
Design project of a studio apartment +80 photo

Modern design studio apartment

The high cost of apartments in modern urban new buildings led to the popularity of the “studio” format. This small living space is positioned as a budget option for childless families or single people. However, the possibilities of designer design can turn a small area into a comfortable home. The original design project of the studio is valued as highly as the exclusive repair of an ordinary apartment. Consider the layout of studio apartments in more detail.


The etymology of the name originates in North America.The beginning of the 20th century was marked by a large influx of immigrants in the United States. There was a serious shortage of housing for poor people. Newly-fledged Americans wanted to enjoy all the benefits of civilization for a moderate fee. Therefore, a compromise was found in the form of compact studio apartments. The small area included everything necessary for a normal life: a room, a kitchen space, a shower room with a toilet. Young families willingly chose this budget option.

Bright design studio apartment

Attention! The concept of partitions between functional areas was absent. Doorways were equipped with only the entrance to the room and the bathroom.

Over time, this type of housing has ceased to be considered budgetary. Design developments allowed to withdraw studio apartments from an unpresentable segment.

Car models on the wall

The idea of ​​combining the kitchen and living space into one whole has not found a response in the Russian Federation for a long time. The Soviet Union rejected the capitalist fashion trends, building inconvenient Khrushchev. Studio architectural solution began to enjoy popularity only in the late 90s. At the same time, redevelopment often has to be done independently: to clean the interior partitions and walls. This is largely due to the difference in the views of designers and architects. The official standard for such a layout is still missing in the Russian Federation.

There are options for arranging studios from one-room and multi-room apartments. Therefore, price categories can vary significantly. The location of the accommodation is also important. A large area in the elite sector will belong to the prestigious segment. The original zoning and the popularity of the loft style determine the high cost of studio design.

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Benefits of planning without partitions

Contrary to popular belief, the elimination of partitions or walls is performed not only to save usable area. Combining functional areas can be done to make your home stylish.Fashionable layout allows a person with a good imagination to demonstrate their sophisticated taste, make a pleasant impression on guests. Studios are equipped by talented designers. Their design projects are popular in the architectural environment, because they are distinguished by their individuality. Many projects are made to order. Redevelopment of housing implies ample opportunities for the embodiment of fantasy. In the studio room experiments are allowed to create any style.

Table with counter in the kitchen

If you go down to the ground and consider the household benefits of studio apartments, they will be as follows:

  1. The lack of useful quadrature is offset by the elimination of partitions and interior walls. Open space gives the owners the opportunity to most effectively set the attributes of a furniture set;
  2. Unlimited space is perfect for single people or a childless family. A bachelor can organize great parties to meet people of the opposite sex;
  3. The lack of many rooms allows you to equip the interior of the entire apartment in one specific style. Architectural eclecticism is also allowed: when several styles are in harmony, dividing the space into zones;
  4. Freedom of movement is complemented by fewer steps to the desired elements. From the chair to the refrigerator you can quickly get there, without the need to open / close interior doors;
  5. The colossal advantage of the studio is the perfect acoustics. This is a pleasure for music lovers to use when posting their favorite audio equipment. The same can be said about home theaters.

Creative individuals are often inclined towards the acquisition of studio apartments. The possibility of redevelopment for themselves inspires them to create a workshop in the living space.

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Layout Disadvantages

Like any other design project, the studio version of the arrangement of the apartment has its drawbacks.Before you begin overhaul and redevelopment of the apartment, you should carefully weigh everything. Opponents of demolition of partitions call the following reasons:

  • Not all houses suggest the possibility of redevelopment. The reinforced concrete structure of some panel buildings is strongly recommended not to be changed, since the interior walls can be load-bearing. Therefore, it is important to study the building plan before taking destructive actions against it.
  • But even if the building plan allows you to tear down the internal walls, the apartment owner will still need permission from the local housing office. In this instance, they rarely agree to capital changes in the house, since no one wants to take responsibility for the strength of the building structure. This is especially true of old houses that are in poor condition. Solving the issue in a new building is a little easier. Monolithic houses do not need permits at all.
  • Equally important is the economic issue. Expensive repairs include not only the dismantling of internal structures, but also the complete replacement of wiring. A new lighting arrangement will be required. Masters will have to adapt to existing engineering communications. Therefore, the issue of finance often comes first.

Layout of a studio apartment with a working area

Attention! The cost of remodeling housing in the studio space often exceeds the expectations of the owners. Sometimes it’s easier to buy a two-room apartment than to try to save usable space.

  • The studio is ideal for a childless couple or a single person. However, it is not intended for those guys who want to have a baby. Because open space does not imply the presence of a children's room. And the presence in the same place of several people of different sex and age is fraught with the appearance of irritation. Most of us need periodic solitude. And in a room with a studio layout, this is hardly possible.
  • Redevelopment implies a serious attitude to the issue of air ventilation. The lack of a balcony makes you refuse cigarettes, and combining the kitchen with the room makes you think about a powerful exhaust hood. Air convection plays a big role for the bathroom, as all the aromas will flow directly into the room. A new heating scheme will also be required, as drafts are frequent visitors in the open. The best option is a warm floor with good thermal insulation of the window opening.
  • We will have to abandon large representatives of the animal world. There is simply nowhere for a pet to hide in case guests arrive. Not to mention the fact that he needs a priori his own angle.

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Rectangular Studio Apartment

New buildings often sin in that they offer an uncomfortable rectangular shape for arranging studio apartments. The narrow and cramped space is distinguished by its long length. Therefore, competent interior design is essential to provide residents with comfort. The key issue is the insolation of the room, a sufficient amount of light. Experienced designers know how to handle this. They use the features of a rectangular studio apartment as follows:

  • Functional zones are placed as close to the walls as possible;
  • The living room is located near the window;
  • The kitchen unit occupies one wall;
  • The bathroom is maximally divorced from the sleeping area. It is equipped near the front door;
  • Reflective surfaces are used to visually expand the space. It can be both items of a kitchen set, and various partitions from shock-resistant glass. In the hallway area, mirrors mounted opposite each other are welcome.

Design of a rectangular studio apartment

Since there is only one window opening in such rooms, the illumination of most functional areas leaves much to be desired. Therefore, the organization of good lighting should be complemented by the correct selection of finishing materials.The classic option is the use of white in all its shades. The predominance of light tones also creates the illusion of more space. This effect can be enhanced using a combined lighting system. The intensity of their light should increase with distance from a window with daylight.

Roman curtains in the living room

As for the style of the elongated space, there are no strict restrictions. Is it worth it to abandon the pompous classic in the Rococo style, since it involves many elaborate interior elements. Preference should be given to minimalist styles: high-tech, Provence, Scandinavian country. The furniture set should be characterized by mobility and functionality to occupy as little space as possible. It is necessary to abandon everything that litter the area of ​​housing. Heavy curtains are also inappropriate in a narrow rectangular space. The amount of decor should be kept to a minimum.

Stone and wooden beams in the living room interior

Tip. Before ordering a design project in an architectural bureau, it is worth looking at existing options on the Internet. This will allow you to determine in advance your own vision of the future interior.

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Studio design with one window

One window opening in the studio dwelling places a certain responsibility on the designer. His project should arrange all the decor items so that the interior does not seem dark and cluttered. Since even the absence of interior partitions does not save from a feeling of crowding with a lack of light. A functional furniture set should be placed in the most compact way.

The design project of apartments with one window opening often contains an indication of the abundant use of mirrors. Reflective surfaces cover various planes. The glossy texture of the furniture set, various elements of the kitchen utensils is appreciated. The mirror itself is located opposite the light source. This greatly brightens the space.

Modern design studio apartment with one window

Zoning of studio apartments with one window is carried out according to the principle of importance. The most significant areas are located closer to the light source. This is usually a living room or study. To save usable space and financial resources, a wide windowsill is used instead of a desk. The guest area is separated from the kitchen space by a bar counter or an oblong table. The kitchen island is used only with a sufficient number of square meters.

Attention! Small-sized apartment implies a combination of guest and sleeping areas.

Studio kitchen with a breakfast bar

Since there is no place for the hallway in the studio apartment, its functions are performed by a universal wardrobe. Both clothes and shoes are hidden in his device. This giant is located right at the entrance.

A variety of design projects suggests the possibility of arranging the sleeping area if the window opening is not located in the center of the wall. In this case, the bed is placed in that corner, which is more obscured. It is separated from the rest of the space by lightweight textiles of an opaque type. A durable window sill can also be used as a relaxation area.

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Studio decoration with two windows

Two windows allow the designer to roam. With their help, zoning is carried out:

  • Near the first window is the kitchen area;
  • Near the second - guest;
  • The sleeping area goes after the dining room.

Laminate under a tree on the living room floor

Such a functional version of the interior is possible with two windows on a wide wall. To distinguish between the guest area and the work area, they are separated by small glass partitions. These partitions are used as shelving for storing decorative accessories or books.

Design studio apartment with two windows

However, partitions are not the only decor. Some designers do without them at all. They use two sources of daylight for the competent arrangement of a furniture set. On the contrary, a kitchen is grouped on one window, and on the other side, pieces of furniture for the sleeping area.The entrance area remains at the entrance.

Often you can find the location of the TV between the windows, and the sleeping area opposite. This allows you to create a home theater with a starry sky. Functional areas are located along the sides, near the walls.

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The zoning of a studio apartment should begin with the bathroom. An open plan implies that engineering communications have already been carried out in the bathroom and toilet. Therefore, they are fenced off from the rest of the room. After that, they begin to equip the interior of the studio.

Since open planning implies the location of the zones at one’s own discretion, common sense must be followed. For example, you should not place a sleeping area near the bathroom. The same can be said about the work area. It is better to provide a kitchen area in this place. And take the sleeping place away from the toilet and entrance. It is also recommended to close it with the headset or a dense partition to create the illusion of another room.

Studio apartment zoning

The dining area is made out last. The original layout can squeeze it anywhere. However, a site near the wall that is opposite the windows is considered suitable.

In addition to standard partitions, you can use more interesting zoning methods. These include glass aquariums, differences in the height of the floor or ceiling surface, local lamps, and decorative elements. With the proper level of imagination, it is possible to provide even a play area for the child.

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Design studio from 14 to 25 square meters. m

A very small area contained a living room, mini-dressing room and kitchen. The entrance area is separated from the rest by a curtain and a wardrobe. A corner of the living room also covers the refrigerator. The dining table in the room performs several functions at once: it can be folded up and turned into a couch for guests. Armchairs on both sides are hollow inside for storage.The sofa bed is also equipped with a pull-out shelf. All parts are made of wood. They blend perfectly with the achromatic finish of the studio. Turquoise and lemon blotches in the design enliven the decor. And the mirror surface of the cabinet visually expands the tiny space of the apartment.

 Studio apartment plan from 14 to 25 square meters. mTV on the wall in the dining area Dining area with brick wall Hallway spotlights

Marble worktop in the kitchen Photowall-paper in an interior Picture on the wall

Design studio from 25 to 30 square meters. m

A rectangular layout with one window is fraught with certain difficulties. However, the designer found a suitable solution. A key element of the design project was a translucent partition between the guest and bedroom areas. Insolation softened the achromatic decor of the interior. In the living area there was a place for a sofa, dressing table and TV panel. In the sleeping area there is a large bed and ottoman. The kitchen area was separated by a compact bar counter. The bathroom is right next to the entrance, and the closet is located along the wall of the hallway and kitchen. Pastel colors mask built-in appliances.

Studio apartment plan from 25 to 30 square meters. mPartition in the interior of the apartment Black and white furniture in the kitchen Laminate flooring studio apartment

Bedroom behind the partition Ceramic tiles in the bathroom

Design studio from 30 to 35 square meters. m

Since the window opening of this apartment was not large, the designers carefully masked its blinds. And the illumination was increased by means of local illumination under the ceiling. To expand the visible space, glossy and mirror surfaces were also used. As for the layout, several successful solutions were immediately found here: the ledge of the wall became the working area, and the furniture set became a multifunctional partition.

 Peninsula table in the kitchenDesign of studio apartments from 30 to 35 square meters. m Shelves on the wall above the table Table with armchair behind the partition

Shelves in the partition by the bed Design of a studio apartment from 30 to 35 square meters. m Blinds on the window in the living room

Design studio from 35 to 42 square meters. m

The zoning of this studio apartment was carried out using a color scheme. The contrasting black color in the interior is harmoniously combined with light shades of wood and porcelain stoneware. The flooring is unusually duplicated on the wall, and instead of a chair, a soft ottoman is used. To separate the private area, a colorful black curtain was used. The competent organization of lighting in the form of stylish lamps favorably emphasizes the color scheme of the decor.A compact kitchenette is separated from the guest area by a traditional bar counter. Cabinets are located on one side only.

 Studio apartment plan from 35 to 42 square meters. mLamps by the bed Backlit floor Wooden worktop in the kitchen Laminate in the interior of a studio apartment

Concrete wall in the kitchen Round table in front of the sofa TV on the wall Bed on the podium


The acquisition of a studio apartment is suitable for a creative person who is not burdened by family life. An open plan contributes to the creation of an original interior, allowing you to equip representative apartments in a confined space. The absence of internal walls also saves useful meters of living space. Ordering an individual design project from professionals can turn a compact room into a true masterpiece of architectural planning and design art.

Passion for design turned into work. There is little experience in the architectural bureau.


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