
Kitchen in Khrushchev: design and interior

In the past, Khrushchev’s were built all over the USSR, so their internal layout is familiar to millions of people. Lack of space in the kitchen is a standard problem for homeowners. This applies to both old and new apartments. Modern furniture modules will help to make the interior more functional and stylish. But for 5-7 square meters. m there is not always a place for a large refrigerator or a multifunctional roomy facade. For this reason, people often have to put off buying new kitchen appliances and utensils. This reduces the comfort of working in the kitchen. The goal of design ideas for small rooms is to provide the right balance. Change is worth starting with the organization of space: it is advisable to get rid of unnecessary things. Furniture can be rearranged differently. A radical step will be the elimination of walls for combining with other rooms, but sometimes there are enough small changes in the layout of the apartment.


The kitchen in Khrushchev is a compact room with a rectangular or square shape. It has a greater width than the kitchen room in Brezhnevka, however, the total area leaves few options for placing various accessories. It is approximately six square meters. Changes in the layout of this room should be treated with caution so as not to harm the organization of space. It is not easy to increase the size of the kitchen, because in this case, redevelopment with the dismantling of the wall and the unification of the kitchen and living room space (hallway, pantry, etc.) will be necessary. If the wall is bearing, then you have to look for another solution.

Kitchen in Khrushchev

Most Khrushchevs in the kitchen have a geyser. It is customary to hide this element behind the furniture, as it looks unpresentable. Natural lighting in Khrushchev is up to standard: the windows in the rooms are quite wide.

The kitchen space can be optimized by selecting furniture or changes in the layout of the apartment.

Layout Selection

There are several basic options:

  • angular;
  • parallel;
  • U-shaped;
  • linear one-sided (in one row).

Layout of a small kitchen Layout of a small kitchen ideas Kitchen layout small kitchen layout High table kitchen Appliances for a small kitchen

In the kitchen, there is an important rule regarding the location of the washbasin, stove and refrigerator: the distances between them should not be too large so as not to cause discomfort to the owners. It is desirable that these objects create an imaginary triangle. Corner and U-shaped layouts not only fit such criteria, but also combine with the parameters of Khrushchev kitchens. The choice of layout is not least affected by the location of the findings for the sink.The wall configuration is selected after it is determined where to install the washbasin. Keep in mind: a minimum of 40 cm of margin is required on both sides of the slab. The most roomy option is a parallel layout. Only “island” constructions will be inappropriate: they will require too large an area of ​​30 square meters. m

Kitchen in Khrushchev: design and interior Kitchen in Khrushchev Kitchen in Khrushchev type of layouts Kitchen Layout Ideas Kitchen with window Kitchen Photo Layout


In narrow rooms, such a layout will not be possible, so it can be optimal in rooms with approximately the same length and width, as is the case with the kitchen in Khrushchev. This configuration is necessary for those who need a compact working triangle. The set and household appliances are placed along two adjacent walls, and in the corner there will be an element of curved shape: corner boxes, space for a bin, a sink or some combination option. The table is placed in the opposite corner. The passage will be free - this is one of the main advantages of the angular layout. Do not forget about saving corner space and ease of use. In the corner there is a place for deep and roomy furniture. The downside is that it is not so easy to find a facade that is ideal for a corner room, and sometimes you have to make a special order and spend time on preparatory work.

It is necessary to determine how the drawers and doors should open, so that later there would be no inconvenience!

Kitchen in Khrushchev: design and interiorCorner kitchen Kitchen corner orange Kitchen corner blue Kitchen corner ideas Kitchen in Khrushchev corner green


The two-line version is less popular than the others - angular, linear in one row and others. The two-row configuration provides for the arrangement of elements of furniture and household appliances opposite each other. One headset is made shorter so that there is no feeling of crowding. The minimum permissible distance between the rows is 1 meter, the optimal one is 1.5 meters. A kitchen of a parallel configuration is of two types: walk-through and impassable. In the first case, it serves as a connecting room, and in the second it ends with a wall with a window,exit to the balcony or a dull surface. A two-row layout will not be appropriate in narrow and very wide rooms. If the kitchen needs an additional furniture facade, then there is no other option than creating another row. The main advantages of this layout are expressed in a large area of ​​the work surface and a variety in the choice of a place to store food.

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A kitchen set in the form of the letter “P” usually consists of three walls, but in some cases one of the sides is a bar or peninsula. The kitchen room of the “Khrushchev apartment” is suitable for placing a U-shaped set, and it can be made both separate and integral. In the second case, you will need to allocate a place near the window: there will be a washbasin and other low sections. It is necessary that the window sill has a height in the range of 85–90 cm. The width of the passage between the opposite sides is ideally 1.4–1.6 meters. In the kitchen, everything will be located in close proximity to each other. Thanks to this, it will be well adapted for cooking. If the apartment is redeveloped, and the wall between the kitchen and the living room is removed, then it will be possible to use an additional passage, and a convenient kitchen area will appear in the space of the apartment.

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Linear in a row

This is a classic version with a straightforward arrangement of all kitchen furniture. The refrigerator is placed on a par with the rest of the elements or separately. In the kitchen of Khrushchev, such a layout will not be the most convenient, but a small wall will come in handy. In addition, when redeveloping an apartment, an additional place for a headset may appear. A small linear wall is suitable for those who cook a little, as well as for young families who do not yet have children, since they will need a minimum of kitchen utensils. A direct set will leave many options for placing other furniture, such as a corner sofa and a large table.There is a large selection of linear walls for sale; you don’t need to make an individual order and wait several months for it to be manufactured. Straight-line facades have a simple configuration and, accordingly, cost less.

The kitchen is linear in one row redLinear kitchen in one row Linear kitchen The kitchen is linear in one row white Kitchen linear ideas Linear kitchen in one row classic

The location of furniture and appliances in the kitchen

Priority is saving space. In this regard, such an element as a bar counter is useful - it will replace the dining table and will be as close to the headset as possible. Narrow bar stools will also save space. If you need a regular table, it is better to give preference to rectangular models. It is not recommended to buy round tables. Another important element, the refrigerator, should not divide the sides at equal intervals. They put it in the corner, but except for those cases when because of this it is required to block the window. The gas column is usually masked behind the facade.

how to zone the kitchen

A range hood, refrigerator and gas stove are located away from it. Niches in the walls include a microwave and a small separate oven. The hood is placed exactly above the stove. The washing machine is installed next to the sink, but if there is such an opportunity, it is better not to use it in the kitchen. In this place it is better to install a dishwasher.

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It will be more convenient for the right-handed person to use the dishwasher located to the right of the sink.

Color spectrum

A kitchen in Khrushchev may look visually larger due to chromed surfaces, patterns with the effect of “volume”. The appearance of small rooms is transformed using the play of colors and their combinations. Preference should be given to pastel, deep, saturated tones. Designers recommend dwelling on two main shades, which will form the color base. Using white in combination with cyan is an excellent choice for a small kitchen. In this case, white furniture is selected, and the walls are painted in cyan. Beige and light blue tones create a minimalist atmosphere.

Kitchen in bright colors.

The combination of white and red colors on the furniture will organically look against the background of light walls. The optimal combination of white and red is one to one. The combination of pink with blue or green will add lightness and festivity to the kitchen. Yellow color with inclusions of brown or chocolate will significantly improve the visual perception of a small kitchen. Beautiful color combinations increase appetite.

Kitchen interierBeige Kitchen Kitchen color selection Purple kitchen Blue kitchen Green kitchen

Interior style

Most designer kitchens are made in one of the following styles:

  • classical;
  • high tech;
  • Art Nouveau;
  • Provence
  • minimalism.

The classic style requires attention to individual details and is very limited in terms of selection of materials and colors. The standard version of the kitchen in this style is a wooden furniture in some of the shades of brown.

Facades Provence style kitchen Minimalism style kitchen Modern style kitchen Built-in appliances in the kitchen The choice of style for the kitchen

High-tech is another interesting style: glass and metal will be appropriate in a small kitchen. Art Nouveau is characterized by wide headset blocks, built-in appliances, color variety and a minimum number of details. Provence style is very similar to American country and is typical in the French province. However, it is widely distributed throughout the world. This is one of the best options for decorating a small kitchen. The presence of a large number of ceramics and textiles on the surface is welcome. The color palette should contain muted pastel colors. The main goal of a minimalist interior is comfort and orderliness. Furniture is selected with simple straight-line shapes, ideally plain.

Kitchen style selectionArt Nouveau style kitchen Kitchen style provence Kitchen classic style Kitchen style minimalism High tech style kitchen

Characteristics of finishing materials

Surfaces in the kitchen are constantly exposed to heat, steam and moisture. Next to the workspace, they become dirty first of all: from droplets of fat, etc. For decorating walls, most often they use tiles, decorative plaster, washable wallpaper and paints. Tiles can be of several types: matte, glossy, texture and smooth.This material usually draws the lower half of the kitchen.

Kitchen Design Ideas

Recently, an apron is often made of glass, since the seams between the tiles quickly get dirty, and it is difficult to wash them. Moisture-resistant paint is simply applied, but the flaws that appear on it will be striking. Washable wallpapers, for example, from non-woven fabric, are more practical. Decorative plaster can be flock, silicate, polymer, lime-sand, Venetian, etc. Floors are finished with linoleum or tile, normal or with heating. As for furniture, you should choose the most resistant materials.

Other materials for finishing the kitchen:

  1. Flexible stone.
  2. MDF panels.
  3. Decorative rock.

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Kitchen lighting

In the kitchen, it is necessary to have additional sources of lighting in order to be able to turn on either bright or dim light. Light lighting is required primarily to facilitate the cooking process - it can be used at any time of the day. Small spotlights are an ideal choice for a kitchen, especially a small one. First of all, they are intended for lighting the work surface and dining table. Spot lights are installed in one straight line. If desired, a small lighting device is mounted inside one of the walls to change the emphasis of lighting. It is not recommended to install large-sized chandeliers on the ceiling, the ideal option is a wide flat lamp with a closed ceiling. If it is possible to design the main lighting, then it should be arranged in the center of the quadrangle bordering the kitchen.

Kitchen in Khrushchev lighting ideasKitchen in Khrushchev lighting ideas Kitchen in Khrushchev lighting photo Kitchen in Khrushchev choose lighting Kitchen in Khrushchev lighting Kitchen in Khrushchev how to choose lighting

It is desirable that the light from all the lighting devices be at approximately the same color temperature.

Combining kitchen with living room

Combined kitchens are typical mainly for studio apartments. Nevertheless, in Khrushchev, such a pattern appears to be a necessity rather than a design technique. Recently, such a "transformation" has become very popular.In the process of preliminary calculations and measurements, the most ergonomic layout of furniture elements is selected and functional segments are distributed. Furniture in the kitchen and in the living room should not differ greatly in style. Combining these rooms will bring a number of positive changes. Firstly, it will become more convenient to move around the apartment.

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Another plus is the ability to transfer the dining area from the kitchen to the place where it goes into the living room. It is also worth noting that while cooking it will be easier to keep track of the children. The main disadvantages are increased noise levels and the spread of smell in the room.
You can get rid of these unpleasant moments as follows:

  1. A high partition a meter from the kitchen area will help reduce acoustic pollution to an acceptable level.
  2. To protect against unpleasant odors, you will need a strong hood in the kitchen and air conditioning in the living room.

Kitchen in Khrushchev with a living roomKitchen in Khrushchev how to combine with the living room Kitchen in Khrushchev combined with the living room Kitchen in Khrushchev with the living room how to combine Kitchen in Khrushchev combined with living room ideas Kitchen in Khrushchev with a living room idea

Combining a kitchen with a balcony

If there is access to the balcony, then this can be used to expand the space. As a result of eliminating the wall between these rooms, the size of the kitchen will increase slightly. This will allow to arrange a new place for storing kitchen utensils; change the arrangement of furniture modules. The kitchen will become much brighter.

Combination kitchen with balcony small kitchen with balcony how to increase the kitchen due to the balcony purple kitchen dark kitchen

Instead of a balcony, bar counters, a dining area, etc. are made. A panoramic view will open from the kitchen - another significant plus. Among the shortcomings, several points should be noted. Legalization will be required, and this procedure may be delayed. It will be necessary to change and insulate the floor covering. Another minus - in the winter, the room will become colder. The kitchen needs to be aired often - it will be more difficult to do this. Some products are more convenient to keep on a regular balcony, and after redevelopment for their placement will require additional space.

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The Khrushchevs are equipped with compact rooms, so they often make repairs.Planning a small room requires careful attention to all the details: the individual elements, the number of accessories, the configuration of the furniture set, color palette and lighting. Kitchens in Khrushchev are small, but relatively wide, when compared with kitchen facilities in Brezhnevka. Such a compact layout should be used in full. For the arrangement of the premises, U-shaped, parallel, angular and straight sets of furniture are installed. To make the right choice, you need to be guided by technical specifications and practicality. It is better to give preference to furniture with hinged doors. When choosing a color scheme, decoration materials, lighting and design style, the visual aspects of space perception should be taken into account.

Graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technology and Design. More than 100 completed design projects.


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