
Three-room apartment design - interior solutions + photos

Three-room apartment design

Creating a stylish three-room apartment design is a difficult but doable task. The difficulty lies in the fact that the final result must fully comply with the functional requirements and taste preferences of family members, while remaining attractive, concise.

The formation of the interior is not simple, easy. Large treshki apartments are acquired by large families. It is difficult to please all family members. But, do not lose heart. The construction market presents a huge variety of finishing elements that allow you to realize any idea. The main thing is that the interior of individual rooms should not be too elaborate, at least to a small extent, but in harmony with each other.

The main subtleties and nuances

Experienced designers are guided by certain rules that allow them to create beautiful and stylish interior solutions. These simple nuances can completely transform the appearance of a three-room apartment.

Living room design in a two-bedroom apartment

So, we list the main rules that professional interior designers pay attention to:

  1. Properly use the free area of ​​a 3-room apartment. Do not clutter up the space with extra furniture or decor items. Despite the fact that large families most often live in three-room apartments, you can think about the arrangement of furniture in advance by drawing up a special design project. There is an excellent option for the distribution of free space - zoning of premises. Using decoration materials and lighting, you can create several zones for different types of activities in one room.
  2. Furniture, partitions and other decorative elements installed in the apartment should be practical. It is best if they perform several functions simultaneously. Today everyone can cope with such a task. In stores and on the market there are a large number of interior solutions that are not only attractive in appearance, but also functional.
  3. Try to keep as much free space in the rooms as possible. At first glance, this task may seem impossible. Especially if a family of four or five people lives in the apartment. But, with a competent approach, you can find a way out. Give preference to interior items that can transform. Bulky stationary wardrobes can be replaced with compact sliding wardrobes with glass or with bright doors.
  4. The end result should cause a sense of completeness. The design of premises located in one apartment should be holistic. It is best to use the same stylistic solution for all rooms.If all family members do not like this approach, then follow in the same style, at least the kitchen, living room and hallway. Bedrooms can be decorated at the request of their inhabitants and closed with doors.
  5. Interior design should satisfy the aesthetic preferences of all family members. Try to find the best option by drawing up a design project in advance or by contacting professional designers.

Kitchen and living room combined in the studio

In addition to the requirements listed above, the design of a three-room apartment of 60 sq m implies thinking over architectural and planning solutions, as well as functional zoning of the premises. It is very important to look not only at the aesthetic component, but also at the practicality of the interior. Think in which direction the doors will open, at what distance the switches, sockets will be located.

Bathroom design in 3-room apartment

Today, when decorating a space, more and more people are trying to visually expand their rooms. Many apartment owners leave only the most necessary partitions. Style with open space came to us from Western countries. And today he is often found in various projects. The only rooms that should not be combined with a single space of the apartment are bathrooms and bedrooms.

Design bedroom in a 3-room apartment

Design project of a kitchen in a three-room apartment

Successful layout options

If the arrangement of the rooms suits the tenants, you should leave everything in its place and proceed to their design. Otherwise, you need to make some changes and adjustments. First, find out whether it is possible to carry out demolition work on walls or gas appliances in your home. A similar list of work can be performed only after obtaining the appropriate permission. Such a design of a 3-room apartment in a typical panel house does not fit, where it is strictly forbidden to change the location of walls and partitions, even not bearing.

Layout and design of a three-room apartment

The main task of the redevelopment is to expand the space and increase the level of comfort of residents. To do this, you can make the following changes:

Combining kitchen and living roomThe most common option that owners of three-room apartments choose today. This approach to redevelopment can significantly expand the space, increase the level of comfort and functionality of these rooms.
Joint bathroomIf you use the resulting space rationally, then such a union will benefit. But, if a lot of people live in the apartment, it is better not to combine the bathroom and toilet.
Get rid of walkwaysIn our country there are a large number of apartments with passage rooms. This location is extremely inconvenient and hospitable. If it is possible to isolate living rooms, then you can increase the level of comfort, make them complete and get a modern design project for a three-room apartment.
Make one of several bedroomsThis requires a neat approach. It is best to turn to professionals. For example, we can cite this case. If the family has two children, and the children's bedroom is one, then you can combine several rooms into one room, and turn the hall into a living room-bedroom. Although, this option does not suit all parents. They will have to deprive themselves of a separate room where they can relax and enjoy the silence.

A successful solution in combining the living room and kitchen in the apartment

Not only an aesthetic component, but also the convenience of all family members depends on a competently designed project design.

Kitchen project in a three-room apartment

Stylistic solutions

As noted above, in the design of premises should choose a single style. But, if this approach is not possible, try to make the bathroom, kitchen and living room in the same style. The interior design of other rooms may vary slightly. In order not to create the feeling of a scattered space, they should be closed with deaf doors.

Bathroom in a three-room apartment

Living room design with wall decoration

Give more importance to the selection and arrangement of furniture in the rooms. The design of furniture can be very different.The main thing is that all the pieces of furniture installed in the room are compact, multifunctional, and as practical as possible. Particularly popular are built-in furniture. Their design almost merges with the wall, without cluttering up the space.

Entrance hall in a three-room apartment

Modular complexes look interesting, allowing you to independently create original compositions, updating the situation in the apartment. To create an exclusive interior, custom-made furniture is suitable. Additional accessories should fully comply with the chosen stylistic design. The best option when accessories are not only decoration, but also perform useful properties. But, do not overdo it with the decoration of the premises. The number of parts should be limited. Then the interior of a three-room apartment will become interesting, stylish.

Living room in the design of a three-room apartment

Double bedroom

Basic rules for organizing lighting

Not the last role in the design of space is lighting. Chandeliers, lamps and other devices are not only a source of light, but also a source of the corresponding mood. In our country, natural lighting in the autumn-winter period is not enough, which negatively affects the general condition of people. Each room should have its own lighting arrangement. In the living room, you can restrict yourself to spotlights. As for the bedroom, here is suitable multi-level lighting.

Kitchen-living room in a three-room apartment

The interior design of a three-room apartment can be created independently or with the help of professionals. Take into account the tips listed above. Try to do the finishing work carefully. Dose the amount of decorative elements. Pay attention to the functional purpose of furniture. An interior that matches the preferences of all family members is optimal for each apartment, especially if it consists of a large number of spacious rooms.

Passion for design turned into work.There is little experience in the architectural bureau.


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