Non-residential premises

Cleaning a sauna: examples of interior

Washing in the bath interior

The bath complex includes a steam room, a dressing room, a washing room and a relaxation room. In more primitive, compact designs, the last two rooms are absent, but the rest will be deprived of a certain comfort. A lot of traditions are connected with the Russian bathhouse in our country. The benefits of the soaring procedure were highly appreciated in the time of Ancient Russia. Even every poor man washed himself in the bathhouse every Saturday, perhaps the good health that the Russians were famous for was due to such regularity. The construction was always erected on the outskirts, away from residential buildings. Although the explanation for this is easy to find in folklore (dirt and concentration of unclean spirits), but rather, our ancestors followed the elementary rules of fire safety. There were no icons in the bath; they tried not to bring utensils from it to the house. Superstitions said that she was chosen as a small dirty trickster as a house - a banner, which, like a brownie, had to be constantly fed up with food.

All ritual fortune-telling took place in this building, because the holy images here did not follow young girls who were eager to find out the name of their betrothed.Although modern alternatives to saunas have now appeared - saunas (Finnish version), jacuzzi, Japanese barrels, they still remain relevant. The most “sincere” rest is carried out here. Moreover, the process of soaring with birch brooms and grass steam takes only a small part of leisure, and special attention is paid to friendly conversations in the relaxation room after the procedures. Washing in the bath is necessary for rinsing after the steam room. Some people think that you need to come here washed, because on clean skin it is better to open pores under the influence of steam, because the procedure is more designed for healing. In the article, we consider examples of washing facilities and the rules for their design.

Benefits of the Washroom

The spacious baths for the washing room have a separate room. If the building is small and does not have central heating, then this functional area is combined with the steam room, and separation from it is carried out using a partition. Both location options have their pros and cons. Separate washing allows:

  • Create a unique interior space.
  • Use strong and durable materials for decoration (tile).
  • To provide simultaneous washing to several people at once, if it is equipped with a pair of shower stalls.
  • Simplify shower maintenance.

Interior washing in the bath Mosaic in the shower Recessed Ceiling Lights Barrel in the corner Shower on the wall

Among the disadvantages of this option, only the need for connecting central heating to heat a separate room and water is noted.Washing, combined with a steam room, are also not without advantages:

  • Space saving.
  • Practical interior if the stove with an extended firebox is located in the middle.
  • Fuel economy, since technically only one room will have to be heated.

Sink in the sink

Unfortunately, the combined version has one significant drawback - the room becomes less convenient for use if a whole group of people is steamed at the same time.

Toilet next to the shower Saws on the wall Bench on the bench Floor tiles Pool in the interior

Washing requirements

The wash in the bath should be equipped correctly. Particular attention should be paid to:

  • Ventilation;
  • Plum;
  • Carrying out electrical wiring;
  • Water intake system;

Washing in the bath

We are talking about the features of arranging a separate room. If the washing room is combined with the steam room, then the list of necessary equipment may vary.

Glass door in the interior Kaska next to the shower Benches on the wall Font by the window Benches along the walls

Water supply system

The water supply system in the washing should work without interruption. At the same time, the resource reserve can be calculated on the number of people who on average visits the bathhouse. This nuance concerns those buildings to which water has to be delivered manually, filling the tank. To simplify the calculations, averages can be taken as a basis. For one session, an adult needs about 40 liters, of which 1/4 is in hot water. In such washing, as a rule, put only one shower. Even at the construction stage, they lay the foundation of the water supply system and conduct piping. Heaters use electric and gas or both at once. In this case, one will be the main, and the second will become a spare. If you plan to visit the bathhouse by large companies, it is better to choose a floor-mounted water heater, since its tank volume will be at least 100 liters of water.

Hanger over the bench

If the room has problems with electricity, then you can use a modern stove-heater with a heat exchanger. Unlike its counterpart with a built-in tank, this unit allows you to remove the heated water to the intake devices located in other rooms.

Washing water system The lamp in the corner Brick wall in the interior Ladle on the wall Towels on the couch


In wooden baths in washing rooms, the level of humidity changes and strong fluctuations in the temperature regime occur. Naturally, it is necessary to carry out a ventilation system, which will provide the room with high-quality air circulation. In its absence, overheating of the body of a person who is in the washing room, the appearance of mold, spores of which can get into the lungs, and the concentration of unpleasant "stagnant" odors are possible. Ventilation can be natural or forced. In the first case, air circulation occurs due to the pressure drop. A network of ducts is created and mounted manually. Forced ventilation can be used if the natural system is unable to cope with the volume of air masses, or in the absence thereof. In this case, the main driving force is the fan, which pumps air, and the filter system cleans it.

Washing ventilation

Types of drain sewage

The best option would be to connect to a centralized sewer network or to integrate with a residential building system. If this is not possible, then there are several ways to remove wastewater:

  • Installing the storage tank. Wastewater will have to be pumped out systematically.
  • Drainage system. Not the most reliable option, which is used for small jars. The basis of the drainage system may be a well or "pillow". Water will go into the ground naturally. This sewage system is considered to be the simplest in the arrangement, but the error can be expensive, up to the destruction of the floor of the building.
  • Cesspool. It is located at a distance of 2-2.5 m from the bath. A pipe without bends for draining down at an angle. The size of the pit is calculated based on the average number of people and the frequency of their visits to the bathhouse.
  • Septic tank. The construction will be quite expensive. The main difference in the arrangement of a septic tank for a bath from a similar unit for a home is in the depth of the pit, which is almost half as much.You can make cameras yourself from tires from KAMAZ or concrete rings.

Sink drain

When arranging a sewer system, three main aspects must be taken into account:

  • The depth of groundwater.
  • Type and features of the soil.
  • Depth of soil freezing.

Mosaic on the floor

For example, on clay soils it is impossible to equip a drainage system, and for sandstones in which water does not stagnate, it is optimal.

Font in the corner Wood on the ceiling Glass Cabin Shower Picture on the wall Mirror over the sink

Wiring - Safety Above All

Steam is an excellent conductor of current, so the general switch, shield and junction boxes must be installed in the dressing room. Lamps for washing, as well as for the steam room, need special ones. In their design should be a heat-resistant shade, ceramic cartridge and wooden lampshade. If the owners are confident in the quality of the ventilation system, then this rule can be neglected. But the outlet in the washing is undesirable. The safest place for them, where the risk of circuit is low, is a dressing room. Switches can be used ordinary, as in a simple shower in the house, but this again depends on the quality of ventilation.

Concealed wiring in the washing

In wooden baths, the entire wiring system should be open. But they do not stretch it along the baseboards, but through the attic for greater security.

Ladders by the barrels

Stylistic direction and features of finishing materials

To make the interior of the washing room look beautiful and finished, you need to choose the right styling. The design does not impose any restrictions on the choice of direction. Among the popular and unusual options are noted:

  • Traditional Russian style with logs or timber in the decoration. If the area of ​​the room allows, then showers complement the font with cold water.
  • Luxurious, modern loft with high ceilings and an open system of communication lines.
  • Neoclassical, experimental and unusual for a bathhouse, which organically combines traditions and trends of modern interior fashion.
  • Laconic Mediterranean style with ceramic tiles and a calm color scheme, in which white, jade, green and blue shades prevail.
  • Roman style with columns or pilasters, arched vaults and decorative moldings.

Art Nouveau

Also, traditional Provence, Scandinavian, eco-style or conceptual directions are used for decoration: minimalism, hi-tech, chalet.

Wall shelf Marble tiles in the interior Font with steps Shampoo shelf in the corner Steering wheel on the wall

Wood panels and lining

To emphasize the style of the log cabin, the interior decoration is done using wood, and washing is no exception. Lining is classified according to the type of material used for coniferous (pine, cedar, spruce) and hardwood (linden, aspen, oak, alder). To finish the steam room and the sink, a second type is used. Conifers produce tar when heated. Lining is divided into four grades, among which the "extra" is considered the most high-quality and expensive. By type of profile, euro, soft-line, calm, American and imitation logs (block house) or timber can be noted. Lining is one of the varieties of wood panels. According to this classification, two more types are distinguished: MDF and particleboard. For washing, they are not recommended for use, since the composition of the materials contains adhesives that can stand out when heated. Lining has several advantages:

  • Simplicity at installation.
  • Environmental friendliness and a pleasant smell of the forest indoors.
  • Aesthetic beauty.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage.

Lining in the washing

Among the disadvantages, the presence of micropores in the wood is noted, which, when filled with moisture, can cause deformation of the panel and become a hotbed of mold.

Font next to the shower Basins on the bench Backlit pool Cad on the floor Window blinds

Ceramic tile

Tile floors and walls can only be decorated with washing, but for the steam room this option falls under the taboo, since the tile can become very hot and burn a person. Ceramics has several advantages:

  • Strength and durability.
  • Increased resistance to mechanical damage.
  • A wide range of drawings, ornaments and color palette.
  • The ability to replace one element without violating the integrity of neighboring ones.
  • Easy care and lack of sensitivity to aggressive household chemicals.

Ceramic tile in the sink

Among the shortcomings, the fragility of the tile before installation is noted: if a fragment is accidentally dropped on the floor, then it will most likely crack.

Hanger on the wall Interior with a glass door Shower and font in the washing Door hanger Shower with curtain

Artificial and natural stone

Masonry made of natural stone in the sink will create a unique natural pattern and emphasize the originality of the interior of the room. The main natural minerals that are used for interior decoration of rooms are marble, sandstone, granite and travertine. A surface polished to a glossy shine with small impregnations of quartz will be a magnificent decoration of the interior composition and will be in harmony with the metal.

Artificial stone is classified into acrylic, polyester, cast marble or onyx, quartz agglomerate. Imitation inferior to the original in strength. Composite compositions may contain resins, which become unstable when heated, so washing, combined with steam, cannot be done with such material. Both artificial and natural stones have high thermal conductivity, so again they are forbidden for decorating surfaces in rooms that are systematically heated.

Stone in the sink

Heavy natural stone can be used to trim sections of the wall with a height not exceeding 0.5 m. If you use the material above, then the masonry may collapse.

Mosaic pool Ceiling fan The combination of stone and wood Lumps in the interior Basket with towels on the floor

Plastic panels

PVC panels have long been used to decorate bathrooms. Separate washing is not much different from these rooms. Polyvinyl chloride is not at all afraid of moisture. There are no micropores in the material, as in wood, so water does not linger in them, which means mold and fungi have nowhere to breed. Wash plastic panels easily with a simple soap solution. The material boasts a reasonable price and a wide range of color variations.Tales of the dangers of all synthetic are only partially true. When creating high-quality PVC, substances harmful to the human body are not used. Unfortunately, polyvinyl chloride wears out quickly, acquiring a "non-marketable appearance", is sensitive to mechanical stress and may crack the panel. Installation and replacement of a damaged fragment is easy. Unscrupulous manufacturers may offer low-quality goods, so it’s not worth chasing over-saving, as this can be much more expensive if the material turns out to be toxic.

Plastic panels in the washing

Drywall and painting compounds for ceilings and walls

In general, drywall refers to the materials used for roughing. They are often lined with frames of false ceilings or false walls and partitions are made. Recently, however, painted plasterboard has been used as the final finishing material. For these purposes, a special moisture-resistant type is used. Such drywall sheets are painted green and marked with the label GKLV. In the manufacture of the material, special antifungal and water-repellent compounds are added to it. Drywall allows you to create complex configurations, qualitatively masks surface defects and is easy to plaster, stain. If the frame is sheathed with sheets, then such a design will eat a lot of extra centimeters, which will become an inadmissible luxury in small washing rooms. After installation, the surface is primed and then painted. You can use only compositions of natural ingredients, which, alas, cannot boast a long service life.

Lamp by the mirror

Furniture and other washing equipment

The standard set of washing equipment includes benches, a barrel of cold water, a shower, a washbasin (not always present), a mirror, coat hooks and a couple of shelves for storing towels, washcloths and detergents.Also in this room there is usually a tub or bucket for water and a special mat that absorbs excess moisture. To make a do-it-yourself washing shop, you need wood with low thermal conductivity (linden is optimal) and a minimal set of tools: a hand saw, self-tapping screws, a screwdriver or a screwdriver.

Furniture in the washing bath Floor mats Towel dryers on the wall Brooms on the benches Shower curtain

Unlike the steam room, benches of a primitive design without backs are used for washing. The width of the seat for one person should be 0.9-1 m. If you plan to place the company, then for each new visitor washing add 0.6 m, and strengthen the middle with additional legs.

Shield on the floorBrooms in a tub Lamps on the wall Lining door in the interior Interior with log walls Font in the corner


A washing room is an important component of a complete, comfortable bath. To get the maximum healing effect, it is necessary to go through the entire "cycle" of procedures, where rinsing after the steam room is required. The visitor will not feel like a “new person” if he does not wash off the sweat and freshen up. A separate washing room is almost no different from a regular bathroom in the country house, therefore the same finishing materials and tricks for decoration are applicable to it.

Curtain on the window Tile on the walls Plastic on the ceiling Sink in the corner Interior with two fonts

Graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technology and Design. More than 100 completed design projects.


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