Do it yourself

How to make paving slabs at home

Production of paving slabs at home

People prefer paving slabs rather than asphalt. They want to see her near their entrance too. Owners of private houses are independent and do not rely on others in this sense, and do everything themselves. For reasons of economy, they can manufacture paving slabs at home.

Paving tiles are called, in fact, paving stones. Historically, in cities this coating displaced asphalt, which takes a much more even form. Modern paving slabs are a neat and technological material with a beautiful, more status view, it also has a smaller thickness. While they are trying to preserve historical paving stones, and asphalt areas are being replaced with new ones, they are inventing varieties of material for the streets of the future. Masters on laying paving slabs do not exert extra effort when working with it, but in the end there is another beautiful location.

Advantages and disadvantages of paving slabs

Feature and at the same time advantage of the material is the appearance. The cobblestones transform the roadway and sidewalks on city streets and near individual buildings, collecting simple and unique compositions.

Variability of application, the second important advantage, leaves moves for all occasions. Paving stones are placed on any surface, almost anywhere, with any form. The foundation for it is not poured, which means that the finish can be disassembled for work with a hole in the ground and then laid back without damage. Especially if you act carefully. In which case, the tile is even transferred to another place.

Physical characteristics will also please the consumer. The material tolerates impacts well, and in terms of frost resistance it withstands up to 300 cycles of freezing-thawing, vibropressed pavers, for example. In conditions of heavy rainfall, less resistant cast tiles will last up to 10 years.

Minor flaws:

  • sags under heavy objects;
  • costs more than alternatives;
  • low-quality products absorb moisture and break easily.

Paving slabs

Features of production at home

Paving technology is simple and complex.Prices for equipment and the level of expenses allow us to at least think about the production of vibrocast tiles at home. To place a "mini-production" choose the territory adjacent to the house.

The time costs will be large, although manually, in fact, nothing needs to be done. At the same time, there is no need to buy everything at once, as is the case with factory products. The load on the repair budget will be insignificant, because the process will stretch for at least 2 months, and if desired, increase it to four.

Among manufacturing techniques, vibrocasting, vibrocompression and the use of formwork for pouring should be highlighted. As already mentioned, the first one is better than others for home conditions, especially if the owner does not want the products to have a makeshift look. Just in case, there is an option with imitation of paving stones with stamps on a not yet hardened concrete surface.

At the very beginning, you should roughly calculate the budget so that home production is not a waste of time!

DIY tile

Choosing a mold for making tiles

Use plastic, polyurethane, silicone, wood, metal and other templates. In addition to the material, molds and opportunities that they give, you should decide on the configuration of the finished products. You can’t hurry to choose the shape of the tile. At the same time, if there is no desire to create unusual drawings, hexagons, rounded polygons, as well as wavy and brick tiles, are enough. The first thing you need to think about the layout on the site, to the smallest details.

Molds are permanent, semi-permanent and one-time. The first type is used to cast a large number of background paving stones. Semi-permanent are made of thermally stable materials. One-time after the first use is noticeably deformed and when laying large compositions will not work. Polyurethane and silicone have become popular home-made materials.Forms from them can last a long time, and the quality of the tile will be at a decent level.

Molds for making tiles

Polyurethane compound mold

Molds made of polyurethane are suitable for art casting according to the method of manual filling. Moreover, for machine and conveyor methods it is also used. Polyurethane compound templates have high adhesion to most materials. At the same time, so that the product does not stick, use release agents. Polyurethane compounds have a low viscosity, which helps to fill the entire volume, including the smallest gaps. They are "not afraid" of moisture and temperature changes. Electrical insulation and physical and mechanical characteristics are also at a high level. Curing of paving slabs in polyurethane forms occurs almost without shrinkage. Low viscosity cold cured compounds are the best choice for tile polyurethane, but molds for curing at temperatures around 50 ° C are also suitable.

Form for paving slabs from polyurethane compound

Silicone Matrix

Advantages of containers of this type:

  • elasticity;
  • durability;
  • do not crack;
  • do not dry out.

It is justified to use silicone matrices just for personal cooking in household needs. The elasticity and flexibility of these templates allows you to accurately simulate the texture and relief of lumber, stone and even plant leaves. Like polyurethane, silicone matrices are used to make decorative and simple functional tiles. You should not buy dimensional blocks of several elements for filling. If you do not confine yourself to ordinary matrices and medium-sized meshes, then you will have to solve the problem with deformed edges of products on the edges of the block. Factory-made silicone templates are relatively expensive, so it makes sense to get along with shapes for about 30 tiles. In the course of work, containers should be cleaned of greasy stains and disinfected, but at the same time also use grease.

Silicone paving matrix

Tile manufacturing technology

In individual production, vibrocasting technology is resorted to more often. The method is inferior to vibrocompression in the reliability of finished products, but allows you to create textures, textured patterns, bright colors and complex shapes. Among the advantages of the technology note the economical consumption of plasticizer compared to pouring into the formwork, price range, relatively light technical conditions for manufacturing. The essence of the process is to conduct vibrating pulses through the solution in the form.

Vibrocompression makes the tile much denser. After the procedure, the finish of the properties approaches the artificial stone. Vibro-pressed pavers are used on park paths, sidewalks, in parking areas, places where heavy machinery sometimes passes. Products are paving stones in the classical sense of the word, because they have more compact dimensions with a large thickness. In the manufacturing process, the mixture is subjected to press strokes. The surface of the material is rough and with a pale color.

Technologies for paving slabs

Necessary equipment and tools

First, you need a concrete mixer. Enough of a small option, and equipment can be borrowed or rented. The volume of the tank must contain and mix all the ingredients of the mixture so that even the smallest lumps do not form. The composition is then compacted in the form, and a vibrating table is selected as the equipment. Tile performance in terms of strength, moisture resistance and weather resistance during processing will increase by 30%. The table will have to be done on its own, because its cost will be unreasonably high. I have to buy forms for tiles, find buckets and basins. Molds are better to buy plastic or silicone. Homemade lumber is also suitable. For convenience, items should be stacked on shelves. You can not do without volumetric containers for dosing pigments and plasticizer. In addition, a kitchen scale is required.

Concrete mixer

The choice of materials for the preparation of the solution

You will need to choose:

  1. Cement;
  2. Filler;
  3. Plasticizer;
  4. Dye.;
  5. Grease.

They begin, of course, with the choice of cement. Portland cement is mainly used, with or without additives. The white finish is better, as there is more room for shading. Filler choose small and large. Frost resistance depends on the first component, and strength on the second. A plasticizer is added to water to give it and other miscible components good performance, durability, flexibility in frost, condensate resistance and resistance to high temperatures. Dyes are used at the kneading stage or on the finished product. Apply, including natural and synthetic, for coloring and texture formation. Lubricants are bought in order to make it easier to get the tiles out of the molds. A good composition will not spoil either the pattern or the cobblestones themselves.

Portland cement


The quality of paving slabs is regulated by GOST 17608-91, which you should focus on. The norms are talking about the necessary frost resistance. In this sense, the quality of cement plays no less role than the overall composition and proportions. Modification M500 from the Portland cement group is suitable. She has more strength, and the material sets earlier than mixtures of M400 and lower on the scale. The M500 brand may have mineral additives with a share of up to 20%. There are also completely inclusion-free variants of this raw material. Among the modifications, it is worth noting the II / A-Sh 500 PC with mineral additives and the I-500 PC - pure. Paving slabs made of cement of the second type withstands pressure up to 500 kg / m². Plain gray Portland cement is made from gypsum and low-iron clinker. White cement M500 is better for creating colored tiles, but it is more difficult to work with.


Filler for solution

Fillers are divided into large and small. The first group includes crushed stone, pebbles and gravel, and the second group includes screening, slag, and small crushed stone.

Small additives are grains with a diameter of 0.16 to 5 mm, which close the gaps as they grow. Grit control using a sieve. The resulting fractions with a dust content of not more than 5% are then distributed in the particle size module. Clay and organic impurities should not be present among them, because frost resistance will suffer from this.

In cement mortars, coarse fractions of more than 5 mm, crushed stone, pebbles and gravel are also used. Elements of crushed stone have an irregular shape and a rough coating. Pebbles and gravel are smoother, but gravel, due to its inorganic nature, has better strength indicators and is more suitable for thin tiles. Pebbles and gravel also have more impurities.

Filler for solution


The tool is classified depending on the basis:

  • TOTM, trioctyltrimellitate;
  • DUO 1 / DUO 2, complex plasticizers;
  • 3G8, triethylene glycol dioctiate;
  • DOA, dioctyl adipate;
  • DINP, diisononyl phthalate;
  • GPO, diethylhexyl phthalate;
  • DOP, Dioctyl Phthalate.

DOA - better than others in terms of hardness and rigidity, retains good flexibility at low temperatures. Plasticizer 3G8 in the last parameter holds the first place. It also serves for a long time and has decent performance. DUO 1 has excellent flexibility in frost, maximum temperature before failure, and also in terms of durability and the same performance. The DUO 2 modification is practically no different from the DUO 1 superplasticizer, with the only difference being that its flexibility at low temperatures is low, and instead it has better condensate resistance. The first place as a whole is unconditionally given to the TOTM plasticizer. It is better in all indicators, according to which DUO2 superplasticizer is noted as good. DINP is generally considered one of the weakest options, but it has high condensate resistance. GPO and DOP are inferior in that they cannot be called high quality in any of the indicators.



As the initial coloring elements, sulfides, soot, salts and oxides of chromium, iron, titanium are used. In addition, powders of zinc, nickel, aluminum, copper, and its alloys are used. Decorativeness in terms of hue and texture is given precisely with pigments in the solution. A similar result is also achieved by acid etching. For example, the effects of marble, diabase, granite, coil or aged look. Dyes for concrete and specifically paving slabs are natural, metallic and synthetic. Naturals are extracted from minerals and rocks as a result of grinding, heat treatment and enrichment. Synthetic compounds are complex compounds obtained as a result of technological and chemical processes with high accuracy of calculations. For external staining, alkyd, polyurethane, epoxy, acrylic and rubber paints are chosen.

Enamels and soil-enamels with inclusions in the form of granotsev, corundum, quartz sand are also used for painting finished products.


Mold grease

A good lubricant does not spoil the shape and color, does not allow air to pass through, its composition is suitable for dilution with water, application with a thin layer. The dried tile is easily removed from the molds treated with a lubricant solution with the above characteristics. Templates should not get dirty.

KSF-1 grease has a uniform composition and dissolves in cold and hot water. It is used for metal and plastic molds. Mineral oils act as the basis for Crystal lubricants. Apply it with a brush or spray. Nometal has anti-corrosion properties. Those who want to save buy Agate grease. For formwork, concentrated adhesive compositions are used, including those with silicone substrates. Another budget option, Emulsol has a mineral base. Some of the mixtures are concentrated; they are diluted with water.

Mold grease

Proportions, composition and rules for the preparation of the solution

Typically, the following tools are used:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • water
  • plasticizer;
  • crushed stone.

Pigments and a dispersant are optionally added.

Since it makes sense to paint the tiles for a private allotment, you should adhere to, or at least focus on the proportion, where there will be 57% of gravel, 23% of cement and 20% of sand. The plasticizer is added in an amount of 0.5% by weight of cement. All dry constituents are diluted 40% with water. As for the pigments and dispersants, 700 ml / m² and 90 g / m² respectively are discharged to them.

The composition of the water for the solution does not hurt to examine for the content of inclusions in excess, which can affect performance. Drinking water for the preparation of the mixture is suitable. Before use, the solution is mixed, since its components are gradually stratified. The finished solution can also not be used if it is partially set. At a temperature of +30 ° C and above, humidity below 50%, water-holding particles, lime or clay are added to the mixture.

Mortar for paving slabs

Tinting tiles at home

Products are painted surface or at the time of manufacture. From the top, paints like alkyd and polyurethane are applied. In the second case, oxides and dioxide of chromium, iron or titanium are added to the mixture. Consumers are offered to buy luminescent pigments, which accumulate light during the day and shine at night. They are used for tinting, and for surface staining. You can also give color at home by acid etching. Active substances in reaction with concrete give the coating inhomogeneous shades of any color. The curly parts are decorated including mixtures of paints and primers. Then a concentrated substance is added to the solution per tenth of the volume, and the remaining 90% is filled with a primer for water-based paint. The color will last a long time, and the strength of the finish will increase.

Tinting Tiles

How to dry a tile

First, conditions are created to quickly transfer the paving stones made.Then tiles are made. The place for drying should not be damp or cold.

When it seems that the tile is already dry, it still cannot be taken out of the mold. Approximately another 30% of the elapsed time will be needed for the material to dry out at the points of contact with the template. Strongly adhering edges indicate a possible damage to the tile in the future. For high-quality drying, a temperature of +10 ° C is sufficient, and the optimal one is at the level of +20 ° C. The room is chosen with heating, which several times reduces the risk of marriage due to poor drying. The heat treatment method also improves product performance. Then the tiles are placed in hardening chambers. The temperature in them is about +50 ° C, and the drying efficiency is increased by humidity of 95–97%.

Drying paving slabs

DIY ideas for making paving slabs

One of the elementary ideas is considered a drawing of rhombic elements of 2 different colors. Problems with linking fragments do not occur with this method.

In simple dachas, you can notice tile fragments with large distances between each other, filled with composite material. It is not difficult to make tiles for such an application, because any molds will do.

Someone is buying geometrically correct patterns with chaotic lines inside. Planning a site will be easy if the patterns are close in shape to a square or a short rectangle.

Products for wood cuts and small chaotic elements will be more effective than those already listed. The first to equip a colorful atmosphere in the spirit of wildlife. Chaotic stoneware fragments from the stencil with the correct layout will resemble an interesting dry surface.

Paving Slab Ideas

Tile "Wooden saw cut" in silicone form

Concrete tile "Cut wood" simulates a cut segment of the trunk. It is used especially with wooden structures, as well as for laying tracks through the lawn.

To preserve the saturated color of the imitation tile, it should be painted with concentrated dyes and in addition - achieve great strength for the finish itself. The shape must be attached with a silicone template. They make it according to the outlines of this slice with the addition of a relief on the inner faces at its discretion. The lower layer will become annual rings, and the main will take the form of sides. The first layer is made of sand with the addition of cement and water with a plasticizer. It is gently rubbed with a spatula to a perfectly even layer with a thickness of up to 0.5 centimeters. Due to non-compliance with the described technology, spots will appear on the “annual rings”. If pigments from different parts of the product fall over the edge, they are painted over manually.

Tile Wooden Saw

Making a tile using a stencil

A simple device in the form of a wire mesh will give the material an interesting shape and the desired thickness. With the help of the grill, large areas are immediately laid out or they go on a different path and tiles are used for gradual laying according to the mosaic principle. Placing fragments sequentially will be an easier task if the edges of the stencil have the correct shape.

They make patterns of polyurethane, silicone, plastic, etc. Silicone is used to create unusual paving. From metal sheets or wood you get a good home-made stencil. A factory grill lasts at least 200 manufacturing cycles.

For heterogeneous styling, paving stones with a wavy shape are used. It is laid out in transition zones. Classics are made from even elements. Modern style is conveyed thanks to rounded products.

Making a tile using a stencil

Work safety rules

The first step is to protect the moving elements of the equipment, as well as to install thermal insulation for units that operate at high temperatures. The work is carried out mainly in the open air, but if the rooms are used, they equip the ventilation.Among other things, toxic substances and dust will have to be removed from the premises. Separate ventilation is also made for the equipment used. Units, installations and electric motors ground to avoid sparks, the formation of static electricity.

Technological actions should be carried out in overalls with additional means of protection for the face and body. You need to work at comfortable temperatures, humidity, and also subject to sound pressure acceptable to the body.

If involved workers are involved in the manufacture of the tiles, then a workplace project should be drawn up.

Safety in the manufacture of paving slabs


It is unlikely that it will be possible to refine the area around the house in a month or two. But during this time, theoretically, you can manage to lay out beautiful sidewalks, paths and paths for traffic. Craftsmen rent small equipment, collect improvised materials, bring raw materials from nearby places and create a tiled coating. In which version it will be, simple or artistic, it already depends on the time spent. Before the start of the main stages of work, a tile shape and patterns for its manufacture are selected. As for the manufacturing method, they prefer mainly vibration casting, because it is easier, more convenient and simpler. The physical characteristics of the products will only be slightly inferior to the performance of vibropressed tiles. This selection of methods and materials does not end there. The question about color will remain open. The mixture is either tinted in the process or the already frozen tile is painted.

I love needlework and everything connected with it. Especially home-made furnishings are my passion!


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