an apartment in Feng Shui

Going to view the apartment, it is necessary to take a compass with you. First of all, you need to start by assessing the immediate vicinity. It is undesirable to have a cemetery, a morgue, a prison near the house. Various memorials. Favorable facilities include parks, schools, kindergartens.

Using a compass, you need to determine the side of the world to which the facade of the building is turned. Then you need to become your back to the front door and determine the main direction of life. It is undesirable that at the entrance to the apartment, the first thing that catches your eye is the toilet door.The optimal shape and layout of new housing is a square, a rectangle.

Choosing an apartment in feng shui


Many eventually cease to feel comfortable in their home. Correcting the situation is easy with the help of the resumption and proper direction of positive energy flows. Guided by the teachings of Feng Shui when arranging an apartment and creating a design, you can create new positive trends and delay negative ones. It’s better to design your own apartment with your own hands.

Passion for design turned into work. There is little experience in the architectural bureau.


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