
How to make drywall walls with your own hands

Drywall Wall

Plasterboard sheets can rightfully be considered a universal building material for internal work. From them you can build a false fireplace, make arched openings, curly niches. But most often walls and partitions are mounted from drywall. Such designs allow you to quickly and easily change the layout and carry out zoning of rooms or at the same time align the walls and insulate, isolate the room itself from noise. True, due to the significant thickness of the material and the frame, if one needs to be installed, they somewhat “eat” the free space. Therefore, it will be rational to block the room with light drywall dividers or to finish all the walls only with a significant area of ​​the premises to be equipped. And if this option suits you - we recommend that you immediately familiarize yourself with the useful descriptions of the material itself and the features of its application. Recommendations and precise instructions will help you do the right installation of the wall from the gypsum board yourself.


You can build a drywall wall at any object: in an ordinary apartment or in a brick, stone house. Such structures can also be erected in wooden houses, but you need to remember that a full finish of drywall with wood (to maintain the overall style) will be impossible. Under the influence of heavy lumber drywall will begin to deform. Installation of the structure can be carried out both on the frame (from metal profiles or wooden battens), and in a frameless way. Before delivering drywall to an object, it is worth taking care of the organization of a place for its storage. You can put drywall on the side (long) side under a slight slope along the wall. It can also be laid on the floor, having previously built a small flooring from the boards. Such a precaution will prevent accidental spillage of liquid on the gypsum and its wetting.

Wall decoration

Drywall Mount Installation of drywall Wall finish Drywall Wall Drywall Feature

Advantages and disadvantages of drywall walls

The important advantages of using drywall for leveling walls or building a partition include ease of installation. Even if it is necessary to manufacture the frame, the work is carried out quickly and easily. Other advantages of using this material include:

  • complete environmental friendliness of the sheets (due to the absence of harmful binders in the composition);
  • the possibility of finishing the erected walls with different materials;
  • strength of the finished structure;
  • affordability (even for special types of drywall);
  • ease of implementation of non-standard forms of partitions;
  • ease of processing material before use;
  • maintaining a normal microclimate in the room due to the high air permeability of the gypsum layer.

Sheathed walls

Drywall on the walls Drywall wall decoration Plasterboard walls Drywall Wall Option Drywall partition

The disadvantages of drywall walls (which were collected only from gypsum board and profiles) include low sound insulation. Also, with special attention you need to approach the storage of sheets. They are very fragile and can be damaged if they are not carefully unloaded or located in an equipped room. Another disadvantage is the low resistance to stress. It will not be possible to nail the shelves to drywall or fix a weighty lamp with a glass shade on it.

Types of Drywall

A fairly pleasant plus of drywall is its diversity. In the modern building materials market, the following types of sheets can be found:

  • conventional (GCR): is a gypsum dough enclosed between layers of thick cardboard; often used for the construction of partitions and leveling walls; not suitable for use in rooms with high humidity;
  • moisture resistant (GKLV): include additives to increase its resistance to moisture and the appearance of fungus or mold; suitable for installation in the kitchen and in the bathroom;
  • fire resistant (GKLO): used for wall decoration (or the construction of partitions) at facilities with increased fire hazard; can be placed next to stoves, stoves, fireplaces;
  • moisture-resistant (GKLOV): a special type of drywall that is resistant to moisture and can increase the fire safety of the room.

Types of Drywall

Types of Drywall Fireproof Drywall Drywall Sheets Moisture resistant GKL Normal GCR

Drywall is classified as prescribed. For walls, wall material is used, the thickness of which is more than 12.5 mm. For example, Knauf sheets can have a thickness of 12.5 to 24 mm.

Drywall walls using frame technology

The construction of drywall walls on the frame is the most common method of installation.This technology is applicable for erecting partitions from scratch and for leveling walls with differences of more than 4 cm. The advantage of this method is the presence of a reliable base of profiles, in which you can not only hide the wiring, but also arrange insulation, sound insulation boards. It is universal and suitable for implementation in any spacious rooms and when working with any type of drywall. An important advantage of the technology is the possibility of easy stylization of the room due to the installation of niches or curly walls with lighting. Despite the use of numerous materials and tools, the construction of a frame drywall is carried out without any difficulties. Below we examined the detailed instructions that will allow you to do the installation of this design with your own hands.

Drywall Installation

Sheathed walls with drywall Frame mounting Sheathing technology Installation of drywall sheets Wireframe technology

Necessary materials and tools

To independently carry out the installation of drywall on the wall, you will need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • drywall sheets;
  • guiding and bearing profiles;
  • hammer drill (for fastening profiles);
  • screwdriver (for fixing the GCR themselves);
  • level;
  • scissors for metal (for cutting profiles);
  • construction knife (for cutting drywall sheets);
  • roulette;
  • suspensions under the bearing profile;
  • kapron thread (for convenience, marking the vertical plane along which the profiles will be aligned);
  • construction angle or ruler (for drawing on the GKL sheets the place of the cut; however, you can carry out this work using existing profiles);
  • dowels (for fixing the frame);
  • self-tapping screws for drywall (special fasteners for sheets).

GKL sheets

Drywall screws Dowels for drywall Level application Screwdriver in hands Metallic profile

Additionally, protective equipment (mask, glasses) should be prepared. It is worth remembering that cutting GKL is a dusty job.

Frame erection

A properly assembled frame is a guarantee of the reliability of the entire drywall. That is why the base device for the sheets must be carried out as accurately as possible.You can assemble the correct frame according to the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Mark on the floor and ceiling of the location of the guide profiles. It is advisable to place them as close as possible to the sheathed wall (as far as its irregularities and protrusions allow) to minimize the area of ​​the room to be equipped.
  2. Mounting rails using dowels.
  3. Introduction to the ceiling or floor rail of the supporting profiles. The distance between adjacent vertical profiles can be 40 cm (for the construction of a reinforced frame) or 60 cm (for the installation of a conventional frame).
  4. Fasteners to the wall of the suspensions at a distance of 50-60 cm between adjacent ones.
  5. Fixing the thread that defines the vertical plane along which the bearing profile will be aligned. It is advisable to fix this thread in 3-5 rows.
  6. Alignment of load-bearing racks and their fastening to suspensions.

Guide rail measurements

Frame erection Ready frame Guides on the wall Drywall frame Frame mounting

Communication lining

If the usual wiring of pipes (for example, in the bathroom) is simply sewn up with drywall, then additional work will be required for wiring. All wires are laid in the corrugation. This will create a secure wiring. Next, the locations of electric points (switch, sockets) are determined. Corrugated wires are connected to these sections. On the drywall itself, you need to make holes for the electric points using the special “crown” nozzle. So that the corrugation does not hang under the drywall, it is necessary to fix it with clamps. Plastic clamps are usually attached to suspensions.


Corrugation wiring The principle of wiring in the wall of drywall Corrugation Communications Wiring and frame on the walls Wireframe Communications

Put the wiring in such a way as to have a "supply" of wires, and not have it stretch. We also recommend that you create a wiring diagram so that in the future, if necessary, get easy access to the wires, and not disassemble the entire wall completely.

Drywall Installation

The easiest task when assembling a drywall or partition wall can be considered the direct installation of sheets.But for a competent design device, you need to carry out the correct calculations and correctly cut the GCR. It must be remembered that the joints of the sheets should pass in the center of the supporting profile. If during the calculations it turns out that you need a strip of drywall about 10 cm or less in size, you need to reconsider the docking scheme and increase this piece to at least 20 cm.

Mounting technology

Plasterboard Walls GKL installation process GKL installation Installation of drywall on a frame wall Drywall Installation

Such a narrow strip will initially be the weak point of the structure and the likelihood of its shedding over time will be quite high. After preparing the sheets, they are fastened to the frame. If necessary, before installing the gypsum plasterboard, it is necessary to lay between the individual elements of the noise insulation frame (for this task, special plates are ideal). During the installation of drywall, you need to remember about the possible need for trimming sheets horizontally (with uneven ceiling or floor). Also try to insert self-tapping screws into drywall so that they do not protrude, but also do not form deep "holes" on the sheets.

Roughing - sealing joints and holes

The finish of the drywall wall is as follows:

  1. Putty rubbed the hats of the screws and all the joints between the sheets of drywall. For work, it is recommended to use a conventional spatula and exclude the appearance of bulk layers of putty.
  2. Streaks of reinforcing mesh are laid over the joints of sheets. It will allow you to align this area and will contribute to a good adhesion of the wall with subsequent layers of rough finish.
  3. A full putty of the wall is carried out.
  4. After the putty hardens, the surfaces are sanded to obtain an even plane.
  5. The final stage of the rough finish will be the priming of the wall. The primer will provide a good grip of the fine finish with the base. Application and distribution of the primer is carried out using a roller.

Drywall Joints

Drywall seams on the wall The way to grout Stitching Wall plaster Plastering

Wall alignment by gluing GKL

Frameless GKL mounting method seems simple.But to get a quality result, you need to do a lot of work. Bonding is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Complete removal of the old finish. It is especially important to remove adhesives previously used for tiles or wallpapers.
  2. Degreasing of the surface, allowing to exclude the presence of areas to which drywall does not stick.
  3. Primed walls to ensure good adhesion of the adhesive on the drywall to the cleaned wall.
  4. Direct gluing of GCR should be carried out taking into account the characteristics of the wall to which they will be attached.

In case of differences on the wall no more than 5 mm around the sheet perimeter, a gypsum putty is applied with a notched trowel. Also, two long strips of adhesive composition are applied at a distance of 40 cm from the edges.

Gluing Drywall Sheets

With a difference of 5 mm to 2 cm, you need to use a thicker adhesive for drywall. It is applied with a conventional spatula in the form of small piles around the perimeter and inside the perimeter at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other.

With differences from 2 to 4 cm, stripes or squares from drywall - lighthouses - are initially glued to the wall. They are glued to gypsum putty, creating a custom frame. In this case, the joints of the sheets should be in the center of the lighthouse. Only after the putty dries (this may take 2-3 days), the sheets are glued. The adhesive is pre-applied to the beacons.

Installation of lightweight partitions

Drywall partitions are mounted on the frame. It can be “single” (consisting of only two rails) or “voluminous” (include a pair of parallel rails on the ceiling and floor). The second type is more complex, but it allows you to get a reliable and durable partition. The installation work of the separator with a single frame is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Marking the location of the guides on the floor and ceiling under the level.
  2. Mounting rails with dowels. Installation of a vertical rack, which will be the side face of the finished partition.
  3. Installation of supporting profiles at a distance of 40 cm from each other. Their fixation to the guides.
  4. Installation of horizontal profiles (previously in the places of “overlapping” of horizontal profiles to vertical, these sections are trimmed). Fixing horizontal profiles.
  5. Covering the assembled frame with drywall and subsequent rough finishing of the finished structure.

Lightweight partition for drywall

Methods of finishing walls from GKL

The original fine finish of drywall will help give the room a stylish look. Acceptable options for wall cladding from GKL include:

  • painting: for staining, you can use the usual compositions or paints with craquelure effect, pieces of fabric, glitter;
  • wallpapering: an affordable and easy way to finish;
  • decorative plaster coating: non-standard compositions will help to quickly transform the room;
  • pasting with tiles: the best solution for the bathroom, but it is worth remembering that the drywall walls are not able to withstand heavy loads, so it is better to place the tiles below and combine with other types of finishes;
  • finishing with plastic lining: it is easy and simple to mount the lining, in addition, it will help to reliably protect the drywall itself from moisture and mechanical damage;
  • wooden lining or board: an unsuitable option due to the significant weight of the materials, however, such elements can be used to stylize (divide or decorate) the walls.

wall painting

Wallpapering Ready version of the walls Stucco on the wall Wall painting Wall finishing

Drywall Wall Design Examples

There are many options for styling a room by erecting a drywall. The most common way to stylize is to install a niche. It can be located around the head of the bed in the bedroom or can be a multi-level drywall "rack". To organize such a design, it will be necessary to increase auxiliary levels. In addition, it is recommended that each individual niche be equipped with a backlight.The design with the organization of the second arched level of drywall in the upper part of the wall looks very unusual. The space inside the niche can be painted or pasted with photo wallpaper. A simple way to create an unusual design can be considered highlighting the individual corners of such a wall using artificial stone. On the drywall itself, over painting, decorative plaster or wallpaper, you can fix a small plaster or foam decor. The frames assembled from foam moldings look spectacular. Inside, you can glue wallpapers of other colors or with other patterns, paint the walls.

Drywall Wall Design

Drywall wall in the interior Wall decoration in the interior Drywall Walls Wall decoration example Drywall Wall

Drywall Tips

The following tips and secrets of the masters will help you avoid mistakes when working with drywall and without problems building a wall or partition from this material:

  1. Free up enough space for cutting sheets. It is desirable to provide easy access to each side of the material. This will significantly save the time of preparing the GCR.
  2. To minimize the finishing work of leveling the differences between adjacent sheets, initially choose materials with a straight edge (designation - PC).
  3. To decorate a large wall (for example, in the hall), be sure to invite an assistant. It’s simply not possible for one person to efficiently and quickly do a large amount of work.
  4. To install sheets on a wall with a door or window, you need to come up with a special layout of the GCR. The joints must be at least 20 cm from the corners of the opening. With close proximity of the joints and corners, the likelihood of soon cracks on the sheets will be extremely high.
  5. Irregularities in the finish, which can be seen at the end of the work, can be hidden with a wall decor (painting or wallpapering with patterns). Also, such an installation next to the floor lamp will help you, in which a roughness or defect will be in the shadow of the illuminator when it is turned on.

Drywall Installation

GKL sheet wall Drywall Sheets Drywall example Installation of drywall on the frame Finished walls


Using drywall for a simple remodeling of a room is a cost-effective and affordable solution. Inexpensive material is easy to prepare and install directly. In addition, the variety of types of sheets allows you to find ideal options for arranging ordinary living rooms, and bathrooms, and rooms with fireplaces and stoves. It is possible to carry out the installation of gypsum plaster with or without a frame. But it is worth considering the rationality of using different methods. For rooms in which walls have significant irregularities or for which communications are needed, it is better to use the first method. If there are minimal defects on the wall and you need to remove only a few electric dots, the best option would be to simply stick GKL onto the wall. Be sure to read the advice of the masters before working. Recommendations and secrets of specialists will help to avoid various errors and get a really reliable and neat wall or partition from GCR.

I love needlework and everything connected with it. Especially home-made furnishings are my passion!


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