
LED lighting for the kitchen under the cabinets: selection and installation

Kitchen lighting

Artificial light is the most important element in equipping any room. Long gone are the days when the whole room was lit by a single lamp under the ceiling. In modern times, functional and decorative lighting for the kitchen and other places in the apartment is used everywhere.

Features of lighting, kitchen lighting

Correctly placed light sources can reduce the load on the eyes, calm the nerves, and the use of colored light bulbs - to cheer up. The main design principle is bright illumination of the working area, warmer, soft light - in the dining room. The central ceiling chandelier is often not very functional, since the center of the room, except for options with an island, is not busy with anything.

Kitchen decorative light has a number of features:

  • mounted in each logical zone;
  • allows you to highlight all the necessary places;
  • significantly saves money;
  • creates extraordinary comfort;
  • Looks beautiful, stylish.

It is recommended to place lighting devices so that during cooking, eating, they do not blind, but at the same time adequately illuminate the right place.

Kitchen lighting

Varieties of lighting

There are many options for lighting the kitchen, the installation of most appliances should be planned at the beginning of the repair, when the electrical panel is just about to be assembled, the cable is pulled, switches, sockets are installed. In the room where the repair work is completed, it is problematic to do this - the wires will have to be pulled in cable channels that will not decorate every interior.

What light sources are used in the kitchen:

  • Incandescent lamps are cheap, very common, but not economical, since most of the energy they spend is not on light radiation, but on heating the bulb. Such devices consist of a cap, a tungsten filament, a transparent bulb. Available in different sizes, capacities, will last up to 1000 hours;
  • Luminescent - consume a small amount of electricity (five times less than incandescent bulbs, but two times more than LEDs), are relatively expensive. The device itself is a gas-discharge light source containing mercury vapors through which an electric charge passes. Visible lighting is obtained due to the phosphor, the operating time is about 9000 hours;
  • halogen - in structure resembles incandescent bulbs, but the tungsten filament is hidden in a special flask filled with a buffer gas consisting of iodine and bromine vapors. The size of the item is slightly smaller than that of a "simple" light bulb, the service life is up to 3000 hours;
  • energy-saving - they include LED, fluorescent lamps;
  • spotlights are the most economical, consume six to seven times less energy than incandescent lamps, do not heat up, last about 40,000 hours, but cost significantly more than any others;
  • LED panels - such devices are LED, they usually illuminate large rooms, are built into niches, suspended ceilings, etc. The body of the product consists of an aluminum alloy with LED lamps inside. The design works from the power supply, which is included in the outlet.

For even greater energy savings, ease of use, many devices are equipped with motion sensors, light levels, etc.


LED lights in the kitchen

LED backlight advantages

LED backlighting has several advantages:

  • consumes very little electricity;
  • does not produce infrared, ultraviolet rays;
  • gives a uniform light stream;
  • serves as long as possible;
  • suitable for general and local lighting;
  • works without problems in conditions of temperature changes, vibration;
  • there is the possibility of controlling, regulating the intensity of lighting and the color of the light flux;
  • You can create a directional stream of light.

LED lighting is in the form of individual spotlights, LED strip, light box, panel, false windows.

LED backlight in the kitchen

Ways, places of illumination

The main ways to highlight the kitchen working, dining area are just four:

  • built-in or external luminescent;
  • in the form of tubes, LED strips;
  • a variety of spotlights;
  • combined.

Mounted light sources in various places:

  • on the ceiling, including multi-level;
  • above, below the walls - around the perimeter of the room;
  • outside of furniture;
  • into the inside of the headset (cabinets, drawers, wall lockers);
  • along the edge of the countertop;
  • along the kitchen apron;
  • at the bar;
  • in the base of the headset;
  • along the perimeter of the kitchen podium (if any);
  • in niches, arches, on columns;
  • near paintings, floor vases, potted plants, sculptures, etc.

To control the kitchen light, touch switches are used, remote control panels are connected. Bulbs are popular, the color of which is easy to change from warm to cold and vice versa.

Since diode lamps, tapes are available in various capacities, they are used as the main or secondary light source.

Illumination of kitchen furniture

Lighting inside cabinets, drawers

The light inside the hanging cabinets helps you quickly find the right item inside them. The illumination placed in the glazed sections decorates the kitchen room, it is often done in color, focuses on the decor items located there. A small lamp is placed behind the doors of the “deaf” facades, equipped with a special sensor that turns it on when the cabinet is opened and the drawer is pulled out. The principle of operation of the element is approximately the same as that of a bulb that lights up inside the refrigerator.

If there are sections for storage inside the kitchen corner sofa, the lamps are mounted even inside it.

Lighting Inside Kitchen Cabinets

Illumination of countertops, apron

The working surface, located under the wall cabinets, open shelves, is usually fully illuminated, less often - each section is turned on separately. The sink and hob are illuminated without fail. The last one is highlighted by a lamp located inside the hood. The luminaire located above the sink must be well protected from water.

Diode tape is often mounted at the junction of the bottom of the hanging shelves, cabinets, and kitchen apron. It is permissible to place the lamps and closer to the outer edge of the cabinets, in its center, as well as in a checkerboard pattern.Sometimes LEDs are placed under the surface of a translucent apron made of frosted glass. Such light should not be made excessively bright.

Countertop lighting

Cabinet lighting

The external illumination of the headset is mounted at the bottom of the pedestals, creating the effect of "soaring" furniture. Luminaires on long “legs” look good, mounted above the upper cabinets - on the wall or the furniture itself. This option is especially interesting if the facades are decorated with carvings, stickers, have an interesting texture. It is better to install built-in lights here - they look neat, but you will have to cut holes of appropriate sizes. In the combined space of the kitchen-living room, kitchen-hallway, a rack, a table, a bar counter, any other design dividing the room are highlighted.

In the presence of transparent hinged shelves of glass, the LED strip on them is attached around the perimeter.

Outdoor lighting for kitchen cabinets

Illumination of paintings, other design objects

Lamps located near paintings, bas-reliefs, mirrors, wall planters, etc., are made elegant, representing a separate piece of decor or almost invisible, so as not to distract attention from the design object. An element such as a false fireplace is illuminated from the inside by a hidden backlight that simulates fire.

Aquariums, cornices, outdoor sculptures are illuminated separately. Light boxes with a picture depicted on them are often built into niches - such a decorative element usually mimics a window with a landscape located behind it. When beautiful murals are located on one of the completely free walls, they are illuminated from above or around the perimeter.

Illumination of pictures in the kitchen

Bar Lighting

The bar counter is illuminated along the basement, if any, along the bottom of the countertop. Two or more lamps are placed above the structure on long shoelaces or spots - the longer the stand, the more lamps will be required. There are also special elongated chandeliers.Devices are selected with adjustable brightness to create both a business and a romantic atmosphere. If there are shelves above the structure, it is also acceptable to highlight them.

Experts advise to separate the bar area from the rest of the space, regardless of whether it will be for food or drink or cooking. The width of the standard rack is small, because a few lamps that give a light spot with a diameter of one meter will be enough. Spotlights, spot lamps are very convenient for lighting this place. Fantastic perforated plafonds look original, casting curly shadows.

Bar Lighting

Tiered ceiling lighting

A ceiling with two or more levels is highlighted with a tape running along its perimeter, spotlights (open lighting) located on one or more levels. Also used are ceiling sconces, skylights, neon lamps. Most often, hidden lighting is used - it looks aesthetically pleasing, mounted along each side of the ceiling structure.

The most interesting is the fully luminous stretch ceiling. For its manufacture, a translucent fabric, a film are used, LEDs are mounted between the concrete and the tension surface. The creation of a “soaring” ceiling should be thought in advance - it will be necessary to fulfill special narrow niches, gaps from which light will pour.

Multi-level ceiling lighting in the kitchen

How to choose an LED strip

Independent choice, installation of a strip of LEDs usually does not cause difficulties. The cost of this item is relatively low, and the variety of colors is huge. Some options are equipped with a silicone case that protects against moisture. The fastening of such objects is preferably done on a metal base. When buying pay attention to the marking, color, brightness of the light flux.

LED Strip Light

Ribbon Classification

Diode illumination usually consists of SMD LEDs, which vary in:

  • type of emitted light - monochrome, full color;
  • the number of crystals - from one to four;
  • size - the smallest 1.06 by 0.8 mm, large - 5.0 by 5.0 mm.

For different types of lighting, different types of light elements are purchased. 50 to 50 SMD tape with three-chip diodes, mounted in the dining room, work area, creating a bright, even light. To create a decorative highlight, use a single-chip tape 35 by 28.

LED strip LED is a certain number of small diodes that are located on the same plane. Products differ in the number of LEDs per meter - 30, 60, 120, 240 pieces. The level of brightness of light, as well as energy consumption, depends on the total number of diodes. There are differences in the degree of protection against moisture:

  • IP20, IP33 - are not protected from humidity at all, therefore they are not recommended for kitchen rooms;
  • IP65 - has an average degree of protection, as it is filled with silicone on top, suitable for use in the kitchen;
  • IP68 - maximum moisture resistance, suitable even for illuminating the bathroom, pool, as silicone is protected on both sides.

The most expensive, powerful, beautiful backlight is marked WRGB, has a full color spectrum.

Color LEDs

Power supply selection

LED lighting refers to low voltage, so you need to use a power supply that lowers the transformer. Usually 12V is supplied to such a product, less often - 24V. To calculate which transformer is needed, look at the instructions that came with the tape. It describes the power consumed by the product per linear meter. The required length of the item is multiplied by the design capacity, about 25% is added "in reserve".

A dimmer, that is, a control unit, is selected in the same way, but taking into account the current. The instructions find how many milliamps are spent per linear meter, multiplied by the length of the tape, plus 20-30% of the margin. It is important to know that the length of the tape should not exceed five meters.If more is required, connect one or more tapes, attaching them in parallel.

Power Supply

LED backlight wiring diagram

After buying the led-tape that complements it, it's time to think about connecting. To do this, use the so-called drivers - current converters from 220V to 12V. It is important to observe the polarity of the wires when connecting, bending the tape at an angle less than 90 degrees is prohibited. They cut the object solely according to the marked markings, the minimum step is five cm. A piece of LED strip more than five meters long is not connected to one driver - it will not be enough.

On the Internet it is easy to find three main connection schemes:

  • for one led tape;
  • for parallel connection of two led strips;
  • for parallel connection of power supplies and led-tapes.

To make the scheme yourself, draw a plan for the placement of drivers and the tapes themselves, installation is carried out in accordance with this figure.

LED backlight wiring diagram

Self-assembly of LED strips: methods, tools, materials

It is easy to mount the LED strip with your own hands. If you plan to install the mortise, you may need the following tools:

  • voltage indicator;
  • sharp knife;
  • side cutter;
  • soldering iron;
  • screwdriver;
  • milling cutter;
  • heat shrink;
  • rosin;
  • solder.

After the connection diagram is developed, the product is checked for operability, the desired piece is cut from the coil, aluminum profile. Next, check the voltage level. The driver is powered on the network, hidden inside the furniture, strobe, narrow niche, but if the device has a beautiful, reliable protective case, it is left in sight. Wires are connected to tags with the corresponding icons - plus, zero, ground. They should be fixed as securely as possible to exclude the possibility of electric shock. Connecting RGB tapes has the only difference - the controller, which is needed to control the color, brightness of the device.The device has four conductors, three of which control one of the colors - red, green or blue.

The open version is a little easier. To fix the tape on any part of the furniture, you will need only double-sided tape of suitable width. To connect such devices to the mains, special drivers are purchased in the hardware and electronics store. It is advisable to stick the tape in places where it is least susceptible to contamination - in order to wash it properly, it will have to be removed. Sometimes special protective boxes are used.

Warm light sources are usually installed in classic, ethnic interiors. Cold options are appropriate in the styles of hi-tech, minimalism, futurism, etc.

LED strip mounting


The backlight for the kitchen not only allows you to use the room with maximum comfort, but also decorates it. It is important to choose such fixtures that best match the style of the existing kitchen interior. To install suitable lighting fixtures, other elements in the kitchen, if you have the skills of an electrician, you can do it yourself, but it is better to contact professionals.

I love needlework and everything connected with it. Especially home-made furnishings are my passion!


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