The ceilings

How to paint the ceiling in the apartment: painting technology

Ceiling painting

The general perception of the whole room depends on the type of ceiling. With the help of paint, you can fill the room with light, hide defects and defects. You can easily paint the ceiling with your own hands. This simple method of decoration has been used for a very long time, it is still popular. With the advent of modern materials and technologies, improving the interior has become much easier. Any formulations are simply applied with a roller or brush. Paint for the ceiling stands out for its low price, versatility of use, an extensive palette of colors.

The choice of paint: properties, advantages and disadvantages

When choosing paints and varnishes, attention should be paid to bulkiness, masking effect, consumption, cost, hiding power. The type of paint will determine how to care for the painted surface. Some mixtures can only be used in a room with poor performance. The manufacturer indicates the texture of the emulsion on the package. It can be matte, glossy, semi-gloss mixes.

Ceiling paint

Some compounds give strength characteristics. Such paints form a dirt-resistant, detergent coating on the ceiling. They are suitable for kitchens, rooms with high humidity, are in good contact with alkaline detergents.

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For painting the ceiling, such compositions are rarely chosen. The surface is not exposed to mechanical stress, so it is not rational to use expensive paint with improved properties and characteristics. A durable surface can often be washed without fear of tarnishing and abrasion of the decorative layer.

Acrylic mixtures are not afraid of direct sunlight, which is very important for colored ceilings. They can be used in open spaces with panoramic windows. A wide range of colors allows you to choose any shade. A sharp smell of paint is felt only until it dries completely. Then it acquires a rich shade. Due to its viscous consistency, the material is often used to mask small cracks.

Acrylic paint for the ceiling


Such paint appeared on the construction market relatively recently. The solvent for silicone resin formulations is water. This makes them environmentally friendly, completely odorless. Silicone mixtures are suitable for decorating a bedroom, a nursery. The main advantages are the following indicators:

  • Vapor permeability.The ceiling and walls under the cover will breathe, which will protect them from mold;
  • Resistance to temperature changes, ultraviolet;
  • Water resistant. Allows to paint ceilings in rooms with a high level of humidity;
  • Elasticity. Silicone compounds are able to mask cracks, fill in the grooves;
  • Universality. The base can be any material of the ceiling;
  • Durability. The painted surface will retain all its original qualities for up to 25 years.

Silicone paint for the ceiling


It is a suspension based on alkali metals, an aqueous solution of silicates. The composition also includes pigments, hardeners, additional fillers. Some manufacturers produce silicate paint based on liquid glass. It is suitable only for painting mineral surfaces. Loses elasticity to silicone and acrylic compounds.

Silicate paint for the ceiling

Affordable paint with silicate clerical glue fits perfectly on any surface, even damp. Among the shortcomings can be noted rapid wear, the ability to wash off the coating with plain water. After painting, wet cleaning will not be possible.

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Expensive mixtures with excellent characteristics. The price is high due to the special composition. The coating has an attractive appearance, there are no scratches on it. Good resistance to humid environments allows the use of latex paint for painting the ceiling in the bathroom, in the kitchen. Before applying the surface must be treated with antifungal primers.

Latex paint for the ceiling

Latex paint is odorless, does not have a negative impact on health. It can be used for work in rooms without airing. It will take from 30 minutes to 1 hour to dry completely. Excellent adhesion allows you to paint ceilings from almost any material.

The disadvantages include low resistance to ultraviolet radiation. The bright latex ceiling will quickly fade.Even with slight frost, the surface cracks, and with prolonged exposure to cold it can peel off.

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Oil paints and enamels for the ceiling

Such mixtures are based on drying oil, pigment and filler. To give color, manufacturers add various harmful chemicals to them (zinc, iron salts, titanium white, oxides). Due to the appearance on the construction market of modern ceiling paints, oil mixtures and enamels are gradually losing their former popularity. They dry for a long time, exude an unpleasant odor and substances harmful to humans.

Ceiling oil paint

Oil paints, enamels have more negative qualities than positive ones. The dried layer can crack even from a slight mechanical impact. It is not durable, in five years changes will already be noticeable. The only advantage is the low price. It is worth giving them preference only with a very limited budget.

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Adhesive compounds

An inexpensive mixture consists of chalk, water, glue and pigments. You can buy it ready-made or make it yourself. Use the following recipe for the preparation of adhesive for the ceiling:

  • In a large capacity dry chalk and pigment are mixed in a proportion of 1000 parts to 35;
  • Add water. Approximate consumption of 3 liters per 1 kg of the mixture. It is necessary to pour water gradually, constantly mixing, until the material in consistency looks like liquid sour cream;
  • Now you need to add carpentry glue (per 1 kg of chalk 80 g of glue). You can replace it with a home starch paste;
  • The resulting mass must be filtered through an iron sieve and brought to the desired state with water.

The budget mixture of glue will not have high quality and all the characteristics of ceiling coatings. In order not to make repairs the very next year, it is necessary to choose alkyd or water-based enamels.

Ceiling adhesive

Mineral and polyvinyl acetate

The composition of the mixtures includes cement, PVA glue, slaked lime. Mineral and polyvinyl acetate coatings are suitable for painting concrete ceilings, but are very short-lived. Due to their low hydrophobicity, they can only be used in dry rooms.

The main advantage of such mixtures is environmental friendliness.They are elastic and fireproof, well hide microcracks up to 1 mm. After drying, the surface becomes durable. With a minimal chance of cracking.

Mineral paint for the ceiling

Preparing the ceiling for painting

Before painting, it is necessary to prepare the surface. Such a process can take much more time and effort than staining itself. First you need to evaluate the material of the ceiling and its condition. If the base is made of concrete, close all cracks and apply a primer. You will also need to align all the seams between the plates. Wooden surfaces are sanded before applying an intermediate layer of soil, joints between sheets are putty on drywall. To remove the old coating and applying a new one, you need to stock up with the necessary tool.

Preparing the ceiling for painting

Necessary tools and materials

The process of cleaning the ceiling from old paint and applying a new one will be faster and more efficient using special tools. This will require the following devices:

  1. Roller. The main tool for applying mixtures should be selected based on the size of the surface to be painted. In small areas it is better to use a small, lightweight instance. Wide tools can make work difficult. It is necessary to provide for the presence of a long handle. The choice of roller material depends on the type of paint. Foam, plush is suitable for oil, acrylic compositions. It is more convenient to apply synthetic mixtures with a mohair roller.
  2. Brushes. Suitable for coloring hard-to-reach spots. The coarser the bristles, the thicker the layer of applied paint.
  3. Tray. A special device for paint will facilitate the process of applying the mixture to the tool, especially if it is a wide roller.
  4. Masking tape. It is used to determine the boundaries of staining, creating patterns on the ceiling.
  5. Spatulas. With their help, preparatory work is carried out, the old layer of paint or whitewash is removed.
  6. Step-ladder.For safe and convenient coloring.
  7. Sandpaper. It will be required for leveling some sections of the ceiling, removing a very dry old layer.
  8. Protective clothing. It is necessary to protect exposed areas of the body from paint. When working with oil mixtures, it is imperative to wear a respirator mask.

RollerBrushes Tray Masking tape Spatulas Sandpaper

Removing old whitewash

In some cases, it is allowed to apply paint to whitewash, but only if it is a small layer and it holds firmly. If the chalk regularly crumbles, rust spots appear and streaks are visible, it is better not to use paint for decoration, otherwise after six months everything will have to be repainted.

Removing whitewash is a dirty and time-consuming job. The process facilitates the good water solubility of the chalk. First you need to wet the whitewashed ceiling with warm water, so that the liquid well permeates the thick layer. You can do this with any spray tool or use a roller, brush, rag.

After 15-20 minutes, the whitewash layer will swell and it can be peeled off with layers using a spatula. The remains of the chalk must be washed off with a hard cloth. After each pass, use a cloth to rinse it.

Removing old whitewash from the ceiling

Removal of old water based paint

There are several ways to remove old paint without any tricks. Often use soaking in water and sticking newspapers. With a simple roller, the entire ceiling surface is wetted. Water-repellent mixtures will require intensive application of the liquid and longer time for swelling.

When all the moisture is absorbed, this will mean that the paint is ready for peeling. Now it can be removed with a spatula. In order not to scratch the ceiling surface, the tool should be kept at the most acute angle.

To remove the paint from the ceiling using newspapers, you will need a stepladder and several hours of time. The ceiling surface is covered with glue, newspapers are applied and left to dry completely.The emulsion is well saturated with the adhesive mixture and will move away with the newspaper. The remains of the former decor can be removed with a spatula or chisel.

Removing old water-based paint from the ceiling


Starting putty is applied to a leveled and dried ceiling. The mass is collected on a narrow spatula, applied to the surface of the ceiling from the corner. The tool is pressed firmly so that the mass fills and hides all the recesses. The first layer is made thin, literally translucent. This will help to hide minor surface defects.

The next layer should be well leveled. Strips and burrs are not allowed. They begin to distribute the material vertically and horizontally, trying to even out the joints between the wall and the ceiling. At the final stage of puttying, it is necessary to carry out mashing. To do this, use a building grater with an abrasive mesh. If necessary, eliminate defects cause another layer of textured putty. Then the ceiling is again overwritten and set to priming.

In order to mash the putty in the highest quality, each area covered must be highlighted with a light bulb.

Ceiling Putty


Multilayer application of the soil is started after complete cleaning and preparation of the ceiling surface. Staining should be carried out in stages, waiting for the complete drying of the compositions. To give strength and durability to the new decor between the primer, it is necessary to apply a layer of putty. Such work is easy to do on your own by watching a video or photo.

Prepare a soil solution strictly according to the instructions. For each type of putty, there are certain proportions. In order for the mixture to fully perform its functions, improve adhesion, it is necessary to apply it correctly.

Before priming, it is necessary to get rid of all dusty debris. If this is not done, due to the settled dust on dry soil, the paint may lie unevenly. After complete drying, the surface must be wiped with a damp cloth, so that it looks beautiful.

Primer Ceiling

Methods of painting the ceiling

Choosing the right paint, preparing the ceiling surface, covering the floor, walls, radiators, furniture with film or other materials, you can start painting. You can paint the ceiling in several ways: using a roller, brush, using a spray gun. Each of the above methods has its advantages and disadvantages. The quality of the work performed depends on the tool used.

Anyone can paint with a brush. Before starting work, the paint brush should be cleaned of dust. To improve the plasticity of the bristles, experienced painters recommend immersing it in water for one hour. In addition, this procedure helps to prevent the loss of bristles during the application of coloring substances to the ceiling surface.

Starting to paint, the brush should be dipped in a paint and varnish composition, after which it is necessary to remove excess coloring material from it, squeezing it on the walls of a can or other selected container. When applying paint to the ceiling, the tool must be held perpendicular to the surface or at a slight angle, painted carefully, gently moving your hand forward and backward.

Ceiling painting


As already noted, the final result depends on the type of tool used. Although it is possible to paint with a brush, it is best suited for applying the composition to bevels, wall joints, it is convenient to paint over the notches. To paint the ceiling surface, it is better to use a roller. It allows you to paint large areas, to a greater extent covers the painted plane.

Paint the ceiling with a roller

There are several varieties of this tool, which differ in the material used as the working surface: foam, plush, terry, sheepskin, with reinforced nap. The first of these types are very cheap, but when using foam rubber, you should be prepared for excessive overuse of paint, poor quality results (the appearance of blisters on the plane).

Plush and terry models also belong to the budget option. They do not differ in durability. The texture of the coating directly depends on the length of the pile. Rollers with a working surface made of natural sheepskin wool are among the highest quality. They are used to work with any kind of paints, provide a uniform, monophonic coating, allow you to economically spend the composition.

Bright interior with a dark window


The market of painting tools offers a wide selection of spray guns that differ in appearance and design. This device provides the best painting result, but it is not recommended to use it for small rooms, for painting planes with a complex configuration. Using this tool, you should take care of personal protective equipment (respirator, goggles).

A spray gun or other machine is best used for painting large rooms. It significantly increases labor productivity, allows you to distribute the paint on the ceiling with a thin even layer. Stains do not form on the surface, and if drooping drops do appear, they are easily cleaned with a sponge. Unlike the roller and brush, the atomizer can significantly reduce the consumption of material, which reduces the final cost of painting.

To use the device, you will need certain skills to work with it. Initially, it is necessary to filter the paint, dilute the dye with a solvent to the working viscosity. The first serve is best not to immediately perform on the ceiling. It is recommended to take the nozzle of the spray gun to the side and adjust the uniform spraying so as not to spoil the final desired result.

Painting the ceiling with a spray gun

What color to paint the ceiling

The colors used to decorate the kitchen, bathroom, living room, have a direct effect on the person, his mood, well-being, mental state. Understanding the intricacies of each shade, you can easily stop at the choice of the most suitable.However, if the room already has a certain finish, wallpaper, then the color palette is significantly reduced, and the paint should match the existing interior in the house.

Interior with painted ceiling

For painting, it is best to choose natural shades: blue, beige, yellow, green. But the color of the ceiling can be the most diverse. Let's dwell on the most popular colors:

  • White. It can be called classic. This is ideal for small, dark, dark rooms. When choosing this color should take into account the theme of the room.
  • Blue. Perfect for a bathroom, a bathroom, a bedroom and a nursery. It is not advisable to use in the kitchen, in a dark hallway.
  • Green. This option will be relevant in the kitchen, causing an additional appetite. Looks good in the hall. For a bedroom it is better to choose an olive shade.
  • Yellow. Sunny color significantly improves mood and performance, activates the nervous system. Suitable for cabinet, children's playroom.
  • Red. It is not so common. It gives strength and energy, but with excess can cause aggression. Do not use in the bedroom.

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The ceiling is an important part of any interior, so the choice of finishes for it should be treated very carefully. Deciding to perform its painting, it is necessary to understand the existing types of coloring compounds, determine the materials and tools necessary for the events, learn how to carry out preparatory work. An important aspect is the color of the selected paint. The well-being and mood of all household members largely depends on him. When planning ceiling painting, it is important to study in advance the properties of the paint mixtures and their compatibility with various materials. The most common mistake in the design process - the desire to save on repairs in the apartment.

I love needlework and everything connected with it. Especially home-made furnishings are my passion!


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