
Table setting rules at home

Cutlery for table setting

Behavior during eating, table setting, with the correct placement of cutlery on it, the culture of feasts developed from time immemorial. There are known examples of tasting various dishes and drinks during the time of the first rulers of Ancient Egypt. The ancient Greeks, and later the Romans, ate on the refectory bed. At the beginning of the Middle Ages, at many monarchical courts, she gathered to know at an oak dining table. Beginning in the 11th century, when the female sex was admitted to the feast, the first rules of etiquette appeared.

Now we have sets of dishes, consisting of different objects, a large number of cutlery, allowing you to set the table with style, spread out covers, properly arrange the menu. You can create a cozy, relaxed atmosphere during meals yourself, you only need to follow certain rules when choosing kitchen utensils, additional decorative elements.

Why table setting is needed

Knowledge of the basics of serving, the appointment of various objects, the ability to behave properly at the table, increases the cultural level of a person. The proper arrangement of cutlery allows you to eat in a comfortable environment. Let us dwell in more detail on the question of why serving is necessary:

  1. When conducting various studies, it was proved that clean beautiful dishes make the dish even tastier.
  2. Healthy food often does not cause a desire to eat it, but a meal that looks beautiful awakens the appetite.
  3. She fosters respect for food in a person, does not allow a careless attitude to her.
  4. It is an important indicator of status, and according to the person’s ability to handle cutlery, a conclusion is drawn about his upbringing.
  5. All items are picked up and laid out in their places, which allows you not to be distracted during the meal in search of missing devices, while an interesting conversation will not be interrupted, there will be no thought of a lack of a knife or fork.
  6. It brings aesthetic pleasure to a person, instills in him such a character trait as accuracy, introduces him to the rules of behavior in society.

White table setting

Features and basic serving rules

The table is served depending on the type of meal, whether it is a regular dinner or a festive feast, the number of participants in this process.The sequence of decoration begins with laying the tablecloth, then proceed to arranging the plates, laying the cutlery, arranging the glasses, placing napkins, and additional decoration. In order to properly perform the cover, the placement of couvers, you must adhere to certain rules:

  1. Before setting the table, you need to consider the menu, which and how many dishes will be served.
  2. All the decoration should correspond to a single style, ideal when it is also compatible with the interior /
  3. Only perfectly clean tablecloths and napkins are used; all dishes should be washed well, without stains, fingerprints, defects and dirt.
  4. Arrange items in such a way that those who eat food are comfortable. For each person, 80 cm of space should be provided.
  5. Forks are placed on the left, spoons, knives - on the right, put the point up in a certain order corresponding to the serving of dishes.
  6. All stacked items should be used only for their intended purpose, you can not take devices located on the right and vice versa into the left hand.
  7. A glass of water is placed above the knife;
  8. A snack plate is set in the middle of the place where a person will sit, indented 2 cm from the edge of the table, and a napkin is placed on it.
  9. If hot dishes are provided, a deep plate is set on top of the decorative one.
  10. To the left of the main dishes put a pie plate over the forks.

Cymbal layout

Tablecloth: selection rules

One of the main elements in the process of laying the table is a tablecloth, it all starts with it. It should be perfectly clean, ironed, consistent with the nature of the feast. Everyday models are better to choose neutral colors, and bright colors are good for a dinner party. To make the right choice of napkins, you should adhere to certain rules:

  1. The color of the canvas should be in harmony with other interior items.For example, for light furniture it is better to choose green, yellow, beige tones, while the same design should be found on the upholstery of chairs, on pillows, and other elements.
  2. The tablecloth must conform to the shape of the table, so a round cover will spoil the appearance of a square product and vice versa.
  3. Everyday models are better to take from PVC, acrylic, or Teflon, holiday - from natural fiber (linen, cotton fabric).

Acrylic tableclothFestive tablecloth for a round table Teflon tablecloth Festive linen tablecloth Tablecloth for PVC Natural fiber tablecloth

It is necessary that the canvas chosen for the meal cover the entire surface, while the edges should hang 20-25 cm evenly from all sides, covering the furniture legs. The descent rate is very important, if the parameter is larger or smaller, then the coated structure, like the tablecloth itself, will look tasteless, messy.

Beautiful table setting

Types of plates and their arrangement

The next step after laying the appropriate tablecloth will be the arrangement of plates. A decorative plate is installed in the center itself, on which you can put a snack bar, and if there are liquid dishes in the menu, a deep container. In this case, the soup is served in a soup plate, the broth in a bowl. The bread saucer is placed to the left of the stand.

Beautiful plates for serving

The table shows the main types of plates used for serving

NameDiameter cmUse of item for submission
Soup20-24Soups, borscht, broths, liquid dairy dishes
Canteen27-32dishes in the form of side dishes, with side dish
Diner19-22Hot, cold snacks, puddings, fresh fruits
Dessert deep20Fruits, Berries, Confectionery
Shallow dessert20Sweet porridge, mousse, jelly
Pirozhkovaya17,5Pies, toasts, bread, rolls, croissants
Dish40-45Meat of domestic, wild animals, birds, fish
Caviar15Black, red caviar
Socket9-10Honey, jam
Kremanka9Fruit, jam, ice cream
Plate - Chill (shell)9-17Cold, hot seafood
ScaffoldFree Forms


Salads, appetizers, sauces, sliced, dried fruits
Salad bowlSalads, pickles, fresh vegetables, pickles
HerringHerring, canned fish
Saucer10-15They put a bowl, a glass

Types of dishes for serving

Cutlery - Correct Location

The third item in the serving is the correct placement of the appliances. According to etiquette, spoons, forks, other utensils should be arranged as follows:

  • Devices are laid on both sides of the main container, in some cases - on top.
  • Forks are placed on the left, spoons, knives - on the right, while the blade should be directed towards the plate, and not towards the seated guest. The heads of all devices should look up, in the opposite direction from the person, with the exception of those located on top of the plate.
  • If you list the dining table from left to right, then the items should be stacked as follows: a fork for snacks, a fork for the main dish, a table knife, a tablespoon, a teaspoon. The butter knife is placed on a bread plate, which is located above the main container.

For different meals their items and methods of their location are provided. The main condition is that the layout of the devices starts from the plate as they are prioritized.

proper cutlery positioning

Selection and arrangement of glasses

Table setting with glasses, glasses, wine glasses depends on the drinks that will be served. Place them behind the main unit in a straight line or in a semicircle in two rows. The closest item to the plate will be used first. Remembering what kind of drink it is intended for is simple - the larger the bowl on the leg, the less strong the drink will be.

Glasses are placed according to their height. For water use the highest. It stands first on the left, followed by a slightly smaller wine. Low (vodka shot) is placed at the plate on the right. A champagne glass stands separately, behind the rest.

Glass arrangement

Using wipes

For serving, you can use napkins from any material - fabric, paper, bamboo, patchwork. For everyday use, one of the types is enough, but on the festive table should be both fabric and paper. Textiles are quickly saturated with the fat of second courses, therefore, an alternative must be provided for it.You can arrange a cotton towel on a portioned plate in the form of a tube or figured decor.

Paper napkins are placed partially under the plate in the form of an envelope, on a saucer in the form of an unusual design, or in a napkin holder. They can be of different colors and textures. When choosing a product, you must take into account the features of the celebration.

Festive table decor with napkinsBamboo napkins Swan their paper napkin Bamboo serviettes for serving Napkin decor for a festive table Serving Cloths

Decorative decorations for serving

You can make food attractive and appetizing with the help of decor. Various inedible elements that create an aesthetic mood enhance the impression of eating, raise the mood. In order not to overload the table, it is important to set the right bright accents when serving. When placing a decor, catering experts recommend that you adhere to the following rules:

  • Various decorations, natural flowers should not touch dishes;
  • Decor should be placed closer to the center of the table;
  • You should not place small vases, figurines randomly, it is better to use special textile tracks;
  • Candles should only stand on stands;
  • It is necessary to observe seasonality. It is inappropriate to decorate a serving in the spring with pumpkins and dry leaves;
  • Additional attributes should correspond to the theme of the celebration.

Beautiful table setting

Types of Serving

Any dish, even the simplest, is much nicer to eat with beautiful dishes using the right cutlery. Table setting is very important, affects appetite, reflects awareness of etiquette, and raises the status of any event. The number of plates, spoons, glasses depends on the purpose of the feast. It is not necessary to turn an everyday meal into a magnificent celebration. The presence of a starchy tablecloth, napkins, crystal, flowers on the table is an indispensable requirement only for some types of serving.

For breakfast

Morning meals are a traditional process for many families. You can make it more enjoyable if you set the table according to all the rules. Unleash your creativity in the kitchen in many ways.In a pleasant, elegant atmosphere, even breakfast lovers in the morning will not be able to refuse a cup of coffee and ordinary fried eggs.

Purple cookware set

You will definitely get excellent serving if you adhere to the following rules:

  • We put a tablecloth on the table. A clean, ironed sheet will create comfort and a leisurely homely atmosphere. It can be supplemented with a modern runner (fabric strip in the center of the table). You can also use coatings of oilcloth, but always whole and with a beautiful pattern;
  • Denote the center of the table. It can be a large flat dish with bread, a fruit stand, a vase with natural flowers;
  • Main course. Depending on the type of food, a deep or flat plate is chosen for him. You can place it on a crib or a special napkin;
  • We lay out cutlery. To the right is a knife turned with a blade to a plate, followed by a tablespoon, then a teaspoon. On the left is a fork;
  • Cups and glasses. On the left diagonally from the main plate we put a glass of water, and on the right a cup of coffee, tea, a glass of juice;
  • Additional items. A sugar bowl with tweezers or a spoon is placed in the center of the table, saucer for cookies, sandwiches, a socket for jam to the left of each plate.

Breakfast setting

For lunch and dinner

Joint dinners bring family members together, cheer up, so be sure to take place at a beautifully decorated table. If guests come to the house, not only the lunch menu, its presentation, but also the serving changes. Depending on the type, number of dishes, age, status of guests, this procedure can be done in several ways.

Table decoration should begin with a tablecloth. The classic sequence of placement provides for a standard set of dishes. First they put round wide plates, deep on them for the first dishes. If snacks will be served, the set should be supplemented with snack saucers decorated with a napkin. To the left of the plates lay a fork, to the right of a tablespoon and knife.For spices, seasonings, salt shakers, oilers, allocate a place in the center of the table. There are also stands for bottles, decanters. Glasses and glasses are placed at the top of the plates.

Lunch, evening meal after a working day should be calm and less eventful than breakfast and lunch. A pair of plates placed sparingly will be enough - a shallow ordinary one and a salad bowl. A knife with a fork can be put to the right of the main objects or in the usual way. Sliced ​​meat, bread, sauces are placed in the center. Depending on the selected drinks and their sequence, glasses, glasses, cups are placed.

Table setting for dinner

For banquets

This type of serving is appropriate for large-scale family celebrations, corporate parties. In this case, the table is served with a variety of dishes. The arrangement of the devices will depend entirely on the menu, the order of serving, the variety of drinks.

Banquet involves the presence of a large number of people. To accommodate all guests, one rectangular table or several round ones are comfortably used. Cover them with plain tablecloths in size. Design begins with a visual separation of the surface at the rate of 1 meter per guest.

Each seat at the banquet table is designated as a snack or deep plate and a beautifully folded napkin. It should be 2 cm from the edge. On the left put the dishes for pies and bread. A variety of dishes at a banquet may involve several types of spoons and forks. Place them in a classic way, spread everything at once on both sides of the plates. Snack tools can be put on a plate and covered with a napkin. The most convenient distance from each other is 0.5 cm.

Banquet table decoration

The arrangement of glasses depends on the type and sequence of drinks. Behind the plate, a little to the right, is the place of a wine glass for soft drinks. If the drink is in a mug (fruit drink, beer), the handle is turned to the right.For alcoholic banquets, a special serving of glasses is schematically provided. Place them in two rows. The first row from the plate is a vodka glass, modern, wine glass. The second row - a rainbow, Lafite glass, a glass for sparkling wines.


The peculiarity of the reception was the lack of chairs. Guests are independently served, choose their favorite dishes. Eating is also required standing at the full oval table. The reception is often used at mini celebrations, business receptions, youth parties, in hotels. Do-it-yourself serving can be of several types, each of which has its own rules. The dishes are arranged in a certain sequence as follows:

  • Glass containers for drinks. You can set glasses, wine glasses, piles in two rows, with a snake, in groups, with a herringbone;
  • Snack bars, dessert plates. Each guest must have at least 2 pieces. They are stacked on either side of the table;
  • Devices. Forks are placed on the edge 6-10 pieces to the left of each stack of plates, knives on the right 3 pieces;
  • Devices for spices. Must be open type. Put them in the center of the table.

Buffet table decoration

Tea or coffee

For a coffee table, variegated tablecloths with rich embroidery are suitable. You can supplement them with a fabric track or individual napkins. Modern serving is impossible without a special service. If it includes only cups and saucers, then additional dishes (sugar bowl, milk jug) can be taken from another set. It is better to observe the rule of compatibility of materials - porcelain with porcelain, ceramics with ceramics.

You need to set the table for tea drinking with the arrangement of dessert plates. A saucer and a cup are placed diagonally to their right (the handle is turned to the right parallel to the table). A tea spoon is placed in the saucer, also with the handle to the right. A dessert spoon is placed to the right of the plate. In the center of the table, a place is allocated for a milkman, sugar bowl.

Tea table setting

Ideas for Holiday Table Settings

A beautiful and proper serving lays a pleasant impression on the guests about the hospitality of the hosts. In a pleasant comfortable atmosphere at the table it is easy to have a dialogue, it is convenient to absorb food without touching high objects with your hands and without dirtying your sleeve on a neighbor’s plate. You can set an amazing table using ordinary household items for any themed holiday.

New Year's table setting

The main rule for a successful New Year table setting is to maintain style, maximum colorful decor, only natural dishes. Plastic salad bowls, cups and all kinds of bowls will be inappropriate. It is better to use monophonic plates of blue, green, yellow color with various New Year's patterns. Glass goblets and wine glasses can be decorated with a red ribbon. The New Year's table will look boring without a thematic decor. It can be scented candles, paper napkins of an original form, compositions from Christmas toys. The center can be decorated with the symbol of the New Year.

Thematic table setting for the New YearNew Year's table setting Table decoration in red colors for the New Year. New Year table decoration tablecloth for the New Year's table New Year table decoration ideas

Serving should begin with a tablecloth. It is better to choose a bright canvas with a winter pattern. We put plates and devices according to the generally accepted pattern - forks on the left, knife, spoons on the right. We expose glasses and glasses last. The quantity, type of devices depends on the characteristics of dishes and snacks. According to etiquette, a tissue napkin is rolled up and placed in a plate, a paper napkin is partially filled under it. You can also use several napkin holders.

Easter table setting

Traditional Easter table setting is respected in every family. Easter cakes and puppies are placed in the center of the table. Baking is placed in a beautiful dish or in a special plate with circular recesses for eggs. The menu also includes various meat dishes, sausages, chicken rolls. Fish is not accepted. The Easter feast is accompanied by a drink of Cahors or other red wines.

Christians celebrate the main holiday of the year on a grand scale, without stinting on treats and decorations.Tables are covered with the best tablecloths with Easter ornament or spring pattern, and a wicker basket with products lit in the church is prominently displayed. Napkins, egg-shaped coasters, beautiful bouquets will give a festive mood.

Easter table settingEaster table setting Easter serving in violet tones Easter serving for a big company Easter table setting Festive easter table setting

It is better to set the table for Easter with plates from one set. If they are not enough, you can combine the two and alternate through a plate. Wine glasses must be present, as the main alcoholic drink of the bright holiday is Cahors. If desired, they can be supplemented with glasses, mugs. Devices and glass should be placed near each plate, even if there are small children among the guests. Excess items can be removed when all guests have decided on places and sit down at the table.

Birthday table setting

To make the holiday bright and memorable, you must follow all basic rules when decorating a table. The success of the party depends on this. It is imperative to take care of the availability of beautiful dessert plates, cake stands, fruit racks, cocktail tubes and other holiday paraphernalia. You can arrange a table at home or in a restaurant in the following ways:

  • Unusual colors and style. A single serving concept always looks very nice. You can stop at the usual tea party or choose an original fresh idea, for example, in the style of a Russian village, with rustic motifs;
  • Themed table design. You will need to purchase additional devices and accessories in the selected style. This may be a special decor of napkins, shape, color, figures of mastic on the cake, name plates. Popular serving options - in the style of the Italian mafia, Gotem city;

festive table decoration with flowersRomantic festive table decor Seasonal festive table decor Seasonal festive table decor Themed table design Birthday table setting

  • Seasonal decor, season-oriented. The table can be decorated with natural seasonal materials. For spring, summer decor, wildflowers and fruits are used. In autumn, you can use wooden coasters, a bouquet of yellow leaves.Winter birthday will be decorated with rowan brushes, tree branches in flowerpots.

Table setting for a children's party.

Any holiday has its own characteristics of organizing and table setting. Children's event is no exception. Regardless of whether the general theme or neutral design is chosen, the children’s table should be maintained in the general color scheme. Serving should contain 2-3 primary colors.

Necessarily need utensils - glasses, dessert plates and spoons, a stand for cake and pastries, saucers for ice cream, a vase for fruits. If there are many young guests, it is better to choose plastic or paper plates for safety reasons. Forks are best not to use. After the birthday boy divides the cake into pieces, the knife must be removed.

Festive table setting for childrenTable setting for a children's party. decoration of a children's table in green shades Table setting for teens Festive table setting for a girl Themed table setting for a children's party

Valentine's Day table setting

Themed table setting for the holiday of all lovers creates a special atmosphere of romance and comfort. Two people will be present at the table, so many appliances will not be required. You can decorate it with a variety of accessories, hearts, ribbons, flowers. Paired elements will be appropriate.

To highlight the spirit of the holiday, a romantic atmosphere can be with the help of textiles. A plain white tablecloth will be a great backdrop for holiday decorations. Large red bows can be sewn to its corners, and the edges can be trimmed with a satin ribbon. A strip of bright material is also decorated with candy cans, cups.

An excellent decoration for Valentine's Day will come from an edible decor. A stunning serving can be created from a variety of pastries. It can be lollipops lined with a beautiful slide, marmalade, marshmallows, chocolate balls, heart-shaped cookies.

Romantic table settingValentine's day table setting Red table setting Table setting with roses Romantic Valentine's Day Serving Valentine's day table decoration

Wedding table setting

It is better to set the solemn table using beautiful porcelain dishes according to all the rules of serving. For all guests, it must be the same, polished and polished.

A wedding banquet in a restaurant is usually served long before guests arrive. First of all, the waiters make stand plates. Their main function is to protect the tablecloth from stains, to mark the place of each guest. Individual cutlery is installed on them, which are replaced during the celebration.

At the edges of the plates place spoons and forks. If in a cafe for a wedding there are invited people who are not used to etiquette, so as not to embarrass them, it is better not to create an abundance of appliances. Oysters, lobsters can be served immediately with them. Overloaded with dishes, the wedding table should not be forced to many glass glasses. It is enough to leave the most popular at the moment.

Wedding table settingFlowers on the wedding table wedding table appliances Wedding Table Decoration Ideas Wedding table decoration Wedding table setting ideas

Table setting for outdoor parties or picnics

You can celebrate any event in nature with home comfort. When laying the table in the garden you cannot skimp on bright colors. Unusual combinations, seemingly inappropriate in the house, here I will look harmonious and fun.

A party in nature involves not only a feast, but also walks, enjoying the green beauties, active games, swimming in a pond. Therefore, you should think in advance about protecting food from dust, sand, insects. You will need special caps and spherical grids.

It is not necessary to carry huge packages of dishes with you in a forest glade or in a park. To serve an impromptu table, you can use plastic containers, containers with lids, in which products were delivered to the place. You can make salads from them. In nature, it is quite possible to dispense with plastic disposable tableware. There are lots of convenient and bright sets that will decorate any party.

PicnicPicnic table setting Outdoor banquet Picnic table decoration Table decoration in nature Banquet in the Provence style

Arrangement and serving tips

The correct presentation and sequence of dishes allows you to better feel the taste of each product, recognize the aroma of the ingredients, and get the most pleasure from food. They must be submitted in the following sequence:

  • Cold snacks.Take out in porcelain, ceramic dishes. For caviar, use a special stand with ice, cold cuts on an oval plate with pickles;
  • Hot snack. Served in the dishes they prepared - stew in pots, baked fish on portioned sheets;
  • First meal. Take out only in a heated plate, bowls with lids;
  • Second courses of fish. Boiled seafood is served on oval plates, fried - in special pans;
  • Meat second courses. For stews, stews use clay pots, for beef steak, schnitzel - plates;
  • Hot vegetable dishes. Baked eggplant, zucchini, bell pepper served on hot sheets;
  • Desserts, fruits. Sweets are placed in bowls, fruits are put on the table in deep vases.

Serving SnacksTable setting rules at home Serving hot snacks Skewed Canapes Cold snacks Banquet Dishes

Etiquette at the table: what is unacceptable

Even the most ordinary feast in the circle of relatives and friends should be held according to the rules of etiquette. The slightest deviation can create an awkward situation and discomfort for others. At the table is unacceptable:

  • View messages on the phone, answer calls;
  • Start eating until all guests plates are full;
  • Take plates with two hands;
  • Putting dirty appliances on the tablecloth;
  • Cut bread with a knife, bite off a large loaf;
  • Spread oil from a common grease fitting;
  • Transfer the salt shaker separately from the pepper shaker;
  • Comb, use a mirror, a toothpick;
  • Indicate to a neighbor about ignorance of etiquette.

Etiquette at the table


Table setting is an important aspect in human life. The correct arrangement of devices allows you to take food with pleasure, not be distracted by the search for missing items, fosters accuracy in a person, and the ability to use devices indicates the upbringing of tasting food. Also, this fact is a manifestation of respect for invited friends or relatives. The ability to properly set the table will help to hold any celebration at the highest level, helps to establish relationships in the family, and has a calm, laid-back conversation.

I love needlework and everything connected with it.Especially home-made furnishings are my passion!


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