Do it yourself

DIY painting methods for decorative stone

Decorative stone painting

Often there is a desire to make some changes in interior design. Painting decorative stone from gypsum, concrete or cement allows you to get a great finish, beautiful and practical at the same time. The work itself associated with staining, can not be called too complicated, but certain technological nuances, of course, exist. You will get an updated interior at very low cost.

Painting tips

In order for the dyeing work to succeed, you must first prepare the necessary materials. You will need:

  • Sponge made of rubberized material;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Piece of cotton fabric;
  • Paint sprayer;
  • Grinding file;
  • Degreasing solution;
  • Paint;
  • Set of brushes;
  • Impregnating suspension;
  • Compressor.

Paint sprayer

It is impossible to use when painting decorative stone with paint brushes (maclowers) and rollers. The paintwork consumption will increase significantly, and ugly streaks will appear on the surface.

Finishing with colored decorative stone is often used in landscape design and in facade work, so the choice of paint should be treated with particular responsibility.

Painting provides for compliance with certain rules:

  • The stone is dried before staining for 24-48 hours;
  • The old lining is pre-polished so that the paint does not crumble;
  • Impregnations are used strictly in accordance with the instructions. It is also important to consider the compatibility of impregnation with dyes;
  • To make the surface shiny, you can use varnish. However, it does not always look beautiful, since the effect of the naturalness of the material is lost.

If you follow these tips, the coating will look natural, and the paint will last a long time.

Tile coloring

What to paint

For solid decoration of man-made stones, you can use acid or acrylic paint. These dyes penetrate deep into the structure of the stone, dry quickly, and are resistant to fading. Before starting staining, be sure to check that the composition is in working condition, has no lumps and clots. If necessary, the paint is diluted with water and diluted with a primer. Here is a brief description of the dyes:

  • Acrylic. It is an aqueous emulsion solution that is ideal for painting gypsum stone. It is elastic, resistant to external influences, does not crack with time.

Acrylic paint

  • Silicone and silicate.These dyes are mainly used for outdoor applications. The binders in these formulations are silicone resins and water glass. In addition to aesthetics, the advantage of such a coating is a long working life. He is about 20 years old.

Silicone paint

  • Copper and iron sulfate. These solutions are used as an impregnation. They help increase color fastness. Iron sulfate gives the lining a yellowish tint, copper - blue.

Blue vitriol

  • Stain. To paint gypsum and cement decorative materials apply acid stain or composition for woodwork.


In addition, impregnation with a "wet" effect is used for staining, as well as dyes that make the gypsum stone look like natural. The use of varnishes allows you to get a matte or glossy surface with a shine. Varnish not only decorates, but also protects the surface from abrasion over time.

To make the varnish coating as durable as possible, it is applied in two or three layers. At the same time, the stone acquires a slightly darker shade.

Tile Ink

Brush or airbrush

What to use for painting - brush or airbrush? - Such a question is asked by many novice masters. Both methods of work can be applied. The advantage of an airbrush is that it sprays paint. The result is a uniformly and uniformly stained surface. By changing the distance from which the paint is applied, you can give the stone of gypsum different shades. The airbrush is great for making smooth transitions between shades and darkening convex areas. It is advisable to use several spray guns with different colors. This will speed up the work and allow you to get an unusual beauty result.

There are different types of airbrushes on sale. You can paint a decorative stone with the most budget airbrush - a spray gun. It is important to pay attention to the compressor when buying. The quality of applying the composition to the stone depends on it.


Using a brush causes the stone to stain unevenly. No matter how high-quality the brush, drips and stains can not be avoided anyway. But it is indispensable for applying varnish to torn sections of the cladding. You can slowly process each pebble, induce or, conversely, weaken the semitone, decorate it with veins characteristic of natural stone. The technology is the simplest: dip a brush into a selected composition and paint.


The peculiarity of gypsum stone is that it absorbs the dye unevenly. However, this should not be feared, since the lining turns out to be similar to natural stone.

Self-staining: pros and cons

The main advantage of painting decorative stone with your own hands is the ability to choose the material and shades so that the lined surface is in harmony with the home interior design. A painted surface can mimic stone, wood or brickwork. You can use several shades that seamlessly transition from one to another. There is only one drawback: the work is painstaking, requires responsibility, a creative approach and, of course, the desire to do something yourself. Otherwise, you risk ruining everything.

Stone Tile Painting

Preparation of stone and paint for work

Before applying the dye, the surface must be carefully prepared:

  • Remove dust and impurities without wetting the surface too much;
  • If necessary, grind the surface;
  • The decorative stone is treated with impregnation and then dried.

Airbrush painting

A visual inspection of the decorative stone is required. There should be no flaws on it.

Painting a new stone is easier than repainting an old one, since there is no need for polishing. It is enough to wash the surface, treat it 2-3 times with impregnation, and you can immediately begin to work.

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Gypsum stone coating technology

There are several ways to apply dye to the cladding.You can paint gypsum decorative stone both before and after installation. Each pebble should be painted individually for beginners. If you have any experience in this work, it is better to paint an already faced wall. So you can more objectively evaluate the result. Tiles will look more natural and fit into the interior better. However, in this case, you need to take into account such moments:

  • Responsible approach and patience;
  • Preliminary preparation of a staining plan;
  • The correct selection of tint combinations;
  • Calculations of shadows and lights.

It is advisable to paint the plaster decor with two or three non-contrasting colors. Do not be too zealous with a large number of shades, since gypsum absorbs the dye unevenly. The same color can produce several different shades.

Consider the most effective color options.

Plaster Paint

In mass

This method is considered the best and easiest. In this case, the powder pigment is mixed directly into the gypsum intended for casting stone decor. It turns out a decorative stone painted inside. In case of accidental damage, the white base will not appear. The convex parts of the stones can be painted over with a regular brush. The coloring solution in this case has such a composition.

  • Pigment - 0.5 tsp;
  • Water - 0.2 L;
  • Acrylic primer - 0.2 l.

Coloring tiles under the stone in bulk

After the stone has hardened, it remains to get it out of shape, put it on a horizontal surface and apply a water-soluble varnish. There is a drawback to this method: the stone does not look quite natural, especially when viewed closely.

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Surface method

This is a more time-consuming process, which allows, however, to achieve maximum resemblance to natural wild stone. The coloring pigment (or several) is diluted in water, the brush is dipped in a solution and impregnated with a stone. When adding from 30 to 50% acrylic primer, the color is stronger.After the "background" is prepared, separate stones and patches are covered with a darker shade. It is not necessary to take too much care on the selection of the palette, since gypsum absorbs the dye differently each time. Even gypsum parts of the same type are equally impossible to paint.

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The final stage of painting

After the surface treatment is completed, it remains to cover it with several layers of varnish. Sometimes the stage with varnishing is skipped, because many people like the natural matte appearance of the cladding, reminiscent of natural stones. If acid paint was used for the coating, the surface is washed and dried. Then it is covered with a hydrophobic composition.

Application of varnish on stone tiles

Fancy staining

In addition to painting with conventional compositions, there are several non-standard options that will allow you to create your own magnificent “palace” decoration of the interiors of a house or apartment.

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Under the old marble

If you like the effect of aging surfaces, you can make the artificial stone look like antique marble. The painting technology is as follows:

  • The purchased cladding material is kept in a darkened room for 48 hours. If the artificial stone is made independently, it is pre-dried. The maximum allowable drying temperature is 55 degrees;
  • Heated drying oil. This work requires maximum caution, you need to do it in protective gloves;
  • Using a flute brush, the material is coated with drying oil, preferably in 2 layers. It is necessary to ensure that the stone is processed evenly, without gaps;
  • It remains to wait a little time, and soon the gypsum surface turns to be colored with veins, like old marble. The result is a wonderful finish for the kitchen or fireplace area.

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Under the terracotta

The surface is terracotta treated with rosin and shellac varnish, which are dissolved in industrial alcohol. The principle of applying the paint is the same as when staining with marble.The effect of terracotta also appears after some time.

Terracotta Tile

Creating a Bronze Tide

To obtain a bronze tint on the surface, materials are prepared and actions are performed in a certain order:

  • Drying oil is applied to the surface so as to saturate gypsum well with it;
  • The product is dried. As a rule, it takes 8-10 hours;
  • Bronze powder is mixed with varnish, then the product is treated in 2 layers;
  • The material is thoroughly dried;
  • A mixture is prepared: for 0.3 l of water - 0.1 l of acetic acid and 10 g of silver nitrate;
  • Apply the thinnest layer of bronze powder to the surface, top with a solution. In this case, an oxidation reaction occurs;
  • The surface is wiped with a piece of velvet.

Stone tiles with bronze tint

To enhance the effect, wax dissolved in turpentine is applied to the surface of gypsum. This must be done until the material is saturated with the solution (the latter ceases to be absorbed). A cladding with such a coating can be washed, while it does not lose its properties.

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Stain staining

Stain allows you to get a very beautiful and unusual surface. You can apply it with a spray gun, but the best result is obtained by dipping the product in a solution. Warm the stain a little, lower the gypsum stone into it for a couple of seconds, and then dry it. If necessary, the product is pre-wiped.

Stained stone tile stain


As you can see, painting a decorative stone is not a very complicated matter, but it requires accuracy. If you follow the instructions for applying the coloring compounds, you have a chance to do the job "excellent" and get a result that will please you for a long time.

I love needlework and everything connected with it. Especially home-made furnishings are my passion!


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