Do it yourself

How to make a paste of flour and water

Cooking paste

Glue is a viscous substance that can glue different materials. Its role is difficult to overestimate. The mixture is used in medicine, industry, construction, and other fields. In everyday life, people use this tool for domestic purposes. And although many are used to the fact that ready-made adhesive materials can be bought, it is unlikely that there will be a person who does not come across a flour paste.

Home-made adhesives are not only cheaper than factory analogues, but also surpass them in quality. The ingredients used in the manufacture are natural and hypoallergenic. These properties allow even small children to work with the substance without fear. The recipe for cooking is quite simple, and all the components will always be found in the kitchen of any thrifty and conscientious housewife.

What is a paste

According to various definitions given in many explanatory dictionaries, paste is an adhesive made from starch or flour. By type of bonding, it refers to a drying subspecies. This is a perishable product that cannot be stored for a long time. It quickly acidifies, which manifests itself in an unpleasant odor, suitable for use within one day. The density of the composition depends on the bonded materials.

It is difficult to say who and when first invented this type of glue. However, according to historians, the first adhesives were cooked back in the Neolithic, using animal bones and tendons for these purposes. They became the prototype for bone, fish, plant, and other natural adhesives. Perhaps the flour, starchy composition was used by ancient civilizations, but records of this have not been preserved.

Flour paste

Homemade adhesive is simply indispensable for domestic needs. With it, you can perform repairs, use it to create crafts, to solve many other problems. The technology for preparing glue is simple. It can be made in several ways, it all depends on the components used. To work, you need water, flour or starch, an enameled container, a spoon for mixing.

Advantages and disadvantages

Flour paste is popular among builders, gardeners, creative people. This is a reliable tool that has many advantages. An environmentally friendly product made from natural raw materials is completely harmless to health, does not cause allergies, does not irritate the skin. The main advantages of this substance include:

  • Low cost. This is the cheapest type of glue. It allows you to save on the purchase of finished compounds, in many ways surpasses them.
  • Wide range of applications.It is used in construction, needlework, children's creativity.
  • Easy cooking. Anyone can make glue with their own hands.
  • It leaves no residue on the surface.
  • Practical and easy to use.
  • Strongly sticks together some types of materials, well adheres to many surfaces.
  • Easy to remove. To remove the glued wallpaper, it is necessary to moisten the walls with water, the coating itself will go away.

Casserole in the pan

Among the main disadvantages are:

  • Poor water resistance. To increase this indicator, at least 5% of the total PVA can be added to the composition.
  • The product is a breeding ground for bacteria and microorganisms. To eliminate the deficiency in the cooking process, you can add copper sulfate.
  • Limited shelf life. It is recommended to brew paste in small quantities.
  • Spent cooking time. Most purchased counterparts can be applied immediately.

Where applicable

Homemade glue, cooked from flour mixed with water, is used for different purposes. It is used by librarians, chemists, agronomists and gardeners, employees of children's institutions. Among the most famous areas of application can be identified:

For domestic needs:

  • Repair work. Using natural mass, they glue the wallpaper on the walls, paste over the windows, primed the surface for decoration.
  • Gardening. For uniform planting of seeds on the beds they are glued to toilet paper.
  • Children's creativity and needlework. The harmless and hypoallergenic composition perfectly replaces glue, even the smallest children can work with it. Papier-mâché crafts and other paper products are made from it, used for scrapbooking, and fabric compositions are created.

In professional activity:

  • Librarians use a paste to glue books, use it to perform bookbinding.
  • Chemists are used as an indicator.
  • Kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers use this material in classes that educate children in perseverance, concentration, developing thinking, fine motor skills of hands.
  • Theatrical workers use paper objects to decorate the stage, make props.
  • Designers use the substance to hold together various decorative elements.

Paste application

Methods and rules of preparation

Home paste is not inferior in characteristics to purchased formulations for gluing paper and other materials. It is used both for fixing details of small crafts, and during large-scale construction work. Safety, complete availability of ingredients, ease of preparation make the flour-based mixture popular and in demand. There are many ways to make a paste. Choosing the right recipe should be based on the purpose of the glue and the characteristics of the fastened surfaces.

Cooking paste

From flour to wallpaper

For cooking, you only need flour and water. The resulting mixture is suitable for thin ordinary paper canvases and for dense vinyl. The only thing necessary is to adjust its density during the cooking process. It is better to prepare the wallpaper mass from flour of the second grade, since it contains more gluten, which improves its characteristics.

Even a child can learn how to cook a simple paste. Water is poured into the container based on the amount of the mixture and heated on a stove. After boiling, pour flour into the center of the bowl, constantly stirring. The amount of the main ingredient is not calculated in advance; it is easier to add to the eye.

Cooking flour paste

The mass for simple wallpapers should consist in consistency with liquid sour cream. For heavy sheets of flour, it is better to add more and thicken as much as possible. It is necessary to use a paste while it is warm, as it gradually cools, it loses its properties.

It is not recommended to make a paste on rye flour, it will acquire a dark shade and can be seen through wallpaper.

From starch

Such a paste is prepared if a transparent paste is needed for gluing, which will not leave stains. The technology for preparing an economical composition is not much different from a flour mixture. Starch is sieved in enameled dishes, poured with a portion of cold water, stirred.Then add a portion of boiling water without stopping the agitation. Cook starch paste to the desired density, breaking all the lumps.

A self-made starch mass has both advantages and disadvantages. It quickly sets, securely fastening even heavy materials, leaves no spots and does not turn yellow. When removing dried glue, simply moisten it with warm water. The most pleasant consistency is given by corn starch. Rice and potato product is worse, which affects transparency.

Starch paste

The disadvantages of starch mixtures include a short shelf life. 5-6 hours after preparation, an unpleasant odor appears. Even in the refrigerator, it can stand without loss of quality for no more than a day.

For papier mache

A popular technique for making paper crafts involves sequentially pasting a mold with a material soaked in glue. To create a high-quality figure, you need a lot of adhesive mixture, so it is convenient and profitable to do it yourself with cheap and affordable materials.

A papier-mâché paste is made from flour, hot water and salt. The main ingredient can be replaced with starch, but then it will have to be brewed in small portions. The process will be unjustified if it is necessary to create a large craft.

Cooking paste

The proportions of the ingredients must be selected taking into account the density and type of paper. For newspapers and readily absorbent materials, a ratio of 5 parts of water - 1 part of flour - 1 teaspoon of salt is suitable. Magazine sheets and cardboard are softened and fixed with a mixture of wood glue or PVA.

To make papier-mâché crafts shiny, vanilla and sugar can be added to the paste.

DIY dextrin paste

On the basis of dextrin, high-quality glue is obtained, which perfectly fastens thick paper with any coating, leather, fabric, wood, plastic. The substance is obtained from starch by its cleavage.Dextrin powder is faster and better soluble in water, an adhesive mass based on it is easy to make at home. To prepare the paste correctly, you must adhere to the following conditions of the recipe:

  1. Pour the starch onto a baking sheet and place in the oven;
  2. We set the heating temperature to 160 ° C and leave the powder for 2 hours;
  3. After a while, we get already yellow dextrin and cool at room temperature;
  4. Mix the substance with boiling water in equal parts;
  5. Continuously mix until completely dissolved.

Bowl starch

The resulting mixture must be used immediately after preparation, as it thickens very quickly. If its use should be postponed, during cooking, increase the amount of liquid and add a few drops of glycerin. You can store the dextrin mixture in the refrigerator in an airtight, tight package that excludes contact with oxygen.

PVA Adhesive Cluster

PVA glue, as an independent composition, is a very effective adhesive material. Sometimes its consistency is made less by adding water. In this case, the quality characteristics are reduced. If it is necessary to obtain a measure of liquid mass and preserve all the initial properties, PVA is added to the familiar flour paste. This will help reduce the adhesion of the pure product.

Recommended proportions for preparing a small portion of paste - 100 g flour, half a liter of water, 2 tablespoons of PVA. Add flour to boiling water, cook and knead the mixture for 5 minutes. After complete cooling, add PVA, shake.

PVA glue

The additive can be added to both flour and starch ready paste. The mixture becomes suitable for gluing heavy non-woven wallpaper, textile, wood. A mass with PVA will be stronger, maintain transparency.

Wood glue paste

Based on the scope of the mixture, various additional substances are added to it. An ideal option for enhancing fixing qualities is carpentry glue.We must not forget about the color of the surfaces, as the material for the wood will give the sticky mass a dark shade.

Animal glue is added to the mass for priming the walls under heavy wallpaper, or to tightly fix the old paint on the panels, which is difficult to clean. The proportions in this case are selected 1: 1. Water adjusted to the desired density. For gluing surfaces with lincrust or other materials on a fabric, plastic basis, the mixture is prepared from 2 parts of flour and 1 part of wood glue.

Wood glue


Due to the availability of ingredients, paste will always be popular. The grain-based welded mass perfectly attaches paper, plywood, plastic and even fiberboard. By adding silicate glue or PVA to the recipe, you can get a mixture for firmly fixing fabric, cellulose webs. The only drawback of the paste is the possibility of damage by fungus and microorganisms due to the edibility of dextrin fibers. Additives of copper sulfate and other metal salts will help to solve the problem.

I love needlework and everything connected with it. Especially home-made furnishings are my passion!


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