
Landscaping options plot 15 acres

Landscaping 15 acres

Land improvement is a true art. Although the term "landscape architecture" appeared only two centuries ago, people have been working on the design of the territory attached to the house for millennia. Beautiful fountains, benches, hedges, trees, arches and lanterns ennoble the appearance of the site. Landscaping was born on the principles of urban planning and landscape design. This art form skillfully combines natural and man-made elements. The harmony between objects created by man and nature is the main goal that landscape designers pursue. A plot of fifteen hundred square meters is relatively large. There is enough space on such territory to accommodate both the buildings necessary for life and decorative elements. We will talk about how to think over and competently develop the landscape design of 15 acres of land and talk in this article.

Land design features

An important role is played by the shape of the site. There are four options:

SquareThe most winning form, which allows you to embody the ideas of a symmetric and asymmetric arrangement of zones.
RectangleElongated sections lose a little square, but this form is also considered not the worst option. At one of the short sides, as a rule, they place a conditional center - a residential building. In the farthest corner opposite the main building there is a garden farm.
TriangleThe optimal central location of the house and the location of other large objects at an equal distance from it.
Irregular shapeThe most difficult case, which is easy to beat, having in stock a whole set of creative ideas.

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It is also necessary to think over a stylistic decision, because in landscape design, as in ordinary, there are also a lot of directions with their own rules and requirements.

Before buying land, you need to ask whether it is in a lowland or on a hill. In the first case, the owners will have to constantly suffer from stagnant water during rains and snow melt (drainage does not always save). For this reason, it is better to choose a hill. If the owners are “lucky” with an uneven terrain, then for the trees, shrubs and gardening, you need to look up the mounds.

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Preparatory work or creating a design project

The design of the site should be based on the preferences of each family member, which are compared with the capabilities of the territory. Some people like to soak up the sun in a sun lounger or a hammock with a book, others cannot be pulled out of the garden, and still others cannot imagine their lives without outdoor activities and barbecue. Creating a design project includes the following required steps:

  • Taking measurements. The more accurate the numbers, the less problems will arise when translating a plan into reality.
  • Then, in a special program or on a piece of paper, they draw the shape of the site, mark its dimensions and necessarily add scale. The accuracy of subsequent calculations of consumables depends on the correct scaling.
  • If the site is already partially built up, then the plan marks the buildings and objects that the owners plan to leave.
  • Then, to simplify the task, it is recommended to divide the entire territory by a dotted line into functional zones. For example, a playground for games, for passive recreation and cooking, a garden, a garden, possibly a pool.
  • Further, places of growth of perennial shrubs and trees are noted. After that, other designations mark those that I will soon be planted. Landscaping of the site should be carried out evenly so that there is no strong grouping of plantings in one place and “bald” voids in another. It is also worth considering the rules of permissible distances from trees and shrubs to the street, neighboring land and buildings.
  • Then, the location of communication lines (water, gas, electricity) of those that already exist and those whose laying is only planned is marked on the diagram.

Design project siteThen it is necessary to carry out “reconnaissance in battle” and fitting the project after a detailed study of the site on the spot. It should be borne in mind:

  • Proximity of groundwater;
  • Bias;
  • The presence of marshy places where water stagnates;
  • Hilly.

In the latter case, experienced designers do not recommend adjusting the terrain using bulk earth, since a perfectly flat plane is too boring and conservative. It is better to turn the disadvantages of the territory into advantages through the original arrangement of objects and zones.

Country house

Before planning, you should immediately decide on what principles the main, massive elements will be located: symmetries or asymmetries. In the first case, creating a project will be easier. With an asymmetric arrangement, latent creative reserves of the designer are connected: he can create a unique composition that really has no analogues.

Modern summer cottage

Choose the style and image of the site

As a result, any owner wants to get a balanced composition, where each element is in its place. To achieve this, you need to correctly arrange the content of the site, as well as create a complete stylistic and color picture. This task is not easy, but since we decided to do the design work with our own hands, we will have to work hard. Conditionally filling can be classified into three groups:

  • Natural elements. This includes not only trees and shrubs, but also ponds, hills, stone steeps, possibly even parts of rocks. Even at the planning stage, the designer immediately decides what of nature created by nature, he will leave on the site, and what will be removed. These elements set the tone for the entire territory. And each season, your summer cottage and adjacent properties will change their color: juicy spring greens mixed with blooming flowers, a summer kaleidoscope of colorful buds, an autumn yellow fire and a uniform winter whiteness.
  • Architectural buildings. This category includes the cottage itself, a garage, a bathhouse, a street toilet, facilities for animals, sheds for storing firewood and equipment. Any man-made buildings that are part of the architectural complex are included in this group.They should be sustained in the same style and become a continuation of each other.
  • Decorative elements that were created by man. In fact, this group includes “everything else”: benches, gazebos, pools, flower beds, lamps, fences, sculptures. These details can be made in any colors and styles. They are nothing but the finishing touches that give the site design a finished look. Evergreen plantings will allow you to dilute the uniform winter look with green notes, and flower beds and alleys open up space for playing with color.

Oriental style in the decor of the site

Allocate another fourth group, which include paths, platforms, floorings. Much depends on the color scheme. It helps to “hide” the shortcomings of the territory, emphasize its strengths, change the perspective and make the site visually larger. And all this will not require any drastic changes, and in case of failure, the decor can simply be removed or moved.

Alpine slide design


First you need to choose the right time for the construction of a summer cottage. The design of the garden at the initial stage will greatly disfigure the territory, so it is better to perform it in autumn or spring. A period of withering in anticipation of winter is preferable, since in six months freshly planted trees and shrubs will have time to begin to gain strength, and in the warm season the site will already have time to turn green. The arrangement of the garden is also best done in the fall. This is especially convenient if you plan to place greenhouses and raised beds. In the spring, planting vegetables will take too much time. This process will be easier if part of the task is completed in advance.

Landscaping of the site begins with the determination of the main factors affecting plant growth:

  • Climatic conditions;
  • Soil type;
  • Relief.

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Not everything that grows well in the south will take root in central Russia. Due to the nature of the relief, certain plants can bloom and smell even among their neighbors, but in their own flowerbed they will fade. Gardening is carried out in several directions at once. According to the classical principle of separation, plants are classified into three groups:

  • External, that is, a hedge that is in full view of the entire street.
  • Inner. This includes those plantings that are adjacent directly to the country house.
  • Intermediate. Any plants located on the site and performing a decorative function.

Cozy garden near the house

Plantations can also be classified into the following types:

  • Trees and shrubs. As a rule, perennial plantations that will stretch for many years.
  • Flower beds and flower beds. Exceptionally decorative plants, on which the aesthetic appearance of the territory largely depends.
  • Lawn. Grassy cover, which will occupy most of the "ownerless" area.
  • Beds. Although they relate to gardening, some useful plants in cooking look great and can become part of the decor.

Flowers at the cottageShrubs in the garden Classical landscape design Shrubs by the pond Exotic flowers Landscape composition

Now let's talk about each type in more detail.


The lawn is necessary to mask the "bare earth". After all, the summer cottage is located in nature and it is incorrect to pave a large part of the territory, since the coating will invariably remind of the urban concrete jungle. There are four main types of lawn:

  • Park. The most common type. Its grass grows weakly, which greatly simplifies the care. It is as if the park lawn was created to walk barefoot on it. It is soft, resilient and gives the territory a certain nobility, sophistication. Among the composition of grasses of a park lawn there are usually present: oakgrass bluegrass, meadow timothy grass, perennial ryegrass and common comb.
  • Ground floor. They adorn the house territories of rich estates and luxury cottages. Ground grass requires regular maintenance: mowing, watering three times a month, fertilizing. It is based on several types of fescue - grass with narrow leaves.

Blooming garden

  • Mauritanian. Perhaps the most colorful view of the lawn. The composition of herbs includes cornflowers, forget-me-nots, calendula, succession, delphiniums, daisies, daisies, poppies, pansies, thyme, forget-me-nots and about 30 other wildflowers. Forbs almost do not require care: it only needs to be cut once a year.But during the flowering period, the Moorish fragrant “carpet” will collect a buzzing armada of bees and battalions of butterflies, gracefully fluttering from flower to flower.
  • Roll. The lawn is suitable for those who do not want to wait until the grass grows. It is grown for two years in special fields, then trimmed, cut together with the roots and topsoil and rolled up. The buyer can only roll them on their site and tamp.

Lawn in the country

Any type of lawn ennobles the territory and serves as an excellent alternative to gravel, asphalt, paving stones and other man-made coatings.

Flowerbeds and flower beds

Flower bed is a general concept, which includes flower beds. Any plants having buds of various shapes, sizes and shades can be planted on the site as a decor. They are of no practical use and are intended only for the delight of the eye. Flower beds are classified into the following types:

  • "Free." It creates the illusion that the plantations do not have sides that would separate them from the rest of the territory. In fact, there are fences, but they are deeply dug, and only a couple of centimeters protrude above the ground. In addition, they are decorated with a thin bulk strip of gravel or sand.
  • Flower beds. Plantings having sides. They are made of plastic, wood, metal, slate, bottles, tires and polycarbonate. The type of material depends on the style of the site.
  • Curb beds. They are a conditional, two-way fence that follows the path. The presence of sides in such flower beds is optional.
  • Rabatka. The flower garden always has a rectangular shape and looks more like beds. Perennial plants prevail in it, because annually re-planting a discount is too laborious. Such flower beds decorate the roadsides of the paths, free space near the fence or fill the voids between the functional areas.
  • Modular. These flower beds alternate with paved areas.
  • MixborderIt is a one-sided strip of perennial wild flowers growing above the belt.

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Also there are mini-flower beds, multidimensional, mixed, monoclobes and plantings from perennials.

Trees and bushes

In landscape design, trees are divided by type:

  • Evergreen leafy. Very whimsical trees, which include magnolia and barberry. They allow you to maintain the aesthetics of the site even in the winter season.
  • Conifers. They are unpretentious and spread an indescribable smell.
  • Deciduous. They form the basis of the decorative filling of the site. This type includes the famous Japanese sakura - a symbol of the land of the rising sun.
  • Fruit. The most common type of trees used in summer cottages. In addition to appearance, they also bring practical benefits in the form of fruits, for which they are highly valued.

Apple orchard in the country

There are four ways to plant trees on the site:

  • In groups. Trees of one or more species are combined into small compositions.
  • Tapeworms. Trees are planted individually. Since with this arrangement they will instantly attract attention to themselves, it is necessary to carefully monitor their appearance.
  • Alleys. Basically, trees of the same species are linearly planted along the paths.
  • Hedge. Usually it is made from shrubs, but high fences are also found. Plantings are classified as requiring haircuts and wild ones.

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Shrubs also have their own classification. They are divided into flowering and decorative deciduous. Usually, with the help of such stands, differentiation of individual zones of the site is carried out. Shrubbery lines between garden beds look organically. Hydrangeas, lilacs, rose hips and heather are among the blossoming, and boxwood, derain, euonymus, privet are classified as decorative foliage.

Planting at home

Garden beds as an option of gardening

The beds can also become a decoration of the site. They can be made “high”, that is, fenced with borders and add bulk earth, and fill the gaps with gravel, decorated with wood saw cuts or stone walkways. Such beds will become a real property of a summer cottage.Plantings from various types of lettuce and spices are sometimes isolated in separate flower beds, which are located near the house, and not in the garden. Vertical beds generally act as an independent decorative element. They are made of narrow boxes that are attached to fences or walls at different levels. Ideally similar solutions for weaving plants: cucumbers, beans, peas.

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Water is life

Water must be present in any area. It can be a water supply system or a well, but its presence is necessary, otherwise there can be no talk of any comfortable living. However, reservoirs can perform not only practical, but also decorative function. Such decoration of the site in landscape design is divided into three types:

  • Artificial. Man-made structures that are "fed" with drinking water.
  • Natural. Perhaps the owners of the site were lucky to become owners of a pond or stream.
  • Combined. In this case, natural reservoirs are complemented by artificial decorative elements. The most striking example - man-made "little sills" under the brook, which turn it into a mini-waterfall.

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Also, water bodies are classified into two types:

  • Static These include pools, swamps and ponds, that is, ponds with stagnant water.
  • Dynamic. This group includes waterfalls, fountains, streams, cascades (a group of waterfalls) and sources. The latter is considered the most primitive, but therefore no less beautiful type of reservoirs.

The pond can be supplemented with flora and fish, and for waterfalls there is no better decor than ordinary stones of various shapes and textures.

Artificial ponds can be purchased ready-made in specialized stores or created independently from scratch. This process is a fascinating combination of creativity and technology. The easiest and easiest way: to bury an old bath in the backyard. It is decorated with stones around the perimeter and disguised in such a way that it is impossible to distinguish a capacity from a natural reservoir.

Garden building

Additional buildings

Additional buildings include all buildings except the main house. They are classified into household (for practical purposes) and decorative. The recreation areas stand apart, as they perform both functions at once: they decorate the site and provide a place for leisure activities.

Terrace for relaxation

Options for leisure areas

Nothing can compare with a vacation in a summer cottage. Fresh air, beautiful views, no city noise and car smog. Even hot summers are much easier to carry in the outback. And what can be compared with the crackling of firewood in a bonfire on winter evenings? The five most popular types of recreational areas include:

  • Patio. This is the name for the backyard, which is fenced on all sides by flower beds, hedges or terraces. Although the word is Latin, the first patios appeared in Spain. Usually they are decorated with a pergola (trellised roof), and the ground is covered with floorboards or concrete screed.
  • Arbor (belvedere). The traditional version of the site for leisure activities. Pergolas can be open or closed. In the first case, the walls are either partially present, or represented by a decorative wooden lattice. Closed gazebos can be used even in winter and have a stove or fireplace for heating. Also, the building is equipped with a barbecue or barbecue for cooking meat with smoke.
  • Terrace. It is attached to the house and is an open porch with outdoor furniture.

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There are also recreation areas under the trees or closed areas, which are separate "street" rooms with a strong roof and summer walls. If there are children in the family, then a playground with a slide and a sandbox is sure to be set up near an adult leisure area.

Firewood storage at the site


Households include summer kitchens, facilities for pets, sheds for storing garden tools, a toilet, a workshop, and a woodcutter.Their location must comply with established standards. First of all, this concerns the permissible distances from buildings of various types. A separate zone is allocated for the economic part, which occupies the lion's share of the land area. Buildings should be erected with an eye to the style of the site and not spoil its image with an unpretentious appearance.

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Decorative buildings

Decorative structures (small architectural forms) include arches, pergolas, bridges, mills and wells. They do not have any practical benefit, but positively affect the aesthetics of the site. Arches mark the place of transition from one zone to another. Pergolas are a "lite" version of the gazebo. Paved bridges adorn the intersection of ponds with garden paths. Although there are cases when they are being built simply out of the blue, not at all for a quick transition over an obstacle, but exclusively for beauty. Decorative wells and mills are used as elements of complex compositions.

Bridge for the decor of the site

Options and design of garden paths

Depending on the material chosen, garden paths may be temporary or monumental. The first option is suitable for sites with not yet completed design.

Garden paths are classified into the following types:

  • Concrete A monumental coating that is suitable for both pedestrian and road lanes.

Designer track at home

  • Stone. Combine strength and external beauty. However, the material (granite, basalt, marble) will be expensive. Combined options in which the stone is combined with a lawn look original.
  • Brick. Available material that will last a long time and will delight the eye with a pleasant color.
  • Pebbles, crushed stone. Bulk paths are classified as temporary. If necessary, they can be re-qualified as permanent or transferred.

Wooden walkway

  • Tree. Aesthetically beautiful material, but sensitive to moisture.Wood saw cut tracks look creative, but their thickness should be impressive so that the deck does not split due to constant loads.
  • Plastic The budget option, which is ready-made for sale in stores.
  • Ceramics. Typically, the coating is laid out from pieces of tile using the mosaic method. Garden paths are also made of decorative concrete, caps or glass bottles, which are dug upside down in the ground.

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Street lighting devices are usually classified into two types:

  • Top. Presented by flashlights and spotlights. The first can be rechargeable and electric. Solar-powered lights are charged during the day and give out light at night. For electrical appliances have to stretch the wiring.
  • The lower ones. For this type of lighting, LED strip or tiny decorative bulbs are usually used.

Also on the site can be highlighted individual figures or compositions solely for beauty.

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Fence and decorative fencing

Protections can be artificial and natural. The first include fences. They, in turn, are divided into types depending on the materials used:

  • Brick or stone. Monumental fences, which, if necessary, can protect the territory from the penetration of extraneous "guests".
  • Wooden. They can be solid or with gaps. Material before installing the fence must be treated with special compounds that protect against the harmful effects of moisture.
  • Metal. As a rule, they are performed in the forging or casting technique. Such fences become a real decoration of a summer cottage.
  • Plastic or polycarbonate. Primitive temporary fences, which are classified as budget options.

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Natural fences are hedges of shrubs or trees that are systematically trimmed to give them the right shape and neat appearance. In some cases, combined options are used.For example, a metal fence twined with ivy or grapes looks aristocratic and elegant.

Decorative elements - decoration of a summer cottage

Decorative ornaments include vases, garden gnomes, sculptural compositions, single flowerpots, benches and garden furniture, topiary. These elements are placed in the last place, when large-scale work to improve the site has already been completed and the last details remain. Do not overdo it with a small decor: its abundance can create unnecessary sloppiness in a composite picture. Sculptures and vases are usually placed on lawns. Single figures focus on themselves. Garden furniture is located near relaxation areas or in the shady corners of the garden. Toparia look beautiful surrounded by neat garden paths.

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The design of the land plot between the design stage and its implementation into reality will undergo a lot of improvements and adjustments. The final picture, with all amendments, will be very different from the initial idea. The beginning designer should prepare in advance for this to avoid disappointment. The plot in terms of arrangement is very different from the apartment in its inconsistency and dependence on the weather and its whims. Therefore, the task of its design is much more complicated.

Passion for design turned into work. There is little experience in the architectural bureau.


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