
Winter Garden: design styles, arrangement rules

Winter garden design

In the harsh Russian climate, I want to keep the summer as long as possible and not give free rein to winter, protecting it from my home. From the middle of autumn, nature begins to fade, with the onset of the first frosts it freezes in deep sleep until spring awakening. Depressing picture: snowdrifts, bald spots of mud, black trees with bare branches. Such a landscape really sets you up for depression and causes a breakdown. But who said winter must be let into your home? It is easy to stop, saving a piece of greenery, flowering and life. Summer is simply "canned" in a separate room where numerous plants are grown. This is not an ordinary corner of living flora, and not a group of flowers in pots, but a real winter garden, with its own atmosphere and a special microclimate. Its appearance and development is closely related to the emergence of primitive heating, irrigation systems and methods of insulating individual rooms, in order to preserve heat.In closed structures, a strictly defined temperature is maintained round the clock, in expensive versions they use special equipment that imitates various natural phenomena (rain, wind). The design of the winter greenhouse, in fact, is a mixture of interior design and landscape at the cottage. We will talk further about how to equip a beautiful, impressive winter garden in which there is a place for both exotic and ordinary "summer" plants.

Origin history

The winter garden is a complex engineering system. The first mention of growing plants in houses is found in written sources of Ancient Egypt. These documents are over 4,000 years old. The Egyptians in those days only began to apply the practice of planting plants and trees in pots of earth and vases of stone. Pictures with similar decor are found on the walls of tombs and temples, which depicted scenes from the daily life of the Egyptians. The Romans really liked the method, which went much further. They began to use specially designated places for pots - window sills. And then the first ceilings appeared - the “inner” courtyards, which were enclosed on all sides by a colonnade. They set up gardens, additionally decorated with fountains and a large sculpture depicting the deities and heroes of the epic. Although they were located in the open air, the isolation of the stands became the first prerequisite for the creation of winter structures.Since modern polycarbonate in those days, of course, did not exist, primitive greenhouses were covered with a layer of mica, which had relative transparency, which allowed the surface to transmit scattered sunlight. The Mediterranean climate was ideal for such experiments. In the Old World, he was the first to try the method of preserving summer plants in the palace in winter, the king of Holland - William. His servants insulated the premises so qualitatively that the gentle representatives of the flora were not afraid even of severe frosts. Guests arriving for the holiday were amazed at what they saw.

Winter garden in the houseCrystal Chandelier Garden sculpture Deer sculpture Bright sofa With terrace on the second floor

At the same time, active trade in exotic plants begins and they discover a new method of transportation - in Ward's crates, which have become the prototype of modern florariums. For the orange trees that are popular in Europe, they construct “orange houses” - a form of greenhouses. For other citrus, date trees and heat-loving palm trees create special greenhouses. But the nobles and their retinue liked not only occasionally visiting their "green corners", but also spending holidays in them, so the greenhouse method of planting plants in partially isolated soil was replaced by "indoor", that is, in pots and tubs. This allowed to free up more space, and the winter gardens themselves were moved to the spacious pavilions of the palaces. That's how they appeared in the form that is familiar to each of us. To create a full-fledged winter garden, designers, architects and professional gardeners were involved. Until now, one of the most beautiful greenhouses in the world remains Versailles, which was built during the time of Louis XIV. The king had a weakness for citrus fruits, so oranges occupy most of the garden. The greenhouse is still operating, although it survived the restoration and redevelopment, which changed its authentic appearance. For a long time, the winter garden was considered the inheritance of private estates and only by the end of the XIX century they began to be placed in fashionable apartments. The first in Russia the idea of ​​planting plants indoors was adopted by the churchmen. The monks thus cultivated vegetables and fruits year-round.

In modern styleFlowers in drawers Small coffee table Cozy place Dog sculpture Flowerbed in the center

In the Russian climate, there is simply no other option other than a winter garden to preserve exotic, thermophilic plants. Orange, pomegranate trees, lemons and mangoes are sometimes planted in open ground, but surrounded by a solid structure with thermal insulation for wintering, which is associated with annual chores in anticipation of winter.

Features of creation and location options

To create a winter garden at home, it is necessary to take into account several rules, non-observance of which will make the entire campaign a failure:

  • the greenhouse should have good illumination, sufficient for the growth of different plants. For this reason, its walls and roof are often made of glass or other transparent material;
  • Consider the proper layout of the communication lines of the heating and ventilation systems. The first is needed in the winter, and the second in the summer. The need for them disappears if the winter garden is located in a buffer room;
  • if the budget allows, the greenhouse is also provided with an automatic irrigation system. This will remove most of the gardening concerns from the owners. In economy options, you will have to independently water using a watering can and spray gun.

Private room Bright red flowers Adjacent to the house On the balcony In the living room With good lighting

In addition, you will have to carry out all the usual procedures for gardeners and gardeners: loosen and replace the soil every couple of years, carry out a haircut, remove sick or weak twigs, fertilize and treat plants from diseases, pests, plant overgrown bushes or transfer them to more spacious tubs where the entire root system will fit. Depending on the functional purpose, winter gardens are classified into three types:

  • residential - they are comfortable not only in plants, but also in humans;
  • greenhouses - this room is intended exclusively for flora;
  • buffer garden - it is equipped in a "cold" building, which can be used only in certain seasons (in summer).


Depending on the location of the winter garden relative to the main building (country house, cottage, cottage) they are divided into three groups:

  • Embedded. They are located inside the home and are often used in city apartments, where there is no way to equip a winter garden separately. As a "victim" they usually use a balcony or a loggia. Separate rooms will be converted into a winter garden only in rare cases, if the apartment is too spacious with an excess of usable area or the cottage has a second (third) floor. The solution looks great with placing a greenhouse under a glass dome-roof.
  • Attached. They represent an additional pavilion, which is usually erected much later than the construction of the house. To get into such a garden, you do not need to leave the house. Buffer extensions, as a rule, separate the dwelling from the street, that is, in fact, these are converted verandas.
  • Freestanding. If the size of the private plot allows, then you can equip a huge greenhouse, which will completely replace the outdoor garden. Such a solution will be effective in a too capricious climate, which "kills" most of the seedlings. Refined arbors also look beautiful, which are insulated and forced into tubs and pots of plants.

In the annexed roomNear the house In the house on the veranda With a high roof Freestanding room Decorative boat

Depending on the location relative to the cardinal points, winter gardens are classified into four types:

  • Nordic. Most of their windows "look" to the north. Although the room will quickly accumulate heat, it will not be able to hold it for a long time. In such gardens, it is recommended to install a high-quality heating system.
  • Oriental. The best option of all. Plants will receive enough light, but will not overheat.
  • Western. They are characterized by the preservation of heat over a long period. However, in a hot, arid summer, this advantage is reclassified as a disadvantage, since the winter garden turns into a steam room.
  • Southern.In such gardens, by analogy with the western ones, overheating occurs during the hot season. It is necessary to equip ventilation for the circulation of air flows and an irrigation system for irrigation.

Types of structures

Constructions of winter gardens differ in the form of the buildings themselves, the types of roofs (single-pitched, gable, four-five-beam, with a break, domes) and the materials of execution. If the first two characteristics completely depend on the style of landscape design of the site and the exterior design of the house to which they are adjacent, then in the latter case, strength and functionality play a role. For the construction of winter gardens use:

  • Aluminum. Durable, reliable and lightweight material that is not subject to corrosion. It is usually used to create mobile structures that are easy to assemble and dismantle. Aluminum beams are not deformed, but because of the special strength of the material, the profile is made thin.
  • Wooden. Classical material that was used during the first greenhouse constructions. Wood is a whim and impractical, because it will have to be systematically treated with special compounds that protect against moisture, invasion of pests, fungi and mold. Otherwise, the wooden structure will begin to rot, deform and eventually become unusable. To build a winter garden use birch, oak, pine, larch. The indisputable advantage of solid wood is its naturalness and special beauty.
  • Polyvinyl chloride. PVC is relatively cheap, and custom-made designs will embody the most daring decoration ideas. However, plastic greenhouses do not withstand heavy loads, so the overall premises will have to be further strengthened.
  • Metal-plastic. This material has gathered the benefits of two main “components." He adopted lightness, anticorrosion and the ability to take any shape from manufacture from plastic, and took strength and relative flexibility from metal alloys.
  • All-glass. For such designs use a special type of tempered, laminated glass.It perfectly transmits light, but it does not even respond to strong shocks, since the triplex has super strength. If the surface is still able to deliver a crushing blow, then it will only be covered with a pattern of cracks, keeping the fragments in place.

Wooden structure Semicircular design Metal-plastic windows White frames on the windows Attached semicircular design Metal construction

Also, designs differ in the types of doors and windows that equip them.


Proper lighting is the key to the well-being of the "inhabitants" of the winter garden. It would seem that it could be easier than installing a pair of lamps and spotlights to flood the plants with light. But in fact, everything is not so easy. Some plants like shade (for example, tropical), while others need plenty of light for comfort. Lamp power and lighting intensity should be selected in accordance with the rules of growing particular species. This is especially important in our climate, since the sun rarely peeks in winter, which means that the lack of attention will have to be compensated artificially. In principle, the winter garden can be equipped even with ordinary incandescent lamps, but they are more suitable for rooms where people live, not plants. Their light spectrum is devoid of blue and red rays, which are necessary for the full growth of the flora. In addition, they have high heat dissipation, which can burn out the leaves of plants and provoke their wilting. Experts recommend choosing fluorescent lamps. They give a powerful stream of light, have low heat dissipation and excellent energy-saving characteristics.

Floor lamps by the sofa Perimeter light Lamps and fixtures Point to plants Chandelier and lamps Lighting inside and out

Ventilation and heating system

In addition to central or independent heating appliances located around the perimeter of the room, it is necessary to install special infrared heaters. They are panels that are mounted on walls or ceilings. This fallback is useful during particularly harsh winters, when the main system may not be able to cope with the task.Such reinsurance is necessary in winter gardens, the design of which consists of more than 50% glass. Another option for additional heating is a modern “warm” floor, the temperature of which can be regulated. It will be comfortable not only with plants, but also with people walking in the greenhouse in slippers. The ventilation system may be artificial or natural. One way or another, and fresh air is vital to plants. If unpretentious species are grown in the garden that quietly tolerate average temperatures, then natural ventilation is suitable. An artificial or mechanical option is used for capricious plants that are keenly responsive to any changes in the environment. Such ventilation allows you to control and adjust the circulation of air flows.

Warm floorOrange pillows on the sofa Baby pink sofa Many cacti Provence style Built in house

Styles and Design Tips

The winter garden, like the house, has its own stylistic decisions. Ethnic trends are mainly used for its design, since the practice of decorating these premises in each country has gone its own way of development. Popular is considered a group of European styles, which includes Dutch, French, English and Mediterranean. In these countries, the winter garden has become an integral part of the suburban possessions. For lovers of exotic flora, the African, Moorish or Mexican pavilion is suitable.

Classic style

In the classic conservatory there is a place for every member of the family. The floor is finished with stone, and the walls are plastered. Window frames are painted white. The room is decorated with wood paneling. To preserve the spirit of conservatism, a soft sofa with coffee-colored upholstery, a pair of armchairs to match his tone, a large round table for dinner, covered with a tablecloth, are chosen from furniture. It will be appropriate to place an antique cabinet for dishes. From plants, palms, ferns, clematis and creepers are selected. A fireplace will become a stylish element in the decoration of the winter garden.

Round designTurquoise furniture Beige armchair Yellow flowers White furniture Checkered floor

English style

The British loved the winter gardens so much that they still spend most of their free time here. In the greenhouse they relax, drink tea, receive guests and even arrange modest family holidays. The English style is divided into several areas that correspond to a certain era in the life of the country:

  • Victorian. The style appeared during the reign of Queen Victoria. In the interior they don’t save on decorations, and the design itself has a rectangular shape with a rounded end and a gable roof.
  • Georgian. The design has the shape of a semicircle with a flat roof. Windows are decorated with frequent internal partitions.
  • Edwardine. The winter garden has a strict rectangular shape, and its ridge is necessarily decorated with exterior decor. The interior adhere to the principles of restraint.

Sofa and armchairs

In English conservatories, windows are decorated with stained glass and floors are covered with large, soft carpets. The furniture is chosen antique, preferably antiques. You can also use wicker chairs and sofas. Coffee table covered with a tablecloth with floral patterns.

French style

In the French style, observe strictness and orderliness. Shrubs in the conservatory are always trimmed neatly. Furniture is used upholstered and voluminous, as in a full living room. In the color palette, pink, blue, white and gold prevail. The interior of the winter garden is ideal for personal meetings and a relaxing holiday alone. Its decor is luxurious. In a lively "filling" flowers and exotic fruits, medicinal plants, vegetables and herbs prevail. The tubs and pots with them are placed on special elevations so that the greens are clearly visible from anywhere in the winter garden. The furniture is chosen massive with expensive upholstery. The decor uses mirrors in gilded vases, stucco molding, skillfully made porcelain vases, sculpture and floor lamps with a floral pattern.

Brown furnitureWooden sofas Bed in the conservatory Glass table Dinner table Large chandelier


The Mediterranean style is laconic. The floor of the winter garden is finished with ceramic tiles, and the walls are painted in such colors to create the impression of a “burned out” surface under the scorching sun. The design, as a rule, has a rectangular shape and is adjacent to the house. A warm climate has settled in this part of Europe, which in the summer does not spare anyone, so the room is used as a saving oasis from the heat. In the plantations, fruit trees and spicy herbs prevail. The room is decorated with sculptures, fountains and romantic pergolas, entwined with weaving roses. The furniture is simple and concise with forging elements.

Mediterranean style

Japanese style

Creating a Japanese winter garden without deep knowledge of Eastern philosophy is quite difficult. The decisive role in its design will play the correct construction of the composition. Using a complex scheme, the Japanese identify “energy” points, that is, accent zones, of which there are four in traditional variants. The winter garden becomes a place where three elements collide: air, earth and water. Indoors, there are always artificial ponds, rock gardens, compositions of dwarf trees, moss and stone toro lights. Rest on the wide benches. The Japanese winter garden is the best place for tea ceremonies and a quiet holiday alone.

Japanese styleGarden under the stairs Rock garden Stone walkways Waterfall in the garden Concrete walls

Hi-tech style

In high-tech style, you can create a laconic garden of the future. It is dominated by simple forms and strict order. Pots with plants are placed on snow-white shelves. There should be no natural asymmetry in such a winter garden. The decoration uses an abundance of glass, plastic, chrome decor elements and adhere to the principle of free space "for maneuver". The floor in the room is either bulk or from a parquet board of black, brown color. The walls are decorated with plastic panels or simply covered with white plaster. In addition, they are decorated with a photo gallery with copyright photographs.In the color scheme neutral gray, white and black prevail. The place for rest is furnished with angular upholstered furniture and a low glass coffee table. From plants, weaving species and a variety of palm trees, cacti are chosen.

The power of high tech

Country style

Country garden is literally surrounded by greenery. Pots and tubs are placed in a chaotic mess. Since the direction is characterized by a rustic flavor, neat vegetable beds with greens, onions, tomatoes and cucumbers are visible among the flowers and fruit trees, that is, the garden is combined with a greenhouse. The floor and walls are finished with roughly processed wood or tile. The ceiling is plastered. Furniture use wicker, light. The sofa is covered with a plaid and decorated with a group of pillows. The table is covered with a flirty checkered tablecloth.

Country style

Plant selection

For the winter garden, plants of the following types are chosen:

  • Heat-loving flowers.
  • Fruit trees in tubs.
  • Palm trees.
  • Spices.
  • Typical indoor plants.
  • Weaving species.
  • Vegetables in miniature beds.
  • Water or coastal species if there is an artificial pond in the conservatory.
  • Exotic.

Tree in the centerGreen wall behind the sofa Winter garden near the bathroom Trees and flowers Flowers in buckets Flowers in the wall

When choosing plants, you should pay attention to the temperature regime, which persists in the winter. If the values ​​do not exceed 15-17 degrees, then the species typical of the subtropics are grown in the garden: azaleas, ficus, palm trees, rape, ivy, jasmine, vines, dracaena, begonias, spathiphyllum and anthurium. In such a garden, it is impossible to arrange drafts and sharp temperature drops. In the greenhouse, where it is maintained at 20-15 degrees, the tropics are grown. Ficus, calathea, dieffenbachia, arrowroot, anthurium, gusmania, freeze and calla will feel good here. Such plants should grow in partial shade, the abundance of sunlight will become destructive for them. The humidity level should not fall below 70%. In cooler gardens, where the temperature does not exceed 10 degrees in winter, more persistent plants and trees are grown: ferns, eucalyptus, rhododendrons, laurels, fuchsia, aloe, Kalanchoe, pelargonium and citrus fruits.In winter, the room must be provided with additional lighting, otherwise the living "scenery" will lose their aesthetic appearance: their leaves will become small and the branches will stretch.

Location on the balcony / loggia in the apartment

A balcony or loggia is increasingly seen as an additional functional area. The use of this room for arranging a winter garden has recently become popular. Of course, the balcony will have to be glazed and equipped with a warm floor. Windows necessarily equip blinds that will help regulate the intensity of sunlight. Pots and tubs are placed not only on the floor and window sill. For them, special shelves with stands are equipped and they acquire pots hanging from the ceiling. Owners of cramped apartments with balconies will have to say goodbye to the dream of a large conservatory, but a mini-greenhouse with a place to relax will fit in such a modest framework.

On the balcony

The location on the roof of a country house

The winter garden on the roof of a private house is ideal for small plots of land where there is no room for an extension or an individual pavilion. As a rule, such a room has impressive dimensions, which allows you to equip this oasis with separate zones. The expensive and luxurious apartments are equipped with a glass roof-dome, on a sturdy frame, which will bring conditions as close to natural as possible. In more budgetary options, only part of the walls is made of transparent material.

On the roof of the house

In a private house on the veranda

The veranda serves as a kind of "dressing room". It is usually “cold”, that is, it is not heated and is used only in summer for relaxation or evening gatherings. On it you can equip a buffer winter garden, that is, decorate it with plants only in the warm season. As an option, the veranda is insulated and connected to the central heating of the house. Now the garden will bloom and smell year-round.The walls of the veranda are traditionally 50% glazed, which is suitable for plants that need sunlight, which means that serious repairs will not have to be started.

On the veranda of a private house


The winter garden has become a dream for many. Of course, it requires regular care, which will eat up the lion's share of the time, but the greenhouse will make you feel like a resident of a hot country, where the sun always shines, and the vegetation blooms all year round. In winter, it is especially important to arrange for yourself a quiet, secluded corner, where there is no place for despondency and depression, where a piece of summer is preserved, and the aromas floating in the air evoke pleasant emotions and charge you with a good mood.

Passion for design turned into work. There is little experience in the architectural bureau.


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