
Cottage Design - Ideas for the Interior and Exterior of a Country House

Cottage design

A cottage is not just a country house or cottage, but a sign of the high status of owners who can afford such a scale. The design of the interior and exterior of such a luxurious home should correspond to its high level. It differs significantly from the design of the interior of the apartment and the external decoration of the cottage, not only in the scope of work, but also in financial costs. Budget finishes and furnishings will negate the effect of luxury that elite country houses breathe. As a rule, no deviations from the chosen style in the design are allowed. The interior is designed strictly according to the canons and rules, so that guests in no case doubt the capabilities of the owners or their good aesthetic taste. The design of the cottage can be entrusted to professionals. Such a step will save the time of the owners, but hit the wallet.Owners can take the design on themselves and realize their fantasies and ideas on their own. As a result, they will try on the roles of venerable designers and perhaps in the future they will not limit themselves to their own home, since the creative process tends to drag out, like a whirlpool. There are a lot of stylistic decisions, however, some directions (fashionable) in our time are preferable to others. Let us consider in more detail some of them.

Classic style

Classicism unites a whole group of styles under its “wing”. Directions developed autonomously in separate corners of the planet. There is Italian, English, French, German classic. However, the presence of common details in these different areas is noted. Any classic prefers soft forms in small elements that decorate the house from the outside. Columns, balustrades, arches, rosettes, facade plinths, pediments, pilasters, rustics, panels, castle stones can play their role. The abundance of these details looks cozy and elegant. The tone solution based on light contrasts gives buildings a special flavor. White is often used as a secondary color (the decor is made in it), which emphasizes the severity of the main gray, coffee, brown, peach, and sand tones. To emphasize the luxury of the exterior, the decorative elements are made using stucco technique with floral ornaments and soft “curls”.

Classic-style cottage

Modern style

The design project of the cottage in a modern style is penetrated by laconicism, which in turn gives rise to multifaceted beauty. The human needs of our era are very different from the needs of their ancestors.Even the very concept of “beautiful” has a completely different meaning. On the one hand, the building should be as innovative as possible, that is, equipped with the latest technology. However, this does not at all exclude the presence of traditional elements in landscape design (kindergartens, arbors, decorative ponds). The modern style is characterized by a smooth flow of the interior into the exterior. The effect is achieved through the use of panoramic windows on the floor, which open the veil of secrecy of the interior. "Transparency" allows not only to demonstrate the features of the interior, but also lets in more light and air into the rooms. For large private houses, the problem does not seem relevant, but the modern person literally reaches for limitless spaces, trying to erase any boundaries. The facade of the house is finished with clapboard, plastered or lined with decorative brick, stone. A similar decoration paired with wide windows and a neat courtyard looks completely different than in classical styles. The boundary between the walls and the foundation is also partially erased. In colors, they try to resort to neutral, natural tones: gray, white, brown, black. Also, the use of straight lines, sharp corners and geometric shapes (mainly rectangles and squares) in the exterior is characteristic of the modern style. It creates the illusion of a modular facade, as if assembled from different elements.

Cottage in a modern style


Art Nouveau style does not recognize strict restrictions. It is based on simplicity and functionality. For decorating facades using mosaics, forging, painting and special types of plaster. The walls are made of brick, wood, stone or concrete. The style does not set restrictions on materials either. Art Nouveau is considered an example of a free direction that accepts any design decisions in a relatively flexible framework.It is characterized by "finished" compositions, the desire for completion can be traced in everything: in forms, colors and special decorative elements. The rule of symmetry allows you to put a mirror point in the design. Smooth lines in Art Nouveau are used both in the interior and in the exterior. At the same time, luxury is not at all alien to the style, which manifests itself in materials and noble stucco molding or full-length statues supporting the porch arch.

Art Nouveau Cottage


The main idea of ​​the style is the desire for admiration and surprise. The exterior often creates the illusion of curving space. During construction, they resort to the method of cutting, when some part of the wall, together with all the elements, comes to the fore, or vice versa, pushes back. Before designing a house, it is necessary to include in the plan an abundance of elements that Baroque loves: balconies, balustrades, bay windows and towers. The style was originally used to create monumental structures: cathedrals and palaces. Therefore, the cottage should look like a miniature house for the rest of the crowned person and her retinue. Baroque does not save on decorative elements, which often caused attacks from critics and accusations of bad taste. Do not be afraid to use an abundance of jewelry. Just keep in mind that they must obey the general stylistic concept.

Baroque Cottage

Although the style lives and lives even in our time, most designers abandoned it as an impractical direction. If you decorate the exterior of the house on the principles of Baroque, then your possessions will stand out as a bright spot in the cottage village and attract a lot of curious glances.

Flower garden around the house


The exterior of the country-style cottage is similar to the design of houses in the American outback. The direction comes from the village, so it is characterized by the use of wood, unprocessed logs and forging. Country is not at all like the domestic style of the Russian village.It uses more noble, neat lines, and the whole composition breathes light elegance or an attempt to reach it. It is not recommended to use elements with a hint of technical progress in decoration or decoration.

Country Style Cottage


The chalet style appeared on the alpine slopes. In fact, it is a village destination. Chalet-style cottages are built from timber. Also, they are characterized by the use of panoramic windows. In the Alps, this way guests enjoy views of the picturesque surrounding beauty. The cottage must include a wide porch and an open loggia or balcony on the second floor. Decorate the site with the same timber or thin wooden planks. Organic combination of wood with natural stone. The last can be decorated with columns or facade. Special attention is paid to lighting. The chalet loves an abundance of artificial light, in this style is similar to a loft, so on the street you can’t limit yourself to one lantern.

Chalet Cottage

American style

In the American style do not use unverified design solutions. This direction has become famous for its reliability and practicality. Roofs of cottages do not obey the laws of symmetry. During construction, practical and inexpensive materials are used. Such an economy option is suitable for prudent people who can afford more, but do not want to boast. American cottages have a glazed terrace and two front doors. The first leads to the front courtyard (the house area between the gate and the building), and the second - to a beautiful back platform, which is designed to receive guests and prepare barbecue. Also in the American cottage featured pastel colors and panoramic windows. In general, the situation is simple, but stylish.

American style cottage

English style

The exterior of the house in the English style is characterized by rigor and a small amount of decor. At the same time, the style is divided into several branches that were relevant in different eras.For the modern English direction, the presence of brick walls is characteristic. If the cottage has already been built, and the material has been used differently, then the house is “polished” outside using decorative finishes. The main decoration is heavy oak doors covered with handmade carvings. Even at the stage of drawing development, add bay windows and windows with semicircular arches. They best reflect the British flavor. The classic English style, which was popular in the Victorian era, is characterized by the use of "relief", complex facades: they seem to consist of many elements that come forward. The decor prevails traditional for those times carving. The walls are plastered outside. If you dig even deeper in the era of the Tudor dynasty, then on the facades of such houses there were wooden beams (floors). The structures had sharp gable roofs and were decorated with masonry. The option is ideal for decorating a cottage with elements of a "rural" style. To get inspired, find a source of ideas, browse photos of typical English mansions.

English style cottage

High tech

In the construction of high-tech houses, concrete and brick are used. The decorative finishes are dominated by metal, plastic and glass. Cottages in accordance with the canons of the most technological style, as a rule, are large, as the direction tends to internal space. The roofs of the houses are flat and the windows are panoramic. In rare cases, the entire facade can be completely glazed. The option is expensive, but it looks very impressive. Recently, there has been a tendency to combine high-tech with eco-style. Therefore, the use of wood is permissible. The decor is dominated by metal structures, beams, staples of complex geometric shapes. Similar elements look appropriate in futurism. They choose decor according to the principle: “the more original the part, the more spectacular the exterior will turn out”.

High tech cottage

It is better to forget about the country gardening in this territory, since the hi-tech does not accept such remnants of the past. The installation of a modern greenhouse with automatic irrigation and lamps replacing the sun is acceptable.

House without a roof

The interior of the cottage inside

The interior of the cottage plays the same important role as the exterior. If the latter meets guests and catches the eyes of casual passers-by, then the interior decoration is considered more intimate. It is not shown to everyone, so you can slightly depart from the strict canons of style in favor of home comfort and a relaxed atmosphere. Finishing and furnishing the house with your own hands is a multi-stage and difficult work. Before you begin planning, searching for interior solutions and buying furniture, you need to make a plan or design project. Develop it on the basis of a certain style, which is chosen ahead of time. Among the most popular options it is worth noting:

  • Loft. Industrial style, characterized by large spaces, accent brick walls, communications on display and an abundance of artificial light.

Loft style cottage interior Chandelier with candles over the table Ceiling fan Motorcycle in the interior Steps to the second level with backlight

  • Country. It has already been mentioned above. The principles for the interior and exterior are the same: raw wood, simple shapes, light primitivism with a claim to rustic elegance.

Country style cottage interior The combination of stone and wood in the interior Living room with a parallel exposure White furniture in the interior Chest table by the sofa

  • Minimalism. A guest from the East accepts only the necessary details, natural materials in the decoration and the almost complete absence of decor.

Minimalism style cottage interior The partition between the living room and the corridor Bulk floor in an interior The combination of black and white walls in the living room Decorative fireplace in the dining area

  • Provence. The style of the French heartland loves antiques, artificially aged things, pastel shades and rough painted wood in the decoration.

Provence style cottage interior Vintage lantern on the nightstand White sideboard in the interior Yellow curtains on the window Ceiling patterns

  • Scandinavian style. It is characterized by the use of cold colors, wide windows, a fireplace and a "natural" decor. The latter include real branches on the walls, paths made of wood saw cuts, animal skins on the floor.

Scandinavian style cottage interior Ficus in the corner of the living room Cowhide rug on sofa floor African mask on the wall Wood burning stove in the living room

  • Eco style. The direction promotes proximity to nature and a complete rejection of everything artificial. There should be no plastic or imitation in decoration and decor.

Eco-style cottage interior Firewood in a niche by the fireplace Lamp on a glass table by the sofa Laminate on the floor and walls of the kitchen-dining room Yellow armchair in a white interior

  • Art Deco.American style, characterized by simple elegance. The interior uses pastel shades for the background and just one bright accent area. In many ways, the direction is similar to the “lite” version of the classic style. It is more elegant and neat, devoid of a heap of small details, but at the same time managed to maintain a touch of luxury.

Cottage interior in art deco style A table and sofas opposite a decorative fireplace Staircase with openwork railings in the interior Mirror panel in the living room Corner sofa in the interior

The above are just popular destinations, this list is not exhaustive.

Design project

Those cottage owners who feel sorry for their time can purchase or order the development of a finished project. Lovers of creative puzzles will prefer independent work on the design of their home. Start with the layout, that is, the location of the rooms. Do not randomly divide the building into separate rooms, the purpose of which will be determined after construction. Each room in the drawing should have its own specific function. Let's start with the basement or basement. The difference between them is only in the presence of windows. The basement protrudes slightly above the soil, and the basement is completely below it. The lowest floor can be used to organize a cellar with pickles, fine wines or equip a garage. Practice is very relevant in the West, but we have not yet taken root. As a result, the owners will not only save the area that can be used for another building, but also get the opportunity to enter the room both from the street and from the house. The option usually provides for two entrance doors. On the ground floor, as a rule, they place a spacious entrance hall with a staircase, a kitchen and a hall. If space still remains, then an additional room will be equipped with a guest bedroom. On the second floor are personal apartments of family members and workrooms. The attic can be equipped with anything: a dressing room, a cinema hall, a workshop, a games room or a playground for outdoor activities.If the room will be part of the residential complex, then it will have to be converted from a cold attic into a warmed attic, in which lighting, heating and even water are carried out. Above is just a typical layout of the main rooms.

Design project of the cottage interior

In expensive cottages, the arrangement of bathrooms on all floors is usually provided. If finances allow, then they can be installed in each room. Thus, the problem with morning and evening queues will be completely resolved.

Floor lamp by the sofa

Living room

Living room - the conditional center of any home and the main "transport" node. If her atmosphere breathes comfort, then all the home and guests will gather in the room. As a rule, the living room has several bay windows that are equipped with convenient places for reading books or admiring the surrounding beauties with a cup of tea. Spacious halls can be decorated in dark colors, which will give the room depth. Coffee-chocolate gamut looks spectacular, emphasizing the luxury of the atmosphere with soft tints of tones. A great solution is to install a real fireplace. If in apartments you have to be content with his imitations, then the countryside provides a good opportunity for arranging a home. The proximity of the forest will easily produce firewood for kindling.

Lounge in the cottageIlluminated ceiling in the interior Arch in the living room Art Nouveau interior Fresco in the living room The second light in the interior


In the bedroom they embody one of the exquisite styles (classic, loft, modern). Since the room usually differs in large dimensions, it is conditionally divided into several functional zones:

  • Place to sleep;
  • Ladies' boudoir;
  • Corner for a day's rest.

All three zones are combined into one composition, but if necessary, each can exist separately from the rest. For example, a decorative partition with through niches will become a beautiful border that will seamlessly merge into the interior. The sleeping place is the main zone of the room. Recently, in elite interiors, hanging beds are relevant.In the furniture market, they have become a stylish novelty that is suitable for minimalism and high-tech.

Cottage bedroom

Kitchen and dining room

The dining room is a unique zone that cannot exist separately from others. She necessarily plays the role of an application to the kitchen or living room. Try to imagine a separate dining room. Fantasy will inevitably lead you to spacious halls in chic palaces where receptions for over a hundred people are arranged. Due to pompous associations, the room usually adjoins the culinary room, even if it is possible to equip it separately. Cottage kitchen differs not only in dimensions, but also in plenty of natural light. In typical apartments, she has to be content with a small window, which also often opens onto a balcony or loggia. Accordingly, even the sunny sides do not save from the unpleasant atmosphere of twilight during the day, arising from a shortage of natural light. The dining room, as a rule, is separated from the kitchen by a conventional partition. In her role, the bar counter looks good. If necessary, it can serve as an additional countertop, and at normal times you can drink a cup of tea or a glass of cocktail.

Kitchen and dining room in the cottageMultilevel ceiling in the interior Fresco in the kitchen Different flooring in the kitchen and dining areas U-shaped kitchen Table island in the interior

Children's room

In apartments, children’s corners are usually equipped according to the principle “in cramped conditions, but not in insult”. In the spacious cottage, each of the children will have their own room. As a compromise, the attic is taken under the nursery. The room is spacious, water, electricity and heating are easily connected to it. If there are more than two kids, then everyone can have their own small room, a private space that not only adults need. In the attic, a real separate house is equipped, a small world exclusively for children. Here they will have a separate games room, study or art room and a bedroom.

Children's in the cottage


As mentioned above, there are usually several bathrooms in a house.Leave the choice for guests and household: on one floor, equip a compact shower, and on the second - a spacious jacuzzi. If someone needs to wash quickly after a run, then the first option is suitable. In cases where you want to relax and take a break from worries with light music, surrounded by candles and aromas of essential oils, use a jacuzzi. They do not recommend loading the bathroom with washing machines and household cleaning products. The owners of the cottages have enough opportunities for arranging a separate storage room. If the basement or basement is not busy with anything, then it is equipped there.

Bathroom in the cottageRed decorative maple in the corner Shower and bath in one room Backlight in the wall Art Nouveau bathroom Bath and shower on the catwalk

Hall and entrance hall

The hall differs from the hallway in its dimensions. The latter is a room between the front door and the living rooms of the cottage. In 80% of cases, a staircase to the second floor is located in the hallway. This option allows you not to go through a string of other rooms, so that from the entrance you immediately rise to your room. A small area for shoes with a hanger under the outer clothing and holders for umbrellas, flows smoothly into the spacious hall. He is increasingly given a round streamlined shape. At an equal distance from each other, doors to other rooms are located.

Hall in the cottage

Pool in the house

The pool in a residential building is a clear sign of the wealth of the owners of the cottage. A similar building on the street also emphasizes the status of the family, but significantly loses to the internal one by the need for the systematic care and cleaning of fallen leaves and street garbage. In addition, water containers in the yard will periodically be filled with rainwater, which naturally will have to be lowered. Perhaps there is no better place for a pool than the basement or basement. Usually they are supplemented with a sauna, and fonts - with a bath. It is worth considering that the composition of this complex engineering structure will include:

  • Special bowl;
  • Pump equipment;
  • Heating system;
  • Circulation equipment.

Therefore, the purchase and construction of even the most simple pool will cost a pretty penny.

Pool in the cottage Waterfall on the wall Pots with indoor trees by the pool Wall dehumidifier Mosaic in the interior

Decoration outside

Decoration of the cottage outside is carried out in accordance with the stylistic decision and preferences of the owners. The house is decorated with corners, plinths, arches, porches and terraces, columns and pilasters. These elements are made of drywall, polymer concrete, artificial stone and brick. However, such options are more suitable for budget design. In expensive cottages, the exterior is sanded with glass, ceramics, natural stone, brickwork, metal, wood. Each material suits a specific style. Do not forget about lighting that will emphasize the features of the decor, put them in a favorable light and hide the flaws, if any.

Finishing the cottage outside with stone tiles


The process of arranging the cottage can be displayed in a step-by-step instruction:

  • Design and layout:
  • Construction;
  • Interior and exterior decoration;
  • In the interior, the selection of furniture and decorations, and in the exterior - decoration of the facade.

By the way, the exterior decoration of the house should be in harmony not only with the interior design, but also with the landscape that surrounds it. All additional buildings are necessarily linked to the overall composition so that the design picture of the possessions does not visually fall into pieces.

Passion for design turned into work. There is little experience in the architectural bureau.


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