Do it yourself

We make a panel of dried flowers

Panel of dried flowers

There are many ways to decorate a room. Some use purchased jewelry in the form of paintings, designer photo frames, fashion accessories, and for someone closer do-it-yourself crafts. One of the options for homemade products is a panel of dried flowers. It can be a volumetric composition or a simple interior decor of flat flowers and leaves.

Features of creating paintings

Creating compositions of dried flowers belongs to the decorative style of floristry. This will not require special skills and expensive materials. The raw materials will be gifts of nature that fit on a flat surface. It can be dried plants, seeds, flowers, petals, stabilized moss.

Painting of dried flowers

The process of assembling panels is very simple. Dry plants are laid out on canvas or paper, forming a harmonious composition. For fixing use glue, in some cases double-sided tape. This picture is left to dry. After which it is placed in a frame under glass to extend the service life and to prevent the accumulation of dust on inflorescences. Despite the simplicity of working with dried flowers, the technique of creating panels mistaken has some secrets.

Arrangement with roses Leaflets within Daisies and irises A bouquet with a ribbon Roses of different colors

Methods and rules for drying plants and flowers

Proper preparation of plant materials is one of the main points in the collection of panels. It is necessary to take care that the leaves, individual flowers, bouquets preserve for a long time the natural texture, color, given shape. The duration of preservation of their color depends on the type of plants. Longest will be bright roses, dahlias, asters, peonies. Pansies, nasturtiums, succulents will quickly lose their natural color. It is better to store dried flowers in sealed containers made of glass or metal. Under the influence of sunlight, plants burn out, so they must be kept in a dark place. This rule applies to finished panels.

Drying plants and flowers

Press drying

The easiest way to dry the workpieces is to place them under the press or in a special folder for the herbarium. If there are few decorative elements, they can be dried between the pages of a simple book. In addition, office sheets, tracing paper or rice paper are used. The layers will protect the flowers from contact with printing ink. This method is only suitable for flat jewelry.

First you need to prepare the sheets. Cut the A4 sheet in half and fold it in the form of an envelope.We record the date of drying, the place of find, the type of plant. Cut a leaf or flower, give it the desired shape (bend the stem, make cuts). We put the raw materials in pockets, straighten them and press down a little. We put the envelope in the book, press down the press.

If you need a lot of dried plants, you will have to use a special press. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself. On a large piece of plywood or cardboard we lay out flowers and leaves. It is possible in several layers. Then we cover with a sheet of paper, cardboard and install a press. After 2-3 days, the interlayer must be changed. Before complete drying, depending on the type of plant, it will take 5-20 days.

Drying plants under pressure

Hot express drying

So that during drying the raw materials for the panel do not lose color and do not become dull, it must be subjected to heat treatment. The brightest colors are young plants. Before thorough drying, they must be ironed with the iron, giving the desired shape. The blanks are placed between two sheets and ironed with a hot surface until the moisture evaporates.

Several methods are used for quick drying. One of the simple and effective is the loss of moisture in the microwave. This method is suitable for flowers with a large number of petals (calendula, peony, dahlia). Plants are laid out on a plate, a container of water is placed next to them so that the floral decor does not fade, and a timer is set for 2 minutes. If the petals are not dry, you can scroll them in a hot environment for another 1 minute. The degree of drying must be checked with a toothpick.

Hot drying plants

Drying bouquets

Flowers or leaves are cut along with the stems and collected in bunches. Tie better with strips of dense fabric or twine. Such bouquets are turned down by buds and hung in a dark place. They should not touch any surfaces and each other. So do the single-legged flowers.

Bouquets of spikelets, living field flowers can simply be laid out on paper in the open air. For bright and voluminous buds, a darkened room will be required to completely eliminate their burnout. The drying process may take several days.During this time, the plants will lose moisture and decrease in size.

Drying bouquets

Volume drying

The main advantage of this method is the complete preservation of the appearance of leaves or buds. In some plant species, the natural color is ideally preserved, and the green petals become more saturated and do not wrinkle. Volumetric drying takes place in several stages:

  • Cut buds in dry weather. Carefully separate from the stem with the preservation of 2 cm at the flower head. Insert a small piece of wire into the process;
  • We prepare a container with a loose substance that absorbs moisture. You can use semolina, salt, flour;
  • At the bottom of the box, lay the flowers base down. Carefully fall asleep with a desiccant, separating each petal. Close the lid and send to a dry, warm place;
  • After 3-4 days, you need to check the degree of drying of the plants. For this, the petals are lightly pressed down with the side of the toothpick;
  • If the edges of the flower heads become hard to the touch, they can be removed. Using tweezers, we take out the buds in turn, blow off the remnants of the loose substance;
  • We connect the buds with the stems using wire.

If the container for volumetric drying is large and the lid is not provided for it, it must be placed in a well-ventilated room.

Volumetric drying of plants

Types of flower panels

With the help of wall-mounted compositions of dried flowers, you can decorate not only the interior of the house, but also the office space, the store’s trading floor, and the gazebo on the garden. An art object in technology may be voluminous or flat. The shapes and color of plants are as close as possible to the natural varieties that grow in nature. Some plant material can be replaced with artificial raw materials.

Flower panelFrame with dried rosebuds Burlap composition Chamomile flowers Frame with flowers Butterflies on the buds


To create such paintings, dried buds, bouquets of plants with the preservation of shape are suitable. Flowers and leaves can be fixed on cardboard, burlap. Such works look original and unusual on a flat wall.Volumetric compositions are unique because they are always performed manually.

Volumetric panel from plants

Flower panels can be safely placed in any room of an apartment, a country house without fear that the crafts will be harmful to health, emit harmful substances. All components are mistaken natural, environmentally friendly. Creative surround panel is a great gift. The picture will create a certain image in any room.

Bright flowers Basket with dandelions Purple buds Bird Wooden frame with bright flowers

From pressed dried flowers

Flat applications are the easiest way to create a panel of dried flowers. In addition to inflorescences, seeds, leaves, curved shoots are suitable for paintings. You can lay out absolutely any composition on thick paper. Sometimes plants are laid out on an already prepared base, painted with watercolors, covered with fabric.

Panel of pressed dried flowers

Painting by plants can be very difficult to execute. Some workshops describe creating panels using cut images from leaves. This requires special patterns, a sharp clerical knife and absolute accuracy. Such a fragile pattern is laid with tweezers on the surface and covered with a special film.

Leaflets on a branch Dried flowers on a cut Stalks of grass in a frame Composition of dried flowers on a cut Spikelets and daisies

Choice of the basis for the panel

Compositions of dried flowers are very light and small. They will be located on the wall in an upright position, so they must be firmly attached to the base. For small applications choose thick cardboard. It has excellent adhesion to all adhesives, and lends itself well to paints with any composition.

If the panel will be covered with glass, use plastic or wooden frames. Dense bases can easily withstand the elements that make the composition heavier. Under the influence of the eco-current, many craftsmen use burlap to create wall decorations from dried flowers. The texture of the material allows you to use not only glue, but also threads, wire for fixing flowers.

As the background using various materials. It can be a sect, fabric, paper, leather, a piece of wallpaper.They can be left in a natural color or painted with paints. The base can also be dried leaves. They are laid out on the surface, going on top of each other.

Paper panel base

Examples of decorative panels from dried flowers

Pictures of dried flowers and leaves occupy a special place in the floristic art. A wide variety of natural materials allows you to create original paintings on any topic. Creating unusual panels will not cause trouble. Even novice craftsmen can do decorative crafts on the wall, following the advice and rules of the workshops precisely.

Decorative panel of dried flowersFern leaves in a frame Spikelet composition Twigs and flowers Composition of vegetables Leaflets and buds in a frame

Necessary materials and tools

To create a floral collage, first of all, choose the basis. If this is a simple miniature craft to school or kindergarten, a cardboard sheet of the right color will be enough. For large and complex panels, it is better to use a wooden, plastic base covered with fabric or burlap.

As materials use only natural dried plants. All plant components should be prepared for calculation, processed according to the idea. To work, you will need the following tools:

  • A simple pencil and a sheet of paper to create a sketch;
  • Scissors or a sharp clerical knife;
  • Tweezers for easy layout of dry material;
  • Transparent glue, which after drying will not leave marks;
  • Brushes for paints and adhesive mixtures.


Green leaf paintings

You can create a stylish decor from the simplest green leaves. There are many ideas and workshops on making such an apartment decor. For the panel you will need a large beautiful sheet, A4 photo frame, scissors, double glass.

As the main material, you can use parts of the shoot with pronounced protrusions. It is better if the houseplant is adult and large, then the leaf will be well formed. We find and cut a suitable instance. We bend each leaf at an angle of 45 degrees.Alternately weave them, starting from the bottom. Weaving technique can be used standard or come up with your own style of the future picture. We place the composition between two glasses, remove the stalk and fix it in the frame.

Another original phyto-idea of ​​the green picture is also associated with weaving. To do this, you need a few large leaves. We cut them into wide strips and lay them out on paper overlapping, trying to alternate the type of plants, texture, back and front sides.

Green leaf pattern

Panel in the autumn style

An excellent decoration will be a panel on the autumn theme. Bright, rich colors of the golden pore will create an amazing mood at any time of the year. The main raw materials will be dried yellow leaves of different shades, several small twigs. You will also need a wooden board for the base, stain, black felt-tip pen, glue and brushes.

First, prepare the basis. We process the board with stain and leave to dry for several hours. We draw a large maple leaf on paper, cut out a template and transfer its outlines to a wooden surface. We begin to create a composition.

We lay out even leaves in a fan pattern with a small approach to the neighboring ones and glue it. Press the press for several minutes to take the desired position. At the bottom of the picture, glue a thin twig.

Maple leaf cut out of paper Take cardboard Circle sheet We adjust a shallow seam Cutting to where we prostratedCooking putty Apply Align with the same layer. Overlay cardboard stencil Putty againWe are waiting for it to dry. Remove the stencil Cut the bumps Make bends We apply veinsGrind the edges with sandpaper The workpiece is ready Ground Paint We draw veins

Apply glue to the leaves strictly in the central part. So the tops will remain free, the picture will take on a three-dimensional appearance.

Panel in the autumn style

Panel of corn leaves and autumn flowers

The leaves of the corncob have a strip-grooved structure. Thanks to this feature, they are ideal for creating stunning colors. Natural material perfectly tolerates staining, which allows you to create multi-colored compositions on the plane.

All leaves in the corncob have a different size, density and color. To create a panel, soft leaflets that are under the upper rough coating are suitable.We cut the fresh billet into longitudinal strips, wet each element with water and put it on a napkin. Cover with a piece of cloth. The width of the strip should be selected based on the size of the future flower.

In addition to the main raw materials, for work you will need wire, threads and floral tape. First of all, you need to make a sufficient number of flowers. We turn the strip in half and attach one end of the wire with a loop to it. We twist the corn leaf and fix it with a thread. Spread the petals with your fingers.

On a prepared base we glue flowers from corn leaves in random order, complement them with autumn flowers, dried with preservation of volume. If necessary, nondescript petals can be tinted.

Picking leaves Chopped Twist the wire Fold the sheet in half Put the wire in the centerStart winding from below And to the top Do not touch the top Fasten the bottom with a thread LevelingBud is ready Cooking stalk Wrap with green paper Flower is ready Making the foundation for a big budWrap The foundation is ready Making leaflets Glue it Blanks are readyMaking leaflets of different sizes We attach a small petal to the base Then larger petals Wrap with thread Fasten the larger petalsLeveling Clamp the base And again we wrap the thread And then paper FluffWe wind the trunk to the end Also make other buds We make them of different sizes Preparing the foundation Panel of corn leaves and autumn flowers

Panel - autumn bouquet

There are a lot of options for creating a picture on the theme of autumn bouquet. We take dried flowers as a basis. Suitable plants, dried in the open air in bunches or separately with the preservation of the stems. We will fix the composition on a dense cardboard covered with a yellow knitted fabric.

Any plants may be present in the autumn bouquet. It is better to choose not very voluminous specimens, since it will be inconvenient to place them on a plane in a vase. Spikelets, coniferous branches, cirrus cirrus, lavender-colored muzzle, physalis, and hare tail are suitable. The corners of the frame will be appropriate to decorate with beads or bows.

We collect a loose bouquet of selected plants, tie it with a floral ribbon. We make two holes in the cardboard base, thread a piece of wire through them, and wind the composition with them. We cut out a vase or basket from cardboard or colored paper and glue it on loose stems.

Mural autumn bouquet

Panel of dried roses

To work, you need rose buds. It can be wild, only plucked flowers or open heads cut from a withered bouquet. Separate the flowers from the stems, leaving 3-4 cm. Then cut the leaves.Now all the flowers must be disassembled into separate elements and decompose the petals.

On a prepared basis of cardboard we put a sketch of the future composition, mark the places where new buds will be located. Glue double-sided tape on the notation. Lean the rose petals in a circle on the adhesive strip. We stick each element with an overlap, we form the opened bud.

The arrangement of bulk dried flowers can be any. The alternation of large and small buds or the angular arrangement in ascending order will look good. After all the roses are glued, you can proceed to the decor with sheets. Also, on double-sided tape, glue the green leaves in random order.

Panel of dried roses

Making a dried flower topiary

Making topiary from dried herbs and flowers is very simple. You will need to prepare the material itself, a foam base, a dense and even stick for the barrel. We will place the decor in a pot filled with plaster. As an additional decoration, you can use feathers, sisal, lace.

First, we attach the barrel to the ball in order to minimize pressure on the finished topiary. We sharpen the stick and stick it into the foam. Since the crown will be very light, it is not necessary to drive the trunk deep. Pour gypsum into the pot and place the other end of the trunk, allow to dry. The capacity can be decorated with feathers, sisal, any fabric.

When the basis of the composition is complete, you can begin to manufacture decorative elements. You can wind flowers from dried leaves, use dry bulk buds, supple spikelets, hare tail and other plants. We glue the whole ball with blanks, complement it with a secondary decor.

Necessary materialsFill the plaster and put the sticks Leave to dry Fasten the foam ball Glue the leaves on the ball Dried flower topiary

How to care for herbarium products

The stock of dried flowers, which is waiting for its time, must be properly stored. With proper placement and perfectly created conditions, dried plants can lie for decades. It is necessary to adhere to the following storage recommendations:

  • Keep a box, folder, book with herbs and flowers only in a well-ventilated, dry room;
  • It is necessary to issue samples according to their drying method. Flat ones are stored in a folder, voluminous in a box, bouquets are suspended in the open air;
  • During long-term storage, each instance should be treated with insecticides from insects and other pests once a year;
  • Do not allow moisture to get on dry samples;
  • The storage location or container must be protected from direct sunlight.

Herbarium care


The longest and most important stage in creating a panel is the drying and preparation of the material. The final result will depend on the accuracy of actions and skills. The technique is mistaken by experienced craftsmen to create unimaginable paintings. Dried flowers are suitable not only for floral arrangements, but also for creating landscapes, realistic marine applications in human growth, which directly exude the sound of waves, a falling waterfall. This type of floristic art can rightfully be called jewelry.

I love needlework and everything connected with it. Especially home-made furnishings are my passion!


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