
Layout of tiles in the bathroom: examples and schemes

Layout tiles in the bathroom

There are many ways to transform the interior of a room. The final result largely depends on the materials chosen for finishing the floor and walls. There are a lot of options. One of the most popular types of cladding is tile, which has a wide scope of application. When choosing this building material for repair work, you need to think in advance what its color and shape will be, to study the possible methods for laying out the tiles.

Coating features

Building material is used for indoor and outdoor use.With its help, walls, floors, and ceilings are decorated indoors, lined with fireplaces, stoves, pools, laid out paths and entire platforms. Depending on the application, all existing types of this coating can be divided into the following groups:

  • wall mounted;
  • floor;
  • Ceiling
  • front;
  • decorative;
  • sidewalk.

The choice of a specific product depends on the type of work performed. One of the most popular products is ceramic tile. It is a flat plate made of baked clay. The first samples of this building material were found in Mesopotamia. With their help, back in the third and second millennium BC. performed the decoration of temples and palaces.

Types of Tiles

Finished products can take many forms. The most popular are square and rectangular, less common are multifaceted, curly models. To choose a specific option is based on color, texture, size. Particular attention should be paid to the layout method. The general view of the room or building, the consumption of raw materials, the costs of its purchase, the total cost, taking into account the installation, depend on this.

Regardless of the type selected, the fact that building material can only be laid on a prepared, leveled base should be considered. Before starting the installation, a screed is required.

Types of Tiles

Manufacturers produce a wide range of finished products. Products differ in color, shape, material used for their production, have different fields of application. One of the most popular options suitable for indoor and outdoor use is ceramics. Products can be obtained using the following methods:

  • Casting. Special forms are filled with clay mass, they are burned in a furnace.
  • Extruding. Raw materials are pulled and cut on the machine.
  • Pressing. There are two different technologies: bicotura, monocottura.In the first case, the clay is pressed during the manufacturing process, the resulting workpieces are fired, then a layer of glaze is applied to them, they are again fired. In the second embodiment, the preliminary hardening step is omitted.

There are several varieties of ceramic tiles, among which are:

  • Clinker. It is made of a special type of plastic clay, which is burned at high temperatures. It lacks artificial pigments and plasticizers. It has a low level of water absorption, characterized by durability, frost resistance, wear resistance.
  • Terracotta. For its production, white fireclay clay is taken. Outwardly similar to wild stone, Prague brick. It can be lined with stoves and fireplaces, building facades.
  • Cotto. Mainly serves as flooring, rarely for wall cladding.
  • Porcelain tile. Artificial material that imitates natural stone. It is produced by semi-dry pressing and then fired at a temperature of 1200-1300 ° C. It consists of kaolins, quartz sand, feldspars and pegmatites.

Tile in the interiorCotto tile Varieties of tiles Porcelain Tile Brick tile Terracotta tile

Ceramic products are very popular, but on sale you can find many other types:

  • Carpet. Consists of several layers. The lower one is made of fiberglass, the upper one is made of nylon. It is used as a floor covering.
  • Rubber Like the previous view, it is laid mainly on the floor.
  • Synthetic (polyvinyl chloride PVC). It is a plastic panel laminated on the front side. They can have any pattern and color. They are immune to moisture, therefore they are often installed in the bathroom.
  • Quartz vinyl. This is a flexible building material with a high content of quartz sand.
  • Cork. One of the least common. It has good sound insulation, thermal insulation, poorly tolerates a humid environment.
  • Glass. By its characteristics, it is not inferior to ceramic models.It is very durable, neutral to moisture.
  • Polystyrene. The main type that is used as decoration for the ceiling.

Separately, it is worth considering paving slabs. It is used for paving roads, squares, sidewalks, private areas. There are concrete, polymer sand, coatings based on rubber, rubber crumb. The latter type is intended for the equipment of children's and sports grounds. All available models differ in color and shape, can be stacked in different ways.

Paving slabsPaving slabs in the courtyard of the house Stone blocks are brick Rubber paving slabs Laying paving slabs Path to the house

Size and shape

Tile is one of the best facing materials that has been used in construction for more than a century. Manufacturers produce a wide range of these products. It is characterized by a wide variety of colors and textures, has a wide variety of shapes and sizes. The highest quality products are manufactured in accordance with established norms and standards, which always indicate acceptable sizes. Below are some GOSTs, the values ​​specified in them in mm:

GOST 6787-2001. It operates in almost all countries of the former Soviet Union. Determines the type of ceramic for floors.

The form
150150Not less than 7.5200150Not less than 7.5

GOST 6787-2001

GOST 6141-91 Ceramic tiles for internal wall cladding.

The form

GOST 6141-91

GOST 13996-93 Facade ceramics

The form

GOST 13996-93

The norms of the state standard allow the manufacture of finished products of any size and shape, so manufacturers are free to set these parameters on their own.

In addition to standard square and rectangular models, on sale you can find triangular, five-, six-, octagonal, figured options. When laying such products, you can create unique compositions, but it is worth considering the fact that you cannot do without cutting them.The pattern can be varied using material in different shades. The color scheme allows you to visually increase or decrease the height of the ceiling, to make the room narrower or wider.

Key layout options

The above laying methods are relevant not only for floor or wall tiles, but also for paving. Before buying a facing building material, you should understand the layout methods. This will allow you to perform accurate calculations on the amount of raw materials needed for the work. It is also worth considering the fact that part of the product will break, a batch may be defective, so experts recommend making a small margin.

Key layout options


The classic masonry method is the easiest to implement. It can be used for finishing floors and walls. For work, square and rectangular tiles are used. The lined surface visually looks like a standard sheet in a cell, and the seams resemble lines. The essence of this method is the layout of all elements in even rows of butt to butt, while the edges of the material used should be parallel to the corners of the room.

During operation, the stacker must constantly monitor the evenness of both horizontal and vertical joints. Also, installation difficulties may arise if there is a pattern on the surface of the product. High-quality masonry looks pretty attractive, found in many interiors. This technique is the most economical in terms of spending building materials, the minimum amount of trimming is used here.

Classic masonry methodTile in the interior photo Pink bath Tiles in the kitchen Kitchen interier Bathroom tile design

In the dressing

The offset method is also standard. Outwardly, the masonry resembles a brick. The material is laid in even horizontal stripes, but in contrast to the previously considered option, the seams of each next row are displaced by half the tile compared to the previous one. Visually, you can notice that each individual block on top lies on the two lower ones, and if you extend the seam up, it will divide the upper element into two identical halves.

When working, preference is given to rectangular products.The main rule of masonry - the middle of each element should coincide with the vertical seam of the previous or next row. This method allows you to install tiles of lower quality, requirements for accurate dimensions are reduced. Small deviations are almost imperceptible. However, it is not recommended to use a material that is different in color or texture.



The basis of this technique is the classical method. The only difference is the arrangement of the elements at an angle of 45 degrees relative to all the angular lines of the plane on which the installation is performed. For work, square-shaped tiles are used. Coloring can be monophonic, plates with a pattern are also used. In the second case, the docking of all components is more difficult to complete.

This is one of the most difficult layout methods that requires a certain experience from the wizard. Installation of finishing material starts from the corner. The first row is a tile, cut diagonally. After laying two isosceles triangles go to the next line. The seams should intersect at an angle of 90 degrees. You can check their evenness using the laser level.

The diagonal method allows you to visually expand the space, gives the room an unusual, unique look. The main disadvantage of masonry is a large number of clippings. After installation, a lot of waste will remain. It is recommended to buy raw materials with a 15% margin. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the finishing material, the dimensions of the individual blocks should be the same.

Lay the tile diagonallyBathroom with shower Black and white kitchen Fashionable kitchen Bathroom with two washbasins Bathroom interior


Tile laying is done by the basic or diagonal method. In fact, this technique is a variety of them. The only difference is that the work uses plates of two different colors, which alternate among themselves like cells on a chessboard. It is not necessary to choose a black and white layout.You can combine any shades, use material with various patterns.

Checkerboard tiles


One of the most interesting ways to masonry. For its implementation, blocks of different sizes will be required. At least three sizes are used. The ratio of the elements to each other should be 1: 2, 1: 4. The layout is a creative process, as a result of which a geometric pattern is formed. Only an experienced specialist can carry out the installation; the work requires utmost care and accuracy.

When buying material, it is best to give preference to tiles with special markings, which are designed specifically for modular laying. In the finished sets, the individual components correspond exactly to each other. The texture of the plates should be uniform, the color may be different. Having completed a combination of several types of elements, you can get a unique pattern that will decorate a bath or kitchen.

Modular tile laying

"Christmas tree"

For work, rectangular tiles are used. Apply monophonic products that simulate parquet or natural stone. When arranging a kitchen apron, bathroom, bathtub, you can use a special boar tile. It is laid out in two ways in the dressing or herringbone. Modern material has an elongated rectangular shape with beveled chamfers (facets), which give it a unique convex appearance.

Spread the elements should be in a certain way. All tiled blocks are joined together by a narrow and wide side at an angle of 90 degrees. In this case, all the plates with respect to the walls are deployed at an angle of 45 degrees, located diagonally. There are English, French, Hungarian styling schemes. Tiles are laid on the walls only in a horizontal position, a vertical layout can spoil the appearance of the room.

Christmas tile layingGray tiles in the bathroom Herringbone Kitchen interier Art Nouveau living room Blue apron for the kitchen


Make styling very simple. The deck method of layout is a form of dressing.The only difference is that the modules in adjacent rows are not shifted by half their length, but by only one fifth or sixth. It is mainly used for floor cladding. Most often, building materials that imitate natural wood are used. This is a good decoration for the hallway of the room. Allows you to hide the disadvantages of low-quality tiles, different in length.

Stacking deck


The tile layout is similar to the basic version. For work, a tile of the same size, but different colors, is used. Building material of one color is located in one row, another in the next. Lines can be straight (horizontal, vertical), placed diagonally, solid or broken, crossed and interrupted. The main condition is a combination of selected shades among themselves.

Linear Layout


This technique is also called wicker. For work, you need square and rectangular tiles. A pattern is created by interlacing straight stripes around a light or dark square. It is very difficult to choose the sizes of all elements correctly. Experts recommend that at the stage of purchase lay out a finished sample of the purchased materials. Square blocks should be exactly half the size of rectangular blocks.

Maze tile


Using tiles of different colors, you can create a whole carpet of tiles. In the center can be a flower, a complex ornament, large and small, simple drawings. To create a beautiful coating blocks of three or more colors are used. Before laying, a sketch of the planned image is made, on the basis of which a tile lining is formed. This design is suitable for the hallway and bath.

Hallway interior

How to calculate and lay out tiles in the bathroom

Having decided to decorate the shower room with the help of a tile, you should decide on its appearance, installation method, and perform the necessary calculations.In order not to make a mistake with the amount of material required for work, it’s advisable to make a detailed floor plan with your own hands, mark all key details on it, draw the layout of furniture and sanitary ware, and other elements.

The diagram indicates the method of arrangement of ceramics. You should choose a color and layout that will be combined with interior items, fit into the overall design of the room. After that, the area of ​​walls and floor is calculated. To do this, you need to measure the length of all the walls in the room, calculate the height. Calculate the total area of ​​the bathroom, subtract the value of the door and window opening, if any, from it.

If a bath lining is planned, its size must also be considered. Based on these data, the volume of the facing material is calculated taking into account a small margin. If the work will be performed by the master, then for standard masonry methods this indicator is 5%, for the diagonal, modular method, laying of tile plates with an ornament, it is recommended to make a 15% reserve. For beginners, it is recommended to increase all values ​​by another 5%.

Tile layout

How to choose a tile

When choosing building materials, many parameters are taken into account. Initially, you should pay attention to the size of the room. For example, for a small bathroom, toilet, it is appropriate to use tiles of small sizes 150x150 mm, 200x200 mm. Large blocks, on the contrary, emphasize the lack of free space. In the vast hall, small and large elements will look appropriate.

It is also worth considering the color of the coating. Dark colors visually reduce the room, light on the contrary, increase it. You can visually expand the space with the help of plates of cold tones (blue, silver), or using diagonal masonry. You can increase the height of the ceiling by the method of vertical styling, by highlighting the corners with a certain color, the location of the curb and mosaic at eye level.

When buying finished products, you need to familiarize yourself with the symbols on the box. The image of the foot indicates that the product is intended for floor installation. Wear resistance class is indicated by the abbreviation PIE. Color coding confirms the quality of the product. The red dot serves to indicate the highest quality building material, the number of defects in the lot does not exceed 5%.

Color tileVarieties of tiles Brown tile Patterned tile Floor tile Ceramic tile

An important role is played by visual inspection of the material. If chips, cracks are found on the surface, you should refuse to purchase. Such defects indicate poor quality. If the decoration is planned for the design of an unglazed balcony, you need to pay attention to the designation in the form of a snowflake, which indicates the frost resistance of the product. It is also worth considering the resistance of the material to chemicals.

Overview of programs for layout and calculation of the number of tiles

Special online and offline programs allow you to visually evaluate various masonry options, perform the correct calculations of the required amount of building material. They provide the opportunity to make a simulation of any room, whether it is a toilet, bath or kitchen. Among the many species, the following products can be distinguished:

  • Tile PROF. Allows you to create 3D design projects according to the entered dimensions.
  • Calculator. The program for accounting internal facing materials.
  • Compass 3D Home. It has significant limitations, but with its help you can design different drawings of the house, perform a combination of different materials.
  • PRO100 or K3-Furniture. Performs calculations of interior design projects.
  • ViSoft Premium. Easy to use. Allows you to design a bathroom.
  • SketchUP Design software.



Tile is one of the most popular materials in construction. It has a wide scope. Used for indoor and outdoor use.There is a huge variety of species that differ in shape, size, raw materials used in the production process. There are also a large number of different laying methods for this product, some of them are quite simple, they can even be performed by a beginner in the construction business, others require certain skills and preparation.

Graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technology and Design. More than 100 completed design projects.


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