
Room for a teenage girl - design ideas (20 photos)

Design a teenage room for a girl

Your child has grown up, it is time to turn the pink nursery of a little princess into a cozy room for a teenage girl. The adolescent period is a difficult stage, a serious physiological restructuring of the body occurs, and psychological stability is slowly forming. It’s almost impossible to please a girl of this age (12-14 years old), today she likes one thing, tomorrow another thing, so try to go around the “underwater reefs”. When discussing the design of a teenage room for a girl, try to avoid ready-made solutions, invite your daughter to a dialogue, let the teenager become the main designer of the project.

Choosing a style is a crucial step

Browse together interior magazines, select the illustrations you like, determine financial possibilities, draw up a work plan.According to the nature and hobbies, try to interest the daughter in eclecticism, minimalism, country style or shabby chic. Maybe the child loves traveling, wants to decorate the space with interior details reminiscent of Greece, Spain, Scandinavian countries? Creating a teenage interior is a wonderful game, an opportunity for family members to get to know each other better. Better cast aside the sullen seriousness, treat the process with humor. Designing a room together for a teenage girl is fun and interesting. Solving this problem, there is no need to strictly follow the canons of style, it is more important to get a room where your girl will conveniently learn lessons, relax, talk with mom and girlfriends.

Bed with shelves in the design of a room for a teenage girl

Avoid complex decors, “television” design: published interior designs take into account the interests of other people's children. Wallpaper the wall surfaces with paint. Does the daughter want green, lilac, orange walls? Agree. Let the choice of shade seem wild - the look of a teenager is very different from that of an adult. Perhaps a bright color burst better expresses the internal state.

Black and white room design for teenage girl

If the baby doesn't like the color, use Tom Sawyer's method. Cover the floor, the window with foil, seal the joint ceiling-wall and floor skirting with a wide masking tape. Invite your daughter's company of friends, hand them paint cans, rollers, protective clothing, close the door. The room will change in a few hours. Refreshments after work are required.

Painting on the wall in the design of a room for a teenage girl

Zone division of a room

Making a living space for a teenage girl is more a psychological task than a designer fantasy. Parents will have to arm themselves with knowledge of adolescent psychology, designing the interior of the room of a grown daughter.

The bed is separated in the room of a teenage girl

Divide the room into zones: wakefulness, training, rest. Give the center of the room, the area near the window to the active space, and ensure the privacy of your sleeping corner.

Think carefully about the lighting design. It is necessary to plan at least three groups of fixtures:

  • top
  • working;
  • bedside.

Top lighting is preferable to decorate with ceiling lights, flat shades. Volumetric chandelier possible when creating an interior of a certain style (classic, provence, modern).

Discreet design for teenage girls

Carefully calculate the safety parameters: dancing, playing, gymnastic exercises, trying to remove the sweater (especially if the daughter has grown and the ceiling height remains the same) can lead to a fall in the chandelier: the ceiling will break, the child will get scared, get hurt.

Workplace in the room for a teenage girl

As a light source of the working area, it is better to use table lamps on the brackets. Such a lamp provides a sufficiently strong lighting, can move back and forth, adjustable in height. Lamps of this type are easy to pick up, given the style of the room.

Lighting the bedside is not a night light for a little girl who is afraid of the dark. Full bright lamp, allowing you to read books, review magazines, make diary entries. The switch button is placed at a distance of 40-50 cm.

A lot of light in a teenage girl's room

Basic furniture

The main rule of designing a children's interior, regardless of age, is not to clutter up the space. Children should be free to move, so place only the necessary items here.

Pillows on the bed will give the room comfort and warmth

Provide a convenient workplace near a natural light source. If the training table adjoins a longitudinal wall, pay attention that the sunlight necessarily fell on the left. Transparent one-legged design masterpiece looks attractive, but inferior to functionality writing desk. Roll-out or stationary cabinets, closing drawers are able to store school trifles, diaries, small "secrets".

Near the table, considering the length of your outstretched arm, plan open shelves or shelving with doors.It is easy to get a textbook from there, the necessary notebook, a contour map, the exhibits of collections, sports awards will be perfectly placed here.

In the white room of a teenage girl - colored bedding and decor elements

An important piece of furniture is a dedicated wardrobe compartment, a wardrobe, and a tall wardrobe, where you can hang outfits. Nearby you need a large mirror. A teenage girl of 12-15 years devotes a lot of time to her appearance, it is important to consider this when planning the design of the room of the future girl. If you have a spacious, convenient storage, it’s easier to agree on the rule “Things are not lying on a chair or bed, they are cleaned in a closet”.

Be sure to provide a full bed in the bedroom, avoid the option of a folding sofa. Make life easier for your daughter: modern children get very tired (school lessons, training, music, art), so they are often physically unable to make out the bed.

The combination of white and greenish color in the design of the room of a teenage girl

The choice of hobbies for girls 12 - 14 years old dictates the placement of additional furnishings that can make the projected space more convenient:

  • fashion, own appearance (for most teenage girls) - dressing table (all adults are categorically against it, but decorative cosmetics, varnish, jewelry will certainly appear, even if stored inside drawers);
  • sport, fitness - a corner for warm-ups, morning exercises, yoga classes;
  • in-depth study of biology, chemistry - increased working surface (experiments, herbariums, drawings);
  • music is a musical instrument rack (notes, records, disks);
  • painting - easel, shelves of complex volume (paints, brushes, paper, picture reproductions albums).

Pink is almost always present in a teenage girl’s room

How to please a teenager?

In addition to the main dimensional furniture, decorating the room of a teenage girl of 13-15 years old in a modern style, it is possible to use some decorating finds that will make the interior more functional, emphasize the respect of adults for the daughter’s new life period.

  • Cork (magnetic) board, where it is convenient to attach the necessary pieces of paper, notes, pictures, lesson schedules, all sorts of little things, or a surface painted with black slate paint. It should be placed near the desktop, slightly shifting the line of sight.
  • Lack of heavy multilayer curtains. The window opening is best designed with light curtains that carry only aesthetic value. The roller blinds will perfectly perform the dimming function, the child will simply create the effect of being closed from prying eyes, just pull the cord of the chain mechanism.
  • When a company of girls gathers, a large number of places where you can settle down should be provided. Use bean bags, voluminous decorative pillows (soft things after gatherings are easy to put into the pantry), poufs, suitable narrow chest, upholstered in soft material, is a real repository of girlish "treasures."
  • Near headboard place the folding tray. The lightweight construction comes in handy when you need to put a book, phone, put a glass of milk, a plate of cookies or a starry sky night light.
  • Suggest hanging the signs “path free” and “brick” outside the door. Your daughter is almost grown up, has the right to her own free time, private lessons. Do not violate the boundaries of children's constant parental control. Allow the teenager to at least partially control his world, to feel the consent of adults to take into account his mood.

This teenage girl room design has everything for life: a place for things and a work table

Leave the wall free

Leave one wall of the room free so that a girl of 12-14 years old thinks about the design, following her own preferences. Let them put up posters, posters, posters, author's photos (if he is fond of fixing the moments of real life), drawings, collages revealing the personality of a teenager. Honorary plaque, sports awards, achievement schedule, geographical map with flags marking family vacation routes,or maybe a dream trip is an echo of the inner world of a growing up person, an opportunity for parents to start an interesting conversation aimed at maintaining the necessary emotional contact with a teenager.

Teenage girl room in blue colors

Order printing of large-format photographs, modular paintings, using photos of excursions, interesting family trips.

Free walls leave room for teenage girl creativity

An empty wall gives great scope to the imagination, creates unbridled fantasies. A good option to strengthen the integrity of the family, a design technique that takes into account the conscious desire of the parents to get to know their own child, is to offer their 16-year-old daughter to independently paint a free wall. The figure will expressively express thoughts that excite the teenager, will provide an opportunity to improve family understanding. Let her draw alone, invite friends. The delight that inspires children when they feel like creators is inexpressible. A bonus for parental courage, the girl will receive a significant increase in status in the eyes of peers!

Graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technology and Design. More than 100 completed design projects.


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