
Floor on the balcony of what to do

Floor on the balcony

Many people use a balcony for storage of necessary, and sometimes unclaimed things. At the same time, they rarely think about how to ennoble this place. The design of the site begins with the plan, choosing the appropriate style, drawing up a scheme, selecting materials for wall decoration and flooring. One of the most important operations is arranging the floor on the balcony, leveling its surface, laying tiles, linoleum, and other building materials.

Having decided on repair, the first thing is to determine the condition of the remote structure. For old houses, the terrace is a weak point, as precipitation constantly falls on concrete, which leads to its destruction. In this case, it is required to carefully and carefully treat the additional loads that may appear during the construction process, to maximize the strengthening of the object in question.

Features of the floors on the balcony

The balcony slab is connected to the load-bearing wall of the building only on one side, less often on the two (corner designs), the rest of it is not fixed by anything. This situation makes the site very limited to loads, which affects the choice of finishes, materials for flooring. Overhaul requires a detailed study of the state of the platform. It is impossible to perform such work without special engineering skills.

The choice of the leveling method, as well as the topcoat, depends not only on the intention of the homeowners, but also on the specifics of the architectural element, especially its operation. If it is permissible for the loggia to level the floors with an ordinary screed, then on the balcony such a foundation will create a huge load, so before carrying out this kind of work, not only repair of the slab will be required, but also its strengthening. Also, when leveling the floor, certain rules must be observed:

Laying the floor on the balcony

  • It is unacceptable to apply a thick layer of screed, as well as laying cement mortar on top of the old coating;
  • When leveling by wet method, it is necessary to prevent possible leakage of the solution;
  • On an unglazed balcony, a slight slope of the slab to 5 ° should be provided to ensure water flow;
  • For open structures, it is better to use frost-resistant linoleum or ceramic tiles as the final flooring;
  • In glazed rooms, a wooden frame is often used, covered with parquet, laminate, and other materials.

The minimum screed layer is 2-2.5 cm, with the addition of waterproofing it will increase to 3.5 cm, and if a heat-insulating layer is provided, its thickness will be 5 cm (a platform 2 m long, 1 m wide will increase its weight by 250 kg). Given such loads, without the involvement of specialists, it is simply dangerous to do the work yourself.

Types of screeds, their features and DIY manufacturing technology

There are several ways in which you can level the floor. In some cases, it is enough to redecorate the slab, and sometimes you just can not do without applying cement mortar or installing wooden logs. Work always starts with preparing the surface, checking it for cracks, potholes. Particular attention must be paid to the contact line of the slab with the supporting wall of the structure.

Floor repair on the balcony

For open balconies that are not protected from temperature extremes, precipitation, a coating with frost-resistant characteristics, resistant to moisture, is required. For glazed structures protected from wind, rain, snow, the requirements for screed are much softer. Here you can use the entire list, which includes such types of alignment as:

  • wet screed;
  • self-leveling (bulk floor);
  • dry
  • semi-dry;
  • on adjustable lags.

Regardless of the degree of security of the balcony, any design requires a layer of waterproofing, which can be done by installing roll material, applying a special primer, coating compounds to the concrete surface. Such protection will not allow to pass, absorb moisture. It is not always advisable to install a thermal insulation layer for non-glazed rooms, unlike closed terraces, which does not make sense to glaze without such an addition.

Wet screed - advantages, disadvantages and casting technology

This method is chosen if it is necessary to level the base, to give it the required slope, while rarely the task is to warm the room, raise the floor level. For a platform with slight damage and differences not exceeding 3 cm, a bulk floor can be used, the elimination of significant defects and irregularities is carried out by applying a layer of cement-sand mortar, the thickness of which should be within 3-5 cm, if the layer is thinner, the screed can crack, a thick layer will lead to overload.

Wet screed

Smoothing the surface with a wet screed is one of the simplest and most cost-effective methods. The disadvantages of the coating include a large weight, which not all balcony ceilings can withstand, as well as a long mortar drying time (10-14 days).

The step-by-step process of applying a wet screed is as follows:

  1. The first stage of work will be the preparation of the foundation. We clean it from exfoliating parts of the material, sagging, then close the cracks. If the plate is already covered with a screed that is unsuitable for use, we dismantle it, carefully knock it down with a perforator. After that, the surface is cleaned of debris, dust, degreased.
  2. The next step will be the application of a layer of waterproofing mixture, mastic, film, which should protrude at the edges by at least 10 cm up. For open balconies, a thermal insulation layer is not needed, but for glazed structures it is simply necessary. Therefore, the next step will be the installation of thermal insulation. To do this, you can use solid sheet products, such as foam, polyurethane or bulk - expanded clay, slag. The thickness of the reservoir should be at least 5 cm.
  3. Some owners who prefer to comfortably use this room in the winter season install a warm floor system. For a wet screed, this design can be performed in two ways: water, electric.For the first version, the water circuit tubes are located directly in the screed, for the second - under the floor covering, on top of the screed.
  4. Having decided on one or another version of the insulation, underfloor heating, we proceed to the next step, the installation of a reinforcing mesh. It is better to give preference to it, and not to reinforcement bars, which will only increase the already large load. Next, we install the formwork (on open plates), after which we set the beacons in level, fix with a solution. The distance between them should not exceed 50 cm.
  5. Having completed the preparatory work, we proceed to the preparation of the solution. The ratio of cement and sand in it should be 1: 3. These components are mixed in a dry form manually or mechanically, after which water is added until a solution is obtained that resembles thick sour cream in consistency (for 10 kg of the mixture we use 2 liters of water). To improve quality, increase the threshold of frost resistance, we use a plasticizer, which can be either liquid or powder.
  6. The mixture is poured onto the prepared surface, after which using the rule we make a screed, pull it in one direction. It is not necessary to remove the beacons; we remove the formwork in 1-2 days. After solidification of the solution, the sharp side of the rule removes the influx. In order to prevent the screed from cracking, periodically wet it with water from above, cover it with plastic wrap.

Semi-dry screed - pros, cons and installation

This is a more perfect look. The secret of the solution is in special additives, namely plasticizers and fiber. These components make the structure more elastic and prevent cracking. The screed has a lower weight, dries within 12 hours, the flooring can be laid after 4 days. Among the shortcomings, the complexity of the technology should be highlighted. It is practically impossible to get the correct mixture manually, for mixing you will need special equipment that is not available to the home specialist. Laying such a screed is as follows:

Semi-dry screed

  1. When carrying out repairs, replacing the old coating, we dismantle all layers to the base.
  2. The surface is thoroughly cleaned of debris and dust. We clean all irregularities with sandpaper, fill the damaged areas with non-shrink cement mortar.
  3. Next, we install waterproofing from a high-quality polyethylene film, not less than 100 microns.
  4. For thermal insulation, exclusively high-quality material is used: polystyrene plates are smooth or with formatted posts, polyfoam coated with a plastic film.
  5. The limitation in the types of thermal insulation is due to the lack of a reinforcing layer and the need to install a heat-insulated floor system with pipes fixed directly to the insulation.
  6. Strict requirements are put forward for the installation of beacons; it is recommended to use factory options (T-profile).
  7. Portland cement, grades no lower than M-400 and sifted sand, in a ratio of 1: 3 is used to make the solution. It is also necessary to add fiber in the amount of 0.6 kg per m³ of solution, 10 g of plasticizer per 1 kg of cement, water 0.7 l per 10 kg.
  8. After laying the solution, it is tamped, aligned with the rule.

Such a coating can only be mounted on a glazed, insulated balcony. This is due to the fact that a semi-dry mixture, even after solidification, is afraid of water. If moisture gets in, there is a high probability of crystallization of cement, which will lead to a significant decrease in structural strength.

Dry floor screed - advantages and disadvantages, laying technology

One of the best options for arranging coverage. The design performs several functions at once - it insulates the floor while leveling it. Installation is quick, after which you can immediately proceed with the installation of flooring. At the same time, in addition to the underfloor heating system, it is easy to place communications and electrical wiring in the loose layer. This floor arrangement is not suitable for glazed balconies.If moisture enters the dry mix, mold odor may appear, which will necessitate replacement. Installation of such alignment is performed as follows:

Dry screed

  1. As in previous cases, we begin work with the preparation of the base, remove debris, dust, cover the cracks with cement mortar.
  2. The first layer is laid sound insulation in the form of an edge tape, which will help get rid of noise. Then we install a waterproofing film.
  3. If necessary, install a water-type warm floor, on the waterproofing layer we lay profile polystyrene foam, on top of which we mount the water circuit tubes. Installation of an electric infrared film occurs after the installation of OSB, GVL, TsSP plates.
  4. At the next stage we set up the beacons using the U-shaped profile.
  5. We fill in expanded clay, level the surface with the rule, after the beacons we remove it.
  6. On the resulting surface we lay gypsum-fiber, cement-bonded sheets.

Advantages and disadvantages of a wooden floor

A classic wooden floor can be done by almost anyone with minimal wood skills. In this case, the frame does not create a large load on the plate, allows you to raise, insulate the floor. The installation process consists in the manufacture of crates, topped with plates or boards. The tree does not tolerate moisture, is a breeding ground for all kinds of pests, fungi, microorganisms.

Wooden floor on the balcony

Consider the order of work:

  1. We clean the surface, lay a layer of waterproofing.
  2. Racks require a flat base. On top of the waterproofing layer we lay the bars 50x50 mm, fasten to the base with dowels, the distance between which is 40-50 cm. If you need to increase the height of the floor, change the size of the bars, lay them on top of each other, put the transverse boards on the longitudinal or, conversely, connect between themselves with screws.
  3. Between the lags we install insulation using materials such as mineral wool, expanded clay, extruded polystyrene foam.
  4. We cover the logs with boards, plywood, OSB, TsSP, GVL plates.
  5. Getting to the final finishing.
  6. The warm floor of the water and electric type is installed on top of the insulation layer, before the lag is closed with plates.

The choice of flooring: their features and characteristics

When arranging a balcony, it is important to choose high-quality finishing materials so that you do not have to carry out repairs in an uncomfortable season for this process and in an uncomfortable environment. The flooring must fully match the type of room. You can create a truly attractive design if you take into account all the features - the need for insulation, resistance to precipitation, temperature extremes. You can choose the right material from a huge list of options.

Types of flooring

Ceramic tile

One of the best options for flooring on a balcony, which is exposed to aggressive environment, is not heated, does not have glazing. The composition of the material includes sand, clay, water. Strong, durable elements come in several types. It is better to give preference to ceramics with single firing. Affordable material has the following advantages:

  • Easy to process. It can be cut as a specialized tool, but also amateur;
  • A wide variety of shapes, colors, types of coatings, which allows you to create a special interior on the balcony;
  • Good performance characteristics - abrasion resistance, frost resistance;
  • Aesthetic appeal. You can create an original design using ceramics gress, cotto, clinker.

When buying a tile for the floor, you should take it with a margin. If there are not enough elements, products from another batch may not match in color, which will ruin the overall look. For a small loggia, it is better to use large tiles. The fewer the seams, the more spacious the room will appear.Of the minuses - the floor will be constantly cold.

Tiled balconyTile on the balcony Floor tile Tiles on the balcony to the floor Ceramic tile on the balcony Tiles on the balcony floorPattern tile Narrow tiled balcony Light tile on the floor Original floor tiles Laying tiles

Porcelain Tiles

The material belongs to the category of the most durable coatings for the balcony. Porcelain tiles can cover any open surface in the most severe climatic conditions. It does not have a porous structure, has a maximum density. The material can withstand significant loads for many years without compromising functional, aesthetic qualities.

With the help of porcelain stoneware, the balcony can be turned into a full room. The material can imitate natural stone, leather, wood, mosaic. In the manufacture of products are subjected to high-temperature firing, which increases their characteristics. The disadvantages include high cost and high weight.

Tiled floorOutdoor balcony tile Dark Porcelain Tile Porcelain stoneware Bright porcelain tile Ceramics


One of the most affordable types of coatings. Making laying on the balcony is easy with your own hands. The material is very popular due to the ease of care and a large list of positive characteristics. A correctly laid flooring on a concrete slab protects well from dust and moisture. In order for the flooring on the balcony to retain its original appearance for a long time, you should choose the appropriate material that fully meets the needs of the room. Pay attention to such varieties of it:

  • Gliftal. The coating applied to the fabric has good sound insulation, keeps the floor warm. It can only be laid on heated balconies, since at low temperatures the material is cracking;
  • Colloxylin It has no strengthening, therefore it is very thin and elastic, has high moisture resistance. It has a characteristic luster due to nitrocellulose in the composition. Only suitable for glazed balconies, because its device does not allow the material to withstand temperatures above 35 degrees;
  • On a rubber basis. It will be appropriate on the open balcony. The material does not absorb moisture, easy to clean. It is not recommended to use this type of decoration in regions with harsh winters.In severe frost, cracks may form;
  • On a PVC basis. The most popular and reasonable option for a balcony. You can cover them with both open and closed rooms. It is waterproof, lightweight, flexible and aesthetically pleasing.

Floor on the balcony with linoleumLinoleum on the balcony Floor finish Light linoleum on the balcony Tile linoleum Laying linoleum


The choice of quality coating will determine the service life and wear. The floor on the balcony of the laminate should be strong, so it is better to give preference to its special classes (31 and above). You can lay the coating in a warm room, with high-quality double-glazed windows, insulated railings, walls, partitions.

The basis of the laminate is wood chipboards coated with paper with a characteristic pattern and a protective resin layer with an acrylic structure. Laying on the balcony should occur only on a special substrate. Its purpose is to smooth out bumps, protect against moisture, and eliminate excess noise.

Laminated balconyLaminate flooring Laminate floor on the balcony Laminate on the balcony Laminate flooring on the balcony Laminate board on the balcony


Can be used on a glazed and open balcony. There are many types of floor carpets, so you should choose it as a floor covering after studying the characteristics of each. Material from natural raw materials retains heat well, soft and pleasant to the touch. It is better to lay it in a room with good double-glazed windows, when the loggia is used as an office, a recreation area. If linen is often dried on the balcony, flowerbeds are organized, the floor is best made of artificial carpet on a rubber basis. The following types have good density and wear resistance:

  • Nylon. Practical, resistant to deformation. Easy to clean, retains color and texture for a long time;
  • Made of polyester. It has a long pile and a characteristic sheen, resistant to bacteria and fungi;
  • With polypropylene fiber. On the balcony it is better to lay the material that has undergone special processing (suprim, terclone);
  • Acrylic. Does not absorb moisture, easy to clean.

Carpet on the balcony


Natural material has all the necessary characteristics for flooring on the balcony.It is quite expensive, but if the budget allows, it is better to spend a couple of squares of parquet from oak, ash, maple. There are many options for sizes, which allows you to choose the right elements for the overall style of the room.

Parquet is not rational to use on an open balcony. It will last much longer in a dry and warm room. Of the minuses, one can note the difficulty of self-laying, the need for processing. It will have to be periodically updated with the help of varnishing, puttying, grinding, painting.

Parquet on the balconyParquet on the balcony floor Parquet balcony decoration Parquet laying Parquet floor on the balcony Parquet board on the balcony


Natural wooden floorboards are often used as flooring on balconies and loggias. This is the best option for rooms without heating. Visually attractive material has low thermal conductivity, fits perfectly into any interior.

With the help of wood, you can even out some defects of the balcony slab. The board flooring on the logs will raise the floor to the level inside the room, hide the unevenness of the base. Using any wooden structure, you can conduct high-quality insulation. The material can be used even on old balconies, with dilapidated concrete slabs. A light tree will not load them. All the inherent flaws of the material can be easily removed with flame retardants, stains, antiseptics, painting and varnishing.

Tree on the balcony

Cork floor

The raw material for the manufacture of cork is crushed bark. The main advantage of this gender is naturalness and environmental friendliness. In the manufacturing process, the material goes through several stages of processing. The finished cork floor has good vapor permeability, has excellent thermal insulation properties, absorbs noise, quickly takes its original shape when it is deformed, but it’s not cheap. Cons - fast abrasion. The following types of material are used as flooring:

  • Tile. It happens floating and glue. Elements look like tiles or parquet. Service life in the room with a small passability - up to 10 years;
  • Panels. Dense parts, 4 mm thick.There are different shapes and sizes, have a natural woody color;
  • Canvas. With it, you can make a smooth seamless floor.

Cork floor

Bulk floor

Durable reliable material can serve as an independent, as well as a rough coating. It can subsequently be finished with laminate, ceramic tiles, parquet board. It is indispensable on open balconies. Self-leveling mixtures consist of polymers, mineral fillers, astringent components. The following factors influence the choice of bulk floor:

  1. Climatic parameters. For open terraces, balconies, a hydrophobic frost-resistant mixture should be used;
  2. Design features. For load-limited balconies, lightweight self-leveling materials must be selected. They consist of cement and crushed expanded clay;
  3. Operating conditions. In rooms with a large dynamic, static load, it is better to use durable cement, cement-gypsum compositions.

Bulk floor


The easiest option for finishing the floor on the balcony. On a concrete slab, you can simply walk several times with paint for outdoor work. Such coverage will last up to 3 years. When choosing it, it should be noted that it will not be durable, since it is not designed for loads, pressure.

It will be necessary to paint the floor from the finishing board. It is better to use paint for external use of the appropriate shade. Before applying the mixture, wooden floors should be primed and hydrogen peroxide applied to the protruding areas with resin. For the floor on the balcony, you can use alkyd, silicone, water-based, latex coloring compounds.

Floor painting on the balcony

Tips for choosing a floor by type of balcony

The choice of material for the floor should be based on its characteristics and features. It should be durable, high-quality, easy to install and repair, easy enough. Also, the condition of the supporting plates of the balcony should be taken into account. If they have lost strength over the years, do not overload them.Any material from the extensive list will retain its original appearance and properties only if properly used.

For an open balcony

It is possible to protect a cement coating from destructive moisture by applying any topcoat. Dust and debris will not accumulate on such a balcony. For open type balconies, the formation of an inclined layer from the wall is mandatory. This will ensure free outflow of water. External finishing work is best done with the following materials:

  • Enamels and paints;
  • Bulk floor;
  • Terrace board;
  • Ceramic tile;
  • Porcelain tile.

On the open balcony

For a glazed / warm balcony

For a glazed balcony with heating, the choice of materials is much simpler. You can cover it with expensive, decorative options for flooring materials. For the flooring to last longer, it should be separated from the concrete screed with at least a sheet of plywood. Mineral wool and polystyrene foam are suitable as insulation. You can also use an electric floor. The finish coating can be anything, even the most unusual for such a room:

  • Carpet;
  • Parquet;
  • Laminate;
  • Cork coating;
  • Linoleum of any type.

On the glazed balcony


Having made a firm decision to ennoble your balcony, you need to carefully consider the plan of repair work, perform a thorough analysis of the state of the protruding floor, determine the type of screed, material for flooring. For open structures, the choice of raw materials is limited. In glazed rooms with thermal insulation and a warm floor system, almost any decoration can be used. It is possible to make repairs both independently and to resort to the help of specialists.

I love needlework and everything connected with it. Especially home-made furnishings are my passion!


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