
Retaining wall in a sloping area

Retaining wall

Travelers and simply lovers of mountain roads are used to seeing retaining walls - structures that protect against the destruction of soil and its getting on the roadway. The gray stone barrier under the green slopes has become a familiar part of the natural landscape. More than half a century ago, some varieties of props appeared. Nowadays, in private estates, there are also fences mainly with decorative significance and appropriate lining. Altitude differences are now actively used in landscape design. They are left in their original form, hidden or somehow emphasized. Retaining structures are assembled from a dozen different materials and with radically different technologies. Use geotextiles, metal mesh, pile columns. Conventional wall structures are laid in layers or in one block. As a result, roads receive protection from landslides, and the soil improves in private estates.

Device and function

In a simple sense, retaining walls are divided into reinforcing and decorative. The difference between species consists in varying degrees of stress and impact. The design certainly includes underground, aboveground parts and protective communications. The soil and the wall itself press on the foundation. The ground part (body) also covers the elevation from the outside. It happens smooth and oblique. A protective role is played by drainage and drainage. These communications remove water and moisture that accumulates excessively on the insides.

Retaining surfaces perform 4 functions: zoning, reinforcing, protective and decorative. The first involves the separation of uneven bumpy patches from the rest of the territory. Reinforcement means fixing the soil and preventing shedding. Additionally - this is the protection of the integrity of buildings. Decorativeity is expressed by the qualities of the cladding, a variety of shapes and heights.

Retaining wall

Design Features

Design should be based on:

  1. Blueprints of the plan.
  2. Engineering Survey Report.
  3. The technological task.

SNiPs and norms oblige builders to take into account environmental factors and material properties. This is the desired level of water resistance, changes in the physical and mechanical characteristics of soils, the transfer of horizontal loads,the possibility of using spacer and anchor structures. The standards have recommendations on measures and constructive solutions aimed at reducing the pressure on the fence. Including the use of geotextiles and unloading elements. To determine the lateral pressure of the soil, external loads and the impact on the array are taken into account. Including from nearby buildings, their foundations, building mechanisms and loads from the roadway. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the slope of the faces to the vertical and the displacement of the boundaries of the engineering-geological objects from the horizontal axis. The project calculates the deformation characteristics of the wall and the strength at the junction of the fence and soil.

Retaining wall option

What determines the strength of the retaining wall

Strength is directly related to stability and ability to withstand pressure. A large mass of soil acts on the wall, but at the same time it moves slowly as a result of geological processes. When constructing an obstacle, its own weight, proximity of railway tracks and seismic activity are taken into account. In addition, the phenomena associated with the influence of water flows: the height of groundwater, the probability of erosion by rain, swelling of the soil in winter. A retaining element with a height of 2 meters or more is set taking into account the wind strength typical of the region. Strength directly depends on the thickness of the wall. The last indicator is adjusted to the type and level of soil, the height of the barrier. The higher the parameters of the relief height and the wall itself, the softness of the soil, the greater the thickness required. Excessive dead weight can cause cracks.

Wall strength

Highlights of supporting wall construction

Construction technology involves complex aspects. The calculations are based on the criteria of strength, reliability and the desired service life. On compact sites, self-construction is allowed. In this case, other restrictions and regulations apply. They build a wall with their own hands, subject to the stability of the soil.Sandy loam, gravel, crushed stone and clay are acceptable options. It should also be borne in mind that independent soil strengthening on the slope is strictly prohibited. The walls are erected on a substrate with freezing within one and a half meters from the surface. The stand-alone device has a limit of 1.4 m per height for the ground part of the barrier. Calculations for overall structures are performed by professionals: the determination of parameters is complicated with an increase in the height of the fence above the aforementioned indicator. The norms allow a level of underground flows at a depth of not less than 1 meter, ideally from 1.5.

Wall construction

Foundation laying

The base is formed under the walls above 30 cm. The depth of the foundation is increased as the soil loosens. A base with a ratio of 1: 4 in relation to the ground part is poured into a dense substrate. One third of the fence is laid in medium soft soils. On loose and unstable ground under the foundation you have to leave half the total height. The most reliable base options include crushed stone or gravel and sand compacted with cement or clay. The solution is poured into the prepared formwork on the principle of a strip foundation. The device of a normal retaining wall provides a strong base and the same fence. The building is protected from internal destruction by a layer of waterproofing. Measures to counteract the influence of moisture include the organization of drains and drainage. The drainage path should be planned in advance.

Foundation laying

The construction of the wall and increase its stability

The construction method is material dependent. In most cases, the contact part of the slope is aligned. The erection of a stone structure is carried out using large stones that combine the wall with soil at the desired level, around which a fence is built. At the same time maintain the distance for the drainage layer. It is organized through gaps. The stones themselves are collected by mosaic and fastened with a cement mixture.In between, plants with fibrous roots are planted. They will strengthen the wall. In addition to this, there are about ten more methods to increase stability. Firstly, the inner side of the wall is erected at an angle to the ground. Rough edges on the inside reduce pressure. Hollow granules in the drainage remove excess load. Lined consoles outside and unloading areas on the inside of the building also increase stability.

Some technologies of construction:

  1. Mcwall
  2. Terrames.
  3. Green Terrames.

Wall erection

Drainage organization

There are longitudinal, transverse and combined options. The first type of arrangement, also called underground, means laying along the fence an asbestos-cement, ceramic or corrugated pipe 10-15 cm thick. It is wrapped in geotextile material that absorbs water. The liquid enters the pipe through small holes, and "leaves" outside the terrace. A transverse view of the outlet is arranged with the addition of holes in every second or third row with a diameter within 10 cm. The method may involve installing pipes at an angle so that the water quickly leaves the site. A drainage system is, among other things, protection against the effects of precipitation. A cornice block with a slight slope is added to the structure - it protects against water entering the system and, accordingly, from the destruction of the wall during frosts. The right choice can be made after studying the weather features of the area.

Drainage organization

Drain between wall and ground

After the construction of the wall and a pause of a few days on a simple pass to filling the gap between the slope and the fence. Coarse soil, coarse sand, pebbles, gravel are used. Large particles are also used: various waste materials, fragments of bricks. Gravel puts significant pressure on the structure, but in the drainage system it is an extra layer. Soil and drainage mixtures are laid in layers, at each stage the system is rammed.For a retaining wall, sand, sandy loam and coarse soil are considered the best options. Above the laying material is usually used plant soil. After tamping the last layer of the fence, it is left for a couple of weeks without loads. During this time, the reinforcement material will receive the bulk of the properties. It is important that the previously removed soil layer with a sufficient concentration of humus is on top. Only then they begin to equip the terrace.

Retaining wall drainage

Soils with soluble and organic inclusions of about 5% of the total mass are not suitable for backfilling!

The use of waterproofing

The expediency of insulation is determined by two criteria: the type of surface of the material and the variety of soil. According to the first parameter, porous and smooth structures are distinguished. Sponge quickly absorbs moisture, has high water permeability. At the same time, condensation often forms on it, which leads to a decrease in strength. In turn, for a dry type of soil, spraying a waterproofing coating or mastic is enough. Isolation of wet soil is organized by roll materials. Usually, waterproofing compounds are applied with waterproofing compounds on retaining barriers. This type of protection is applied in dry weather to a heated surface. The option of sticking waterproofing involves the use of roll materials for roofing functions and mastics as binding agents. Membrane insulation is coated. You can order professional waterproofing.

Waterproofing retaining wall

Some options for waterproofing:

  • roofing roofing;
  • roofing material.

How to calculate retaining walls of different types and designs

Calculation of retaining barriers and their foundations is carried out according to two groups of limiting states. According to the first of them, calculations are carried out in connection with 6 types of checks. We are talking about the resistance of walls to shear, rotation and tipping, as well as the bearing capacity and strength of the base.Inspections also relate to the strength of nodes and joints, filtration stability and a similar indicator for spacers. The calculations for the second group include data on resistance to cracks and strength of the "foundation - retaining structure" connection. For props of the “wall in soil” type, calculation is performed along the walls of a trench with a thixotropic solution. For fences from separate parts, calculations are made according to the parameter of soil pressing between different elements. The calculation of flexible walls with spacers or anchors is done on the basis of non-linear contact models or numerical methods with non-linear models of continuous media.

Retaining wall structure

Features of the construction of the supporting wall of various materials

Historically, stone bonded with concrete solutions was the most popular option, but more and more alternatives have recently appeared:

  • solid brick;
  • tree;
  • piles
  • tires
  • geotextiles.

Natural stone looks more organic than other materials. It is fixed using composites, but sometimes boulders are used to fill metal gratings. Then gabions are obtained - props with increased bearing capacity. Wooden buildings are assembled vertically or horizontally. The first technique leaves more decisions in terms of arranging the site, does not require the selection of the same elements. Brick buildings are erected with a certain type of masonry, in half, in whole, etc. They make ordinary brick rows with a foundation. Concrete walls are solid and prefabricated. They are reinforced and leveled with plaster. They are tiled or tiled due to the uniform appearance. Fenders made of tires can reach large sizes. They are erected in a short time. Fill with a shovel - sand, gravel and soil.

Material for construction


In most cases, concrete walls are formed by pouring. First, they dig a trench, the depth is selected in accordance with the height of the planned wall and soil features.The bottom is covered with gravel and rubble. Then form a reinforcing cage: the shape can be arbitrary. The next step is the installation of formwork. After these manipulations, they proceed to pouring concrete. At this stage, tubes are provided for draining the liquid. In which case, the holes are made after solidification using diamond drilling. After the concrete has dried, the formwork is removed and the walls are plastered for leveling. In the future, they move on to finishing work. Concrete structures are considered one of the most durable. At the same time, the installation of the fence can be carried out using precast concrete systems. Then resort to cutting with diamond wheels.

Concrete retaining wall

Solid brick

This is one of the most budget materials. Moreover, the bricks remain after the construction of other facilities. For decorative coating, waste fragments are used, as well as old and broken elements. Brick is the best material for retaining structures with complex geometry, for example, with protrusions, recesses, corners, roundings. Masonry technology is no different from conventional construction. At the same time, for low barriers they choose laying in half a brick. Fortifications above 1 meter are erected with appliances in full brick, additionally with reinforcement reinforcement. The foundation is equipped with dressing and gravel drainage. A reinforced drainage system is made behind the wall, since the brick does not tolerate humidity well. The construction is usually finished with decorative tiles. Designers use any textures and colors.

Brick wall

Made of natural stone

Classic, reliable and stylish version of the wall. The stone fence is organically combined with any color scheme. The high cost of the material can be offset by its own materials. They are collected in the mountains, and in a few days they find enough for a large fence. The walls are built of rounded boulders, rectangular stone blocks, sharp fragments of rock.In regular gardens, limestone or sandstone blocks are often used in even rows. Boulders of various sizes are stacked to simulate natural piling. Construction begins with digging a trench, filling the foundation and organizing drainage. The base is reinforced with wire, reinforcement and metal construction waste. Low walls are erected on stones half buried in the ground. The voids are sometimes filled with soil with plant seeds. On steep slopes, the stones are held together with cement mortar.

Wall made of natural stone

Gabion can be built from natural stone - then the material will be fixed in a strong metal grill.

From wood

Medium-priced construction method. Walls with horizontal masonry erected from perfectly smooth, dried wood. Usually from logs, but they also use bars - they are taken whole, since glued ones under the influence of rain can delaminate. Vertical and horizontal installation possible. In the second case, among other qualities, it is necessary to select elements of the same length and thickness. They are fastened with cross members, clamps and fittings. Vertical masonry - faster, more convenient and more economical. In this case, waste lumber with different dimensions can be used. Sometimes obstacles are erected from trunks cut down directly in the country or somewhere nearby. For example, from old logs or dead trees. For low walls of 40-90 cm, fragments from uneven trunks of fruit trees are also taken. On winding sections, vertical fences are installed.

Wood wall

Gabion use

Special attention is paid to gabion walls. They are made in the form of a metal frame with a lot of empty space inside. This is a lattice with a step of 5-10 cm, respectively, for stones with a diameter of 7-12 cm. Mesh is made of steel wire. The neighboring blocks are firmly connected. The reliability of fortifications depends directly on the mass of stones.The ability to hold the soil on the slope of gabions is much higher than that of a conventional retaining wall. Laying will be simple in technical terms, because no reinforcing layers and foundation are needed. A positive point is the possibility of a multi-level installation. At the same time, more natural raw materials will be required. Gabions have been used for a long time in mountainous areas, especially along rivers. High fences are placed in places where rockfalls are observed. In the last decade, designs have gained popularity in landscape design. Figured options have appeared that do not fulfill the function of a wall.

Wall of gabions

The systems only become stronger over time, because the voids between the stones are filled with soil and plants.

From tires

One of the least time consuming and cheapest options. Moreover, in tire services, tires are sometimes given away for nothing. Tires are treated with refractory products and installed away from residential buildings. During the construction process, the old tires are laid out in rows in columns. Anchor piles are driven into the center of each. Then the tires are densely filled with sand and gravel, often also with soil. The rows are bolted. Fencing of tires is also erected by laying method. One sidewall is cut out on tires. The first row is filled with sand and gravel mixture to the very top. Strong sheet material is laid on it. The heavier the layer, the more reliable the wall will be. Subsequent rows are laid according to the same principle, somewhat similar to brickwork. The wall is then fixed with anchor piles from the outside - without them, the entire structure can be displaced.

Tire wall

From sheet piles

The design will consist of a continuous row. Anything is chosen as a material: reinforced concrete, wood, metal and even plastic. Side surfaces of piles are equipped with front and rear connecting locks. First, a pile with a front connection is driven into the soil. After it, an element with a rear lock is mounted, in the direction of this mount.Both parts are joined and densities are added using a binder. It also prevents the longitudinal displacement of the pillars relative to each other. Along the pedestrian zone, the height of the barrier should be at least 1 m. For fences, drainage systems are formed for the outflow of ground and atmospheric waters. They make channels and grooves with gravel and crushed stone. Waterproofing is arranged with two layers of hot bitumen, an additional second - in case there are compounds in the soil with an aggressive reaction to the compositions of bitumen.

Sheet piles

Armored support

It is used as an alternative to a stone or wooden wall. The structure is formed by filling the geotextile web with soil. Now retaining walls are assembled with the addition of mixtures of earth and gravel in wicker geogrids. Special textiles with natural filler are laid out in several tiers. The fence is fixed with metal anchors, and for reliability and protection against displacement, the number of parts is increased. Above the retaining structure is finished with plates. Armored structures are advantageous in earthquake-prone zones, because the efficiency of geo-cloths with uneven settlement is higher than that of rigid structures. The lattice system helps the soil withstand heavy loads and maintain integrity in areas with maximum steepness. Textiles for horizontal reinforcement have all the important qualities:

  • High tensile strength.
  • Strong grip.
  • Low level of deformation.

Armored Wall

Retaining wall in landscaping

In this area of ​​design, fences with retaining function act as a central element: in landscape art, height differences and cascading forms are actively used. Retaining walls combine with paths, alpine slides and flower beds. With flower beds they create a kind of "hanging gardens". Supports of 50-70 cm in height also perform the main function.Structures above 1 m are installed mainly to contain soil or emphasize high landforms. In landscape design, the materials used to make the walls are stone, metals, cement and plastic. At the same time, the reinforcing structures are full, compact or are made of gabions. The latter are metal gratings filled with large stones. Against the background of green grass, plants and flowers, these products look organic. In addition, you get good savings.

Landscaping wall


Retaining fences are reinforcing and decorative. The walls are used for safety reasons: they protect against landslides and reduce the scale of possible damage. Anyone who does not want to buy a relief site should think about the design component. After all, piers not only improve the soil, with their help form levels and smooth transitions, even terraced landscapes. Before the construction of structures, they study the soil, external factors in terms of load and pressure, take into account the amount of precipitation. The walls are built of natural stone, wood, brick, concrete, piles and tires. Special designs are made of geotextiles, metal frames. On high fences, a foundation is laid out, usually a foundation. Then the main part of the wall is erected, leaving an intermediate layer. At the end of the work, they install a drainage system, drainage and install waterproofing.

Passion for design turned into work. There is little experience in the architectural bureau.


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