Do it yourself

DIY interior items

DIY interior items

Is it possible to make a beautiful, stylish, exclusive something from improvised means in 30 minutes? The ultramodern hand-made grimoire is replenished every day with new letters on how to create unique interior items with your own hands. We offer 15 ideas for turning ordinary things into a design project. Experimental creativity for home decoration for beginners and craftsmen. Our hands are not for boredom. Join now!

Mat "fauna + flora"

Smooth rug with small natural patterns.The impression is the same as a large one. And all because a bright print with a sense of humor will revive even a boring room.

For the effect you need:

  • heavy fabric, preferably water repellent;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors, safety pins;
  • fabric paint, or felt-tip pens for drawing on fabric (Krylon pens).

Do-it-yourself rug

Wide cardboard is needed for stencil. Draw the contours of the future carpet. Do not strive for the correctness of the lines, your "author's style" is more suitable for crafts. Stripes of the animal or flower are indicated by bold lines. Cut them in cardboard, and then transfer them to the fabric through a stencil fixed with needles. Dye the stripes if necessary. Once the paint has dried, fix the part of the mat under the furniture. Get ready to receive guests compliments!

Beautiful marble effect

Heavy marble stone is not suitable for every apartment. And hand made marble is a light effect of a noble texture.


  • nail polish, 2-3 colors + transparent;
  • clear glasses;
  • capacity;
  • acetone;
  • Toothpicks
  • masking tape.

DIY marble surfaceMarble Decor Coffee table design DIY tray Black table in the living room Marble Decor Elements

Limit the area to be stained with tape. Next, get ready to act very quickly, as the varnish hardens quickly. Pour water into a container, open the varnishes and drip a little of each, one on top of the other. Toothpick 5-6 times on the resulting stain to mix shades. Dip to it part of the glass with the place prepared for applying the pattern.

As soon as the varnish has grasped the surface, carefully but surely pull it out. Wait until the object dries and fix what happened with transparent enamel, and erase unnecessary with acetone. So you can put together a whole service!

Backdrop photo decoration

Large forms with real images will turn the hall, hallway, kitchen into an art space. It takes a little imagination and:

  • good quality photo (resolution from 300 dpi);
  • plastic base;
  • wall hooks;
  • double-sided tape.

Choose a photo with meaning. Black and white or color does not really matter.Determine the size, add to it on all sides about 5 cm on the hem. Print the picture. Wrap lightweight plastic (thin foam is allowed) of the required area, fix the edges with tape. You can use glue, but choose transparent. Add fasteners to the inside. Now the happy moment of your life will be repeated again when you look at the canvas.

Pop art in the interior

Note for the photographer: a spectacular photo triptych will turn out if you divide one picture into three parts and place it on separate substrates.

Interior garden of living plants

Modified hedge for urban housing from succulents. These are small plants with a special tissue structure that stores water for a long time. Combinations of many species look futuristic. Therefore, designers love the "fat girls."


  • plants;
  • metal mesh;
  • pot capacity;
  • nails
  • soil, drainage.

Interior gardenSucculents in the interior Live Cactus Wreath Composition of indoor plants Nerd style in the interior Cactus box

Those who have planted any flowers at least once should have no difficulties. Pour the drainage (better for cacti) into a pot, or a specially allocated container in furniture, soil, lay a grid on top. Fix it on top with brackets, nails or a frame made of wood, if you need beautiful edges of the pot. Plant succulents close to each other so that there is no empty space between them. Water abundantly, but on completely dried up soil, spray with a fine spray, enjoy the eco-friendly interior!

Improvised fruit bowl

Glassware is a universal transformer for assembling new models of utensils.

Find for transformation:

  • 2 cups;
  • 3 plates of different diameters from 20 cm;
  • waterproof glue.

DIY fruit maker

Wash all components with a glass cleaner, allow to dry, degrease with a cotton pad with alcohol or vodka, especially carefully walking around the fastening places. Pedantically apply a particularly strong binder to the edges of the glass without missing a millimeter. Place the glass exactly in the center of the plate, press firmly. For a three-story fruit bowl, repeat the operation 2 times.Try not to go over the edge or get your fingers dirty. If necessary, remove excess with adhesive. You can use immediately after the product is completely dry. In addition to fruits and berries, it is suitable for tartlets with caviar or jam. Wash like ordinary dishes.

Time Lord

Often from sea vacation you bring pebbles for memory. There is no place to store them, but you can make them useful.


  • wall clock mechanism;
  • plain stones, with smooth sides, 12 pcs. up to 3 cm, 12 pcs. - 1-2 cm;
  • cardboard;
  • second gel “Moment”;
  • paints;
  • scissors, ruler, pencil, marker;
  • paper (craft).

Clock made of shells and pebblesDIY wall clock Nautical Design Seashell decor Marine style texture Original watch design

Paint the stones first to get two of the same color, small and large. Cut out a square from cardboard according to the measurement of future hours, wrap it with craft. Fasten the back. Mark the dial around the perimeter. With a contrasting marker on large pebbles, draw the numbers indicating the hours, on small ones - minutes from 00 to 55 in steps of 5. Make sure that the pairs match in color and score. Attach them to the dial for marking, then fasten the arrows and batteries. Now it’s nicer to count every hour until the next vacation!

Funny cork

Did anyone have a big party? But among the gifts there was no rug in the bathroom. Not a problem!


  • rubberized fabric (old rug);
  • waterproof glue;
  • wine corks from 100 pcs.;
  • the sharpest knife;
  • sandpaper.

Wine cork matCork mat Cork crafts Champagne cork mat Hallway Decor Cork design

Inspect traffic jams. Soak red wine in bleach to even out the color. Dry it. Cut each cork lengthwise into equal parts. If the knife is not sharp enough, sand the edges of the material. Halves should be the same size. Conduct a workout: lay out the elements around the perimeter of the base from the upper left corner. If the frame converges at the entry point, start gluing the halves. When finished, put a new mat under the press for leveling. Keep it as it dries; consult the instructions for the time.The original thing for the bathroom is ready!

Music wall

Interior decoration with objects far from the word design emphasizes the ingenuity of thinking of the owner of the room.

You will need:

  • sheet music A4, 30-35 pcs.;
  • coffee, boiling water;
  • double sided tape;
  • scissors;
  • ladder.

Music sheets for interior decoration

Take the old collection as the basis. Or print notes from the Internet, making sure that there are no logos. First you need to “age” 6-8 sheets. Brew 2 tsp. coffee in a large capacity, fold the notes, spread the coffee beans for individual spots. After 5-10 minutes, take out two sheets and iron through cheesecloth. Take out two more sheets after 6-7 minutes, process with an iron. Also do the third installment. You should get 3 shades of brown. The approximate time depends on the susceptibility of the paper. Old notes absorb color faster than from a new pack for the printer. Make markings on the wall, considering additional accessories in the form of frames, etc. Attach notes with scotch tape, placing it crosswise over the height of the paper. Turn on Mozart, it seems he will be welcome!

Book treasure

It is doubly pleasant to return to the world of dreams right away on the right page with an exclusive bookmark handmade. Creating a stylish little thing with your own hands will distract from the ups and downs of the literary plot for just a few minutes.

Are needed:

  • tape;
  • beads;
  • ribbon clip for decor;
  • composition for connecting tissue;
  • needle, thread, scissors;
  • nippers.

DIY bookmarks

Choose a ribbon with a width of 2 cm. It can be a shiny satin, a very dense opaque lace, thin velvet. Measure the format of the book, fold the tape in half, thoroughly coat with glue for the fabric. Carefully attach the parts, noting the accuracy of the connection. This is especially important for the atlas, it glides. And lace, where you need to observe a combination of pattern. Attach the tape clip to the ends. You can decorate the bookmark with any stored pendants matching the color. Do not hang too heavy beads, they can pull the fabric, deforming it.

Note for students: Decorated bookmarks even make the textbook attractive!

Royal Wall Mount Holder

The idea of ​​boudoir design combines practicality and luxury.


  • wooden or plastic frame in the rococo style;
  • glue;
  • lace;
  • scissors;
  • drill.

DIY jewelry holderDIY jewelry frame Jewelry Organizer Earring Storage Frame Jewelry holder Jewelry net

Choose 2-3 types of lace of different widths, taking into account that at least 4 cm of empty space should remain between the strips. Cut to fit the frame. Gently attach on the inside of the frame using super glue. If you have a construction stapler, you can work with it. The place where the holder will hang should be accessible at hand level, and if there are small children or curious animals in the house, fenced off from their sudden interest. Mount the hardware using a drill. Attach the frame, hanging on the ribbons earrings, beads, chains in a chaotic manner.

Felt Pictures

Compositional plots or recognizable images from felt are in the first place for ease of execution.


  • knitwear;
  • felt;
  • scissors;
  • the basis of plastic or wood;
  • needle, thread;
  • threads for knitting;
  • beads 4 pcs.;
  • clear sheet;
  • double sided tape.

 Interior picture of feltFelt flowers Felt in interior design A picture of pieces of wool Bright felt design DIY decor elements

Draw on paper or print outlines, such as kittens. Place tape on the inside. Cut out all the details, fix the stencil on felt with tape, go over with scissors again. Pull the fabric on the base, connect the back with threads by weaving. Watch for even tension. Glue the parts of the felt onto the canvas, having previously disconnected the remaining tape. Add a frame of knitting threads around the perimeter, sew beads into the corners. Cover the back of the picture with a sheet of paper to hide the working stitches. Smile at the kittens, uh-mum!

Tree of joy for beads

Convenient, because everything is visible immediately. The more decorations, the larger it is necessary to "grow" a tree. The wider should be the base.

To prepare:

  • wire (0.7 mm);
  • paint + gilding;
  • gypsum + cup for him;
  • PVA;
  • white paper napkins;
  • tape tape.

DIY jewelry tree

Build a wood frame from a double wire. “Break” each branch several times, then the number of places for things will increase. Tape the result. According to the instructions, dilute the mixture for gypsum, insert the frame into the center of the bowl. When the gypsum dries, soak the napkins in the glue and glue the branches and the trunk with pieces. Break for several hours until it dries. Then paint, apply a gold tone in dents. Dry it. In addition to beads, the tree is suitable for storing earrings and bracelets. Get your treasures from the box, hang on the branches in a convenient manner.

Monetization of the picture

Decorating money is a luxury task. After all, everyone likes them anyway. But if you include imagination, then the financial gift will be presented with a share of elegance.


  • cardboard of 2 types;
  • cork sheet;
  • 15-20 rubles in small coins;
  • PVA;
  • Canz. knife;
  • ruler, pencil.

Coins for decorating paintings

Cut cardboard and balsa wood sheet into one size. Focus on the A4 standard. Glue both parts, put under heaviness, wait a couple of hours. Cut the outline of the tree trunk, stick to the main background. Assort coins into 3 groups: pennies, 10 and 50 kopecks. Rubles come in handy later. Gradually stick one at a time, starting with a larger diameter, forming a beautiful money crown. Stick to a checkerboard layout. Finish under the tree "ruble" grass. Attach the envelope at the back, put the money in, give it to a good friend!

Portraits of sequins and beads

The peculiarity of the canvas is its minimalism. Only two components: a local white background with a sketch of black lines, but it touches the soul.


  • any type of bugle + shiny sequins;
  • glue;
  • polystyrene + wrapper;
  • pencil, scissors, tweezers.

First of all, prepare the canvas on which you will create. Align the edges of the polystyrene foam, paste over it, you can use monophonic wallpaper or with a small vintage hem, the main thing is that they are matte, and not glossy or satin.Further, the most crucial moment.

Picture from beads and sequins

Draw a portrait with wide single lines. Be inspired by your thoughts, see something in open sources, maybe you will get your own version of the famous masterpieces of world artists. And then, along these lines, start gluing beads and sequins, laying them out with tweezers, starting on the left side of the canvas.

His Majesty "Decoupage"

One of the basic techniques of handmade made like a magic wand transforms everything touched by a napkin.

It is necessary:

  • lamp with lampshade;
  • napkins with floral print;
  • wallpaper glue;
  • brush;
  • sponge.

Decoupage in the interiorLampshade decor Vintage design Original design DIY decoupage Lamp design

If the lamp was damaged, then before the operation "decoupage" will have to conduct a quick resuscitation. Putty to close up irregularities, sand. Turn on the lamp, apply another layer, trying to ensure that the coating is without gaps. Dry, go sandpaper.

Paint with a layer of gray paint, apply strokes in one direction. Now is the time of decoupage. Separate the working layer of napkins, iron with an iron, cut out the composition. Lubricate the lampshade liberally with glue, place napkins on it, smoothing it. Work the whole circle. Refine the edges, apply the final adhesive layer. Wait until it dries, decorate the bottom of the lamp with a braid. May the light be with you!

I love needlework and everything connected with it. Especially home-made furnishings are my passion!


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