
Narrow and long corridor design

The corridor is the first thing that guests see when entering the apartment. Its appearance completely determines the impression of housing. But the entrance hall in high-rise buildings rarely has a large space. Owners have to balance on such a line between style and functionality, because of which the design of a narrow corridor turns into a real art, accessible not to everyone.

Narrow Aisle Style

Owners of small spaces live at the right time. There were years when fashion demanded to litter with an abundance of parts and elements even relatively small rooms. It’s good that this is already in the past. Modern repair technologies, together with a laconic fashion, are capable of creating a perfect space from a narrow corridor that is in no way inferior to a wide room in functionality.

Long corridor design
The design of the corridor in a two-bedroom apartment

The first step in the design of the corridor will be the choice of its style. There are such options:

  • Minimalism.The simplest solution for small spaces. It is preferable to use light tones and lighting as close to natural as possible. Characteristic is the installation of one single accent.
  • Classic. Thanks to the classical style of design, the effect of aristocracy and high cost is achieved. The interior uses natural materials: light wood, marble. Laconic decor only emphasizes overall restraint.

Narrow natural stone corridor

  • Provence. The French style is distinguished by its romance and soft, pastel colors. The effect is achieved due to floral motifs, artificial aging of surfaces, ruffle and elegant forms.
  • Country. Thanks to simple natural materials, rustic decor and an abundance of warm tones, the most comfortable atmosphere is created that is conducive to home relaxation.
  • East style. An expensive but perfect style for a narrow corridor. Due to the curly legs of the furniture creates the effect of lightness and airiness, which is so lacking in a small space.

Details of a narrow corridor decor

Surface finish

Properly selected finishes are half the success of a design. The specifics of the premises do not require moisture- or heat-resistant materials, the owners are able to make a choice based only on their own preferences.

Plastered walls in a narrow and long corridor

In no case should you align the walls in such a corridor with plasterboard. The wireframe method used for this will steal the innermost centimeters of width, thus doing a “disservice”.

The backlight in the narrow hallway creates a sense of space.

For the walls of the corridor apply:

  • liquid wallpaper;
  • cullets;
  • textured wallpaper;
  • Venetian plaster;
  • vinyl wallpapers.

Narrow corridor interior with high ceilingsDesign project for a long and narrow corridor

As for the picture, it is strictly forbidden to use either straight lines in a narrow elongated corridor horizontal or vertical stripesnor a large symmetrical pattern. Both options are only more elongated and compress the room. But chaotic abstraction is what is needed for this place.

Long corridor with sliding door

The ceiling is best either simply painted in white, or use the modern stretch option. The construction of a multi-level ceiling is completely inappropriate here.

Stretch ceiling in a narrow corridor

Traditionally, ceramic tiles are laid on the floor of the corridor: it requires minimal maintenance, is not afraid to be erased, and will not become a “death sentence” for dishes like in the kitchen.

Textured walls in a narrow corridor

Color scheme

With the help of color games, you can fix absolutely any room. The narrow corridor is not an exception, but one of the main confirmations of this rule. The best choice when creating the design of a long corridor is light cold colors.

Sliding wardrobe in a long corridor

Different colors can and should be combined: the wide walls are finished with a warm shade, and the narrow ones - with a cold light — this approach “shortens” the room.

Art Nouveau CorridorLong corridor in a modern style

Without words, it is clear that the excess of dark tones will make the corridor gloomy and adversely affect the perception of space. However, the view of the hospital ward due to the use of too light colors in the interior of the narrow corridor is also not practical: the walls and furniture will often become dirty and require additional care. At the same time, the feeling of comfort will suffer significantly.

Long corridor combined with living room

Psychologists say that one of the best color solutions for the corridor will turn green. Believe it or not, their opinion is up to the owners of the living space.

Hallway with a narrow and long corridor

The main elements of the corridor

In conditions of space deficit, it is important to identify the basic elements needed for the corridor. Every detail must be functional. In the corridor are installed:

  • closet;
  • whatnot;
  • thumbs;
  • hanger;
  • ottomans or other seats;
  • chest of drawers
  • entrance and interior doors.
Chest of drawers in a narrow corridor
Tiles on the floor of the corridor of a two-room apartment

It is not worth cluttering most of the corridor. It is ideal to use hidden elements embedded in one of the walls. If its facade is covered mirror panels, then the space is almost doubled.

Wall decor with paintings in the hallway

A mezzanine is a good option for seasonal storage of things or shoes. The best set for a narrow corridor is made to order.

Narrow corridor with stairs

The shoe rack will help maintain order in the corridor, especially in apartments where more than one person lives. The variety of materials available allows you to fit this detail into any interior.

Bookcase shelving corridor

A hanger is an obligatory attribute of a hall. And although it is often combined with a closet in a small corridor, there are many successful options for its use in small corridor, for example, its angular design.

Narrow tables in the hallway
Parquet floor

Undeservedly little attention is paid to doors when designing a hallway. But in a small room they can occupy up to 30% of the wall space. The basic rule is that doors should always match with skirting boardsif the latter are used. As with other surfaces, it is preferable to use not dark colors. Well expand the space light brown wood doors. If possible, the interior doors can be removed, leaving arches in their place.

Illumination of a narrow corridor with cabinets built along the wall

Furniture design

The most popular interior item in Khrushchev is a wardrobe. This is due to the irregular shape of the room. Instead of piling up space with many interior details, a single wardrobe with a modular system is installed. Such a furniture element is made to order, which allows you to get the most efficient place to store things, and create an object that perfectly suits the design room.

Shelves in a narrow corridor will decorate the interior

The facade of the cabinet can be decorated with mirror panels, small photos, prints or even completely pasted with wallpaper in the style of the opposite wall, which allows you to hide the presence of furniture as such.

Yellow mat

The following rules exist to successfully fit a wardrobe into the interior of a long corridor in an apartment:

  • the depth of the furniture wall should not exceed 50 centimeters;
  • storage systems are located along a wide wall, a narrower one is left empty. Thanks to this, it is possible to slightly correct the shape of the room on a square;
  • furniture should not start immediately near the door.By trimming the space on one side, inexperienced owners of the layout not only interfere with the normal operation of the cabinet, but also visually narrow the already small entrance hall.

Shelf shelves in a long corridor


The approach when only one central light source is installed in a room is long outdated. Lighting will help to emphasize decorative elements, visually correct the irregular shape of the room and expand its area.

Hallway with a corridor in the house

Large chandelier - the subject absolutely does not fit into the design of a small and long corridor. A tablet lamp or even a well-thought-out spot system will look more organic.

Curved corridor

If mirrors or mirror surfaces are used in the interior, highlighting them with light is a great solution. Near them, opposite or below them are often used Wall lights. Reflection of light can give a stunning effect, will make the hall lighter.

Narrow corridor design

But do not get carried away. The location of light sources along the entire wall can play a trick: instead of expanding the space, it will attract too much attention and narrow the already long corridor.

Narrow corridor in a big house

Since there is no natural light, one of the most successful solutions will be the use of halogen lamps, the color rendition of which will bring the lighting closer to daylight. Professionals recommend spotlights that can be mounted directly into furniture.

Loft Style Corridor

Corridor decor

Paradoxical as it may sound, a narrow corridor, precisely due to its shape, can become a real art object in skilled hands. Decor can be done even with a small budget.

Wallpaper in the interior of a small corridor
Corridor in a panel house

Options for decorating the hallway may be:

  • Pictures are the most common option. Doesn't a long, narrow space resemble a gallery in a museum? Can be placed along the wall as the art of famous artists,as well as the extraordinary work of contemporary creators - it all depends on the style of the room and the preferences of the owners. Instead of purchased paintings, photos from the family archive look atmospheric. It is possible to use additional illumination under each frame.
  • The bulk floor can become not only a successful finish, but also successfully play the role of decor. This type of flooring can be made in a variety of colors.
  • Using stone to decorate individual sections of the room will help to further refine the interior of the narrow corridor in the apartment.
  • Various shelves with spotlights - a classic option for the hallway. Such an object is able to emphasize the individuality of the owners: someone will place art objects here, someone books, and someone own rewards.

Corridor decor with photos and paintings

Techniques and ideas for increasing space

If all of the above tips have been used, and there is still not enough visual space, an additional effect will help to create:

  • Glossy surfaces. Reflection is the main weapon in the fight against small space. Glossy ceiling gives the opportunity to play with light.
  • The diagonal pattern of the flooring will make the room square.
  • When choosing a fixture design, it is worthwhile to dwell on small devices.
  • Setting decor items in front of the mirror will give the effect of their symmetrical arrangement.Mirrors in a narrow corridor
  • An alternative to conventional interior doors if creating arches inappropriate, may be the design of sliding doors or the use of curtains to separate rooms.
  • Rays of light should fall from the ceiling to the walls, and not vice versa.
  • The effect of a spacious entrance hall will help to achieve the reception of zoning. To do this, just use a combination of different surface finishes.

Graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technology and Design. More than 100 completed design projects.


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