Create an exquisite and beautiful interiors in any area and layout of the home under the power of each owner. Do-it-yourself repairs are optional. Owners only need to choose the optimal types of materials that will be used when updating the premises. These include flooring, ceiling finishes and wall finishes. No less attention should be paid to the selection of the most popular and original styling. The materials used, the furniture to be installed and the selected color scheme will largely depend on it. The ease of creating the chosen direction will be affected by the type of installed illuminators, the used decor and textiles. Taking into account simple rules and special techniques of designers will contribute to the simple implementation of any conversion plan in your own home.
The main requirements for the selected finishing materials include their attractiveness, increased wear resistance and long service life. An important criterion is the high quality of products. Using design techniques can add zest to even the simplest materials. For example, wall painting, carried out using textured rollers, can be an excellent substitute for the usual wallpapering. Do not forget about auxiliary products: baseboards, moldings, interior door frames and window openings. Properly selected details should be a worthy and appropriate addition to the styling.
Topical materials need not have a high cost. Even an inexpensive finish, such as laminate, wall paint, can emphasize the created direction.
The flooring plays an important role in creating an elegant look. The most suitable options include:
Classic in the form of a wooden floor, varnished, suitable for living quarters and halls. It may consist of materials in two shades, in which one of them is used to lay out an ornate, geometric pattern.
The variety of models makes it easy to arrange living quarters. Great for studios where you need to use both beautiful and practical wear-resistant coatings.
A good replacement for linoleum: it looks like a “soft” floor. Can lay out colorful pieces, patterns.
Emphasize the special cosiness of the room. Ideal for children's and teenage rooms, but also perfect for styling a dressing room.
A practical solution for bathrooms, toilets and corridors. It can spread in the form of patterns, "herringbone" or imitate brickwork.In the bathrooms, it is recommended to make a framing of small tiles or to completely mosaic the tiles.
It’s easy to choose an original and stylish wall decoration, following this prompt:
bedroom and nursery;
Well suited for living quarters of adults and children, both painting and washable wallpaper. One wall for styling can be supplemented with photo wallpaper.
living room;
The best option would be a plain wallpaper with prominent large bright patterns. The room can also be stylized with the help of moldings used to separate walls, fasten stylized frames. Unusually they will look on the walls of the living room and the panel with succulents, moss.
kitchen and bathroom;
For ease of cleaning the walls in such rooms, it is recommended to use tiles. It should not be the same color and size. The layout of large elements and mosaics, the use of tiles in the form of honeycombs will help to zone the combined bathroom or highlight a kitchen apron.
In the halls the greatest amount of dust settles, so the walls in it are worth painting. For styling, you can use decorative plastic panels, artificial stone.
There are many options for unusual and very beautiful ceilings:
stretch cloths;
They can be monophonic and complemented by patterns. They are made with a matte and glossy surface. Optimum for rooms with a ceiling height of 3 meters or more.
Universal option. It is able to elegantly complement any non-standard design. It is preferable for rooms with a catchy style.
foam boards;
The best option for one-room housing with a wall height of 2.7 meters. They can be supplemented with relief patterns, color drawings.
drywall constructions;
They look good both in multi-apartment housing and in private buildings. May consist of many levels in one or different colors.
stucco molding;
Makes the design refined and stylish.It can be glued to a drywall single-tier structure or to whitewash.
A budget styling option that can be done in one or a pair of colors. Separation of different colors is carried out by moldings. Decorative application by textured rollers is allowed.
The color scheme in the interior
Ideal can be called the color scheme, which highlights all the advantages of the premises and hides its shortcomings. Optimum tones must first be selected according to the purpose of the premises:
For sleeping rooms (adults).
Coffee and turquoise, golden tones will create a special warmth. For emphasis, you can use brown, orange color. Blue or violet basic colors blend well with blue, light gray furniture.
For guest rooms, facilities for family leisure, dining rooms.
Purple and gray colors perfectly emphasize the laconicism of the interior. They will also look good in light monochrome, black and white gamma.
For teenagers and children.
Light and pastel colors are the best option. Good in such rooms will look lilac, beige, olive gamma.
Bathrooms and toilets.
In small rooms, light colors will prevail: white, beige, light green and light blue. They will be diluted with blotches of colorful panels, borders. In spacious bathrooms, a dark range is acceptable: black or brown with gold.
Stylistic directions
To create a truly beautiful design, owners need to determine the right style. Unlike the classic and having its own "character" are the following areas:
A universal option for anyone by type and area of housing. It involves a simplified design, eliminates piling.
Advantageous for multi-apartment apartments. It is dominated by light gray and white colors.
loft and industrial;
Equally good for suburban cottages and multi-unit housing with large spacious rooms. The first requires the use of wood in decoration and ethnic decor, the second - metal decor, "rough" furniture in gray, gray, black shades.
Ideal for cottage housing or a small house in the city. Attracts by simplicity and ease. Prevailing tones: pastel, white.
Suitable for spacious houses and one-room Khrushchev. Used as a base white color, a minimum of furniture - its main features.
Secrets of Lighting
In a short time, the choice of original fixtures will help to transform the usual decoration of all the premises of the home and make it a luxury class. For example, a conventional pendant chandelier can be replaced with LED counterparts. Suspended models with lampshades from branches, forging, and colored glass inserts will look unusual. As table lamps, you can use stylized models: in the form of plants, flowers, figures of people and animals. Attractive desktop projectors that shine up due to the presence of many light bulbs at the base, creating volumetric objects-illusions. Curved by an arc, supplemented by forging or representing long cylinders, parallelepipeds floor lamps will certainly brighten up the general view of the room. Unusual sconces having the shapes of curly objects became popular. Due to the play of light and shadow, they can design different patterns on the wall. As for the backlight, it is recommended to mount it in niches or on the ceiling at an angle. Falling streaks of light will make the room design stand out.
Furniture selection
Easy and simple to transform the home will help the selection of unusual furniture. This option is optimal in the case of rental housing or with a recent cosmetic repair. Upholstered furniture with a “carriage” screed will add sophistication and sophistication to the interior design.Consoles with open and closed shelves emphasize restraint. They can also be replaced with large cabinets with open shelves. A small dressing table will delight every housewife. And fans of souvenirs are recommended to hang shelves and decorate them with a small decor: figurines, candles or living plants. Originally complement the general appearance and furniture made of wood. It can have carved elements or have strict geometric shapes. For tiny rooms, it is recommended to buy built-in models or transformers. The right option would be to order furniture. In this case, the owners will be able to choose the color, parameters and design of the models themselves.
Textiles in the interior
The choice of original interior textiles will beautifully complement the general appearance of the design. For example, near the beds, under the coffee table, a small rug will be appropriate. You can pick up monophonic products, models with patterns according to the chosen direction. Use of tablecloths is acceptable for large dining rooms, dining kitchen tables. In the rooms where households live and spend leisure time, bedspreads and rugs can be used. They must be combined with curtains. Curtains themselves are selected in the color scheme of the room, can be complemented by small patterns. Do not do to create an unusual atmosphere without sofa cushions. It can be classic products or rollers, figured models.
Selected curtains should fit into the overall look. Rolled models make the design more strict and restrained, Austrian ones add zest and emphasize the sophistication of the room. But even canvases to the floor are a universal option.
Decorative elements
The choice of decor should be carried out according to the created style of the room. For example, in the industrial direction, forged stands, racks will become appropriate. Forged frames with mirrors and photos fit well into the urban style.Stained-glass windows, like painted floor vases, are suitable only for exquisite areas. Vases with strict geometric shapes in a uniform design are suitable for cutting-edge styling. Pictures are a universal option, but they should be selected according to the color scheme and the images themselves.
For monochrome rooms, you need to choose black and white paintings or products with accent drawings. Figuredly carved mirrors will look appropriate in teenage rooms. And the large mirrors on the stand are suitable for directions close to the classics. In a chalet and similar styles, to distinguish part of the wall, the transitions between rooms will help imitation brickwork. Doors can be selected both deaf and with glass. And you can completely replace them with thin curtains or curtains-threads.
Every owner can ennoble his new or old home and create special comfort in it. But in order for the finished design and layout to be appropriate and original, you need to work on the alteration very carefully. First of all, you need to choose the best style. In the world there are many areas that are easy to translate into reality without spending a lot of money. At the same time, it is especially important to think over in which color scheme the direction will be realized, which finishing materials will be used. It should be borne in mind that different styles will be appropriate for houses and apartments. Having familiarized yourself with useful tips, you can easily choose the best option for updating your home. Also, simple tips and tricks will tell you about the rules for choosing furniture and textiles, decorating different rooms.
Create an exquisite and beautiful interiors in any area and layout of the home under the power of each owner. Do-it-yourself repairs are optional. Owners only need to choose the optimal types of materials that will be used when updating the premises. These include flooring, ceiling finishes and wall finishes. No less attention should be paid to the selection of the most popular and original styling. The materials used, the furniture to be installed and the selected color scheme will largely depend on it. The ease of creating the chosen direction will be affected by the type of installed illuminators, the used decor and textiles. Taking into account simple rules and special techniques of designers will contribute to the simple implementation of any conversion plan in your own home.
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Actual finishing materials
The main requirements for the selected finishing materials include their attractiveness, increased wear resistance and long service life. An important criterion is the high quality of products. Using design techniques can add zest to even the simplest materials. For example, wall painting, carried out using textured rollers, can be an excellent substitute for the usual wallpapering. Do not forget about auxiliary products: baseboards, moldings, interior door frames and window openings. Properly selected details should be a worthy and appropriate addition to the styling.
The flooring plays an important role in creating an elegant look. The most suitable options include:
Classic in the form of a wooden floor, varnished, suitable for living quarters and halls. It may consist of materials in two shades, in which one of them is used to lay out an ornate, geometric pattern.
The variety of models makes it easy to arrange living quarters. Great for studios where you need to use both beautiful and practical wear-resistant coatings.
A good replacement for linoleum: it looks like a “soft” floor. Can lay out colorful pieces, patterns.
Emphasize the special cosiness of the room. Ideal for children's and teenage rooms, but also perfect for styling a dressing room.
A practical solution for bathrooms, toilets and corridors. It can spread in the form of patterns, "herringbone" or imitate brickwork.In the bathrooms, it is recommended to make a framing of small tiles or to completely mosaic the tiles.
It’s easy to choose an original and stylish wall decoration, following this prompt:
Well suited for living quarters of adults and children, both painting and washable wallpaper. One wall for styling can be supplemented with photo wallpaper.
The best option would be a plain wallpaper with prominent large bright patterns. The room can also be stylized with the help of moldings used to separate walls, fasten stylized frames. Unusually they will look on the walls of the living room and the panel with succulents, moss.
For ease of cleaning the walls in such rooms, it is recommended to use tiles. It should not be the same color and size. The layout of large elements and mosaics, the use of tiles in the form of honeycombs will help to zone the combined bathroom or highlight a kitchen apron.
In the halls the greatest amount of dust settles, so the walls in it are worth painting. For styling, you can use decorative plastic panels, artificial stone.
There are many options for unusual and very beautiful ceilings:
They can be monophonic and complemented by patterns. They are made with a matte and glossy surface. Optimum for rooms with a ceiling height of 3 meters or more.
Universal option. It is able to elegantly complement any non-standard design. It is preferable for rooms with a catchy style.
The best option for one-room housing with a wall height of 2.7 meters. They can be supplemented with relief patterns, color drawings.
They look good both in multi-apartment housing and in private buildings. May consist of many levels in one or different colors.
Makes the design refined and stylish.It can be glued to a drywall single-tier structure or to whitewash.
A budget styling option that can be done in one or a pair of colors. Separation of different colors is carried out by moldings. Decorative application by textured rollers is allowed.
The color scheme in the interior
Ideal can be called the color scheme, which highlights all the advantages of the premises and hides its shortcomings. Optimum tones must first be selected according to the purpose of the premises:
Coffee and turquoise, golden tones will create a special warmth. For emphasis, you can use brown, orange color. Blue or violet basic colors blend well with blue, light gray furniture.
Purple and gray colors perfectly emphasize the laconicism of the interior. They will also look good in light monochrome, black and white gamma.
Light and pastel colors are the best option. Good in such rooms will look lilac, beige, olive gamma.
In small rooms, light colors will prevail: white, beige, light green and light blue. They will be diluted with blotches of colorful panels, borders. In spacious bathrooms, a dark range is acceptable: black or brown with gold.
Stylistic directions
To create a truly beautiful design, owners need to determine the right style. Unlike the classic and having its own "character" are the following areas:
A universal option for anyone by type and area of housing. It involves a simplified design, eliminates piling.
Advantageous for multi-apartment apartments. It is dominated by light gray and white colors.
Equally good for suburban cottages and multi-unit housing with large spacious rooms. The first requires the use of wood in decoration and ethnic decor, the second - metal decor, "rough" furniture in gray, gray, black shades.
Ideal for cottage housing or a small house in the city. Attracts by simplicity and ease. Prevailing tones: pastel, white.
Suitable for spacious houses and one-room Khrushchev. Used as a base white color, a minimum of furniture - its main features.
Secrets of Lighting
In a short time, the choice of original fixtures will help to transform the usual decoration of all the premises of the home and make it a luxury class. For example, a conventional pendant chandelier can be replaced with LED counterparts. Suspended models with lampshades from branches, forging, and colored glass inserts will look unusual. As table lamps, you can use stylized models: in the form of plants, flowers, figures of people and animals. Attractive desktop projectors that shine up due to the presence of many light bulbs at the base, creating volumetric objects-illusions. Curved by an arc, supplemented by forging or representing long cylinders, parallelepipeds floor lamps will certainly brighten up the general view of the room. Unusual sconces having the shapes of curly objects became popular. Due to the play of light and shadow, they can design different patterns on the wall. As for the backlight, it is recommended to mount it in niches or on the ceiling at an angle. Falling streaks of light will make the room design stand out.
Furniture selection
Easy and simple to transform the home will help the selection of unusual furniture. This option is optimal in the case of rental housing or with a recent cosmetic repair. Upholstered furniture with a “carriage” screed will add sophistication and sophistication to the interior design.Consoles with open and closed shelves emphasize restraint. They can also be replaced with large cabinets with open shelves. A small dressing table will delight every housewife. And fans of souvenirs are recommended to hang shelves and decorate them with a small decor: figurines, candles or living plants. Originally complement the general appearance and furniture made of wood. It can have carved elements or have strict geometric shapes. For tiny rooms, it is recommended to buy built-in models or transformers. The right option would be to order furniture. In this case, the owners will be able to choose the color, parameters and design of the models themselves.
Textiles in the interior
The choice of original interior textiles will beautifully complement the general appearance of the design. For example, near the beds, under the coffee table, a small rug will be appropriate. You can pick up monophonic products, models with patterns according to the chosen direction. Use of tablecloths is acceptable for large dining rooms, dining kitchen tables. In the rooms where households live and spend leisure time, bedspreads and rugs can be used. They must be combined with curtains. Curtains themselves are selected in the color scheme of the room, can be complemented by small patterns. Do not do to create an unusual atmosphere without sofa cushions. It can be classic products or rollers, figured models.
Decorative elements
The choice of decor should be carried out according to the created style of the room. For example, in the industrial direction, forged stands, racks will become appropriate. Forged frames with mirrors and photos fit well into the urban style.Stained-glass windows, like painted floor vases, are suitable only for exquisite areas. Vases with strict geometric shapes in a uniform design are suitable for cutting-edge styling. Pictures are a universal option, but they should be selected according to the color scheme and the images themselves.
For monochrome rooms, you need to choose black and white paintings or products with accent drawings. Figuredly carved mirrors will look appropriate in teenage rooms. And the large mirrors on the stand are suitable for directions close to the classics. In a chalet and similar styles, to distinguish part of the wall, the transitions between rooms will help imitation brickwork. Doors can be selected both deaf and with glass. And you can completely replace them with thin curtains or curtains-threads.
Every owner can ennoble his new or old home and create special comfort in it. But in order for the finished design and layout to be appropriate and original, you need to work on the alteration very carefully. First of all, you need to choose the best style. In the world there are many areas that are easy to translate into reality without spending a lot of money. At the same time, it is especially important to think over in which color scheme the direction will be realized, which finishing materials will be used. It should be borne in mind that different styles will be appropriate for houses and apartments. Having familiarized yourself with useful tips, you can easily choose the best option for updating your home. Also, simple tips and tricks will tell you about the rules for choosing furniture and textiles, decorating different rooms.