
Classic white bedroom design

Classic white bedroom design

The classic style of the interior is associated with impeccable taste, luxury, it always follows traditions and rules. The bedroom in the house is the most intimate place where you want comfort, peace, tranquility. That is why the option in classic white color will never lose its relevance. The classic is always functional, looks perfect, it is timeless and fashion.

Optical illusion

White color is an ideal neutral base, has a powerful effect on perception. This is the color of undertakings, integrity, spirituality, enlightenment. Awakening in the morning in a shining snow-white bedroom, bathed in the sun from the window, gives a feeling of freshness, positive, bright energy, and at dusk the monochrome color of white easily responds to any shade of artificial lighting, helping to create the desired mood in the evening. The white color in the classic bedroom has another wonderful ability - it seems to push the space apart.Even the smallest spalane of white tones seems to increase in size. The effect can be further enhanced by spotlights.

Design of a white bedroom with stucco and gilding in a classic style

Classic bedroom rules

The classic style of the bedroom interior is a time-tested and impeccable style set of decorative elements and furniture that make up the finished composition. The main place in the classic bedroom is always occupied by the bed. The space around it should be planned in strict symmetry, avoiding the chaotic filling of the room. This important rule will help to make the bedroom a comfortable place to relax, where nothing irritates the look. Therefore, it is very important to observe the middle ground if you want to decorate the room and accommodate more necessary furniture. There are several key points that should be concentrated on for the competent selection of bedroom design elements with white furniture and their number in order to avoid cluttering the room:

  • The bed is the compositional center of the classic bedroom interior;
  • Lighting elements in the classic bedroom are one of the main elements of the decor;
  • The choice of materials for the decor of a white interior;
  • The choice of fabric for the curtains of a classic bedroom;
  • Arrangement of furniture and decor items.

Classic White Bedroom with Four Poster Bed

A classic bedroom solution will help combine functionality with a sense of style.

Spotlight Bed

In the classic bedroom interior with white furniture, the bed should be in the middle of the room, attracting attention with its exquisite decoration. The bed is decorated with curly carvings, stucco molding, gilding, textiles are also selected the most expensive and high-quality. For a classic bedroom, the bed requires an exquisite headboard. It must be taken into account that this detail in itself can be a sufficient decoration of the wall, because the classic is, first of all, the perfect style.Therefore, when decorating a bed, you need to be guided by a sense of proportion - if the bed itself is intricately decorated, the textiles should be concise, monophonic in order to balance this. A simple-shaped bed can easily be turned into a royal bed, decorating it with an exclusive brocade bedspread with hand embroidery.

Bed in a classic white bedroom with stucco wall

Putting a bed in a classic bedroom relies symmetrically on the walls. The position and size of the windows should be considered. Usually it is placed at some distance from the window wall, especially if there is access to the balcony, or a large, panoramic window. If there are two small symmetrical windows, it would be logical to put the bed as the headboard between them.

Classic white bedroom with comfortable wardrobes
To add a classic solemnity and elegance to a classic setting will help hanged canopy over the bed. This is a very functional element of the classic decor. It seems to isolate the most intimate area of ​​the bedroom, under the lowered canopy there is maximum comfort, coziness and bliss. The classic version of the four-poster bed is a frame combined with a frame on which the curtains are attached.

Now there are many more convenient and simple designs. Choosing a canopy from the whole variety of design ideas follows, based on the size of the room, as well as the shape of the bed, for example, a round canopy bed with a canopy reinforced inside a round circular niche with light looks very luxurious. For a small bedroom, the option of decorating the bed with a canopy will not work, this detail will overly cover the space. Following the idea of ​​a white classic interior, fabric for a canopy should be chosen. Its main properties are translucency, snow-white weightlessness, tenderness, naturalness. The fabric should also be in harmony with the textiles on the bed.

Spacious white bedroom in classic design


The lighting inside the bedroom should exactly match its intended purpose - in the evening it is a soft, pacifying light, and in the morning it is active, invigorating.For a classic white bedroom, all lamps are objects of a classic decor, they additionally emphasize the style, emphasize it. The stucco ceiling is crowned with a precious chandelier with crystal pendants, paired symmetrical wall sconces near the dressing table repeat its design, lamps with classic lampshades are on the bedside tables, and in the corner there is an exclusive floor lamp.

But, for a modern classic interior, a variety of spotlights is acceptable. With their help, you can achieve an additional visual increase in space in a small bedroom. You can place them around the mount for a canopy, mirror or curtain rod, but their design must match the style of the rest of the fixtures, or such lighting should be hidden.

Furniture and fittings in the same style for a classic bedroom

So different white

To ensure that the bedroom does not look too sterile, you should carefully consider the decor materials. This can be achieved by combining materials that are excellent in texture, to the touch and look. It should be remembered that in the classic interior, preference is given to natural materials and expensive, high-quality finishes.
The ceiling, according to classical canons, should be decorated with stucco made of gypsum, gilded, it can also be painted in the center, made in the style of the Renaissance. Such a painting on the wall above the head of the bed looks very romantic.

Classic white bedroom with a panel on the wall
The classical style is characterized by zoning of individual sections of the walls. To do this, use moldings - they are glued inside expensive wallpaper, fabrics with a classic pattern, paintings, mirrors. The interior of the white bedroom takes the form of a palace bedchamber. Wallpaper is better to choose exclusive, with a classic pattern - strip, monogram, floral ornament. When placing them on the walls, it is important to observe the principle of symmetry. This technique allows you to harmoniously combine different materials in texture.Such zones look very impressive against the background of white glossy walls.

The white interior of the classic bedroom can be diluted with colored linens and curtains.
For the floor of a classic bedroom, it is better to choose a parquet made of natural wood or a laminate, the shades of which should be as light as possible. Against the background of the matte floor of the color of bleached oak, the gloss of the walls will sparkle and, conversely, the lacquered parquet board will advantageously shade the walls decorated with elite wallpapers.
One of the most important parties in the classic white bedroom is reserved for textiles. Undoubtedly, it is much more here than in other rooms. With it, you can create any mood. It is better to choose hypoallergenic, natural fabrics. The quality of sleep will depend on the quality of the fabric, especially for the bed. By the way, silk textiles adopted in the classical style add some coolness to the interior. To avoid this, you can combine it with other natural fabrics - woolen or cotton woven blankets.

White bedroom filled with classic accessories


The curtains in the classic bedroom are meant as multi-layered, with interceptions, decorative tassels, elegant folds. All these decorative delights, however, perform the necessary functions. A thin snow-white veil transmits morning light for morning awakening, and thick silk curtains create an evening coziness. The density of the curtains should be selected based on the illumination of the room during the day. With their help, you can create a chamber, closed area of ​​the bedroom, or vice versa, permeated by sunlight. The material and design of the curtain should be in harmony with the textile of the bed.

Light curtains that allow natural light into the bedroom


White furniture for a classic bedroom must be made of natural wood. It is better to opt for a sleeping set made in a single color scheme and design. In a classic bedroom interior, large furnishings should be in the singular, smaller ones in pairs, to create harmony and symmetry.Since the bed is usually installed in the center of the room, it is more logical to place a classic wardrobe with swing doors at the wall opposite the window, at a distance from the bed. Paired elements are usually bedside tables, lamps on them, wall sconces, small paintings, vases, figurines. If the bedroom is supposed to have a TV, then its place is opposite the head of the bed. For this, a classic chest of drawers combined with a pedestal or a wall bracket is suitable.

Large double bed in the bedroom and a panoramic window

In the classic bedroom, an elegant dressing table with a mirror in a patterned frame and an ottoman or armchair is assumed. The design decision of this zone may be slightly different about the rest of the furniture and become a real decoration of the room. Thus, the individuality of the owner can be emphasized.

White bed in classic style
Particular care must be taken to consider the decor of a small bedroom. Some details of the classic interior will look bulky and unnecessarily in a small room. For example, you should abandon the round bed and canopy, as well as replace the dressing mirror table with a large wall mirror in the floor with a classic frame. In the classic interior, cabinet doors are often decorated with mirrors, this technique helps to further visually expand the walls of the room.

Graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technology and Design. More than 100 completed design projects.


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