Design of a two-room apartment - layout and interior (50 photos)
Two-room apartments have a lot of space for the design of free design. Today, it is one-bedroom apartments that are most in demand among potential buyers. This is due to the ideal ratio of price to housing. Modern developers offer from 40-65 m2, and in some new buildings the total area of such a dwelling can reach 85m2. The design of a two-room apartment of such an area is enough to create ideal living conditions. The main thing is that the territory meets the aesthetic requirements of the residents, be comfortable, have maximum functionality, create coziness, comfort.
The modern design of a two-room apartment allows you to implement any plan, allows you to create all the fundamental areas. The development of any project begins with the clarification of the main issues: for whom is the living space being equipped, how many people will live. Do not forget about the most important - the age of residents, age, hobbies, hobbies. One bedroom apartments are popular with couples, couples with children or one child. It is not uncommon for bachelors who love free space to dwell in such apartments. Already on the basis of answers to questions, one can imagine the future view of the monastery, its functional zoning in the redevelopment. For a family with one child - one part, respectively, becomes a children's territory, the other - will combine a bedroom for parents with a guest at the same time. In such a bedroom there will no longer be a full bed, but there are plenty of other interesting options. Alternatively, you can use a round bed, or a transformer.
Living room combined with kitchen and dining room
The arrangement of children's space depends on age, the number of children. If the owners have a couple of little kids, it will not be a problem to create a separate territory for each. It can be a room divided in half, or it can only be a visual separation. The situation looks easier when the child is alone. The decisive facts are the age, preferences, hobbies of the child. If only one person lives in the house, it would be reasonable to divide it into two parts - an entrance hall and a bedroom.
You can attach a balcony to the bedroom
What can be redevelopment options?
Redevelopment is a fundamental change in the configuration inside the home, requiring the correction of documents, as well as a visit to the employees of the BTI. This is especially true for the demolition of load-bearing walls, as they are the frame of the whole house.Therefore, the answer to such a request is not always positive. It can consist of the demolition or movement of one wall, or it can be global, including changes in the quantity and quality of all walls. This means that there is a chance to change some of the discontent of the residents, or vice versa - to create the missing zones. Another element of re-planning is the “fit” to the style of decoration, which is quite important if the chosen direction is a loft. Often one-bedroom apartments are remodeled in the studio.
Workplace on the balcony
But unfortunately, some solutions may not be available. This is due to the technical characteristics of the building. Factors such as the age of the building, the location of windows, front doors and load-bearing walls, can make their own adjustments. Well, if you need to change the location of the bathroom or utilities, you just can’t do without interference in changing documents. Before starting the redevelopment, it is recommended to ask about the cost of the planned changes, sometimes the process of change can be a very significant cost.
The most popular is the integration of a food area with a hallway. And this means that to connect, you will need the kitchen together with the living room, affecting the corridors with the hallway. But there is one “but.” According to current standards, a living room with a gasified kitchen cannot be combined, unless you install at least a minimal partition between them. Designers will help with this question. If even the customer is against such a partition, there are a lot of options to beat it differently.
Combined living room in a typical apartment
Today, the real estate market is full of diversity. Unfortunately, not all buildings are the same. Now Khrushchev, Brezhnevka, Stalinka, dwellings of series p 44 and p44t and new buildings are actively selling. The choice is simply huge. Each of the options is due to the pros and cons. Now we will consider them all.
Combined toilet and bathtub increase the total area
Khrushchevka - very cramped, uncomfortable apartments, accommodating cramped rooms with low ceilings, small hallways and a minimal bathroom. And no matter how uncomfortable they are, there is still one plus in such apartments. Often, the walls dividing the bathroom with the toilet - not bearing, are made of brick, which greatly simplifies everything when they are dismantled. In such small apartments as Khrushchev, glass partitions can be used for explicit “zoning”. They visually divide the area, but the room does not seem smaller.
Usually, when creating an interior design for two-bedroom apartments, two of the most popular redesign options are considered: Destruction of the wall that separates the living space from the rest and the kitchen area. Bottom line - we get plenty of free space, where there is a place for a zone of eating food, in other words - a dining room. In fact, there are only two rooms - a bedroom and a common room, combining a kitchen, hallway, dining room, living room. Of course, such a choice is very good, except for one point - when guests come to the owners, there will be no place to place them, and this creates a little inconvenience.
Dismantling of all interior partitions and obtaining a studio apartment. In such cases, it turns out that maximum zoning can be achieved by highlighting each of the various territories with screens or decorative partitions. There is not a single wall in the studio apartment, with the exception of the main boundary walls of the apartment. Also for zoning, you can use various racks. Such plans are suitable for bachelors or couples without children.
But when there is not enough living space, you can add a couple m2 of additional space if the corridor design changes slightly. An interesting solution would be to add space by attaching a loggia to the studio or room. Often redevelopment affects the bathroom.A visual increase in area can be achieved by the destruction of the dividing wall between the bathroom and the toilet.
Apartments of this period are more practical. The kitchen area ranges from 7 to 8 m2. The ceilings are a little longer than usual. But in such houses, unfortunately, the probabilities of redesign are very minimal, since most of the walls are load-bearing. The only thing where you can change something is a corridor, a bathroom and a balcony. If there is a bulky corridor, you can create a dressing room by taking it as an area, or as a separate room. The size of the kitchen can also be changed a little, due to its smooth transition into the corridor.
In order for the combined bathroom to contain not only functionality, but also aesthetics, it is recommended to separate the bath and toilet using lighting. Lamps and bulbs can be placed above the place where the bath itself is located.
Stalinka has always been considered prestigious housing. Such apartments were built in the forties and fifties, at that time they were the embodiment of the dream of quality housing. It is worth mentioning that stalinkas are in great demand nowadays. They are original in that they have high ceilings, spacious and large rooms, and most cases have interesting room layouts. A distinctive advantage of stalinkas is that there are practically no load-bearing walls within the apartments, and this, in turn, gives a chance to plan an ideal, truly functional space. The total area, even in kopecks, is quite extensive. In Stalin, there is the possibility of two rooms to redevelop a full three-room cloister. You can tear down all the walls and equip a studio apartment with a lot of space and free space. Designers prefer to combine the kitchen with the corridor. As a result, they get a large territory for the kitchen area and relaxation.
Design example in a stalin apartment
In Stalin, there is the opportunity to create housing with elements of the second floor. It can be an additional floor-bed in your bedroom, or a two-story playhouse for the child in the nursery.
Apartments n 44 and n 44t
Often the internal walls and floor are quite modern and consistent in quality, they will require a minimum of work to level. The negative point is that they do not have great potential for redesigning. In such apartments, you can only connect the bathroom and combine the balcony with one of the rooms. Sometimes it is possible to connect the kitchen and rooms, but it is extremely rare, and often - the wall between the living room and the kitchen is unbearable. High ceilings enable design with "stretch ceilings", or the construction of complex ceilings. To enlarge the bedroom, you can combine it with a balcony, as a result, get a spacious bedroom.
Kitchen connected to the corridor
The construction of a new repair was originally planned for the old, Soviet buildings. Repair must include updating engineering systems. This applies to wiring, which is absolutely not in line with current requirements, it is already completely worn out. You will need to replace all wires, cables. Do not forget that in the distant past, people used less equipment and, accordingly, there were few sockets in the apartments. You should think about this during your home improvement. The main task is to make as many outlets as possible and think about than decorating them.
Provence style
New buildings
In new homes, everything is much simpler than in all previous options. Now each complex has its own author's layout, even in one complex there can be many different design options. There are practically no problems with design in this case. Since there is a chance initially to find the ideal layout that the future owner should strive for.But it’s even easier in the news in the houses - to take initially a “kopeck piece” in the form of a studio, then plan as soon as the soul desires.
Housing in new buildings is noted for its uniqueness, functionality and spaciousness. Often in such apartments windows are made on the floor to create a panoramic view.
How to create the most functional zoning?
Separation of space in the territory is an easy way to delimit the different needs of life, while combining them in one style. Qualitatively designed zoning of the interior design of a two-room apartment allows you to create all the amenities for living. By creating such "islands" of various functional purposes, they allow you to place nearby different territories on the same area. Often, designers in their design projects of a 2-room apartment (united in a studio) have a guest room, a dining room and a kitchen area in one zone. The most successful zoning is the connection of the kitchen with the lounge. Often on the verge of these two sections there may be a dining room in the form of a table with chairs or a bar. As well as the adjacent semi-zone between the kitchen and the recreation area, you can place part of the free room under the office.
Modern living room in a 2-room apartment in a panel house
Such a modification as zoning the living room - bedroom is available in the case when the second room is given for planning a nursery. Modular furniture where the bed transforms into a sofa or wardrobe will help to achieve a good result. There is another option to also separate the relaxation area and the conditional bedroom with a decorative partition, creating the illusion of a separate room. The area for the office can create a decorative partition in the corners.
The modification of the living room-cabinet in one room will look good when such an area is isolated from the kitchen. In order to distinguish between a visual “office” and a recreation area, we suggest using, for example, bilateral shelving or a screen.
The bedroom-cabinet is not quite a good example of planning. But if this is a key point, then you can select a zone for the office.It will be convenient if you put a transforming bed so that it folds into a closet.
Living room-wardrobe is a great option for design. Wardrobes can be made open, closing, as well as combined. The wardrobe area can be endowed with a partition, wardrobe, or any other modular design.
What to be guided by when choosing a style?
The times of apartments with the same design are over. Previously, in each apartment there should have been a sideboard, a set of accessories, consisting of a sofa, armchairs. If in those days there were no such design elements in the dwelling - that's all, consider in vain they equipped the living space. Now they have moved away from the famous Soviet designs for one maneuver. Now, each of us can stand out authoring interiors. First of all, the space should be as functional, comfortable, practical as possible. The main thing to consider is that you are not only creating a model for a magazine or website, but a full-fledged living space. If you competently approach the design of a two-room apartment, make a lot of effort - you will come out to create a functional monastery, with minimal space requirements. First of all, you should give preference to the tastes of the owners.
The decisive question is whether the entire apartment will be decorated in one theme, or each room will be allocated to different directions. Most of course manages to combine the incongruous, and then pass it off as a particular style, so we recommend that you familiarize yourself with some interior styles. It is recommended to combine more similar styles with each other. And if we talk about the general direction, this implies a single, general idea. Such can be underlining dark shades with one bright, for example. One direction will help create comfortable housing, unite all areas with smoother transitions, so that they will not be noticeable at all.
For two-room apartments with an isolated room, one style of decoration is suitable.Often in two-room apartments they connect the living room with the kitchen. Decoration in contemporary areas of the interior is relevant, giving preference to functionality, emphasizing pristine space. If the main zone is decorated in modern directions, then when designing a bedroom, preference is given to comfort, raising the bias to a homely and soft style of decoration. Also, different directions during planning can be used when the second room is given to the planning of the nursery.
But decisive in the choice will be the possibility of re-planning the design of a 2 x room apartment. Each accessory will have to be carefully thought through to maintain the Empire style in a typical Khrushchev-style building so that the apartment does not look bulky from a large number of decorative elements.
Scandinavian style
Scandinavian style is characterized by laconicism, simplicity. This lightweight, flexible style fits absolutely any home, whether it is a private house or a miniature apartment. Here, all the interior elements are not just like that, each of them represents some kind of function. There are no meaningless things in such houses. This style is to the liking of many, since with it you can achieve comfort, give comfort to the home. The direction is inherent in a large amount of free space, light. Often it turns out to beat well the interior of a two-room apartment with a joint living room and kitchen.
In the Scandinavian style they prefer pastel, soft, warm tones of shades. Their weightlessness can be diluted with bright accessories of various decorative elements. It is worth paying special attention to the color of the walls - this can be a classic monophonic white, or any other pastel tone. To beat such them will help accessories of various natural shades, decorative elements made of wood, natural stone. All these elements go well with artificially aged metal.The Scandinavian style is characterized by the presence of a large number of bright textiles with an abundance of carpets. Skins, rugs, various soft accessories that make the apartment more comfortable, lighter, warmer will also help you learn the Scandinavian style. The style contains many light shades.
High tech
Hi-tech is a new take on fast-paced new technologies. Its main characteristics are horizontal and vertical clear lines, the prevailing airiness, maximum functionality, a large number of iron elements. Here you will not see a single carpet - everything is done simply and concisely. Often the walls are erected with monophonic coloring, monophonic glossy wallpapers can also be used. Floors often have a glossy, granite or bulk look. If you really need carpeting, choose carpets with minimal pile. The color scheme includes plain shades - black, white, gray. Very often, designers use a lot of metal accessories, diluting them with bright additions to decorative elements. Of the bright colors, green, indigo, orange, and scarlet are popular. Whatever color you choose, it will emphasize the contrast of the entire interior.
In the high-tech direction, geometric shapes are preferred, in almost all interior elements. Most often, the material of manufacture is preferred by metal. The base of the table can be made of metal, but the flat surface itself is made of glass. The interior includes many rectangles and regular circles. Speaking of lighting, high-tech loves hanging lights. Recessed luminaires will look harmonious with hanging lights. High tech is quite strict, it prefers a lot of cool white light.
Use fairly restrained decorative elements. Accessories should be minimal. High tech likes a lot of paintings on the walls, preferably black and white.Attention is also paid to technology, there should be a lot of it - a large plasma, a stationary computer, an acoustic system can become emphasizing elements of such an apartment.
Living rooms look strict and concise, but clear rooms on the contrary are not shown for high-tech style. A room in such colors will be preferred by teenagers, bachelors.
Exquisite Provence is suitable for the decoration of small rooms. This is such a gentle, warm style. Its main preferred colors are quite saturated, but not bright colors. Provence is characterized by milky shades - white, olive, green, lavender, ocher, beige, milky, aquamarine. Designers often use light elements of decor. For painting the walls using monophonic, often blue paint. In this style, paper wallpapers with floral prints are very rare.
With the help of interesting furniture finishes, you can achieve harmony between the rustic spirit of Provence and the bustle of the city. Furniture is specially artificially aged, but it has an amazing appearance. The main thing is to look as if this lamp is already 200 years old, and it is still at the peak of popularity, and even shines! Any cracks, scores and other signs of wear are welcome here! But new furniture is one thing, but if in an apartment with Provence style there is antiques - a completely different matter! Such an accessory will be the highlight of your home. The floor is most often covered with ceramic tiles. Curtains are necessarily bright, plain. The ceiling in such an apartment should be white, without various designs and suspended ceilings. To make your home more stylish, use a variety of country-style accessories.
Provence loves a lot of cute accessories. Here, paintings with simple subjects within the framework of pastel colors, various figurines, angels, fresh flowers and vegetation are welcome. Gapchinskaya’s paintings with angels are ideal.Vases with artificial wildflowers, baskets with fruits and vegetables are also very suitable for the interior. Since Provence is a rustic style, a lot of attention is paid to simplicity. An excellent element of decor will be a checkered tablecloth in the kitchen, or a plaid with floral embroidery on the sofa.
Minimalism is a simple, elegant, functional and concise style. This means a complete rejection of the decor. Discreet furniture brings contrast, thus revitalizing the interior. Here rationality dominates beauty. The interior includes many geometric shapes, loves monotony. The most important thing in all accessories in such an apartment is that each of them must carry clear functionality, otherwise such an accessory is not needed.
The color palette of minimalism consists of clear shades - white, black, red or gray. In most cases, white is used as the background color, and all other colors create contrast and complement the main color with soy juiciness. Walls are often covered with liquid wallpaper. The ceilings are flat, plain. Behind such ceilings, lighting elements may be hidden. Minimalism loves boards and lots of wood. The floor in this case is covered with parquet or cork, and a plain carpet with a small pile spreads over it. In a minimalist style, it is best to design a bathroom. Since the extra elements in such a zone, in principle, are not needed.
The interior should have a lot of furniture of the correct geometric shapes. The abundance of glass and metal is welcomed - large glass countertops, metal shelving and furniture legs - an excellent sign of minimalism. In this style, they prefer simple shapes and light silhouettes. Mostly furniture made from natural materials such as cotton and linen is welcome. If the apartment has various shelves and racks, you need to achieve the effect of dissolution of these accessories. They should be an integral part of the walls.
The details themselves in such an interior create liveliness. You can also play with a dilution of such an interior with exotic objects, especially if they are made of wood. Bright furniture in a white room will look stylish. Or vice versa - a dark sofa in the milk walls.
Art deco
Exquisite style, able to competently combine modern life with classic style. Art Deco differs from all styles in that it is completely open to any kind of experimentation. It is very often used bright colors such as purple, raspberry, indigo, emerald, sapphire. Also sometimes as complementary colors involve metallic, gold, black or blue. In such a style as art deco, the main element in the design should be a “bright spot”, it can be a wall or a large accessory of furniture.
In the Art Deco style, a large number of furniture is preferred. Various author's unique statues and home decoration are welcome. In such an interior there should be a lot of porcelain, mirrors and wood. In general, ethnic accessories will decorate such an apartment well. Any products brought from different countries will complement your interior with their exoticism. In the Art Deco style, a separate place is occupied by paintings. Any images are welcome. More than one picture can often hang on one wall, and besides, they can be completely different.
English style
England is associated with elegance, sophistication, aristocracy and restraint. This style will suit lovers of a more relaxed way of life. In the Middle Ages, an ordinary citizen of any of the cities of Misty Albion lived in apartments, which are approximately equal to our one-room apartments today. Therefore, such a style, calm and peaceful, and now could very well be the design of your apartment, goes well with the noise of a modern metropolis.
The main distinguishing feature of the English style is the fireplace. The bookcase and wooden furniture will add elegance.The color palette of gentle tones - white, olive, gray. Style loves monotony in everything. The presence of various candlesticks will add zest to the interior.
Each of these styles has its own obligatory elements of decor. When choosing a style for your apartment, it is not necessary to adhere to any one direction. It should be remembered first of all that apartments are not created for photos in magazines, but for everyday life. The main thing is that the design of a two-room apartment should bring not only aesthetic, but also functional pleasure to its residents.
Two-room apartments have a lot of space for the design of free design. Today, it is one-bedroom apartments that are most in demand among potential buyers. This is due to the ideal ratio of price to housing. Modern developers offer from 40-65 m2, and in some new buildings the total area of such a dwelling can reach 85m2. The design of a two-room apartment of such an area is enough to create ideal living conditions. The main thing is that the territory meets the aesthetic requirements of the residents, be comfortable, have maximum functionality, create coziness, comfort.
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Design project
The modern design of a two-room apartment allows you to implement any plan, allows you to create all the fundamental areas. The development of any project begins with the clarification of the main issues: for whom is the living space being equipped, how many people will live. Do not forget about the most important - the age of residents, age, hobbies, hobbies. One bedroom apartments are popular with couples, couples with children or one child. It is not uncommon for bachelors who love free space to dwell in such apartments. Already on the basis of answers to questions, one can imagine the future view of the monastery, its functional zoning in the redevelopment. For a family with one child - one part, respectively, becomes a children's territory, the other - will combine a bedroom for parents with a guest at the same time. In such a bedroom there will no longer be a full bed, but there are plenty of other interesting options. Alternatively, you can use a round bed, or a transformer.
The arrangement of children's space depends on age, the number of children. If the owners have a couple of little kids, it will not be a problem to create a separate territory for each. It can be a room divided in half, or it can only be a visual separation. The situation looks easier when the child is alone. The decisive facts are the age, preferences, hobbies of the child. If only one person lives in the house, it would be reasonable to divide it into two parts - an entrance hall and a bedroom.
What can be redevelopment options?
Redevelopment is a fundamental change in the configuration inside the home, requiring the correction of documents, as well as a visit to the employees of the BTI. This is especially true for the demolition of load-bearing walls, as they are the frame of the whole house.Therefore, the answer to such a request is not always positive. It can consist of the demolition or movement of one wall, or it can be global, including changes in the quantity and quality of all walls. This means that there is a chance to change some of the discontent of the residents, or vice versa - to create the missing zones. Another element of re-planning is the “fit” to the style of decoration, which is quite important if the chosen direction is a loft. Often one-bedroom apartments are remodeled in the studio.
But unfortunately, some solutions may not be available. This is due to the technical characteristics of the building. Factors such as the age of the building, the location of windows, front doors and load-bearing walls, can make their own adjustments. Well, if you need to change the location of the bathroom or utilities, you just can’t do without interference in changing documents. Before starting the redevelopment, it is recommended to ask about the cost of the planned changes, sometimes the process of change can be a very significant cost.
The most popular is the integration of a food area with a hallway. And this means that to connect, you will need the kitchen together with the living room, affecting the corridors with the hallway. But there is one “but.” According to current standards, a living room with a gasified kitchen cannot be combined, unless you install at least a minimal partition between them. Designers will help with this question. If even the customer is against such a partition, there are a lot of options to beat it differently.
Today, the real estate market is full of diversity. Unfortunately, not all buildings are the same. Now Khrushchev, Brezhnevka, Stalinka, dwellings of series p 44 and p44t and new buildings are actively selling. The choice is simply huge. Each of the options is due to the pros and cons. Now we will consider them all.
Khrushchevka - very cramped, uncomfortable apartments, accommodating cramped rooms with low ceilings, small hallways and a minimal bathroom. And no matter how uncomfortable they are, there is still one plus in such apartments. Often, the walls dividing the bathroom with the toilet - not bearing, are made of brick, which greatly simplifies everything when they are dismantled. In such small apartments as Khrushchev, glass partitions can be used for explicit “zoning”. They visually divide the area, but the room does not seem smaller.
Usually, when creating an interior design for two-bedroom apartments, two of the most popular redesign options are considered: Destruction of the wall that separates the living space from the rest and the kitchen area. Bottom line - we get plenty of free space, where there is a place for a zone of eating food, in other words - a dining room. In fact, there are only two rooms - a bedroom and a common room, combining a kitchen, hallway, dining room, living room. Of course, such a choice is very good, except for one point - when guests come to the owners, there will be no place to place them, and this creates a little inconvenience.
Dismantling of all interior partitions and obtaining a studio apartment. In such cases, it turns out that maximum zoning can be achieved by highlighting each of the various territories with screens or decorative partitions. There is not a single wall in the studio apartment, with the exception of the main boundary walls of the apartment. Also for zoning, you can use various racks. Such plans are suitable for bachelors or couples without children.
But when there is not enough living space, you can add a couple m2 of additional space if the corridor design changes slightly. An interesting solution would be to add space by attaching a loggia to the studio or room. Often redevelopment affects the bathroom.A visual increase in area can be achieved by the destruction of the dividing wall between the bathroom and the toilet.
Apartments of this period are more practical. The kitchen area ranges from 7 to 8 m2. The ceilings are a little longer than usual. But in such houses, unfortunately, the probabilities of redesign are very minimal, since most of the walls are load-bearing. The only thing where you can change something is a corridor, a bathroom and a balcony. If there is a bulky corridor, you can create a dressing room by taking it as an area, or as a separate room. The size of the kitchen can also be changed a little, due to its smooth transition into the corridor.
In order for the combined bathroom to contain not only functionality, but also aesthetics, it is recommended to separate the bath and toilet using lighting. Lamps and bulbs can be placed above the place where the bath itself is located.
Stalinka has always been considered prestigious housing. Such apartments were built in the forties and fifties, at that time they were the embodiment of the dream of quality housing. It is worth mentioning that stalinkas are in great demand nowadays. They are original in that they have high ceilings, spacious and large rooms, and most cases have interesting room layouts. A distinctive advantage of stalinkas is that there are practically no load-bearing walls within the apartments, and this, in turn, gives a chance to plan an ideal, truly functional space. The total area, even in kopecks, is quite extensive. In Stalin, there is the possibility of two rooms to redevelop a full three-room cloister. You can tear down all the walls and equip a studio apartment with a lot of space and free space. Designers prefer to combine the kitchen with the corridor. As a result, they get a large territory for the kitchen area and relaxation.
In Stalin, there is the opportunity to create housing with elements of the second floor. It can be an additional floor-bed in your bedroom, or a two-story playhouse for the child in the nursery.
Apartments n 44 and n 44t
Often the internal walls and floor are quite modern and consistent in quality, they will require a minimum of work to level. The negative point is that they do not have great potential for redesigning. In such apartments, you can only connect the bathroom and combine the balcony with one of the rooms. Sometimes it is possible to connect the kitchen and rooms, but it is extremely rare, and often - the wall between the living room and the kitchen is unbearable. High ceilings enable design with "stretch ceilings", or the construction of complex ceilings. To enlarge the bedroom, you can combine it with a balcony, as a result, get a spacious bedroom.
The construction of a new repair was originally planned for the old, Soviet buildings. Repair must include updating engineering systems. This applies to wiring, which is absolutely not in line with current requirements, it is already completely worn out. You will need to replace all wires, cables. Do not forget that in the distant past, people used less equipment and, accordingly, there were few sockets in the apartments. You should think about this during your home improvement. The main task is to make as many outlets as possible and think about than decorating them.
New buildings
In new homes, everything is much simpler than in all previous options. Now each complex has its own author's layout, even in one complex there can be many different design options. There are practically no problems with design in this case. Since there is a chance initially to find the ideal layout that the future owner should strive for.But it’s even easier in the news in the houses - to take initially a “kopeck piece” in the form of a studio, then plan as soon as the soul desires.
How to create the most functional zoning?
Separation of space in the territory is an easy way to delimit the different needs of life, while combining them in one style. Qualitatively designed zoning of the interior design of a two-room apartment allows you to create all the amenities for living. By creating such "islands" of various functional purposes, they allow you to place nearby different territories on the same area. Often, designers in their design projects of a 2-room apartment (united in a studio) have a guest room, a dining room and a kitchen area in one zone. The most successful zoning is the connection of the kitchen with the lounge. Often on the verge of these two sections there may be a dining room in the form of a table with chairs or a bar. As well as the adjacent semi-zone between the kitchen and the recreation area, you can place part of the free room under the office.
Such a modification as zoning the living room - bedroom is available in the case when the second room is given for planning a nursery. Modular furniture where the bed transforms into a sofa or wardrobe will help to achieve a good result. There is another option to also separate the relaxation area and the conditional bedroom with a decorative partition, creating the illusion of a separate room. The area for the office can create a decorative partition in the corners.
The modification of the living room-cabinet in one room will look good when such an area is isolated from the kitchen. In order to distinguish between a visual “office” and a recreation area, we suggest using, for example, bilateral shelving or a screen.
The bedroom-cabinet is not quite a good example of planning. But if this is a key point, then you can select a zone for the office.It will be convenient if you put a transforming bed so that it folds into a closet.
Living room-wardrobe is a great option for design. Wardrobes can be made open, closing, as well as combined. The wardrobe area can be endowed with a partition, wardrobe, or any other modular design.
What to be guided by when choosing a style?
The times of apartments with the same design are over. Previously, in each apartment there should have been a sideboard, a set of accessories, consisting of a sofa, armchairs. If in those days there were no such design elements in the dwelling - that's all, consider in vain they equipped the living space. Now they have moved away from the famous Soviet designs for one maneuver. Now, each of us can stand out authoring interiors. First of all, the space should be as functional, comfortable, practical as possible. The main thing to consider is that you are not only creating a model for a magazine or website, but a full-fledged living space. If you competently approach the design of a two-room apartment, make a lot of effort - you will come out to create a functional monastery, with minimal space requirements. First of all, you should give preference to the tastes of the owners.
The decisive question is whether the entire apartment will be decorated in one theme, or each room will be allocated to different directions. Most of course manages to combine the incongruous, and then pass it off as a particular style, so we recommend that you familiarize yourself with some interior styles. It is recommended to combine more similar styles with each other. And if we talk about the general direction, this implies a single, general idea. Such can be underlining dark shades with one bright, for example. One direction will help create comfortable housing, unite all areas with smoother transitions, so that they will not be noticeable at all.
For two-room apartments with an isolated room, one style of decoration is suitable.Often in two-room apartments they connect the living room with the kitchen. Decoration in contemporary areas of the interior is relevant, giving preference to functionality, emphasizing pristine space. If the main zone is decorated in modern directions, then when designing a bedroom, preference is given to comfort, raising the bias to a homely and soft style of decoration. Also, different directions during planning can be used when the second room is given to the planning of the nursery.
But decisive in the choice will be the possibility of re-planning the design of a 2 x room apartment. Each accessory will have to be carefully thought through to maintain the Empire style in a typical Khrushchev-style building so that the apartment does not look bulky from a large number of decorative elements.
Scandinavian style
Scandinavian style is characterized by laconicism, simplicity. This lightweight, flexible style fits absolutely any home, whether it is a private house or a miniature apartment. Here, all the interior elements are not just like that, each of them represents some kind of function. There are no meaningless things in such houses. This style is to the liking of many, since with it you can achieve comfort, give comfort to the home. The direction is inherent in a large amount of free space, light. Often it turns out to beat well the interior of a two-room apartment with a joint living room and kitchen.
In the Scandinavian style they prefer pastel, soft, warm tones of shades. Their weightlessness can be diluted with bright accessories of various decorative elements. It is worth paying special attention to the color of the walls - this can be a classic monophonic white, or any other pastel tone. To beat such them will help accessories of various natural shades, decorative elements made of wood, natural stone. All these elements go well with artificially aged metal.The Scandinavian style is characterized by the presence of a large number of bright textiles with an abundance of carpets. Skins, rugs, various soft accessories that make the apartment more comfortable, lighter, warmer will also help you learn the Scandinavian style. The style contains many light shades.
High tech
Hi-tech is a new take on fast-paced new technologies. Its main characteristics are horizontal and vertical clear lines, the prevailing airiness, maximum functionality, a large number of iron elements. Here you will not see a single carpet - everything is done simply and concisely. Often the walls are erected with monophonic coloring, monophonic glossy wallpapers can also be used. Floors often have a glossy, granite or bulk look. If you really need carpeting, choose carpets with minimal pile. The color scheme includes plain shades - black, white, gray. Very often, designers use a lot of metal accessories, diluting them with bright additions to decorative elements. Of the bright colors, green, indigo, orange, and scarlet are popular. Whatever color you choose, it will emphasize the contrast of the entire interior.
In the high-tech direction, geometric shapes are preferred, in almost all interior elements. Most often, the material of manufacture is preferred by metal. The base of the table can be made of metal, but the flat surface itself is made of glass. The interior includes many rectangles and regular circles. Speaking of lighting, high-tech loves hanging lights. Recessed luminaires will look harmonious with hanging lights. High tech is quite strict, it prefers a lot of cool white light.
Use fairly restrained decorative elements. Accessories should be minimal. High tech likes a lot of paintings on the walls, preferably black and white.Attention is also paid to technology, there should be a lot of it - a large plasma, a stationary computer, an acoustic system can become emphasizing elements of such an apartment.
Living rooms look strict and concise, but clear rooms on the contrary are not shown for high-tech style. A room in such colors will be preferred by teenagers, bachelors.
Exquisite Provence is suitable for the decoration of small rooms. This is such a gentle, warm style. Its main preferred colors are quite saturated, but not bright colors. Provence is characterized by milky shades - white, olive, green, lavender, ocher, beige, milky, aquamarine. Designers often use light elements of decor. For painting the walls using monophonic, often blue paint. In this style, paper wallpapers with floral prints are very rare.
With the help of interesting furniture finishes, you can achieve harmony between the rustic spirit of Provence and the bustle of the city. Furniture is specially artificially aged, but it has an amazing appearance. The main thing is to look as if this lamp is already 200 years old, and it is still at the peak of popularity, and even shines! Any cracks, scores and other signs of wear are welcome here! But new furniture is one thing, but if in an apartment with Provence style there is antiques - a completely different matter! Such an accessory will be the highlight of your home. The floor is most often covered with ceramic tiles. Curtains are necessarily bright, plain. The ceiling in such an apartment should be white, without various designs and suspended ceilings. To make your home more stylish, use a variety of country-style accessories.
Provence loves a lot of cute accessories. Here, paintings with simple subjects within the framework of pastel colors, various figurines, angels, fresh flowers and vegetation are welcome. Gapchinskaya’s paintings with angels are ideal.Vases with artificial wildflowers, baskets with fruits and vegetables are also very suitable for the interior. Since Provence is a rustic style, a lot of attention is paid to simplicity. An excellent element of decor will be a checkered tablecloth in the kitchen, or a plaid with floral embroidery on the sofa.
Minimalism is a simple, elegant, functional and concise style. This means a complete rejection of the decor. Discreet furniture brings contrast, thus revitalizing the interior. Here rationality dominates beauty. The interior includes many geometric shapes, loves monotony. The most important thing in all accessories in such an apartment is that each of them must carry clear functionality, otherwise such an accessory is not needed.
The color palette of minimalism consists of clear shades - white, black, red or gray. In most cases, white is used as the background color, and all other colors create contrast and complement the main color with soy juiciness. Walls are often covered with liquid wallpaper. The ceilings are flat, plain. Behind such ceilings, lighting elements may be hidden. Minimalism loves boards and lots of wood. The floor in this case is covered with parquet or cork, and a plain carpet with a small pile spreads over it. In a minimalist style, it is best to design a bathroom. Since the extra elements in such a zone, in principle, are not needed.
The interior should have a lot of furniture of the correct geometric shapes. The abundance of glass and metal is welcomed - large glass countertops, metal shelving and furniture legs - an excellent sign of minimalism. In this style, they prefer simple shapes and light silhouettes. Mostly furniture made from natural materials such as cotton and linen is welcome. If the apartment has various shelves and racks, you need to achieve the effect of dissolution of these accessories. They should be an integral part of the walls.
The details themselves in such an interior create liveliness. You can also play with a dilution of such an interior with exotic objects, especially if they are made of wood. Bright furniture in a white room will look stylish. Or vice versa - a dark sofa in the milk walls.
Art deco
Exquisite style, able to competently combine modern life with classic style. Art Deco differs from all styles in that it is completely open to any kind of experimentation. It is very often used bright colors such as purple, raspberry, indigo, emerald, sapphire. Also sometimes as complementary colors involve metallic, gold, black or blue. In such a style as art deco, the main element in the design should be a “bright spot”, it can be a wall or a large accessory of furniture.
In the Art Deco style, a large number of furniture is preferred. Various author's unique statues and home decoration are welcome. In such an interior there should be a lot of porcelain, mirrors and wood. In general, ethnic accessories will decorate such an apartment well. Any products brought from different countries will complement your interior with their exoticism. In the Art Deco style, a separate place is occupied by paintings. Any images are welcome. More than one picture can often hang on one wall, and besides, they can be completely different.
English style
England is associated with elegance, sophistication, aristocracy and restraint. This style will suit lovers of a more relaxed way of life. In the Middle Ages, an ordinary citizen of any of the cities of Misty Albion lived in apartments, which are approximately equal to our one-room apartments today. Therefore, such a style, calm and peaceful, and now could very well be the design of your apartment, goes well with the noise of a modern metropolis.
The main distinguishing feature of the English style is the fireplace. The bookcase and wooden furniture will add elegance.The color palette of gentle tones - white, olive, gray. Style loves monotony in everything. The presence of various candlesticks will add zest to the interior.
Each of these styles has its own obligatory elements of decor. When choosing a style for your apartment, it is not necessary to adhere to any one direction. It should be remembered first of all that apartments are not created for photos in magazines, but for everyday life. The main thing is that the design of a two-room apartment should bring not only aesthetic, but also functional pleasure to its residents.