
The interior of the house from glued beams +50 photos

The interior of the house from glued beams

Time flies faster and faster, along with its running, the rhythm of everyday life accelerates, people are drowning in their worries, and as a result they do not have time to look around and enjoy life. It would seem that it interferes with relaxing and relaxing at home? The answer is obvious - the atmosphere is inappropriate. A country house will become a refuge from city stresses, especially if you build it from the “right” material - refractory, environmentally friendly, durable and beautiful. All these characteristics have glued beams.

Features of buildings

Building a house from glued beams is a whole art, which begins already at the stage of production of lumber. To give the material strength and resistance to moisture or fire, the logs are sawn, while the raw materials of inadequate quality are rejected. Then, the obtained lamellas are waiting for a stage of thorough drying, on average it takes about a week. After the workpiece is ground, three pieces are glued together. The press completes the production of high-quality and strong material for timber. It remains to cut the necessary profile - comb, flat or 2-3 toothed. Each profile is good in its own way, the choice depends on the need for insulation, as well as ease of installation.

House of timber

The assembly of the house is somewhat reminiscent of the constructor - the parts also have curly grooves (grooves) and convex parts (spikes). To strengthen the structure, metal is used - the studs secure the structure, tightening the seams. Thermal insulation is minimal due to the characteristics of the material, climatic conditions are taken into account, depending on them, a heater is selected. Often, there is no need for it at all, because the beam itself retains heat.

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Advantages and disadvantages of glued beam houses

In addition to the undoubted initial environmental friendliness of a house made of natural material, its absolute safety should also be noted - the material is not toxic, since the glue used in the assembly of lamellas is water-based. Attention should be paid to the processing of the bars with a special solution, which gives the material resistance to fire, protects against damage by pests. Many stages in the preparation of the timber provide a special structural strength - the tree does not dry out, does not lose shape. An important factor for many is the speed of building a house. A house from glued beams is being erected rapidly, while it is quite easy - thanks to high-quality profiles, as well as the absence of a shrink period. The finishing stage also passes quickly, because the walls outside and inside do not require additional processing,unless a few layers of varnish or paint. Last but not least, a plus is aesthetics. Such a house gives comfort and relaxation.

House in Russian style

The disadvantages of a glued beam dwelling are a direct reflection of its advantages. The first major issue is price. At the manufacturing stage, it is important to use high-quality and, accordingly, expensive materials. It is necessary to trace not only the class of raw materials, an important role for glue and antiseptic - these substances should be free of formaldehyde and other harmful impurities. We can conclude that spending at the construction stage is simply a contribution to future comfort.

Bar mansion

The value of wood in the interior

Man cannot, and does not want to, move away from nature. Even erecting stone skyscrapers, people always use wood in the interior. Even floor tiles can be made of wood, to say nothing of furniture or decor items. Only a tree can compete with a tree - it penetrates even into modern design styles. Depending on the selected material, you can get just an unlimited number of effects:

  • a strict classic oak will give the impression of solidity; it, like cherries, is preferably used in minimalist settings;
  • hi-tech cannot be complete without the use of ash, walnut is also perfect - its texture will emphasize the self-sufficiency of the interior;
  • the very idea of ​​the Scandinavian trend implies natural materials, that is, raw wood;
  • the freshness and comfort of the Provence style is emphasized by the furniture made of wood painted in pastel colors;
  • the lacquered surfaces of the plum panels will make up a luxurious duo of a respectable atmosphere in the art deco style, and chestnut is also perfect.

Wood interior

You can return the naturalness to the interior not only in the living room, it is appropriate to use wood in the kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and even in utility rooms, for example, in the garage. Deciding on wooden floors, windows or stairs means making a wonderful choice.The wooden floor is cozy, the furniture made of valuable wooden species is durable, while it is very beautiful. But still, do not forget about a sense of proportion. Of course, the preparation of the room should correspond - having designed the tree in the bathroom or attic, it is necessary to take into account the degree of humidity.

Kitchen-dining room combined with a living room

Fireplace in a wooden house

Features of the production of glued beams make it possible to warm themselves with the warmth of a cozy fireplace. The beam is treated with liquid, which repeatedly reduces the tendency of the tree to ignite. Of course, when developing a project, the designer must take into account not only the aesthetic, but also the practical side of the issue. The fireplace is being built at the same time as the house, because it also lays the foundation - if we are talking about a solid heavy fireplace. The design should take into account the depth, height of the structure, its strength and safety:

  • the floor area adjacent to the fireplace must be separated by non-combustible materials such as iron or tile. This will help not only protect the room from fire, but also add character to the design;
  • the walls adjacent to the masonry also need protection - they should be covered by analogy with the floor, or just initially insulate the beams brick wall;
  • the ceiling and chimney, as a rule, are not connected, and the remaining small gap is laid with heat-resistant material - basalt wool is suitable. Additional strengthening will be required, it can be done with drywall;
  • the chimney and its assistant in the removal of smoke - the chimney on the roof - must be designed, and then built with absolute accuracy. Fixation of the chimney can be based both on the fireplace itself and on a different design.

Fireplace in a wooden house made of timber

A fireplace next to a glued beam is a crucial step, but it will bring a lot of joy, provided that you take a careful and careful attitude.

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The main components of the interior

The interior of the house from glued beams, its creation, is very different from the design of any other room.The nature and plastic features of the material make it possible to execute projects of incredible beauty. A competent designer will take into account not only aesthetics, but functionality. There are no frames — the tree can be used to create any style, but the main idea, of course, is naturalness and environmental friendliness. The advantage of a wood interior is warmth and light - it is reflected in a very special way on the wall or floor panels. Therefore, the preservation of pristine nature becomes the main goal in planning the interior. Ceiling beams look interesting - unprocessed, uncovered by nothing.

The interior of the house from a bar

Kitchen Design

The kitchen is, of course, a very cozy room: here it boils aromatic meat, amazing pies are baked, strong coffee is brewed. But all these actions imply a creative mess, splashes, from which it is so important to protect the wooden panels of the walls and floor. To support the style decision, you can lay out the apron with tiles that mimic the texture of the tree, even a laminate board or plastic will do. The working area made of stone fits perfectly into the natural style of the kitchen. Do not forget about the hood, if you want to keep the ceilings in their original form.

Kitchen in a house made of timber

Each culinary person sees his own ideal cuisine in his own way, but it will not be superfluous to adhere to several basic principles:

  • competent zoning. Convenience, as well as the accessibility of all working areas, reduces the time required to create culinary masterpieces by several times. In a small room it is better to give preference to a linear headset, but in the large kitchen the island is appropriate;
  • harmony of textures. Against the background of a natural tree it is strange, even simple objects from plastic or fiberboard look strange even. Ceramics, clay, glass, stone - these materials will perfectly shade, and in addition, the beam will be emphasized;
  • textile. Functional, and at the same time decorative part of the kitchen - color, material and fabric processing will create any desired mood;
  • lighting.Another way of zoning the room - the light can be dimmed, made bright, illuminate certain areas for convenience and creating a suitable atmosphere;
  • decor. Flowers, mouth-watering still lifes, interesting ideas will find support in wood design. Ceiling beams can be beaten with braided braids of onions or garlic.

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Living room design

The living room can be made in any color, the main emphasis is already there - this is the material. The rest of the work is to emphasize naturalness:

  • a good solution would be to design panoramic windows, they will fill the room with morning light, and in the evenings you can enjoy the sunset;
  • it is worth supporting the expansion of space by painting the walls in gray tones, white will also do well for this purpose;
  • the fireplace becomes the main element of the living room, and its decoration with stone or brick is softened with rugs and sofa cushions, carpets. If there is no fireplace, the arrangement of furniture depends on preferences, family leisure.
  • it will be a delusion to believe that timber houses require a classic style, this is not so. You can "make friends" a tree with high-tech, minimalism will look good, modern, of course, country.

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Bedroom design

Sleep is very important for humans, so the interior design of the bedroom should not be left to chance by any means. Here you can dream up a lot: an attic, an attic, a room with a double ceiling ... Like any other room, the bedroom can be made in any style, but it is desirable to preserve the charm of naturalness:

  • First of all, thinking about the bedroom is at the design stage of the house - the room should be in a quiet part of the house, away from the kitchen, living room, bathrooms, if possible it is worth equipping the bedroom on the second floor;
  • walls and ceilings are minimized - the unprocessed wood coated with varnish looks most comfortable. The painted wall also looks good;
  • furniture. Do not overload the room, enough beds, bedside tables and dressing table;
  • textiles will emphasize airiness, and a soft carpet will keep warm;
  • lighting. It is better to stick to zoning, this will add comfort and coziness.

Bedroom in a house made of timberTables with lamps by the bed Gray carpet in the interior TV on the dresser Chandelier in the form of a flower in the interior Bedroom with white furniture

Cabinet design

The house should also have a working area. The office requires concentration, which means that the situation should be comfortable and restrained:

WallsTo paint the walls in the right color is very important to maintain a working atmosphere. The olive shade will cope with the task, it will create a calm mood.
FurnitureA table and chair are the leading furnishings of the cabinet. The table should be wide, and the chair comfortable and stable. It’s better to put the working group to the window.
LightingAn additional lamp will not be superfluous - a table or a floor lamp by the sofa, is useful for working with documentation, and in addition, it is so convenient to read.

Cabinet in a house made of timber

Bathroom design

It seems strange, but only at first glance. Wood and bathroom are fully compatible:

  • Accommodation The bathroom should be located on the ground floor, due to the heavy construction.
  • Floor. Strengthening is necessary, thorough sealing is mandatory followed by finishing with tiles, stone and other moisture-resistant materials.
  • Walls. It is not necessary to cover the walls with floor to ceiling tiles. Only surfaces near the bath can be protected. Of course, the room should have strong good ventilation, because the tree does not like humidity.

Bathroom in a house made of timber

Scandinavian style

The basis is light and wood. The room should breathe space. For this, light, mainly, of course, white paint is used. Airiness is achieved with the help of textiles - again unobtrusive drawings, light colors, light textures. Ceiling beams are the best suited to this style, they will give a play of light and shadow. Color accents are welcomed: yellow-blue combinations are popular - the richness of colors emphasizes the ease of space.

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Rustic style - comfort and tradition

Hand embroidery, restored furniture, draperies are rustic whales.Clay pots and country-style furniture will be shrouded in warmth, and various interesting elements, such as cuckoo clocks, will not let you get bored. Dilute wood forging and brass decor items. The drawings are light, floral, and the colors are natural, dim. This style is very popular, because the romance of decorative trinkets, the comfort of soft pillows relax, allow you to truly relax from the daily bustle.

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Rustic style

Rough naturalness, no ennobling finish, everything is minimally smoothed, textures are allowed to remain rough. Thorough simplicity is achieved through deliberate naturalness - self-assembled furniture, everything is subject to the idea of ​​functionality. Modern objects are masked as much as possible.

Rustic style in the interior of a house made of timber


In order not to get disappointed with the imperfections and shortcomings at the construction stage, it is recommended to think over the layout of the home, the interior design of the rooms and, of course, how to finish the house from the outside. You can focus on photos and videos, this will help determine a difficult choice. Do not forget about non-residential premises, the garage should fit into the overall picture and maintain the style. A country house made of glued beams is a structure with its own character. Properly designed and lovingly decorated, it will give peace and comfort.

Passion for design turned into work. There is little experience in the architectural bureau.


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