The symbol of the hearth is fire. It creates coziness and warmth, allows you to cook food and dry clothes. In ancient castles, a fireplace perfectly coped with these tasks, but in most modern apartments it is almost impossible to establish a real one, due to the high probability of fire, lack of adequate ventilation. If you put a decorative fireplace made of drywall, especially providing it with a heating portal with a sound effect, the illusion of the hearth will come out very believable.
Like every finishing material, drywall, all structures made of it have their own strengths and weaknesses.
beautiful, “status” looks, adding a room of comfort;
low cost of construction - the drywall itself, all the necessary profiles, fasteners are very inexpensive, are sold everywhere;
for installation, you do not need any serious skills - you can assemble the design yourself;
light weight of such a hearth - it is not necessary to build a separate foundation for it, except in cases where the furnace itself is very heavy;
the ability to make a product quickly - it takes only a couple of days from the project to the finished hearth;
the design does not require too dirty work, the tools required are the simplest;
You can make an object of complex shape, paint, plaster, decorate it in any convenient way.
the material is highly flammable, fire hazardous, even if it says “fireproof” on the packaging - in the presence of fire, this also burns, but is weaker;
gypsum board is afraid of water - when installing the hearth in wet rooms, waterproof is used;
a structure having a metal frame can crack when abruptly heated;
low durability, in comparison with stone counterparts, brick models;
It is not recommended to install excessively heavy objects on the finished drywall product.
Choosing an installation location
The false fireplace installed in the apartment is made of wood, chipboard, polystyrene, gypsum, cardboard, but most often - of drywall. Typically, this element of decor is mounted in the living room or bedroom, less often - in the kitchen, creating an original accent. The placement recommended by experts is in the middle of a long wall, especially for large, voluminous objects. A compact corner fireplace is installed in a small room.
In places where they often go, near the doors, external corners, cabinet doors, the structure should not be placed - it will interfere with free movement, can easily be damaged during operation. The fireplace does not have to be fixed to the wall - sometimes it is allowed to make it mobile, but the product must be very stable.
The shape, size, design, decoration of the false fireplace depends on the area of the room, the chosen interior styling.
Stages of creating a decorative fireplace
In order to independently create a unique fireplace design, you should decide whether it will be a purely decorative product, or it will be decorated with a flat TV, electric heating element, it will hide wires and other communications. Next, you need to decide on the necessary finishing materials, tools, create a project or use ready-made drawings. It is advisable to have at least minimal drywall skills or consult with a person who has ever done this before.
The step-by-step process of work looks like this:
planning of the focus "on the ground", that is, in the apartment;
create a sketch, drawing with dimensions;
the acquisition of the necessary materials, tools;
assembly of a metal base;
plasterboard sheathing;
finish finish.
Necessary tools, materials
To build a fireplace you will need tools:
hammer drill;
putty knife;
building level;
a simple pencil;
paper knife;
scissors for cutting metal;
iron roulette;
Of the materials needed:
gypsum boards;
guides from aluminum, wood;
screws for metal, drywall;
punched holes or punched tape - for curved structures;
heat-insulating, finishing materials.
Preparation: design, dimensioning, sketch
Before starting to create a fireplace, it is recommended to prepare drawings - outline the location of the structure, all dimensions in two projections, draw the diagrams of each part separately. After that, it is highly desirable to create a full-size cardboard model, try it on to the future installation site of the product - if there are serious errors, at this stage they are easy to eliminate.
The design with a false chimney, a mantelpiece will vary slightly, because at the moment they think over in advance.
Mounting or assembling the frame
Initially, using a building level, marking is applied to the wall. The guiding elements are measured, marked, cut and with the help of a puncher, dowels are attached to the wall. The frame is usually made of a metal profile, less often - wooden battens, timber. Wooden in strength is practically not inferior to aluminum, steel, it is used when it is necessary to reduce the weight of the structure to the maximum possible minimum. Metal is more expensive, but it keeps the shape of the product better.
If the installation of a fake chimney is not planned, and instead there will be a mantelpiece on which statuettes, photos, potted plants will be placed, then the sidewalls need to be strengthened. For this, jumpers are made - the more the better. To make the shape of the fireplace plausible, an arch is made in the inside. As an option, the frame can be assembled first, and then installed entirely in the right place.
It is important to bring the necessary wires to the structure in advance, to mount sockets for connecting the electrical portal, TV, and backlight.
Frame cladding
After the frame is completely ready, plasterboard parts are fastened to it. To do this, using a tape measure, the frame is measured. After the necessary elements are transferred to plasterboard sheets, cut out with a grinder or clerical knife. Parts of the structure are attached to the frame so that the distance between the screws comes out at least seven to nine centimeters.
Depending on the humidity level in the room, the size of the structure, waterproof or ordinary drywall is used. For large products, wall material is used, for more elegant ones - ceiling material, since its thickness is slightly less. To make the ends of the fireplace as even as possible, special perforated corners are used.
If you use pieces of drywall left over after repairing the apartment to create a fireplace, it will be appropriate to use a large number of jumpers, especially if the pieces are small.
Decorative finishes
In the case when the center is supposed to be puttied, painted, then when the frame is installed, the ends should be made as even as possible. Finishing is done immediately after sheathing the frame with plasterboard plates.
There are several options for decorating the fireplace:
facing with ceramic tiles, artificial stone;
decorative plaster;
pasting with self-adhesive films;
veneered wood;
gypsum or foam stucco molding;
decoration with wrought iron grills, doors.
Natural stone is not used together with gypsum boards, since under its weight deformation and collapse of the structure are possible. If any heating appliance is supposed to be installed in the portal, it is necessary to arrange sufficient thermal insulation before finishing. The furnace is sheathed with magnesite, and on top - with aluminum foil, which perfectly reflects heat, not allowing the internal fireplace space to overheat.
For external decoration with artificial stone or tile, a primer is applied to the structure with a thin layer. On top of it with tile glue mounted tile, stone. In about a day, the adhesive composition will completely harden, then the gaps between the tile elements should be repaired with a fugue. A hearth with such a finish is almost indistinguishable from a real stone.
Decorative plasters are used no less often. A thick layer of plaster is applied to the finished product, and while it has not yet hardened, bricks, tiles, pebbles are formed with a spatula or trowel. To make the stones come out as close as possible to real, even corners formed after the formation with a spatula, they are treated with a brush or sponge.When the plaster layer dries, it becomes hard, the surface is painted with acrylic paints.
When it is decided to glue the fireplace with film materials or paint, the structure is first primed, the seams are closed. Then putty is applied - the starting layer is sanded with sandpaper, later it is covered with a finishing putty, and rubbed again. Then the surface is painted in one or several tones, if desired, a certain texture is drawn.
Decoration with decorative self-adhesive film is a simple, relatively cheap option. A variety of textures, drawings, allows you to choose the right one for any interior. On sale there is an imitation of marble or granite, stained oak or wenge, brick or plastered surface, straw or bamboo.
Lining with natural or artificial veneer is a great idea for a false fireplace. Veneering is carried out from any one species of wood; a mosaic is made of several species that differ in color. The most commonly used types of wood are: cherry, oak, walnut, pine, beech, birch, wenge, maple, anegre, Karelian birch, apple tree, poplar. Mounting is done using PVA glue or another suitable for wood.
Separate interior styles are decorated with stucco made of polystyrene, gypsum, polyurethane. These materials vary in price, moldings, columns, half columns, sandriks, sculptural compositions, caryatids, pilasters, panels, fencing, etc. are made from them. Such elements are mounted using special glue, can be coated with gilding, artificially aged, and the focus becomes completed .
Original fireplace doors, corner elements, patch patterns, are made forged from metal. They can be solid, openwork, with floral, geometric ornaments, fantasy images of animals, inscriptions, monograms, marine themes, etc.This type of decoration makes the product look like a real fireplace. Many firms sell whole sets of forging for the fireplace, which includes doors or grilles, a stand for logs, a poker, a scoop, tongs for coal, a whisk. Since the metal decor is rather heavy, it is recommended to strengthen the structure.
The top of the structure is decorated with a shelf-countertop, on which they place various decor, plants in pots or even a small flat TV. The shelf is designed in the style corresponding to the decoration of the fireplace, it can be quite wide or quite narrow, rely on columns, pilasters, forged parts, etc.
What to place in a decorative fireplace
Inside the drywall portal are most often located:
electric fireplace;
flat screen tv;
a composition of candles;
backlit picture;
books in beautiful covers;
shelves with disks;
birch logs;
crafts from "forest gifts";
vases with live or dry bouquets;
decorative bottles;
figures from origami;
beautiful baskets with things;
tea cans, seasonings;
pet bed;
"crystal ball;
sculpture of bronze, ceramics;
Christmas tree.
The fireplace, even without the ability to warm the room, brings a touch of aristocracy to the room. Sometimes a plurality of sockets with electrical wires coming from them are hidden behind the drywall decoration.
Making an urban, rustic interior with a decorative hearth created by your own hands is a great idea, suitable for large, medium, small rooms, decorated in different styles. Step-by-step instructions can be found on the Internet, on construction and repair sites. If independent construction, manufacturing, design causes some difficulties, you should contact specialists with experience in the manufacture of such things.
The symbol of the hearth is fire. It creates coziness and warmth, allows you to cook food and dry clothes. In ancient castles, a fireplace perfectly coped with these tasks, but in most modern apartments it is almost impossible to establish a real one, due to the high probability of fire, lack of adequate ventilation. If you put a decorative fireplace made of drywall, especially providing it with a heating portal with a sound effect, the illusion of the hearth will come out very believable.
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Advantages, disadvantages of a drywall fireplace
Like every finishing material, drywall, all structures made of it have their own strengths and weaknesses.
Choosing an installation location
The false fireplace installed in the apartment is made of wood, chipboard, polystyrene, gypsum, cardboard, but most often - of drywall. Typically, this element of decor is mounted in the living room or bedroom, less often - in the kitchen, creating an original accent. The placement recommended by experts is in the middle of a long wall, especially for large, voluminous objects. A compact corner fireplace is installed in a small room.
In places where they often go, near the doors, external corners, cabinet doors, the structure should not be placed - it will interfere with free movement, can easily be damaged during operation. The fireplace does not have to be fixed to the wall - sometimes it is allowed to make it mobile, but the product must be very stable.
Stages of creating a decorative fireplace
In order to independently create a unique fireplace design, you should decide whether it will be a purely decorative product, or it will be decorated with a flat TV, electric heating element, it will hide wires and other communications. Next, you need to decide on the necessary finishing materials, tools, create a project or use ready-made drawings. It is advisable to have at least minimal drywall skills or consult with a person who has ever done this before.
The step-by-step process of work looks like this:
Necessary tools, materials
To build a fireplace you will need tools:
Of the materials needed:
Preparation: design, dimensioning, sketch
Before starting to create a fireplace, it is recommended to prepare drawings - outline the location of the structure, all dimensions in two projections, draw the diagrams of each part separately. After that, it is highly desirable to create a full-size cardboard model, try it on to the future installation site of the product - if there are serious errors, at this stage they are easy to eliminate.
Mounting or assembling the frame
Initially, using a building level, marking is applied to the wall. The guiding elements are measured, marked, cut and with the help of a puncher, dowels are attached to the wall. The frame is usually made of a metal profile, less often - wooden battens, timber. Wooden in strength is practically not inferior to aluminum, steel, it is used when it is necessary to reduce the weight of the structure to the maximum possible minimum. Metal is more expensive, but it keeps the shape of the product better.
If the installation of a fake chimney is not planned, and instead there will be a mantelpiece on which statuettes, photos, potted plants will be placed, then the sidewalls need to be strengthened. For this, jumpers are made - the more the better. To make the shape of the fireplace plausible, an arch is made in the inside. As an option, the frame can be assembled first, and then installed entirely in the right place.
Frame cladding
After the frame is completely ready, plasterboard parts are fastened to it. To do this, using a tape measure, the frame is measured. After the necessary elements are transferred to plasterboard sheets, cut out with a grinder or clerical knife. Parts of the structure are attached to the frame so that the distance between the screws comes out at least seven to nine centimeters.
Depending on the humidity level in the room, the size of the structure, waterproof or ordinary drywall is used. For large products, wall material is used, for more elegant ones - ceiling material, since its thickness is slightly less. To make the ends of the fireplace as even as possible, special perforated corners are used.
Decorative finishes
In the case when the center is supposed to be puttied, painted, then when the frame is installed, the ends should be made as even as possible. Finishing is done immediately after sheathing the frame with plasterboard plates.
There are several options for decorating the fireplace:
Natural stone is not used together with gypsum boards, since under its weight deformation and collapse of the structure are possible. If any heating appliance is supposed to be installed in the portal, it is necessary to arrange sufficient thermal insulation before finishing. The furnace is sheathed with magnesite, and on top - with aluminum foil, which perfectly reflects heat, not allowing the internal fireplace space to overheat.
For external decoration with artificial stone or tile, a primer is applied to the structure with a thin layer. On top of it with tile glue mounted tile, stone. In about a day, the adhesive composition will completely harden, then the gaps between the tile elements should be repaired with a fugue. A hearth with such a finish is almost indistinguishable from a real stone.
Decorative plasters are used no less often. A thick layer of plaster is applied to the finished product, and while it has not yet hardened, bricks, tiles, pebbles are formed with a spatula or trowel. To make the stones come out as close as possible to real, even corners formed after the formation with a spatula, they are treated with a brush or sponge.When the plaster layer dries, it becomes hard, the surface is painted with acrylic paints.
When it is decided to glue the fireplace with film materials or paint, the structure is first primed, the seams are closed. Then putty is applied - the starting layer is sanded with sandpaper, later it is covered with a finishing putty, and rubbed again. Then the surface is painted in one or several tones, if desired, a certain texture is drawn.
Decoration with decorative self-adhesive film is a simple, relatively cheap option. A variety of textures, drawings, allows you to choose the right one for any interior. On sale there is an imitation of marble or granite, stained oak or wenge, brick or plastered surface, straw or bamboo.
Lining with natural or artificial veneer is a great idea for a false fireplace. Veneering is carried out from any one species of wood; a mosaic is made of several species that differ in color. The most commonly used types of wood are: cherry, oak, walnut, pine, beech, birch, wenge, maple, anegre, Karelian birch, apple tree, poplar. Mounting is done using PVA glue or another suitable for wood.
Separate interior styles are decorated with stucco made of polystyrene, gypsum, polyurethane. These materials vary in price, moldings, columns, half columns, sandriks, sculptural compositions, caryatids, pilasters, panels, fencing, etc. are made from them. Such elements are mounted using special glue, can be coated with gilding, artificially aged, and the focus becomes completed .
Original fireplace doors, corner elements, patch patterns, are made forged from metal. They can be solid, openwork, with floral, geometric ornaments, fantasy images of animals, inscriptions, monograms, marine themes, etc.This type of decoration makes the product look like a real fireplace. Many firms sell whole sets of forging for the fireplace, which includes doors or grilles, a stand for logs, a poker, a scoop, tongs for coal, a whisk. Since the metal decor is rather heavy, it is recommended to strengthen the structure.
The top of the structure is decorated with a shelf-countertop, on which they place various decor, plants in pots or even a small flat TV. The shelf is designed in the style corresponding to the decoration of the fireplace, it can be quite wide or quite narrow, rely on columns, pilasters, forged parts, etc.
What to place in a decorative fireplace
Inside the drywall portal are most often located:
The fireplace, even without the ability to warm the room, brings a touch of aristocracy to the room. Sometimes a plurality of sockets with electrical wires coming from them are hidden behind the drywall decoration.
Making an urban, rustic interior with a decorative hearth created by your own hands is a great idea, suitable for large, medium, small rooms, decorated in different styles. Step-by-step instructions can be found on the Internet, on construction and repair sites. If independent construction, manufacturing, design causes some difficulties, you should contact specialists with experience in the manufacture of such things.