
How to plant a lawn: the right instruction

How to plant a lawn

A well-groomed green lawn around the house can significantly improve the landscape design. In addition, it emphasizes the exterior of the building, helps to create a special aesthetic appeal of the site. But for sowing any lawn grass, careful preparation of the site is needed. Subsequent care of the cover will also require a lot of time and effort from the owners. You can learn more about how to plant a lawn with your own hands and what kind of grass is better in our detailed article. We also told all about the rules for preparing the site for sowing grass, the requirements for subsequent irrigation, cleaning and fertilizing the land. Following simple recommendations, you can grow a beautiful and healthy lawn on the backyard land. Do not forget about useful tips for caring for him at different times of the year and you can achieve the perfect look of your garden and yard.

Advantages and disadvantages of the lawn

A beautiful lawn near the house will not only help improve the landscape, but it will also be really useful. The presence of a lawn will prevent the erosion of the earth (both wind and water). Therefore, the planted area will retain its shape throughout the entire period of growing lawn grass. Green spaces will also help cleanse the air. It is important that a constant mowing prevents the appearance of flowers on the lawn and accordingly eliminates the formation of pollen. Therefore, rest on the lawn lawn will be completely safe for allergy sufferers. As for the minuses of the lawn, the need for frequent cutting and watering can be attributed to them. Lack of timely watering will lead to drying of the cover and the need for its replacement. Therefore, before planting a lawn, you should evaluate your ability to care for the growing cover.

The lawn on the site

Types of Lawn

Choosing the right type of lawn, you need to consider many factors: whether people will walk on it, will it be located in the shade or in the sun. The following types of lawn coverings are available:

  • landscape gardening (standard, ordinary): it has a good resistance to trampling, shade tolerance and frost resistance; however, in spring it will require the most frequent haircuts; forms a dense dark green cover;
  • parquet: costs more than usual and does not tolerate trampling; sprouting slowlybut after completion of growth forms a dense low bright green cover;
  • meadow: includes both grasses and undersized plants (for example, clover); suitable for landing in a sunny area, tolerates infrequent trampling;
  • Moorish: it is a cover of a variety of undersized flowers and herbs, it creates a beautiful colorful cover, but needs frequent watering and does not tolerate shade, unsuitable for trampling;
  • sports: forms a low dense cover, which is resistant to trampling; Needs constant (usually weekly) haircuts to maintain their characteristics.

A separate type can be classified as a rolled lawn. It can include a variety of herbs (not stunted flowers!). Stands out for easy styling.

Parquet lawn

The composition of the lawn mixture

Resistance to trampling and the possibility of cover growth in the shade or in the sun directly depend on the characteristics of plants included in the lawn mixture. Choosing the right mixture composition, we recommend using the following tooltip:

  1. For landing on sports fields or as paths: meadow bluegrass, red fescue, perennial ryegrass.
  2. For playgrounds and play areas: perennial ryegrass, meadow bluegrass, red fescue and thin field pole.
  3. For the shaded area: perennial ryegrass, forest bluegrass.
  4. For a site with infrequent watering: sheep fescue and red fescue, meadow bluegrass.
  5. For areas with high soil moisture: giant field pole, sandgrass.

It is also worth considering the simplified classification of mixtures. Road (airfield) includes plants with a powerful root system that are well resistant to trampling. The universal mixture is suitable for sowing in open areas where people will not walk. The Moorish mixture additionally includes forbs, allowing you to get a variegated cover of grass and flowers.

Lawn mix

Seed selection and calculation

After studying the information about different grass mixtures and types of lawn, you can start buying seeds.You can determine the right amount of grass mixture according to the following scheme:

  1. Measure the sown area.
  2. Calculate its area.
  3. For light soil (with a large percentage of sand), about 30-40 g of seeds per square meter will be required. For heavy soil (with predominant clay), 40-50 g of seeds per square meter will be required. meter. Accordingly, for each one hundredths, 3-4 or 4-5 kg ​​of grass mixture may be required.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that the Moorish mixture also includes small (respectively light) seeds of stunted flowers. Therefore, it is recommended to take the mixture for such a lawn at a critically low point (for light soil - 30 g per square meter, for heavy soil - 40 g). For universal and road mixtures, you can take seeds at the upper mark (40 or 50 g per 1 sq. M).

Increasing the number of seeds will not allow you to get a more beautiful or dense cover. On the contrary, such an approach will lead to uneven growth of plants and problems with germination.

Lawn seeds

Lawn planting methods

There are several ways to plant lawn grass, allowing you to choose the best planting option for your site. Work can be done using the following technologies:

  • Using a seeder.

To get started, you need to pour the right amount of grass mixture into the seeder itself and walk with it through the prepared area. Keep in mind that for simplicity and uniformity of sowing, you need to divide the planted area into separate squares and sow them using the previously defined rate of the grass mixture.

  • Manually.

It does not guarantee uniform seeding, but is the easiest option. Before work, the site is divided into squares, the norm of the mixture is mixed with sand 1 to 1 (40 g of seeds for 40 g of seeds). Sowing is carried out along the selected area, then across. Therefore, the prepared combination of sand and grass mixtures will rationally be immediately divided into 2 parts.

  • Using a can.

Outperforms manual seeding.To work, you will need to make small holes in the tin can (slightly larger than the size of the seeds used). The work is carried out similarly to manual sowing (including the addition of sand and the passage along the site along and across).

Planting a lawn with a seeder

Features of seasonal planting

When planting, it is also important to take into account the season when seeds are planted. Depending on weather conditions, sowing requirements can vary significantly. So, if the work is carried out:

  • in the spring;

Sowing the lawn should be carried out after normalizing the temperature and the absence of frost. The gentle spring sun will provide good germination and eliminate the death of plants due to the heat. But you need to be very careful: it is mandatory to clean the site of sprouting weeds, which also germinate well in the spring.

  • in summer;

Summer planting is attractive due to the possibility of preliminary complete cleaning of the soil from weeds. True, planting should be in a well-watered ground even after 6-7 hours in the evening (when the sun will not shoot shoots).

  • in the fall.

Autumn planting is carried out 1.5-2 months before the frost, when the temperature still remains quite high. Before planting the lawn, the site is cleaned of old grass, weeds, a mandatory requirement is the application of fertilizers that will help strengthen the seedlings. The advantage of autumn lawn planting is the possibility of rooting grass in the winter and maximizing germination.

Lawn planting in the fall

Preparing the site and soil for planting

It is not easy to grow a lawn, but if you carefully follow the recommendations of specialists, it is quite possible to achieve good germination of seeds and create a beautiful cover. First of all, it is necessary to conduct a complete cleaning of the site from any stones, obstacles, draw up a diagram of the lawn landing. For example, if the lawn grass frames a flower bed or trees in the garden, then pegs should be placed that mark the verge of the cover.You also need to consider whether the lawn will be adjacent to the paths and borders or flowers and shrubs will be located between it and the fences. In addition, to prepare the site, you will need to purchase all the necessary materials: a cover sheet or pipes for drainage, a pitchfork, a rake, a hand roller and a seeder. Such training will help to immediately resolve all issues and not be distracted from the process of planting a lawn cover.

Site preparation for the lawn

Tillage: Shredding and Weed Cleaning

In order for the sown lawn grass to sprout well and grow rapidly, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for it and achieve the correct soil composition. So, the first step in preparing the site for planting a lawn will be the removal of weeds. They need to be uprooted, excluding the subsequent possibility of growth. Particular attention at this stage should be given to weeds with a large root system or scattering shoots on the surface of the earth: all of them must be removed. Next, digging the site. It is recommended to dig the soil to a depth of no more than 25 cm. In the process of digging, it is also important to remove previously hidden pieces of rhizomes, both from cultivated plants and from weeds. In the process of digging, it is important to fluff the soil well to create the correct access of air to the upper layer.

Weed removal

Installation of drainage systems

The presence of a drainage system under the lawn is a guarantee of a quick drain of melt and rain water. There are several ways to organize proper moisture removal:

  • Multilayer soil (natural drainage).

The topsoil (about 20 cm) is removed, a layer of gravel and a layer of sand (5 cm each) are laid. The soil is again filled from above. Such arrangement of the site will ensure timely removal of water.

  • Laying drainage pipes (the best option for wetlands).

Asbestos drains are dug around the perimeter of the summer cottage where the lawn will grow, and also inside this perimeter at a distance of 40-60 cm from each other. Under them, you should make a pillow of sand and gravel with a thickness of about 30 cm. Another 10 cm of gravel is poured over the drains. Next, a 10 cm layer of sand is poured, the geotextile is laid.Then the soil itself is poured (thickness about 20-25 cm).

When laying drains, you need to take into account the slope of the site and equip the correct water drainage.

Installation of drainage systems

Surface alignment

After completion of the preparatory work, you should begin to level the soil, where the lawn will be planted. Work can be done with your own hands, but land owners must follow our step by step instructions:

  1. Carry out a breakdown of the site into separate sites: this will ensure ease of achieving evenness of the entire soil without sudden changes.
  2. Large clumps of earth (which could have formed after installing drainage or during digging) must be broken with a shovel.
  3. Between the selected parts of the site you need to install pegs and pull the rope, which will serve as a guideline for the evenness of the land cover.
  4. Using a rake to carry out the primary leveling of the earth. For large areas, a manual cultivator is recommended. A very popular way to "smooth" the surface of the board. In this case, a rope is tied to the board and the board itself is stretched over the surface, thereby allowing you to quickly and simply align the top layer of the earth.

Surface alignment

Fertilizer and ramming

Ensuring good growth of the lawn near the cottage or apartment building will help the correct "nourishment" of plants. To do this, compost or manure can be added to the topsoil. They enrich the soil and allow lawn grass to grow rapidly. For clay (heavy) soils, a small amount of sand will be a good solution. But in the sand (light) soil, on the contrary, you should add a little clay or black soil. After saturation of the soil, the earth is compacted under the lawn. You can carry out the work in the following ways:

  • Hand roller (its weight should not exceed 150 kg).

Rolling should be carried out without effort: the soil will settle slightly under the weight of the roller itself.

  • Board.

The board is laid on the edge of the site, which will be planted, and the owner passes along this board.Then he puts another board in front of him and steps over to it. Work is repeated until all soil has been rammed. The main thing is not to go down from the board to the ground in order to avoid the appearance of grooves and the creation of differences in the lawn itself.

Ramming plot

Site fallow - what is it and how to conduct it

To completely get rid of weeds and normalize the soil, fallow is carried out. In agricultural technology, steam is an uncultivated field that is "gaining strength." That is, it is plowed and left unseeded. For lawns, the steaming procedure does not take a whole season, but only 1-2 months. Therefore, it will be the right decision to begin work at the end of March, so that by May be able to sow seeds. During the fallow period, weeds must be constantly removed. Awakening dormant seeds will help periodic combing of the soil with a fan rake. They will help saturate the topsoil with air and thereby speed up the process of germination of weeds. Then it remains only to manually remove the harmful plants. An alternative to steaming can be considered the sowing of green manure. For example, 1.5 months before sowing a lawn, a sweet clover and lupine are planted. After this period, plowing of the site is carried out. Thus, the grown shoots will be “dug” into the soil. They will help enrich the earth and create favorable conditions for the growth of lawn grass.

Fallow plot

Sowing and its features

Having completed all the preparatory work, choosing a suitable grass mixture and calculating the optimal method of its distribution on the site, you can sow the lawn. To independently carry out such a procedure is not difficult. The following step-by-step instruction will help in this:

  1. Divide the entire area into separate squares and prepare for each square the desired amount of trash.
  2. Sow the lawn along and across each square, trying not to leave empty areas and at the same time not to "overpopulate" individual parts of the soil.
  3. Carefully walk the rake over the sown areas: this will help to slightly deepen the seeds into the soil. It is advisable not only to comb the soil with a rake, but also to slightly pierce the ground with them.
  4. Walk along the roller to ram the seeds and level the top layer.
  5. Water the area with a small amount of water, using a special nozzle with a fog mode for the watering hose.

Sowing Lawn Seeds

The advantages of laying a lawn

Unlike a regular lawn, a roll does not require sowing. It is usually sold in small rolls with a size of 0.8-1 m per 2 m. But even under such a lawn you need to specially prepare the soil. In general, the organizational procedures for all types of lawn coverings are the same and include: cleaning the site, removing weeds and leveling the soil, arranging drainage, applying fertilizers, tamping. Further, the rolled lawn only unfolds and fits on the prepared ground. This technology saves a lot of time. In addition, immediately after laying the lawn, you can enjoy a luxurious landscape design. Due to the fact that you do not need to plant a rolled lawn, you can literally update a view of a garden or yard of a personal plot in just a couple of days. Another plus is the uniformity of the cover and the absence of “bald spots” on it as a result of poor seed germination. However, after receiving the rolls, one should immediately begin laying them and primary watering. Otherwise, the grass will begin to dry and may partially disappear.

Laying a roll lawn

How to care

Not only sowing, but also to care for the lawn should be correct and most importantly - on time. Of particular importance is its protection, fertilizer and other care at different times of the year. Following simple recommendations and step by step following each of them, you can avoid problems with the disappearance of the lawn or its partial withering, freezing.

  • In summer and fall.

After the grass grows, it is necessary to organize the correct watering. Also, during the summer period, fertilizer may be required.In the autumn, watering should be reduced (especially in the area with frequent rains). Timely removal of emerging weeds will also be mandatory. In November, you should spend the last haircut and remove fallen leaves from the lawn.

  • In the winter.

So that in winter the lawn does not disappear and can grow again in the spring, you need to stop watering. Also, loads are not recommended (for sports type) - walking on plants is better to exclude. If snow is rare in your area, covering the plants with frost will help protect the plants from frost.

  • In the spring.

Lawn preparation for the new season begins with the removal of old grass. But work should only be done on dry grass and in dry weather. Germinating old weeds must be removed. Further, aeration of the soil is carried out (for example, by piercing the soil with a pitchfork). It is necessary to exclude the accumulation of melt water, but after the formation of dry and warm weather, you can make nitrogen fertilizers.

Lawn Care


In the process of sprouting the lawn should take care of its moderate and gentle watering. That is why the supply of water from a hose to young shoots should be excluded. It is necessary to use a special nozzle with the "fog" mode, which will help gently spray the grass. Watering the lawn in spring and summer should be in the early morning or late evening. Young plants are recommended to be watered a little, but often. But rooted grass can be watered abundantly once every 2-4 days (depending on the established weather and air temperature). In the autumn period, watering should be reduced: select the frequency of watering individually. The main task is the complete absorption of moisture and good drying of the plants. As for autowatering (for example, when using an automatic sprinkler), the water from it should be supplied in small portions, excluding the formation of puddles on the lawn.

Watering the lawn


Fertilization on the lawn should be carried out at different times of the year.In this case, the composition of the substances will vary depending on the season. The right clue will help you choose the right fertilizer for good lawn growth:

  • In the spring.

Immediately after the snow melts, you need to make liquid fertilizers, which include nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. This combination will strengthen the root system, healthy growth of lawn grass and its resistance to disease.

  • In summer.

Constant exposure to high temperatures, bright sunlight can lead to depletion of the lawn. Nitroammophoski will help maintain its healthy appearance and condition. It is recommended to use it in late June or early July. In mid-July and early to mid-August, potassium salt should be added. But at the end of August, the introduction of potassium phosphate mixtures is recommended. Such saturation of the soil will provide a dense and dense growth of the cover, its resistance to diseases and negative influences.

  • In the fall.

Preparing plants for wintering and helping them to endure any cold will help the introduction of potassium phosphate compounds. This procedure is usually carried out 1-2 weeks before frosts.

Lawn fertilizer

A haircut

Correctly mowing the garden lawn is quite simple using modern trimmers and lawn mowers. The first mowing is done when the lawn grass has grown by 7-8 cm. Re-mowing is done once a week. When performing this work, it is recommended to observe some simple requirements:

  1. It is necessary to carry out a haircut no earlier than the second day after watering in the evening. The mower will not move well on wet ground, the mower will also mow, and the trimmer will mow the wet shoots unevenly. Grass cut at lunchtime may start to “burn” and turn yellow.
  2. Each new strip of haircuts should be perpendicular to the previous one. This rule will allow you to make accurate cuts, get a smooth and dense cover.
  3. After mowing, it is recommended to slightly spray the lawn with water to maintain the strength of the sprouts.Fertilizing plants is also allowed (unless of course it has not been carried out in the last 1-2 weeks and will be appropriate).
  4. Mowed blades of grass cannot be left on the site, otherwise they can lead to rotting of certain parts of the lawn and the appearance of unsightly "bald spots" on the lawn.

Lawn mowing

Combing and aeration

Combing the lawn consists in removing old plants and weeds, opening up air access to the grass root system. Typically, combing is performed in the fall after the last lawn mowing. But also this procedure is recommended to be repeated in the spring before the start of a new season. Combing will help to “revive” the plants and provide them with excellent conditions for growth. In the summer, combing can not be carried out, otherwise the whole cover will be broken. As for aeration, this procedure is aimed at breaking the soil crust, which is formed in the process of watering and drying the earth. Aeration is performed once a season - in the autumn after combing. But it can also be carried out in other periods, if the lawn grass starts to hurt, puddles remain in some areas and water does not pass. For aeration, you can use a pitchfork or a special tool - an aerator. The depth of the holes created in the soil should be between 7 and 15 cm.

Lawn aeration

Weeding and weed control

In the first year after planting a lawn, weed control is not necessary. Timely mowing will help protect the lawn from weeds. They will prevent the growth of weeds (as well as the emergence of new units due to seeds and shoots), help the lawn grass grow stronger and “drive out” such neighbors. In the second year and after you need to carry out manual removal of weeds - weeding or pulling them out with the root. In the resulting hole after pulling out, you need to sow a new lawn. For lawns that grow more than 3-4 years, pesticides are allowed. But they need to be used very carefully: pick up the right amount of pesticide in the Spitz and inject into the stem of the weed.When moss appears on the site, unscheduled aeration is allowed. If the moss has grown on a lawn under the trees, it is recommended to prune the branches and provide sunlight with access to the moss.

Lawn weeding


It’s not easy to plant a beautiful home or country lawn with your own hands. But if you follow the detailed prompts of specialists and take care of the lawn grass in time, then it will not be difficult to achieve an ideal green lawn around the house. If you wish, you can plant both a regular green lawn that will complement flower beds and create a dense cover where you can walk. Such a lawn will not only decorate the site, but will also create original play areas for children and recreation areas for adults. Among the variety of grass mixtures, you can also find original covers with different meadow flowers. Such an ensemble will unusually decorate a personal plot and help to highlight artificial reservoirs or small garden forms in a non-standard way. The main thing is not to forget to remove weeds in time, to carry out fertilizer application and, of course, to water the lawn in time. Then it will not only form a dense cover, but will be able to become even brighter and denser in subsequent years.

Passion for design turned into work. There is little experience in the architectural bureau.


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