
How many meters in one roll of wallpaper

How many meters in a roll of wallpaper

Wallpaper is one of the most popular materials for wall decoration in residential premises. With proper use, they allow you to create both a stylish and comfortable space. At first glance, wallpapering the walls is simple. And indeed, this does not require special education and training. However, one can’t do without certain knowledge. Otherwise, unexpected surprises may appear during the installation process. And first of all, you need to decide which wallpaper and in what quantity is best suited for a particular room. To answer these questions, you need to deal with the varieties of material, calculate - what area can be covered with one roll. You will need parameters such as width, length of the finished canvas and the dimensions of the room. Having found out how many meters in a roll of wallpaper, it will be possible to determine the required amount of material.

Wallpaper classification and size

The choice of a particular type of wallpaper depends on the place of their application and on the financial capabilities of the buyer. Consider the main options:

  • paper - single-layer or two-layer canvases having a smooth or corrugated front side with or without an image. Their relative advantage is low cost. In fact, they become unusable much faster, since they are not sufficiently resistant to mechanical stress, the influence of moisture and light. Such wallpaper is difficult to stick evenly, they often have to be changed. Therefore, the savings in their purchase are not justified. The width of such products is most often equal to 53 cm. There are also paper wallpapers, which serve as the basis for painting. Their width can be 106 cm;
  • vinyl - represented by foamed or heavy vinyl, silk-screen printing, flat-vinyl, artificial leather. Available in sizes 53 and 106 cm. The lower layer can be paper or non-woven. Top - vinyl protects the walls from moisture and the appearance of fungus;
  • textile - duplex, the top layer of which is made of fabric - velveteen, felt, velor, and paper or fabric is taken as the basis;
  • metal - are made of thin sheet metal, which is glued to a paper base, and then embossed. They have vapor impermeability, so they are not suitable for surfaces that are not able to absorb moisture;
  • cork - consist of a paper base and the thinnest face layer of natural cork. Such wallpapers are breathable environmentally friendly material. They do not electrify or magnetize dust.

Wallpaper classification


The most common wallpaper with the following width options:

  1. 53 cm - they are usually called half-meter. Products of this size are in the range of any manufacturer, it is considered the most traditional, popular and popular.
  2. 106 cm - wide "meter" wallpaper. They greatly facilitate the gluing process and allow you to create a coating with a minimum number of seams. They usually have a non-woven base.
  3. 70 cm is a popular size of European origin. As a rule, this width is found in imported products.

Red wallpaper


The length of the wallpaper is even simpler. Here you can highlight one main standard and a couple of additional ones. Most often, the length of the roll is 10.05 m. Nevertheless, in the wallpaper for painting at 53 cm the footage will be 15 m, and at 106 cm - 25 m.

Wallpaper for sticking walls

Square Meters - Area

To calculate how many squares are in a roll, you need to multiply its width by the number of linear meters. As a result, we obtain the following results:

  • with a roll width of 53 cm and a web length of 10.05 m, the area is approximately 5.3 m2;
  • with the same width and length of 15 m - the footage will be 7.95 m2;
  • with a width of 106 and a length of 25 m - 25 m2.

How many squares are in a roll

Designation on a roll

As a rule, when choosing a wallpaper, the main attention is paid to their obvious characteristics - color, prints, texture, material of manufacture. The appearance of the finish plays a leading role, as it affects the design of the room. In addition, there is an impressive list of equally important parameters that also need to be taken into account. In order to indicate certain characteristics, manufacturers use special markings. Understanding these icons is easy. With their help indicate:

  • resistance of wallpaper to ultraviolet radiation, moisture, detergents;
  • adhesive application method - on a wall or on a canvas;
  • the location of the wallpaper on the wall, the way of joining the paintings and fitting the picture;
  • the ability of the material to dismantle;
  • information on the additional benefits of wall covering.

Designation on a roll

Light fastness

Resistance to ultraviolet radiation is the main parameter that should be taken into account by the inhabitants of rooms located on the sunny side. To designate it, use the icon in the form of a sun. Prolonged exposure to bright rays will inevitably lead to fading of colors, the appearance of yellowness. Therefore, the wallpaper for such a room should have a maximum degree of light fastness. For rooms where the sun is not such a frequent visitor, a finish with less pronounced light-shielding properties is suitable. There are several levels, each of which corresponds to the degree of resistance of wallpaper to burnout:

  • moderate - half of the sun - the finish recommended for darkened rooms, quickly fades, loses its original color;
  • relative - the wallpaper is partially UV resistant, designed for use in rooms on the north side;
  • lightfast - the finish is suitable for use on the sunny side;
  • a very high level of light fastness - paints remain bright for a long time under prolonged exposure to rays;
  • the highest degree of sun protection - the colors remain intact throughout the entire period of operation, despite the prolonged exposure to the sun.

Do you want the paint on the wallpaper to not fade soon after the repair? Choose the type of material that will suit the characteristics of the room.

Lightfastness of wallpaper

Moisture resistance

Resistance to moisture is an equally important quality of finishing paintings for walls. Waves are used to indicate the degree of moisture resistance. The more of them, the higher the level of protection. If the picture, in addition to the wave, includes a brush, you can not only wash the wallpaper, but also clean it. It is very important to understand how the material behaves during contact with glue, water. If there is no protection, be prepared for excessive soaking during installation. Handle such wallpaper very carefully. There is always a danger of damaging the surface layer of the material, spoiling its appearance.A similar finish is a super budget option. But its inability to tolerate moisture can result in over-planned expenses for the restoration of individual sections of the coating or its complete replacement.

You can use such wallpapers only in dry rooms. In the kitchen and bathroom they are completely inappropriate. This requires thorough protection, which will make it possible to carry out wet processing, using detergents and cleaners.

To wallpaper served you faithfully for many years, you need:

  • select them taking into account the degree of humidity of the repaired premises;
  • care for the coating in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

Moisture resistance of wall-paper

Sticking method

Different types of wallpaper require a special, individual approach to the process of gluing them. There are various techniques for mounting paintings, which also have their own marking. Before applying the adhesive, make sure that you have chosen the correct technique for fixing the coating. There are several ways to paste the material on the walls:

  • Wallpaper remains dry, and glue is evenly distributed on the pasted surface. The composition should be applied to the part of the wall corresponding to the size of the strip. It’s pointless to immediately process a large area - while you are gluing one canvas, the remaining areas will have time to dry.

Have to grease the wall again, wasting material;

  • glue is applied only to the wallpaper. In case you are dealing with unprimed walls and the adhesion is not high enough, it is worth noting only the strip, but also the surface of the wall;
  • decoration with self-adhesive wallpaper. In order to fix this coating on the wall, it is enough to wet it with a damp sponge or rag;
  • installation with special glue.

The method of wallpapering

Pattern Fit

There is no difficulty in sticking plain or wallpaper without a pronounced pattern. Cloths are joined randomly, which avoids unnecessary waste of material.It is quite another thing to dock the stripes with a pattern so that the individual elements merge into a single composition. The different wall heights in the apartments do not allow mass production of wallpapers that do not need to be customized. Therefore, in order to match the pattern, it is necessary to cut off a certain part of each new strip. Manufacturers take care of consumers and put a marking, which displays the step of the picture and the height by which each canvas needs to be shifted. There are various ways to dock a material:

  • without joining - the paintings are arranged in a row without combining the pattern - relevant for plain smooth and textured wallpapers;
  • at one level - the element of the pattern is combined at the same height with the neighboring one;
  • with step displacement - the pattern is shifted by half the height of the adjacent one - a number indicating the height of the rapport is marked on the marking.

There is a so-called inconspicuous joining method, in which sheets of wallpaper are overlapped by 40-60 mm, after which the excess is cut off with a knife.

Wallpaper customization

Resistance to cleaning and washing

Wall-paper differently transfers influence with detergents and accessories for cleaning. The following types of material are distinguished by the degree of resistance to washing and cleaning:

  • designed only for dry cleaning - they do not tolerate moisture, it is recommended to use a soft brush to remove dirt;
  • wear-resistant - cleaning can be done with a damp sponge or brush;
  • moisture resistant - it is allowed to use in rooms with high humidity. Short-term contact with a wet towel or sponge will not damage such wallpaper, but intensive washing is contraindicated;
  • Washable - the material tolerates the effects of water in combination with inactive detergents;
  • superwashing - it is supposed to use any means for washing and cleaning, including aggressive ones. Most relevant for use in the kitchen.It is possible to remove fatty contaminations from such wallpapers in a quality and safe manner, and most importantly, without consequences for the integrity of the finish;
  • friction resistant - intensive cleaning with detergents and a brush is allowed.

Resistance to cleaning and washing

Sticking direction

In this case, the marking signals the method of placing the paintings on the wall. One arrow indicates that the wallpaper should be placed strictly in one direction. Oncoming arrows indicate that each subsequent lane needs to be turned 180 °. Another marking encountered is three arrows looking in one direction. Strips with this method of gluing are located strictly in a given direction.

Wallpaper Direction


The designations on the wallpaper help not only to choose the right cover and stick it, but also subsequently easy to remove. The dismantling technology depends on the quality of the paintings and the material of manufacture.

Options for signs informing about how to remove wallpaper from the walls:

  1. Complete removal - sheets are removed entirely without effort and the use of additional funds.
  2. Partial removal - removed using a scraper and wetting with water.
  3. Removal after wetting - before you try to tear off the strip, you need to thoroughly wet it.

Wallpaper dismantling

How to calculate the required number of rolls

So, all the nuances of a variety of wallpapers are listed, it is the turn of calculations. To find out how many rolls will be needed for repair, it is necessary to calculate the perimeter of the room, its height, and calculate based on the length and width of the panels. Do not forget about the height of the room, the size of the rapport, the displacement step, the allowances for the bottom and top. For calculations, you can resort to the following tools:

  • Interactive calculator - an online program in which data is entered online. It is recommended to give preference to more complex meters, which use the maximum number of room and material characteristics for calculations.When choosing a program, pay attention to the units of measurement that it uses - they must be the same for all parameters - m, cm or mm. This is the only way to count on the correct processing of the specified data;
  • special reference tables - they show the results of calculations in accordance with the parameters of the rolls and the dimensions of the room. The tables do not take into account the rapport of wallpapers, therefore, the height characteristic must be adjusted taking this parameter into account, increase in wall curvature and allowances;
    If you do not trust ready-made tools, calculations can be done manually. Use the following algorithm:
  • we learn the perimeter of the room, having previously measured the width of each of the walls;
  • determine the height of the canvases + margin for allowances, rapport and pattern displacement;
  • calculate the number of cuts from one roll - divide its length by the height of the strip;
  • we find out how many cuts are needed - we multiply the perimeter of the room by the width of the wallpaper;
  • we consider the required number of rolls - the number of strips is divided by the number of cuts from one roll. Data is rounded up.

How to calculate the required number of rolls

How to find out the area of ​​a room

You can calculate the required number of rolls in another way - by the area of ​​the room. Determine the total area:

  • walls (when calculating, do not forget about rapport, displacement and allowances);
  • window and doorways.

The difference between the first and second indicators will be the area for pasting. Divide this value by
roll area and get the desired value.

How to find out the area of ​​a room


When buying wallpapers there is always a risk of miscalculation. Our tips will help you acquire the required amount of material and not make extra expenses.

I love needlework and everything connected with it. Especially home-made furnishings are my passion!


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