
Gazebo with barbecue: examples of projects

Gazebo with barbecue

A beautiful and original gazebo with barbecue or barbecue is ideal for leisure activities. Pavilions can have any size and shape, built from budget or expensive materials. Modern gazebos are a good addition to a country house or a small summer cottage. For comfortable use of the erected pavilion, we recommend paying special attention to its arrangement, lighting. Optionally, you can install inside an open roasting pan or a small fireplace-type stove, designed exclusively for heating the room. You can also independently build an excellent gazebo with minimal cost. Our instructions will help you to build a reliable and durable construction with original design without any difficulties.

Varieties of gazebos

The classification of arbors is carried out according to the materials and the form of the created structure. The following forms of pavilions are distinguished:

  • canopy;

Often installed in the center of the courtyard of a private house or in the garden. It represents 4-6 supports (for example, pillars) supporting the roof. There are both stationary models and mobile canopies. The latter have a frame made of aluminum or steel and can be removed at any time.

  • rectangular and square;

The most popular version of modern gazebos. Due to the simple geometric shape they are easy to assemble. Unlike ordinary canopies, from the floor to the roof (or the middle of the pillar) are closed by walls.

  • Hex

Represent original models having the form of a hexagon. Very easy to zoning, but require a professional approach to construction.

  • round.

Hexagon gazebo with barbecue on the site

Round arbors look harmoniously on any site. True, such structures require special attention to the selection of materials, thoughtful construction. There are also forged round arbors.

Hood above the barbecue Baskets under the hearth Arbor on the pillars Grapes on the walls Flowers on the site

Features and benefits of gazebos with barbecue

The presence of a mobile or stationary barbecue inside the gazebo allows the owners to spend their holidays with maximum comfort. But in order for the use of the furnace to be truly safe and convenient, they should carefully consider the project according to which the pavilion will be built. Be sure to have a chimney above the barbecue, and, if necessary, a full range hood.So, smoke from the barbecue will not drag the gazebo. The special advantages of choosing this type of structure include:

  • the ability to use in any weather;

It is impossible to cook vegetables, meat on the barbecue, standing in the open air during rain. A roofed stove can be used even in rainy weather.

  • convenience of communication with family and guests;

The owner will not have to constantly be distracted from the conversation in order to approach the barbecue.

  • variety of options for gazebos with barbecue.

Land with a gazebo with barbecue

The presence of a barbecue does not oblige owners to choose exclusively brick or iron pavilions. With the right layout, you can even position the oven in a wooden arbor.

Lawn path A table under an umbrella Arbor with columns of stone Roses in the flowerbed Flower garden along the track

The choice of materials for the construction of the pavilion

Despite the variety of types of arbors and their production, assembly from various materials, finding a suitable option is not so difficult. The selection criteria for the pavilion based on the following materials:

  • price category;

Cheaper wooden models are attractive due to their simplicity and affordability. At the same time, brick structures will last as long as possible. But the most unusual arbors are made of metal.

  • construction period;

If necessary, immediately install and use the gazebo, it is better to choose ready-made models of metal and wood. If the owners are in no hurry to start operating the facility, a brick building is perfect for them.

  • design and purpose.

Arbor made of wood with barbecue on the plot

If the gazebo will be used only in the summer, then you should not do a solid construction, it is better to do with ready-made solutions. If it is supposed to combine it with a summer kitchen and use even in winter, you should pay attention to the capital structures made of brick and stone.

Trees along the fence Benches by the table Tile in the yard Arbor with forged railing Cartwheel wheel against the wall

Wooden arbors

Wooden arbors are very popular due to accessibility. Pavilions finished or constructed from wood are cheaper than metal and brick counterparts.But it is worth considering that the fire resistance of a tree is quite low and it will need to be treated with protective impregnations and varnishes. You will also need to treat the raw materials with an antiseptic. A specialized tool will prevent damage to wood by insects, rodents, protect the tree from moisture. According to their design style, wooden arbors can be divided into simple (with a minimal style), modern (with unusual shapes and decor), and folk (with carved elements). Japanese arbors, which are of a modern look, have become quite popular. They are distinguished by the absence of walls, the presence of non-standard two-story roofs.

Wooden arbor with barbecue on the plotJugs on the lawn Lights under the roof Arbor from logs Bench by the track Swing under the roof

Brick / stone arbors

Brick or stone structures are particularly attractive. They are reliable and durable. Unlike other structures, they do not require constant care, and without it they remain pristine for many years. If desired, they can be lined with different materials. True, building a gazebo of brick or stone takes a lot of time. Due to the reliable lower part of the walls in such a pavilion it can be glazed for convenient use both in summer and in winter. Owners can make both ordinary glazing and install only a few windows (turning it, thus, into a full kitchen), and carry out stylish panoramic glazing. In such facilities, you can install a stove, barbecue, and barbecue. After all, they are among the safest.

Arbor made of brick with barbecue on the siteArmchairs at the hearth Flower pots on the floor Arbor with a profile roof Profile fence on the site Seats on the windows


Despite its high cost, metal gazebos are gaining more and more popularity. Finished forged products are easy to install, require minimal maintenance and look stylish and original. In such arbors it is allowed to install any barbecue and stoves. The only requirement is the remote location of the fire source from the walls and supports themselves. Such elements may become too hot due to heat.Thus, a red-hot arbor cannot be called completely safe. Unlike wooden arbors, iron ones will last much longer. And, in addition, they will need to be repainted once every 5-7 years (when using hammer paints). Unlike brick counterparts, they look quite unusual even in the simplest version.

Metal gazebo with barbecue on the siteForged patterns under the roof Table and benches in front of the barbecue The pot under the roof The fence around the gazebo Conifers at home

Material combination

In addition to the considered types of pavilions, there are also combined structures built from different types of materials. The most common options for manufacturing custom arbors include:

  • Polycarbonate + metal construction.

Usually they look like a metal canopy with a polycarbonate roof.

  • Polycarbonate + brick + metal supports.

The walls of the structure are laid out of brick, and the polycarbonate roof is attached to metal piles or forged metal supports.

  • Foam block + artificial stone (or facing brick).

Arbor made of stone and wood with barbecue on the plot

The construction of objects from foam blocks takes a minimum of time. Construction can be carried out without involving builders. Facing the erected walls with brick or artificial stone allows you to protect the foam block and give the finished pavilion an original look.

Shrub by the track Flower bed at the gazebo Coniferous shop Stone fence on the site Bicycle at the fence

How to choose a place for the gazebo

Before choosing the location of the gazebo, it is recommended to draw up a detailed diagram of the site, taking into account its landscape, the location of other buildings (houses, hozblok). All this will help to choose the right place where the pavilion will be convenient to use. The main criteria for determining the permissibility of placing a gazebo include:

  • land area: if on a spacious summer cottage the arbor can be placed in the middle of the courtyard, then for small areas the angular location will become appropriate;
  • remoteness from home: the chosen place should be quiet and comfortable, therefore the option of placing the gazebo as far away from the road and the house itself is very interesting;
  • the need to create a summer kitchen-gazebo: in this case, you will need to attach a new structure to the house itself;
  • remoteness from the neighbor's house: it is unlikely that the neighbors will be glad that your barbecue is actively smoking and smoke enters their house; but an ordinary arbor without a barbecue can be located anywhere on the site.

Gazebo with barbecue on the fenceTable and benches among the trees Fireplace Shelf Ceiling fan Woodpile against the wall House siding

Types of foundation for the gazebo

The construction of a reliable and durable gazebo must necessarily begin with the choice of the optimal type of foundation. The most common base unit options include:

  • monolithic;

It is designed for a large weight of the finished object, eliminates any wall displacements (for example, if ground water is close to the surface or the soil itself is loose). Most suitable for brick and stone structures.

Monolithic foundation for gazebo

  • tape;

It belongs to a cheap option and is optimal for wooden, small brick arbors. A foundation of this type is poured under the walls of the structure and crosswise in the center. Needs preliminary drawing up an accurate drawing and taking into account the exact dimensions of the future structure.


  • columnar.

The best solution for small arbors made of wood, metal. Easy to install, can withstand light loads.


In areas with severe level differences, a pile foundation can be mounted. Metal piles will prevent the destruction of the building.

Types of stoves and barbecues for gazebos

Features of cooking in the pavilion directly depends on the type of fryer. Most often in arbors are used:

  • barbecue;

It has the appearance of a compact furnace. Cooking over it is carried out using grills and skewers.

Barbecue grill

  • oven (Russian);

It has large dimensions, but allows you to cook on specially equipped stoves heated by fire or on the coals themselves.


  • B-B-Q;

Refers to compact stoves installed in the middle of the pavilion. Suitable for cooking meat, fish, vegetables at the stake.


  • tandoor;

A roasting pan with a large capacity in the form of a barrel or a jug. Cooking in it is non-standard - with a closed lid.


  • fireplace.

Not used for cooking. It is a decorative and heating element.


It is permissible to combine several types of equipment. For example, a conventional oven can be supplemented with a compact smokehouse.

Precautions for using the broiler in the gazebo

Creating a safe area near the frypot and preventing injury during its use will help following these rules:

  1. Preservation of free space of 70-100 cm around the frypot for safe movement of people.
  2. On the floor in front of the stove, barbecue in the pavilions with wooden floors, you need to lay a steel sheet. It should protrude from the fryer to a distance of at least 50 cm.
  3. In the ignition process, the classical method of incineration should be followed: the use of special fluids is dangerous.
  4. The flame height should be small (especially for open fryers) and be no more than 20 cm.
  5. Ash must be cleaned after each use of the frypot.
  6. The focus of the hearth and brazier accessories should be qualitatively fixed and not interfere with the movement of people.
  7. As fuel, it is better to use wood or coal that does not emit sparks.

Brazier in the gazeboHood over the hearth Table with sink along the wall Wooden furniture in the gazebo Ceiling lights Skins on the benches

Arrangement and zoning of the gazebo

Layout of the pavilion for its convenient and safe use should be carried out after the preparation of the project. When the brazier is located in the central part, benches should be located around the perimeter of the pavilion or at some distance from the hearth (if the arbor has an elongated rectangular shape). If possible, the fryer should be placed in the far corner. The cooking zone should remain free: movement along it should not be restricted by anything. For the convenience of using the oven nearby can be placed woodpile.A small worktop, sink (if the area of ​​the pavilion allows) will also be useful. Opposite the cooking zone, a dining group is set up, including a small table and neat chairs or stools. In the spacious pavilions, the relaxation area may consist of a large table and several stools, sofas.

Arbor with barbecueCeiling fan Stone tiles on the walls Beams on the ceiling Arbor with a Russian stove Stone floor

Lighting and decor

To rest in the pavilion was comfortable in the evening and at night, you should take care of its high-quality lighting. Wiring is recommended to be carried out by air - in corrugated pipes. Lamps can be placed around the perimeter, but you can limit yourself to 1-2 large shades. The original solution will be to use LED street cords or garlands as a light source. They are not afraid of moisture, sun, temperature changes. They can not be removed for the winter. They can decorate both the arbor and the crown of a tree located nearby. As for the decor, hanging pots are an appropriate option. Also outside the walls you can place barrels with stylized flower beds, garden figures or other garden decor. It is better not to hang the curtains in the gazebo with barbecue. In spacious pavilions, their placement is permissible only at the entrance - in a place remote from the brazier.

Lighting a gazebo with barbecueKitchen furniture along the wall Chairs around a stone table Garden furniture with kitchen area Ceiling chandelier Lamps on the walls

Build your own gazebo

Construction of arbors begins with the preparation of a project indicating the size of the sides of the pavilion, the thickness of the walls. According to the drawing, the layout of the site is carried out. The site being prepared for construction is being cleared. Since the most reliable are brick pavilions, we will consider the construction of a rectangular arbor made of bricks with wooden flooring. A solid foundation must be prepared for a brick structure. A foundation pit is excavated at a marked area with a depth of 1 m. As a pillow 20 cm of crushed stone is poured into it, crushed stone is compacted, and waterproofing is laid. Over the waterproofing fittings are laid.A solution is prepared with proportions of 5: 3: 1 gravel, sand and concrete, respectively. A little water is added to obtain a solution that will be easily kneaded. Then the pit is poured. The solidification of the foundation will take 2-3 weeks.

DIY construction of a gazebo with barbecue

Brazier Erection

The construction of the furnace is carried out first. To erect a barbecue, the following steps are performed in stages:

  1. In the area of ​​the pavilion chosen for barbecue, there is a place for barbecue. 3 walls are being laid, which are the supports - “brazier legs”. They are simply laid out from a brick to a height of 80-100 cm.
  2. On top of the prepared support (for ease of brazier erection), a reinforced concrete slab is placed, protruding beyond the supports on each side, except the front, by 8-12 cm.
  3. The construction of the brazier continues with the formation of a bowl of brick, consisting of three walls. It fits similarly to supports. The height of the sidewalls should not exceed 20-30 cm. This height will be optimal for cooking on fire and heat.

We put the first row on dry We are building a woodcutter Spread firebox We make the bases for barbecue For masonry we use a refractory mixture Proceed to the laying of the chimney We form it under the oven We reinforce each row with wire We comply with the level Finish the furnace vault Pull the back wall Leave to dry We have a barbecue We do the jointing Leave to grab We put a stainless steel mesh We bring the pipe to the sink We fix the doors under the sink We make a three-channel pipe The masonry is coated with special impregnation with a water-repellent effect.

The considered brazier can be supplemented with a shelf for brazier accessories in the lower part. You can attach a small stand for food, skewers or a cauldron to it.

Floor device

Before installing the floor in the pavilion, it is necessary to make blanks of walls and pillars for the roof (for them, laying is not 1, but 4 bricks). Along the perimeter, excluding the entrance to the gazebo, the first row is laid. For this purpose, building ordinary brick is suitable. The rest of the walls are allowed to be laid out of facing bricks. The budget decision will be to use the foundation as a floor. But to give greater comfort, you can make a wooden flooring. Under it, waterproofing is laid on the foundation. According to the floor dimensions obtained (taking into account the used space under the walls), the lower floor trim is made. It is made of 5X5 cm timber. It is assembled around the perimeter and includes transverse bars in increments of 40-60 cm.At the same time, you should carefully frame the barbecue made earlier. The lower harness is fastened to the first row of brick walls and supports. In order for the floor to be warm (in a closed pavilion), it is advisable to fall asleep between separate lags of the strapping. Upholstery of the lower trim with boards is carried out. It is recommended to choose terrace-type boards: they are more reliable and have high resistance to damage, external negative influences.

Fill the foundation and floor

Arbor walls

The construction of the walls of the gazebo made of brick takes a minimum of time and does not present any special difficulties. Laying can be any (with offset, cross, Flemish). Several types of bricks are allowed. Chaotic masonry will look spectacular. This arrangement of bricks will create a truly exclusive arbor. Particular attention should be paid to highlighting the entrance: for this, neat columns can be laid out on the sides of it. Together with the laying of walls, an increase in the brick supports under the roof is also carried out. Optionally, the height of the wall can be about 1 meter or be slightly larger, smaller. Pillars may have a height of 2 meters or more. The maturation of the brick after completion of the masonry will be 3-5 hours.

We carry out a laying of walls

Roof mounting

Roof construction should begin with the development of a detailed sketch. For a gable roof, the drawing will include the following elements:

  • Mauerlat (2 base beams with a cross section of 15x15 cm): located on the right and left, fixed on brick pillars;
  • "Puffs": a beam lying between the Mauerlat are fastening elements of the rafter legs;
  • rafter legs: form the slopes themselves;
  • girder: connects the rafters at the top.

We make the rafter system

Additionally, nailing rails on the rafters is carried out for subsequent fixation of the metal tile or slate. Under the shingles will require the installation of plywood sheets. After laying the roofing materials, they are closed with a ridge.

Mount the roof

Arrangement of the area around the gazebo

To create a harmonious design of landscape design, it is preliminary recommended to view the most interesting arrangement options. In addition, you should think in advance what area remains free around the gazebo. A practical solution for owners who have children, or who will receive guests with children, will be the location near the gazebo children's recreation area. It can partially adjoin one of the walls of the pavilion (of course, as far as possible from the oven or barbecue) or just be nearby. So, during the rest, adults will always be able to monitor their child. The simplest arrangement option is to simply plant a lawn. Against the background of a beautiful green lawn, any gazebo will look good. At the same time, from the house to it, you can lay out a path of plates or stone. For lovers of real relaxation, the arbor of a gazebo with different shrubs and climbing plants with bright flowers (yellow, white, red) is well suited. Also, near the gazebo, you can install a compact fountain or make an artificial pond.

Arrangement of the area around the gazebo with barbecue


Convenient gazebo with barbecue in the country - the best place to relax. For its construction, the use of a variety of materials is allowed: from inexpensive logs and beams to expensive forged metal canopies. Structures can be built from combined materials, which ensures the availability of solutions and the originality of the finished object. You can make a quality pavilion with your own hands. You will need to step by step follow the instructions for making the foundation, laying the brazier, building walls and roofs. We recommend that you pay special attention to the study of information about the types of modern fryers, and the features of their application. Also consider the rules for using barbecue in gazebos: following them will ensure the comfort and safety of your vacation with friends and family.

Passion for design turned into work. There is little experience in the architectural bureau.


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