Interior colors

Violet color in the interior and its combinations

Violet color in the living room interior

Violet is a complex color, people indifferent to it do not exist - they either love or not. Many refuse it because they find it too gloomy, shrouded in myths, and negative in color. Even those to whom he is very impressed are afraid to introduce purple in the interior of their home. In vain! The correct use of numerous incredible shades will help to bring grace, elegance and style to the design, will give comfort to you and amaze your guests imagination.

A bit of psychology

Psychologists and color therapists have long formed an opinion about purple. Opponents lack openness, sincerity of character. Lovers are distinguished by calm, inner strength. You can’t call the coloring boring, banal, because it is obtained by mixing two: red and blue, which are opposite in spectral analysis.A share of inconsistency may be manifested in the character of a person gravitating toward violet, but in addition, harmony and the desire to achieve emotional balance are characteristic of him.

The combination of purple and mustard
The combination of purple and mustard color

It is proved: this color helps to develop creativity, imagination, intuition, to acquire a balance of spiritual and physical energy. Creative, artistic personalities, but not without sentimentality, sensitivity, subconsciously gravitate. Using it, you will receive a room that contributes to calm, solve problems, improves mood. As for the fashion component, choosing purple in the interior is definitely not lost - for several years, designers have considered its presence as a sign of good taste.

Violet color in the interior of the living room


It is considered a complex color: combines a cold and warm palette. The natural version is rare: fruit and flower colors, precious stones. But even on a plum platter, there are several subtle shades that can create a cozy nest.

Violet and yellow color in the interior

All kinds of variations: eggplant; bilberry; grape violet; Amethyst demand, successfully used in a variety of styles:

  • Minimalism, hi-tech, techno are based on a contrasting combination of white with bright colors. A color of a cold bluish tone (for example, indigo), reinforced by the brilliance of glass, metal, chrome parts, is suitable.
  • Ethnic style. Moroccan, Indian style is used actively (textiles).
  • Modern. The secret symbol is pale purple iris.
  • Modern. Juicy tones (fuchsia, eggplant), neon are supposed.
  • Classic. It uses a deep, velvety (eggplant, dark purple, plum, orchid), complemented by gold, bronze.
  • Country. The presence of wood is characteristic - a great combination with modifications of the reddish undertone; decor with a floral pattern characteristic natural (violet, heliotrope)
  • Vintage, Provence.Basis - pastel makes accents of plum, grape as saturated as possible.
  • Futurism, pop art. All kinds of extravagant combinations.

Textiles in violet colors and shades

Perfect combinations

The main color of an impeccable combination is white, which can eliminate some dark dark purple. The interior will lose its gloominess, become calm, relaxing, as stylish as possible, made with simple materials. Tandem with green is prompted by nature. Floral shades (fuchsia, violet), delicate tenderness of greenery guarantee success.

The combination of violet and white

Fans of calm decisions should refuse to combine it with yellow. Use "powdery" tones (golden, light orange, copper patina). Combinations with light gray, light beige are considered neutral. Purple wins against the background of natural wooden surfaces; forged gratings; framed by gilded mirror frames. The combination with turquoise looks good, but the intensity of the shades is minimal. To eliminate the risk of sloppiness will help to maintain a balance of saturation, proportions.

The perfect combination of purple and yellow

Adherents of bold experiments are given the opportunity to create an interior that does not look fresh. The contrast of eggplant, grape, fuchsia with bright open colors (sky blue, cherry), the background of the walls of the color of blue ice will fill the room with the energy of the Brazilian carnival. It is catchy, colorful, harmonious: plum, eggplant with canary lemon-yellow, emerald.

Purple decor elements

Selected combinations of colors in the catalog do not always look as good in performance. Take your time, carefully review the photos of ready-made solutions or use the services of professionals.

Black green and purple

Designers do not recommend adding the following colors on their own:

  • Blue (excess causes depression);
  • Red (erroneous shades, proportions - a source of discomfort, excessive drama);
  • Gray (incorrectly selected tones will create the effect of negligence, "dirt");
  • The black.It is possible to make the Gothic style truly pathos only by a competent selection of related accessories: candles, paintings, crystal.

Purple tones in a nursery

How to use?

Color is more diverse than it seems, it has the ability to zoom in, remove objects, make a bright accent of furnishings. It is not necessarily dark, bright: the use of a muffled, light lavender looks tender, airy, fragile. Monochrome black and white versions look contrasting, but somewhat bored. Alternative: replacing black with plum, white with pale lilac.

Bright purple in the living room with fireplace

Designers, creating new fashionable interiors, do not limit the use of any standard surface: use is not recommended only for flooring. Walls are easy to make with wallpaper, paint: matte is reached depth, glossy - airiness, subtlety. Wall solutions are often built on the contrasts of various shades of violet shades. It is performed by geometric patterns, combining the saturated dark below to the lightest above, creating an unusual gradient. The decoration is finished by a very pale lilac stretch ceiling: in the interior of the living room, the reception has found frequent use. The dark blueberry ceiling is a bold solution to a bright room.

Children's room in violet colors

The accent use of violet is a simple, reasonable step for doubters. A tried and tested scheme is usually used - the choice of two objects of comparable volumes: a sofa - a chandelier, a chair - a floor lamp, a couch - curtains. The solution can be implemented independently, having in the asset a standard finish with a neutral base color scheme.

Purple Striped Wallpaper Bedroom

Where to use?

In some rooms it will become a real favorite, in others - an outsider. Not recommended for use in the office - the effect of attenuation of attention, concentration. The result: not a concentrated working area, but a room of meditation.The design of the children's room accepts the palest ones (lavender, pyus, heliotrope) of a small amount, the alternative is one bright detail.

Purple sofa

Modern interiors have often come in fusion style, but the mix of styles is better to miss in the purple living room. Fidelity to a particular direction will help to achieve the desired sophistication: Baroque, Rococo, Classicism. The use of only accessory inclusions on a calm background guarantees the absence of fatigue by excessive abundance. Too heavy, dense shades should be avoided. It is better to choose transparent curtains, furniture upholstery - velor, velvet, then the texture of the material will work positively. Flooring - laminate, fashionable smoky gray parquet. Orchid is a current trend, filled with fresh flowers, prints. I like bright ones: eggplant, fuchsia, indigo, but there is not enough courage for the experiment - start small: paint the frames of photographs, paintings.

Purple in the hall

The bedroom, depending on preferences, is created in the spirit of 1001 nights for married couples, choosing the style of eastern directions - Arabic, Indian. A selection of delicate shades is a good alternative to the pink female option. It will turn out an analogue of the romance of the pink performance, but it will remove the touch of infantility. The introduction of only one detail will make the bedroom unusual. Option: in a standard white bedroom, make a custom-made headboard made of MDF, on which, using laser cutting, an ornament is applied that is superimposed on a bright substrate - orchid, mauve, magenta.

Purple colors in the bedroom interior

In the kitchen "edible" variations are used: eggplant, plum, grape. Partial use is possible: a small kitchen - furniture facades. Now many manufacturers offer a wide color palette of an assortment of kitchen gadgets, appliances, household items: electric kettles, toasters, dishes. Use a bold design move - a combination with white on one subject.White blinds have several lower lamellas, painted bright purple; or the legs of the chairs of the white dining area are painted with the shade that the facades of the kitchen furniture are made in, the apron area.

Violet color in the interior of the kitchen

A bold bath technique is a game of contrasts. It will not look gloomy, optimistic inspire a matte dark wall (blueberry, plum) with a yellow shell on its background - the sun came out from behind the clouds. The technique of painting only one wall is applicable for the hallway area. Interaction with light beige will help to avoid narrowing the space, the installed front door of a brown, chocolate shade will support the color scheme, emphasize the contrast.

Purple Tiled Bathroom


There is a general rule: an extremely saturated, dark violet color is selected - the illumination is proportionally enhanced, especially local. With the help of a competent selection of lamps, specialized lighting schemes, an amazing lighting design is created that can change the room dramatically. When choosing warm or cold lighting - use specialized coloristic tables to make the selected shades look the most advantageous. With the same warm lighting, the shades of the prevailing red palette (mauve, eggplant) will benefit, the cold ones look unnatural (indigo, dark purple).

Light purple wallpaper and textile

Applicable to each specific room - certain nuances:

  • Living room. The main source of light is a chandelier, spotlights with crystal elements. As an additional - floor lamps. Futuristic, driving exteriors - colored neon will add cosmic notes.
  • Bedroom. In addition to the standard set (ceiling chandelier, bedside sconces), it is possible to install colored LEDs. Allows you to change the color from relaxation, meditation to a hot party.
  • Bathroom. Spot lights add heat. Additional lighting behind the mirror made by LEDs will not be superfluous.

Geometric patterns on purple wallpaper

The benefits of purple

Purple feng shui experts do not disregard. It is believed: colors can fulfill wishes. Precious purple promises wealth, especially in the financial center of the house - the far corner from the entrance on the left side. Color therapists say: it effectively treats cough, neuralgia, helps to gain self-esteem. Or maybe you should listen to the opinion of designers who insist that the purple colors in the interior are harmonious, chic and completely luxurious?

Purple wallpaper

But no one will dispute the claim that he really has some attractive power that makes him take a chance and end up in a purple dream.

I love needlework and everything connected with it. Especially home-made furnishings are my passion!


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