Bath and Sauna

Sauna with a gazebo and barbecue under one roof: ideas and projects

Bathhouse with gazebo

Summer and winter vacations in the country are not least associated with bath vacations. In Russia and many countries of the world, this option of spending time has long been loved, therefore, even in small cities there are at least a dozen bath complexes. In some regions of the world, baths with moist air are more preferred, and in others saunas with dry air. Far from the city, near a private house or in a summer cottage, people build their own bath rooms and steam rooms. Some people are able to independently assemble a log structure - the simplest option. The experience of past years has proved the profitability of bathhouses with gazebos, addition to which will be recreation or cooking areas. Due to such a combination, owners simplify their work on the territory and at the same time save space. The first step is to determine the shape and structure of the gazebo.


In the design of the bath mini-complex with a gazebo, you should consider the connections and load distribution. The quality of construction and the service life depend on the foundation. Among all the options for founding, the most popular was the tape. It is suitable for both small and large structures. The roof of the building is made light, because the part of the building that is the arbor is weak or does not perform the bearing function at all. However, there are no restrictions in terms of form. Baths are usually built of wood or timber, and in the second case, independent construction is possible. In the case of wooden buildings, energy efficiency is not necessary. An important point in the planning of buildings and premises is the location of furniture and fixtures inside. Given the influence of moist and warm air, good ventilation and waterproofing will be required.

Bath complex with a gazeboTile in the yard Woodpile under a canopy Path to the steps Armchair under the roof Conifers on the site

Advantages and disadvantages

The main plus is multifunctionality. In the project there is a place for a shower room, dressing room, furnace, steam room, living room, font, and if the building is large, then for the pool. In the arbor, in turn, you can put a barbecue. The open design of the veranda in cold weather is closed with soft windows or an awning. Even in late autumn, use will be possible. If a person needs a bathhouse in winter, then a semi-open or closed design is suitable.By itself, combining a bathhouse with a gazebo will provide financial benefits, as well as save time and simplify the task of planning the site. The building will be able to perform the functions of a summer kitchen. Common materials and style will close the issue of the design of these functional areas. Access to fresh air after bathing and visiting the steam room will be beneficial to health. There are some disadvantages to the benefits:

  • high fire hazard of wood structures;
  • the possibility of leaks;
  • problems in choosing modern materials.

Multifunctionality - one of the advantages of a bath with a gazeboTable on the veranda Water lilies in a pond Pond with a bridge Log house made of wood Pole structure

Type of arbor - open or closed

The structure of the gazebo is open, semi-open and closed. The second and third types have approximately the same number of pluses and minuses, but the first option is slightly inferior to them. Outdoor arbors look like a canopy on several pillars, they can look like pergolas or open terraces. They are equipped with side racks with balusters and railings, sometimes they do without these elements. Such verandas are sometimes decorated with openwork carved shapes. The half-open version looks like a pavilion with one or a maximum of two open sides. On the terrace they are equipped with wind protection, while remaining in contact with nature. Half open type will hide from the scorching sun and rain. Closed gazebos are additional features in terms of comfort. Closed terraces are used year-round as a dining room and a place to relax. They can also arrange heating and realize interesting design ideas. Panoramic windows, in turn, provide a visual connection with nature.

Bathhouse with an open gazeboFence from corrugated board in the country Brooms under the roof Courtyard pool Wheel under the roof Trees on the plot

Choosing the location of the bathhouse with terrace / pergola

There are technical standards. In addition to them, one should be guided by sound logic in terms of providing convenience on the site. It is better to exit the bathhouse from the south side, and next to the house it will not hurt to collect a place for storing firewood or briquettes for the furnace. From the bathhouse to the main building, a path should be laid.Construction is coordinated with local authorities. Based on sanitary standards, a 3-meter interval should be observed before an external fence. A well in the area is at least 12 meters away. Otherwise, contamination of drinking water is likely. The distance to the residential building is left at less than 8 m. Taking into account all aspects, it turns out that it is better to place the bathhouse in the backyard, on a small hill. Then the water will drain better. It would not hurt to invite a specialist to the territory so that he would draw up a general picture of what is possible and what is not.

Location of the bathhouse with a gazebo on the sitePond on the site Gardens in the country Veranda bench Cottage plot in the forest Chairs at the entrance

Construction material

Apply wood, brick, foam concrete and fiberglass. The latter material is more suitable for the construction of a pool or font. Wood is used in the form of beams, panels, logs. Log structures have been popular in Russia for many years. The material is characterized by environmental friendliness, low thermal conductivity, low cost compared to other wood. Due to the listed features, log baths remain the most common in the country. Foam concrete blocks are used with the proper quality of ventilation and vapor barrier. Laying is carried out using liquid bitumen. Budget material, brick, is used less often, but some of its qualities correspond to wood. By simplicity of laying, it is inferior to logs, but the bath will turn out more reliable and safer.

Sauna with a gazebo made of timberBarbecue table and chairs The lawn on the site Rest area in front of the bathhouse Porch with pergola The structure in the form of a hut


Wood remains the best material for construction and decoration. The option often becomes uncontested, because many owners want a real Russian bath inside and out, and not all kinds of technological facilities made of modern materials. Hardwoods are suitable for the construction and decoration of certain rooms, conifers - for the furnace, and sometimes - for the steam room. Most experts refer to the increased resistance of coniferous plants to rot, so their wood is also used for construction.However, one should remember about the increased gumming. The combination of hardwood in the interior and conifers for construction, as well as for the furnace, is recognized as an ideal combination. The veranda is made of the same materials as the bath, that is, the best solution is coniferous. Often use solid trunks with fasteners on wooden pins.

Bathhouse with a gazebo made of wood

Wood remains the most popular material for a Russian bath, so first of all you should think about special compositions to improve the raw materials obtained, and only then - about the design features.

Pole terrace Curtains in the gazebo Flower garden on the site Log house Conifers on the lawn


The advantage of brick is considered universality: suitable for almost any project. For the construction of baths with gazebos, it is better to use well masonry, and consider the least desirable method as solid. The walls are built on the principle of a thermos, that is, with narrow verticals with a gap. An empty gap will serve as a heater. It is filled with insulating material, for example, expanded clay. In combination with the heat capacity of the air that remains in the voids, a reliable thermal cushion is formed. Thermal insulation is less needed in wooden buildings, but the use of bricks “requires” its availability. A brick building will require a solid foundation, much more stable than wood. But the list of positive qualities is also substantial. This is the term of operation, and absolute safety for human health, and refractory properties.

Brick bath with gazebo

Foam block

The material properties in terms of frost resistance and thermal insulation are close to the performance of wood. The building will receive breathable and at the same time warm walls, so that the microclimate inside will be partially similar to the atmosphere of a wooden structure, except with the absence of a characteristic pleasant smell. Foam concrete is a quality substitute for wood. If only because it resists fire quite well. At the same time, it is important that the composition contains organic natural substances.As well as wooden saunas, foam block options are characterized by light weight compared to brick. Blocks can be large, but they will still weigh relatively little. The pace of construction, thanks to this, is becoming high, and transportation is easy. A bath with a gazebo will cost a minimum amount. The building as a result will not undergo shrinkage, and it will be possible to steam there immediately after completion of the installation work.

Foam bath with gazebo


Fonts and pools are made of composite materials. Fiberglass is known for wear resistance, strength, resistance to temperature contrasts. The material is pleasant to the touch and gives a cool after staying in a steam room with hot air. The simplicity and speed of fiberglass installation are far from the least important quality. At the same time, the installation of the tank is equally convenient indoors and outdoors. Water temperature, however, will decrease much faster than in a wooden tank. In contrast, external attractiveness and durability play. In addition, fiberglass structures have more installation options. Fonts, pools and mini-pools have a solid integral structure, are completely hermetic and reliable in operation. For constructions, any convenient internal structure is selected. Connection of communications will not be a hassle.

Fiberglass bathhouse

The choice of roofing material

Suitable solutions:

  • Rolled materials;
  • Slate;
  • Bituminous tile.

The roof of the bathhouse and the canopy of the gazebo should be reliably protected from leaks and the destructive effect of strong winds. The roof is usually made solid. Sometimes implement options with turf and wood chips. Much depends on natural conditions: in windy places, the slope of the slopes should be less than 45 degrees, while this indicator is not made very small - also because of the wind. For the same reason, solid materials should be chosen. In an environment with minimal wind load, a roll cover is often laid.For example, a dense carpet in several layers is made of roofing material. The material is suitable for saunas made of light building materials. To mount the roof not on a metal crate, but on a wooden floor, you will have to abandon the metal profile. It should be remembered that a hard coating will last longer, sometimes several times. Metal is better suited to withstand snow mass.

Tiled roof in a bathhouse with a gazeboBuilding with terrace Birches on the site Sauna with a brick gazebo Barbecue under the tree Pots with conifers on the terrace

Floor finish

Commonly used materials:

  • tree;
  • marble;
  • concrete.

Wooden floors are assembled from long or short boards with installation on logs. Wood is used for mounting a leaking or drainage type floor. In the first case, water will fall into the ground, and in the second - into the drainage system. Logs are better to buy pine. Spread them with a slight bias, since the underground itself is made so for the flow of water. In all types of rooms, except square, observe the calculation of the gap to the walls. Planks are laid perpendicular to the drain. If the bath is on a strip foundation, then the top of the supporting chair should correspond to its top. In the case of a columnar base, the ends of the lag are placed on embedded bars. Concrete flooring - more resistant to mechanical stress. It is given the aesthetic qualities of tiles or artificial stone. Finishing is done by 2 technologies. In the first case, sand will absorb water, and in the second, a pipe.

Wood floor

Projects of a bathhouse with a gazebo

Construction should be planned for 6-8 people, no less. In other words, the building is better for three families with children. Designs of a bathhouse with a gazebo differ by several criteria. The gazebo is usually connected by a door to the main unit or placed on the deaf side. The entrance to the bath is equipped in the living room (relaxation room), which goes into the sink with a font, and then into the steam room. At the same time, it will not hurt to equip a bathroom with an entrance from the rest room or a sink. Pergolas are open, with supports, curbs and railings, half open and closed.The open ones do not protect from the wind, in the half-open there are several walls to hide from the weather and at the same time breathe fresh air. Closed do with large windows, sometimes with panoramic. These options are used as another guest room and just to embody an attractive design. Barbecue in the bathhouse, if they do, is usually in the gazebo.

The design of the bathhouse with a gazeboTable and chairs on the veranda Flower garden around the gazebo Porch with carved railing Bathhouse at the pond Lights along the track

Corner layout


  1. Possibilities for creating two inputs.
  2. Additional options for communication and obstacle avoidance.
  3. Stylish design.

Corner projects are primarily intended for the rational use of the allotment territory. The optimal place for placement follows from the name - in the corner of the site. The relaxation room can be combined with a gazebo, and much more space is allocated to the sink and steam room than in a rectangular layout. Projects are very different in terms of layout. In the 6 × 6 m variant, the living room occupies the central part as a whole and a gazebo adjoins it on the side. Triangular designs have the most non-standard layout. A restroom and a veranda in such cases are usually made at different ends, and the center is allotted under the steam room with a washing room. There is a second option, already with a living room in the corner. A large corner project with parameters of 13.9 × 11.5 m includes a swimming pool in one wing, a vestibule in the inner corner and bath rooms in the outer wing, as well as a living room and a gazebo-kitchen in the opposite wing.

Corner bath with gazebo

With swimming pool

The ideal design with a swimming pool consists of 3 parts. They are arranged in one line, and the swimming pool will be just the middle segment. To avoid additional redevelopment and costs, a Jacuzzi should be installed next to a large tank. Near the pool, there is a relaxation room, a washing room with a steam room, and on the opposite side there is a barbecue and a large table with chairs. Two-story projects are often offered with a pool. The pool and the gazebo are then placed on the ground floor, and above all the bath rooms.On the market at the moment, you can easily find one- and two-story options for 25, 33, 39, 49, 52, 67, 84, 124 and 145 m². The dimensions of the buildings will be 5 × 5, 6.5 × 5, 6.2 × 6.8, 8 × 7, 9.4 × 5.9, 9.5 × 7 m, respectively, for single-storey and 7.8 × 5 , 4, 8.6 × 7.2, 13.3 × 11.7 m - in two-story buildings.

Bathhouse project with poolRadiators under the windows Pictures in the rest room Floor tiles Stone pool Shower on the wall

Bathhouse with gazebo connecting a covered passage

The option is relevant in situations when one thing is already built: a bathhouse or a gazebo. The bathhouse is sometimes simply expanded, but in any case it will not be possible to build two buildings without a transition convenient for each of them. In order to extend the life of the structure, a shallow reinforced base is formed under the covered corridor. The complexity of designing even a relatively small transition is the need for a multi-level roof. It will be needed even if the levels of both roofs are the same. In any case, a rafter system with increased reliability indicators will be required. Not in the last place is the choice of sealant. An original functional element with a large space for arrangement will appear on a summer cottage. The owners will not hurt to explore alternative options for combining, for example, a curved bridge instead of an extension.

Indoor passage between the bathhouse and the gazebo

Sauna with a gazebo under one ramp

Some will like the idea of ​​a pitched roof for a complex of a bathhouse and a veranda. The project will be simple and budgetary, and the finished construction - beautiful and functional. A gazebo measuring 2.6 × 2 m does not seem crowded, and there is a place for barbecue or barbecue. The direction of the sloping roof is selected taking into account the wind rose. The design as a result will be more comfortable and protected from leaks to a greater extent than the hip roof option. Cleaning the roof will not be difficult. At the same time, a roof with an area of ​​more than 15–20 m² is more complex. In practice, projects with building parameters of 6 × 4, 5 × 5, 3 × 4 and 5 × 9 m are common. Savings per square meter. a meter on average will be sufficient to improve the internal layout.For baths with terraces, a project of 6 × 4 m is more often chosen, and for additional placement of the machine (under a canopy), an indicator of 5 × 9 m is enough.

Sauna with a gazebo under one ramp

Bathhouse and gazebo with barbecue, barbecue and stove

Near the bathhouse you usually want to relax and have a bite. Barbecue, stove or barbecue, and sometimes all together are placed on the built-in terrace. Given the entire load, the option may not be available for some closed verandas, but just a chimney is enough - and the closed structure becomes only a plus. Firstly, it’s more convenient to eat there - there aren’t as many insects as there are on the street. Secondly, in a confined space, the wind does not affect the flame, so dishes cook better. It is better to close open arbors during cooking with soft windows. The oven in the gazebo usually consists of a stove, smokehouse, oven and grill. Brazier is often combined with a smokehouse. The portable barbecue is furnished with bricks, if it is used regularly, and the same can be said about barbecue. Barbecue shops are also stationary in the form of a brick oven and ordinary mobile.

Other equipment that can be found in the built-in gazebo:

  • fireplace stove;
  • brazier;
  • cauldron furnace;
  • grill smoker;
  • gas installation grill.

Bathhouse and gazebo with barbecue

Closed gazebo with summer kitchen

The object, by sense, is a fully-fledged kitchen with electricity and running water. The terrace will welcome guests in summer and winter, and if you wish, you can even organize a mini-disco there, moving portable kitchen utensils aside. After installing the heating, the room will become suitable for active use in the winter. For areas with early frosts or frequent heavy rains, a closed construction will be the only right solution. The gazebo-kitchen is equipped with a brick stove, electric appliances, if necessary - barbecue, barbecue and other appliances for the summer versions of kitchens. The dining area and cooking place should be divided into two parallel parts, between which there will be a passage to the bathhouse.In the absence of access to the power grid, a way out of the situation is to purchase a generator.

The size of the gazebo with a summer kitchen makes at least 25% more than usual options.

Closed gazebo with summer kitchen

Gazebo with panoramic glazing and a common roof with a bath

In most bath complexes there are almost no windows, or rather, they are small and located only in some parts of the buildings. At the same time, current trends indicate the popularity of large windows. In summer cottages, you can find large attic, but much less often - panoramic. A bathhouse with a completely transparent gazebo will cost a considerable amount, not least because of the complex design. But the designers did not stop there. They invented high-tech options, cubism and constructivism with continuous panoramic glazing. Such options will be more pleasant for owners with creative thinking outside the box, because the convenience of the project is naturally called into question. Moreover, any curtains in damp rooms will deteriorate very quickly. On the other hand, nothing will stop you from undressing in a transparent bathhouse behind a high fence. Baths in modern styles are combined with landscape design and the rest of the architecture on site.

Gazebo with panoramic glazing and a common roof with a bathFlowers by the path Birch trees in the country Bathhouse and gazebo with a common porch Tile in the yard Conifers at the porch

What furniture to choose for the gazebo / terrace

In open and semi-open arbors, they buy furniture from the most resistant to moisture species: aspen, cedar, spruce, pine. With the independent manufacture of furniture, you will need boards, bars, suvels and mouthpieces. Natural wood is carefully processed and shaped taking into account the interior. Tables and sofas are best assembled from solid wood. On the veranda, a large rack and folding / prefab furniture will not be superfluous. The key difference between furniture for covered terraces is expressed in more decorative details. Furniture elements are made more massive: tables, sofas, etc. Closed arbors are equipped with hanging cabinets, a dining table, and cabinets. The situation should be implemented in some style.Minimalism is more suitable for other materials except wood. Together with a wooden bath, it is better to use furniture in a classic or hunting style.

Furniture on the terrace of the bathChandelier above the table Interior with fireplace Flower pots under the ceiling Lanterns on the tables Glass walled terrace

Lighting and decorative illumination of the bathhouse and gazebo

Inside the washing and steam rooms there should not be open shades. Regarding the size and shape of lighting fixtures, there are no special restrictions, however, it is worthwhile to refrain from placing chandeliers. Small size built-in spotlights have been approved. They are mounted in the wall, on the ceiling, between the panels, directly or at an angle. True, this is only decorative lighting. Sometimes it is enough for her, but if saturated lighting is needed, it is better to add several linear fixtures to the wall and ceiling. LED tapes and fiber optic threads, in turn, will qualitatively illuminate the gazebo. They are also used inside: in the living room and in the sink. On holidays, the bathhouse-built terrace is illuminated. You should refrain from those energy-saving light bulbs that emit mercury vapor. The arbor and the interior of the bath are sometimes decorated with varieties of RGB.

Lighting baths and gazebos


The choice of a complex for bathing should be approached thoroughly, because in the warm season it can become a favorite place for the whole family - especially if immediately after the bath there is a gazebo with summer kitchen nearby. The verandas, in turn, are open, partially open and closed - each design has advantages. In addition to the main material, wood, foam blocks and bricks are used. Foam concrete buildings combine the optimal characteristics of other materials, but the most recommended and best option is wood. Traditions, health benefits, and the atmosphere of a wooden interior are connected with this. Now people have access to ready-made projects with stoves and barbecue facilities, summer kitchens, a shed roof, panoramic glazing, a swimming pool, as well as corner buildings. Among roofing materials, preference is usually given to roofing material and metal profile.

Passion for design turned into work. There is little experience in the architectural bureau.


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